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Markenidentität: Ihr Leitfaden zur Eroberung von Herz und Verstand

23 min gelesen

Brand identity is a crucial element that defines and distinguishes a brand in the marketplace. It works as the visual, verbal, and emotional representation of a brand.

McKinsey’s research shows that two out of three customers prefer to buy from a brand they recognize. Additionally, marketers agree that the most significant advantage of branding is customer recognition and loyalty, which can be easily achieved with a solid brand identity strategy.

Having a strong brand identity is crucial for businesses to differentiate themselves from their competitors. A gut definiert brand identity goes beyond just a logo; it is a strategic framework that communicates the brand’s personality, values, and promises.

Building a brand identity can be a multifaceted and strategic tool that shapes how a brand is perceived, remembered, and connected with consumers.

This is exactly what we plan to cover as we explore the significance of brand identity and its key components, explore how brand identity goes beyond aesthetics, discuss how it not only attracts but retains customers, and, most importantly, go over the impact it has on consumer perception and loyalty.

So get cozy as we dive into the practical and emotional realm of brand identity and discover how successful brands create lasting connections and impressions that tug at the heartstrings of their customers.

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What Is Brand Identity

A brand is a distinctive name, symbol, logo, design, or combination of these elements that identifies and differentiates a product, service, or company from its competitors. It usually involves a name, tagline, logo, symbol, brand voice, and more. It goes beyond just visual identity and encompasses the very perception and reputation of a company in the minds of consumers.

With this, we can understand brand identity focuses on establishing the identity and personality of a brand, helping consumers easily recognize and recall the brand. This recognition that comes with brand identity is often accompanied by consistent use of visual elements such as logos, colors, and even typography.

Is brand identity worth hype and effort?

A successful brand identity not only attracts customers but also fosters brand loyalty. When consumers can easily recognize and connect with a brand on a deeper level, they are more likely to become repeat customers and advocates. This is most of the time accredited to a strong brand identity.

Key Jobs of Brand Identity

Now that we have defined what brand identification is all about, let’s consider specific benefits related to building one.


It helps distinguish a brand from competitors by creating unique visuals and verbal presence.

In a crowded marketplace where many businesses offer similar products or services, and consumers are overwhelmed with a multitude of choices, a brand’s personality can help it stand out from its competitors and offer a unique experience that others selling the same product might not have. And the loyalty that it creates between the brand and its customers can make it easy for consumers to keep choosing the brand over others.


A strong brand identity ensures that consumers can easily recognize and recall the brand.

Suppose customers don’t know about a brand, then it’s impossible for them to buy from it. Plus, it’s easy to recognize buyers often choose to buy from sellers or brands they already recognize and offer a solid brand experience over vendors that only seek to sell a product without any personality or effort in their selling strategy.


A strong brand identity helps communicate the Markenwerte, personality, and mission to the audience. It ultimately serves as a visual and verbal language that conveys the essence of the brand and builds a connection with consumers.


Consistency in a brand’s personality builds trust.

When consumers consistently experience a brand in a coherent and reliable manner, they start building a brand-to-customer relationship with it, leading to future purchases and preference over other brands.

Here’s an example of brand personality and trust building:

Imagine a consumer walking into a store to purchase a laptop. In this crowded marketplace, there are several brands offering similar products.

Two brands, Let’s call them Marke A und Marke B, have similar features and pricing, but Brand A has a gut etabliert and consistent brand personality and identity, while Brand B lacks a cohesive identity, with varying logos and colors.

Brand A communicates openly about its sourcing practices, while B provides limited information about its sourcing and offers an experience and visuals very similar to competitors.

Imagine the consumer walking into the store and instantly seeing the laptop from Brand A with a logo they recognize. A logo that has consistently represented quality, reliability, and positive experiences in the past.

This immediate recognition will signal the consumer to instantly take Brand A more seriously over B.

The Importance of Brand Identity

Eventually, the importance of a strong brand personality or identity is underscored by several key elements that collectively contribute to the success and longevity of a brand.

Let’s take a look:


Brand Identity plays a pivotal role in market positioning. It helps define how a brand is to be positioned and perceived in a specific market. It powerfully influences the Zielpublikum perception of its value and relevance.


As briefly discussed in the earlier sections, a strong brand identity fosters brand loyalty. When consumers consistently have positive experiences with a brand and its identity, they are more likely to become repeat customers and brand advocates.

In summary, brand identity goes beyond just an appealing aesthetic; it eventually results in a strategic tool that influences consumer perceptions, builds trust, and creates a lasting connection between the brand and its audience.

More Brand Identity Examples

Now that we’ve highlighted the importance of a strong brand persona and identity, let’s take a closer look at a few more brand identity examples and how popular brands have carefully crafted visual, verbal, and emotional elements to create a unique and memorable identity in the minds of consumers.

Coca Cola brand identity example

When you hear the name Coca-Cola, you likely immediately picture its popular red and white logo.

Coca-Cola's brand identity has played a crucial role in the success and longevity of the company. The soda company has maintained a consistent brand identity throughout its long history.

The logo, packaging, and overall visual identity have remained relatively unchanged, fostering a sense of reliability and tradition.

  • Visuelle Elemente: The classic red and white color scheme, the dynamic script logo.
  • Verbal elements: The tagline “Open Happiness.”
  • Emotionale Elemente: Evokes feelings of happiness, sharing, and nostalgia.

Google brand identity example

Google, one of the world’s most recognizable and influential technology companies, has a distinctive brand identity that reflects its values, innovation, and benutzerzentriert Ansatz.

Here are key elements of Google’s brand identity:

  • Visuelle Elemente: The playful and colorful logo.
  • Verbal elements: The unofficial motto is “Don’t Be Evil,” and there is a focus on benutzerzentriert Innovation.
  • Emotionale Elemente: Associated with innovation, accessibility, and information.

Amazon brand identity

Amazon has a distinct and recognizable brand identity that reflects its position as one of the world’s largest and most diverse ecommerce and technology companies. The company primarily uses a combination of black, white, and orange in its branding. The orange color is often associated with the Amazon smile and adds a touch of vibrancy to the overall visual identity.

  • Visuelle Elemente: The arrow in the logo pointing from “A” to “Z,” symbolizing a wide range of products.
  • Verbal elements: The tagline “Work hard. Have fun. Make history.”
  • Emotionale Elemente: This signifies convenience, variety, and a kundenorientierte Ansatz.

Pepsi brand identity example

Pepsi’s tagline, “Pepsi Generations,” reflects a sense of timeless appeal and inclusivity. Over the years, Pepsi has employed various taglines to convey different aspects of the brand, such as “The Choice of a New Generation” and “Joy of Pepsi.”

  • Visuelle Elemente: The Pepsi logo features a circle with a red, white, and blue color scheme. The design has evolved over the years, but the iconic elements remain.
  • Verbal elements: Tagline “Pepsi Generations,” emphasizing a timeless appeal.
  • Emotionale Elemente: Associated with a youthful spirit, fun, and a refreshing taste.

These examples illustrate how brands are perceived by their target audiences. By examining these modern and popular brand identity examples, we can easily gain insights into current brand identity design trends eventually leading to informed decisions when crafting the persona and design of your brand.

Questions to Consider When Establishing a Successful Brand Identity

Erstellen einer Markenpersönlichkeit survey or considering the following questions can provide you with some valuable insights in regards to how your target audience perceives your brand.

Target audience age range

  • Unter 18
  • 18-24
  • 25-34
  • 35-44


  • Suburb areas
  • City areas
  • Ländliche Gebiete
  • andere

Markenwahrnehmung (how is your target audience learning about your brand?)

  • Soziale Medien
  • Mundpropaganda
  • Online-Suche
  • Marketings
  • E-Mail Marketing
  • andere

Verbal elements

  • Is your tagline memorable?
  • Is your audience able to recognize it and associate it with your brand
  • Is your brand’s tone casual, formal, professional, friendly, or other?

Eventually, you’d want to summarize key findings and outline potential actions based on the insights you’ve gathered to help you with your brand persona.

Brand Identity Guidelines and Essentials

Erstellen einer successful brand identity involves a strategic and thoughtful approach. As we briefly covered in the previous sections, there are a lot of parts that go beyond a logo and having a color palette.

Let’s take a look at some key elements and considerations that are typically necessary and considered essentials.

Full understanding and knowledge of your brand

Before you decide to even begin establishing a brand persona, clearly define and establish your brand’s mission, values, and core personality.

You won’t reach success if you’re not aware of what sets your brand apart and you lack direction on what you want it to be known for.

It’s impossible to build a house without a firm foundation; the same goes for your brand’s essence or identity.

 A brand is the set of expectations, memories, stories, and relationships that, taken together, account for a consumer’s decision to choose one product or service over another. Seth Godin

Research and analysis

Conduct market research to understand your target audience, competitors, and industry trends. Analyze successful and unsuccessful brand identities within your market to identify opportunities.

Betrachten Sie eine SWOT-Analyse to identify your weaknesses, strengths, opportunities, and threats and have a thoughtful understanding of how your brand will be perceived.

A SWOT analysis stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. It consists of the following:

  • Identifying distinctive and memorable visual elements like logos, color schemes, and design elements that set your brand apart.
  • Highlighting the consistency in your Markenbotschaft across various platforms, creating a unified and recognizable voice.
  • Identifizieren positive Assoziationen consumers have with your brand, such as quality, trustworthiness, or innovation.
  • Irgendwelche identifizieren negative Assoziationen or perceptions customers may have about your brand.
  • Identifizieren emerging trends in design, messaging, or consumer behavior that your brand can leverage.
  • Exploring opportunities on neue Plattformen or in emerging markets to expand your brand presence.

The key part of this section is to gain insights that can inform strategic decisions and improvements to enhance your brand’s overall effectiveness and resonance in the market.

Target audience understanding

Let’s put it simply.

Let’s say you were a im mittleren Alter women’s clothing brand. It’s impossible to expect success if your brand identity sends a perception targeted at teens or women of very advanced age; you can expect your audience to be confused and uninterested.

In a case like this, you’d want to purposely get to know and understand your target audience to find that middle ground where you’re not coming off as a teen clothing brand or an elderly women’s brand. This is why understanding and not just knowing your target audience becomes helpful and essential.

Having a good understanding of your audience will help you come up with the perfect visual elements, colors, brand voice, and messages for women who will benefit from your business.

Set the time to define your target audience and create buyer personas. Understand their preferences, behaviors, and what resonates with them. Your brand identity should align with the preferences of your target demographic.

Visuelle Elemente

Visual elements play a crucial role in creating a successful brand identity. These elements contribute to the overall look and feel of the brand.

Develop visual elements that reflect your brand’s personality. This includes creating a memorable logo, selecting a color palette, choosing typography, and incorporating consistent design elements.

In this section, the main takeaway is to focus on a logo that properly symbolizes your mission. Choose unique, simple, and easily identifiable visuals that evoke emotions and add cohesiveness.

Verbal elements

Verbal elements provide a consistent unified message across all brand communications.

These include crafting a compelling tagline and message that communicates your brand’s values and resonates with your audience. Develop a consistent tone of voice for all communication. Apply storytelling; engage the audience by creating narratives that resonate.

A fun fact about verbal elements in marketing is their powerful impact on memory and brand recall. Studies have shown that incorporating rhymes or alliteration in slogans and taglines can make them more memorable. This phenomenon is known as the “rhyme-as-reason Wirkung."

For example, slogans like “Have a break, have a Kit Kat" oder "Knacken, knistern, knallen” for Rice Krispies utilize rhyming and alliteration, making them catchy and easier for consumers to remember. The rhythmic and playful nature of such verbal elements contributes to their effectiveness in leaving a lasting impression.

This fun fact underscores the importance of creativity and linguistic elements in crafting brand messages that not only communicate key information but also stick in the minds of consumers.


Document your brand guidelines comprehensively. Include rules on logo usage, color codes, typography, and any other visual and verbal elements.

This guide serves as a reference for internal and external stakeholders.

Konsistenz über Plattformen hinweg

Ensure consistency in your brand identity across all platforms and touchpoints. Whether it’s your website, social media, packaging, or marketing materials, a cohesive and unified brand identity is crucial for recognition.

In essence, consistency is not just a design principle; it’s a strategic approach that positively influences how consumers perceive, interact with, and remain loyal to a brand.

What to Avoid for a Successful Brand Identity or Customer Experience

To ensure a successful brand experience, it’s crucial to avoid certain pitfalls and mistakes that can negatively impact the perception of your brand. Here are some key things to avoid.

Avoid lack of clear objectives

Avoid launching a campaign without clearly defined objectives. Set specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and Zeit gebunden (SMART) goals to guide your efforts.

Avoid confusion among your customers

Inconsistent branding, inconsistency in visual elements, messaging, and tone of voice can confuse your audience. Ensure that your brand remains consistent across all campaign materials and platforms.

Avoid doing the same as competitors

Yes, it’s essential to stay informed about industry trends and competitor activities. And it’s also ok to take into account what’s working for your competitors, but always add your own twist and do what works best for your specific audience and business personality.

Neglecting to understand and prioritize your target audience’s needs, preferences, and behaviors can result in a campaign that doesn’t resonate.

Avoid ignoring data and analytics

Neglecting to track and analyze campaign performance using data and analytics can prevent you from making informed decisions and optimizations. Regularly monitor Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to measure success.

Avoid overcomplicating messaging

Keep your messaging clear, concise, and focused. Avoid overcomplicating your communication, as this can confuse your audience and dilute the impact of your brand message.

Avoid ignoring social and cultural sensitivities

This is crucial and critical to the success of your brand. Be mindful of social and cultural sensitivities to avoid unintentional controversies. Conduct cultural sensitivity checks, especially if your campaign is targeting a diverse audience.

The last thing you’d want is a similar situation to the Pepsi campaign with famous reality star and model Kendall Jenner.

Dies ist spezifisch Pepsi campaign featuring Kendall Jenner, which was released in 2017, was widely regarded as a failure and faced significant backlash

The brand identity intended for this Pepsi campaign was centered around themes of unity, inclusivity, and a desire to tap into cultural moments. The goal was to position Pepsi as a brand that not only offers refreshing beverages but also aligns with social causes.

Nevertheless, the authors failed to consider social sensitivities, resulting in the ad being criticized for trivializing and oversimplifying real social and political movements at the time. The ad, titled “Live for Now Moments Anthem,” was criticized for being tone-deaf, insensitive, and trivializing serious social issues.

Eventually, this example emphasizes the dangers that can arise by failing to consider social and cultural sensitivities around your brand persona. It helps highlight the potential consequences of misinterpreting the cultural climate and the importance of aligning marketing efforts with responsible and ethical practices.

Avoid ignoring feedback

Avoid dismissing feedback from your audience. Whether positive or negative, feedback can provide valuable insights into how your campaign is perceived and what improvements can be made.

Ignoring feedback can make the brand appear indifferent or unresponsive to customer opinions. This perceived indifference erodes trust and damages the brand’s reputation.

If users identify issues with a product or campaign and the brand fails to address them, it can lead to a loss of credibility. Customers may question the authenticity and reliability of the brand.

​​In contrast, engaging with feedback is an opportunity to build a connection with customers. A brand that actively seeks and embraces feedback demonstrates a commitment to continuous improvement, Kundenzufriedenheit, and responsiveness. Such engagement contributes positively to brand identity, fostering a more positive perception among customers.

Building a Successful Brand Identity With Ecwid

Now that you know and understand all about brand identity and what to avoid for a successful customer experience, leveraging Ecwid to build your brand experience can be a strategic decision, especially if you are operating in the ecommerce space.

Sie können:

  • Utilize Ecwid’s Anpassungsfunktionen to align your online store with your brand’s visual identity. Choose colors, fonts, and layouts that reflect your brand’s personality and values, creating a consistent and recognizable online presence.
  • Seamlessly integrate your Ecwid online store into your existing website. This ensures that visitors experience a cohesive and branded journey when transitioning from your website to the online store, reinforcing brand recognition.
  • Regelmäßig analyze Ecwid’s reports to gain insights into customer behavior and preferences.
  • Encourage and showcase customer reviews and testimonials. Positive feedback contributes to building trust and credibility, strengthening your brand identity by highlighting satisfied customers and positive experiences.

By strategically using Ecwid’s features, you can create a branded and engaging online store that not only facilitates ecommerce transactions but also serves as a powerful extension of your brand identity.

Finally, as we conclude this post and you get ready to embark on your brand identity journey, whether you’re a business owner, marketer, or enthusiast, remember that your brand is more than just a logo—it’s an evolving story that connects with your audience on a deeper level. Stay true to your brand’s values, embrace creativity, and continue refining your identity to leave a lasting impression.

We hope you had as much fun as we did, and we’d like to send you off to your next read with this powerful reminder:

 Your brand is what people say about when you’re not in the room Jeff Bezos

Make it memorable!



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