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Was macht ein gutes Logo aus?

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In the online business landscape, a logo is one of the most critical assets of the brand. Logos are small but mighty. As consumers, we interact with them daily, often without even realizing it.

Whether you’re in the design phase of creating a logo, going through a brand refresh, or simply curious about what a logo represents, this post covers it all.

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First and foremost, the primary purpose of a logo is identity. A das gut designed wurde. logo can serve as the face of your business, helping consumers Erkenne deine Marke in a sea of competitors.

Logos can be basic text, a simple image, or much more abstract marks—it’s entirely up to the business what they choose to represent their brand. Moreover, a logo is used within every brand element, from marketing collateral to the products themselves. If a logo is captivating and the brand is strong enough, consumers will often pay to wear it.

Compelling examples of logo apparel include Nike, Louis Vuitton, or The North Face — the brand and the quality of the merchandise are premium, so consumers happily pay to wear their goods. Each of these companies has a clean, uncomplicated logo that is recognized by the masses.

So, what makes a successful logo? Ultimately, you want your logo to represent what your business stands for accurately.

Further, your logo should resonate with your audience and inspire them to connect with your brand. This could include following your social media profiles, purchasing in your ecommerce store, subscribing to a newsletter, or everything all at once.

Overall, a powerful logo can help pave the way to lifelong customer loyalty.

Tips for Creating a Strong Logo: Conceptualization

As you brainstorm your logo, you may wonder, “What makes a good logo design?” so we’re here to tell you! Keep the following components in mind throughout the conceptualization process.

Simplicity is key

In design, overcomplicating visual elements is a big no-no, and the same rings true for logo design. Your logo should be easily recognizable in a crowd of others. Whether it’s a simple symbol, the amalgamation of several design elements, or something else entirely, simplicity is key.

Think about the McDonald’s or Coca Cola logo — Simple, clean designs that have withstood the test of time.

Make it memorable

In the same vein as simplicity, your logo should also be unique and memorable in its own way. The way consumers connect with a design is truly what makes a logo good, so keep this in mind during conceptualization. This can include using attractive colors or fonts and the positioning of the logo or the symbol itself.

Offer versatility

Your logo should be visually appealing on both a postage stamp and a massive Times Square billboard. Many designers create a logo in black and white first to perfect the design and then add color after the concept is finalized.

Keep the audience in mind

Ultimately, a logo is designed to inspire and connect with a brand’s target audience. Whether you’re targeting sports lovers, children, or Bleib zuhause moms, your logo should appeal to this distinct audience. Keep this in mind as you choose a color palette and fonts and design the overall concept of your logo.

Creating a Logo: Design Basics

Once your concept is locked in, it’s time to start creating your logo. Keep the following in mind throughout the design process.


Generally, a logo should consist of one to two colors. Most logo designers choose two colors near each other on the color wheel to create a cohesive, harmonious feel.

For a more contrasted design, selecting two opposite colors (i.e., black and white) is a viable option. This strategy makes a logo more flashy and attention-grabbing, which may be exactly what you want!


Be sure to select a font style that is both visually appealing and legible. You can have the coolest logo in the business, but if consumers can’t read what it says, your design will fall flat in the long run.

Typically, bold, San Serif fonts are best for logo typography because it is readable at any size and can still pack a punch.


As much as a logo needs color to captivate an audience, it also needs white space for balance. White space prevents your logo from feeling overcomplicated or busy.


Erstellen einer ausgeglichen logo will ensure your brand appears professional. All your logo’s fonts, spacing, and design components should be balanced, centered, and even. Consistency is ideal because it makes the logo easier to understand and connect with.


Using contrast in design creates an additional layer of visual interest for the viewer. Whether you layer shapes or lines, use opposite color schemes or various icons, contrast ensures visual appeal no matter where your logo is used.

FAQ: Logo Design

How can I start designing a logo?

Logo design begins with knowing Ihre Markenidentität, style, and target audience. You’ll need to map out the concept of your logo based on your brand, audience, and what you offer. Then, select a color scheme, fonts, and other design elements.

Why are logos important for a business?

At its foundation, a logo serves to identify a business simply. In reality, a strong logo can do so much more. A compelling logo can grab people’s attention, differentiate your brand from the competition, and shape your brand identity as a whole. As your brand grows online, the logo will become the element consumers recognize.

Build a Brand You’re Proud of with Ecwid

Now that you know what makes a good business logo, you’re on your way to becoming a successful brand. In the ecommerce space, brand recognition is everything. Your logo can be used on your website, social media profiles, print materials, and the products themselves—so choose wisely!

Ecwid is here to help entrepreneurs and business owners sell their products anywhere — from websites to social media and online marketplaces. Get started today and watch your business grow and thrive.



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