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How Ecwid Improves Your Online Cross-Selling Prozesse

11 min gelesen

Das brauchst du nicht altmodisch cold calling to get sales. When you have a gut strukturiert und benutzerfreundlich website, your products/services can basically promote themselves. This guide will explain best practices for cross-selling, processes, and much more. But first, let’s dive into the basics to get you on the road to success.

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Was ist Cross-Selling vs Upselling?

Unlike upselling where you encourage current customers to purchase products/services of comparable or higher value, Cross-Selling encourages customers to buy complementary items.

Viele Ziegel und Mörtel Läden focus on both.

Sales reps will upsell customers to buy a newer iPhone, but the endless displays of phone cases and speakers increase cross-sales. Ebenso auf Lager displays increase Cross-Verkäufe so can a gut optimiert Webseite.

With software like Ecwid, it allows you to focus on all forms of selling without needing to pay for a physical sales rep.

A Solution for Both

Ecwid is a software tool that allows you to build your catalogs of products that are for sale. This allows you to sell to existing customers with ease as well as selling across various platforms to grab the attention of new customers as you cross-sell. Imagine saving lots of clicks and research so you have more time for fun.

Es gibt einige tolle unique features on this platform that allow you to interact with customers through unique landing pages and more. You will be able to display all of your products and offerings with ease to both your existing customer base and new customers who have recently discovered your business.

Improving Your Ability to Cross-Selling

You can sync sales across many platforms like Amazon, social media accounts, and more. Customer purchasing has never been easier to track or promote. You will enjoy being able to use this sales technique to consolidate your sales efforts and track them from one location so you can head out for a round of golf or a coffee date with a friend.

Cross-Selling Promotions can also be displayed across all of these platforms as well. This saves you a lot of time and effort having to post and share across all of these platforms one at a time. Efforts to Kreuz verkaufen kann sein zeitintensiv without a great tool like this on your side.

Cross-Selling efforts do not have to be a challenge when you have the right Cross-Selling promotions and tools on your side. Cross-Selling can also improve customer experience with Cross-Selling Initiativen.

Use Campaign Features to Cross-Selling Mit Leichtigkeit

Even Ecwid’s free plan offers a lot of included functionality. You might be reduced to a smaller number of products than what you need to sell, but the upgrades are not expensive to gain access to the rest of the space for your products. This can be a great way to increase revenue and sell additional products without having to advertise in more than one location.

Business and unlimited plans have access to support that can be used during setup. You will not want to have the Venture plan if you want to sell on Amazon or eBay. They have enough plans that you can find the right one for your strategy to cross-sell. You might not just need to upgrade a bit to get access to all of the features that you need for your Cross-Selling Kampagne.

Zahlungen verwalten

You can use 80 different payment gateways with Ecwid. This is one of the best features that you will gain access to when you use this SaaS for your online sales needs. This feature helps you to satisfy existing customers who have been buying on another platform that you are linked to and customer satisfaction is key to continuing sales opportunities. Everyone likes to use the payment method they prefer so this helps make people happy to buy from you.

Being able to access these payment offerings requires that you pay for one of the paid plans, but this is often well worth it if you are trying to Kreuz verkaufen across many platforms. Many users start with access to PayPal only and then add payment gateway options later.

Point of Sale Functionality

This is one of the best ways that you can manage your Cross-Selling needs if you also sell products in person. No more having to sync up sales done in person after the fact. You can just sell and move on. You can use Ecwid for your needs when you are selling in person as well. This can make your Marketing-Strategie and sales processes more fluid, no matter how you sell your items and products.

This tool offers you the ability to download the app and connect it to PayPal for all your persönlich sales needs. Not many eCommerce website applications can take care of this need for you and you will love being able to maximize your profits while also being able to track and manage payments in one easy location.

Erstellen Mehrsprachig Shops

If you want to sell outside the US, you can use this powerful SaaS to create stores that are available in many languages. This requires a business or unlimited plan, but your store can be translated readily into 53 languages. This is a really neat option that you usually can’t get from competitor tools. The language will populate based on the buyer’s IP address, so they should not even have to change the language setting themselves.

Cross-Selling is about more than just reaching out across different platforms. You also need to be able to provide Cross-Selling opportunities for your products in different countries. This language function can greatly increase your existing customer base and you will love that your sales platform takes care of this need so readily.

SEO Optimization Functions

Title information and meta descriptions are very easy to use with Ecwid. No more dry and boring SEO research. You can easily help your customer journey with this necessary functionality. You need to be able to make sure that your landing pages and listings are searchable, and this tool makes the process easy.

Ecwid keywords always include the title that you have given a product, which makes it easier for you to SEO-Leitfäden functions in such a way that your products are more discoverable. Using simple keywords in your product titles will take care of your optimization needs with ease. This can reduce all of the time and effort that can go into trying to craft the right SEO tags and efforts for each product when you are optimizing your store.


Ecwid offers integrations with around 100 applications. This makes it possible to use plugins for WordPress, Drupal und Wix, as well as integrations with things like Shipstation and Freshbooks. These integrations can save you lots of time and make your management process for your sales and Cross-Selling campaign efforts much easier.

Integrations are not as numerous on this platform as some of the others that compete with it, but you will find that you should be able to gain access to all of the major apps that you would want to work with as you and your sales team manage your business needs. These apps are available in the sales market and can be added easily to your store.

Dropshipping Functions

The providers that are available through Ecwid for Dropshipping sind bekannt and it is easy to get started working with these dropshippers for your sales needs. Their delivery of orders to the dropshipper is seamless and works perfectly every time. You should always consider looking into the ethics and sales processes of the dropshipper that you are thinking of working with, but the entities that are allowed through Ecwid are usually very reliable and ethical.

Ecwid Instant Sites

Diese einzelne Seite selling sites can be a great option for product launch functions as well as new stores. This is a unique offering on this platform that is easy to set up and can deliver big results right away for stores that use this option.

Diese instant sites even allow blogs for better searchability and lead generation as well as link building. This is a great feature if you are planning to build a large store and want to just get started selling while you tackle the rest of the work behind the scenes.

Ecwid is a Powerful Tool for Your Cross-Selling Strategie

This is one of the best SaaS tools that you can select for your needs if you want to Kreuz verkaufen online as well as if you have a variety of products that you want to manage readily from one location. Being able to manage the activities of your efforts and the work of your sales reps from one location can improve your overall Cross-Selling strategy by leaps and bounds.

Don’t miss out on this leistungsfähiges Werkzeug that can help you eliminate many of the steps for your Cross-Selling work and will launch your eCommerce site to new heights.



Online verkaufen

Mit Ecwid Ecommerce können Sie problemlos überall und an jeden verkaufen – über das Internet und auf der ganzen Welt.

Über den Autor

Anastasia Prokofieva ist Content Writer bei Ecwid. Sie schreibt über Online-Marketing und Werbung, um den Alltag von Unternehmern einfacher und lohnender zu gestalten. Außerdem hat sie eine Schwäche für Katzen, Schokolade und die Herstellung von Kombucha zu Hause.

E-Commerce, der Sie unterstützt

So einfach zu bedienen – sogar meine technikscheuesten Kunden kommen damit klar. Einfach zu installieren, schnell einzurichten. Lichtjahre voraus im Vergleich zu anderen Shop-Plugins.
Ich bin so beeindruckt, dass ich es meinen Website-Kunden empfohlen habe und es jetzt für meinen eigenen Shop sowie für vier weitere verwende, für die ich Webmaster bin. Wunderschöne Codierung, hervorragender erstklassiger Support, großartige Dokumentation, fantastische Anleitungsvideos. Vielen Dank, Ecwid, ihr seid der Hammer!
Ich habe Ecwid verwendet und bin von der Plattform selbst begeistert. Alles ist so einfach, dass es unglaublich ist. Ich finde es toll, dass man verschiedene Optionen für die Auswahl von Versandunternehmen hat und so viele verschiedene Varianten einbauen kann. Es ist ein ziemlich offenes E-Commerce-Gateway.
Einfach zu bedienen, erschwinglich (und eine kostenlose Option für Anfänger). Sieht professionell aus, viele Vorlagen zur Auswahl. Die App ist meine Lieblingsfunktion, da ich meinen Shop direkt von meinem Telefon aus verwalten kann. Sehr empfehlenswert 👌👍
Mir gefällt, dass Ecwid einfach zu starten und zu verwenden ist. Sogar für eine Person wie mich ohne technischen Hintergrund. Sehr gut geschriebene Hilfeartikel. Und das Support-Team ist meiner Meinung nach das Beste.
Trotz allem, was es zu bieten hat, ist die Einrichtung von ECWID unglaublich einfach. Sehr zu empfehlen! Ich habe viel recherchiert und etwa 3 andere Mitbewerber ausprobiert. Probieren Sie einfach ECWID aus und Sie sind in kürzester Zeit online.

Ihre E-Commerce-Träume beginnen hier

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