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So schreiben Sie eine „Über uns“-Seite, wenn Sie kein Werbetexter sind

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Hallo ich bin Kaleigh Moore, Founder of Lumen Ventures, LLC. By day, I’m a professional copywriter and content strategist, and I’ve written for publications like Inc., Unternehmer, und viele mehr.

I spend my days writing copy that has a charming human element — and that drives sales for businesses in the SaaS and eCommerce industries.

Today, I’m going to share my best tips for writing an “About Us” section (like a copywriter would) so you can transform the copy on this page all on your own.

Let’s start out by talking about why this page is so important.

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Why the About Us Section Matters

The “About Us” section of your website is a place for your visitors to learn about who you are, what you do, and what made you launch your online store.

Beyond being a place to educate and inform curious shoppers, it’s often the first step toward establishing a relationship with new customers. Think of it as the place where you get to introduce yourself as the face behind the brand for the very first time.

No pressure, right?

Because the “About Us” page is so important, many shop owners feel the need to hire a professional copywriter to nail the words on this specific page — which can be expensive.

However, with the following tips, you can master the copy on this page without spending any extra money on outsourced help.

Mach es kundenorientierte

It’s true that the “About” page is where you’ll talk about yourself and your personal journey to opening your ecommerce store–but that doesn’t mean you still can’t make this a kundenorientierte

Why take this approach? Because this isn’t a place for you to build up your ego and sing your own praises. It’s one more opportunity for you to connect with a potential new customer and to build a sense of trust and respect with that person. Instead of going on and on about yourself, relate your story back to the customers you serve.

For example, instead of saying:

“I launched this store to fulfill my personal dream of selling my jewelry designs and becoming a leader in the industry.”

you could say something like:

“I launched this store to provide customers around the world with high quality, handmade jewelry that they cherish for life.”

Notice how the first one is all about the shop owner and his/her personal goals, while the second one focuses on delivering value to the customer. Remember to consider your audience when writing this page and to keep them in mind while you write copy that resonates with them (not you).

Next, let’s look at a wahres Leben example to see what this looks like in action. Tierrettung, Inc. ist eine Non-Profit- animal refuge — and they do a great job of using their “About” page to discuss their mission and the people they serve:



The copy here is focused not on the accomplishments of the organization or even the people who started it. Instead, it’s completely focused on their goals, the animals they care for, and the hope of getting these furry friends new forever homes.

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Eine Geschichte erzählen

It’s also a good idea to approach writing your “About Us” page from a storytelling perspective rather than using bullet points or a resume-style. Storytelling helps add context to the goals and mission of your online store, and makes the copy here more enjoyable and interesting to read.

This doesn’t mean you need to write a novel, however. Edit your story down to the most interesting and compelling elements, and make it as concise as possible. Some Forschungsprojekte indicates that the average reader’s attention span only lasts about 15 seconds.

Leave out the technical language or business lingo, too.

For example, instead of saying:

“We value customer service. Our goal is to provide personalized printing solutions to Unternehmensebene B2B consumers.”

Man könnte so etwas sagen wie:

“Each and every print order we receive is carefully handled from start to finish by a single representative. We want all of our partners to work with the same friendly face each time they bring us a new job.”

While jargon or business lingo might be familiar to you, they can alienate your visitors if their definitions are unknown. They don’t improve the quality of your story and can often lead to ambiguity that makes you look out of touch with your audience. Write like you speak naturally and use simple, common words.

The “About Us” page for SheaKardel Designs shows this executed well:



Notice how this copy is story-based, short, and simple to understand. The shop owner has successfully shared her story in a format that’s very easy to digest.

We also love this example from online retailer Georgina Sasha:



This “About” page tells the story of how her business has evolved over time and how it ties in with the shop owner’s life and personal journey. Don’t you feel like you intimately know and understand this store owner after reading this?

Both are excellent examples of well-told Geschichten.

Related: So schreiben Sie eine Willkommens-E-Mail, die verkauft

Incorporate your personality and voice

The “About” page is also a great place to let your brand voice shine. Even though you’re using simple language, you can still add some personality to make it more engaging.

An easy way to approach this is to start out by explaining what you’re NOT all about. Talk about how you’re different from your competitors, share your Markenkultur, and play up the unique elements that make you and your products stand out from the crowd.

Doing this will help visitors quickly understand the heart and soul of your business and allows them to connect on a more personal level if your values align.

WenigerFilme does a great job of adding personality to their “About” page. They write:



In just a few sentences, you can fully grasp what the people behind this brand are like — and you can appreciate their unique, personality-driven Kopieren.

Include a photo

You know the saying,  “A picture is worth a thousand words?” That’s true for your “About Us” page, too. And when you’re trying to keep your copy short instead of rambling on, the image you include on this page can help add context and help build a connection without adding extra words.

Be sure to include a für Ihre privaten Foto of you, your team, or maybe even your pets to this page to let people see the people behind the brand. It helps add a nice human element to a page that can otherwise feel a little stale. Just make sure it’s a hochwertige Image that reinforces your story and is cohesive with your branding. (No blurry smartphone photos — keep it professional.)

Taylor Family Farms does a great job of adding relevant images to this page:



In this example, you can see the people behind the business as well as what daily life looks like for them, too. These photos help you better understand the hard work they pour into the brand every single day.

Have a call to action

If a site visitor has made it to your “About” page, you need to give them something else to do once they’ve finished reading. Without a call to action (CTA) on this page, you risk customers leaving.

This page can be extremely engaging if your copy is gut geschrieben, so don’t let the opportunity to further the relationship go to waste. Invite them to take another step once they’re done with this page — whether that’s to visit your shop with a “Shop Now” button, or to join your newsletter, read blog posts, or follow you on social media.

Longship Leather captures leads on their About Us page by including an Opt-in for their email newsletter on this page. It serves as a way for interested readers to stay in touch with the brand and to keep the conversation going.



Write Your “About Us” Page with Ease

With the tips here, you can easily improve the copy and content on this extremely important site page in no time at all — and without hiring the help of a pro. Just remember:

  • Make it about the customers
  • Eine Geschichte erzählen
  • Incorporate your brand voice
  • Fotos hinzufügen
  • Include a CTA

If you can cover all of these bases, what once was a purely informational page can become part of your larger sales strategy.

Lesen Sie auch: Die Bedeutung eines Blogs und wie Sie einen für Ihren Shop starten



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Über den Autor

Kaleigh Moore is a freelance writer that specializes in creating content for ecommerce companies. As a former ecommerce retailer herself, she also shares her insights by writing for publications like Inc. Magazine, Entrepreneur, and more.

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