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Fortgeschrittene Strategien zur Verbesserung der Geschäftsabläufe im E-Commerce

2 min read

An der Führung eines erfolgreichen Unternehmens sind viele bewegliche Teile beteiligt, especially as it grows. The bigger it gets, the trickier it can be to keep things organized and efficient. A store’s expansion brings with it an increase in tasks, Kunden, Herausforderungen, and staff to manage it all.

Planning and organizational structure must evolve as a business grows to maintain smooth operations. Setting priorities for business operations becomes increasingly important at this stage.

Continue reading to learn how a company can efficiently strengthen its business operations.

What Are Business Operations?

Before going any further, let’s answer the following question: What is business operation? Einfach ausgedrückt, they are the activities and routine processes that allow a business to function, increase value, and generate profit.

Key Components of Business Operations

The provided definition offers a broad overview of business operations; allerdings, the specific activities and processes it encompasses can vary significantly. First off, these variations can depend on the industry you’re in, and some tasks might be categorized as secondary business operations.

Here are some vital elements of business operations:


Natürlich, people are a crucial part of any business. Each employee across all departments is required for the business to operate. This is especially true as the business scales, owners focus more on long-term goals, and employees become more responsible for significant operations.

Hiring the right people for the team can make or break a business. Not only does it help to improve production, but it can also increase business-wide morale.

In a smaller business, the owner and a small management team take on this responsibility. Allerdings, as a company scales, it often requires a developed human resources department to handle onboarding and staffing needs.


Die location of a business can play a significant role in its success and overall operations. This can mean any physical location connected to or associated with the business, such as stores, office spaces, warehouses, manufacturing facilities, etc.

The right location can make all the difference in production across the business. This is especially true when considering the location’s proximity to additional service facilities like ports or shipping routes.

Equipment and Technology

An integral aspect of a business’s operations involves the equipment and technology utilized for production. These tools are essential for the business to operate such as software, Hardware-, Maschinen, and various other resources.

Tools, Ausrüstung, and technology can vastly vary between industries. A physical printing business may need expensive printers and other machinery, while a small online business may only need a computer and software to function.

The Importance of Business Operations Management

Maintaining a big-picture view of business operations is essential for a business to succeed, especially as it grows and expands.

Effective business operations management can benefit from the following:

Improved Efficiency

As a business evolves and fine-tunes its operations, efficiency is enhanced. This process helps employees gain a clearer understanding of their roles and execute them more effectively.

Established and standardized processes empower managers to delegate efficiently, ensuring adherence to procedures. This fosters high-performing teams with well-suited individuals in key roles, driving the achievement of company-wide objectives.

Sales and Profit

Ein ordnungsgemäß geführter Geschäftsbetrieb führt zu qualitativ hochwertigeren Produkten und Dienstleistungen, die die Kunden zufriedenstellen. In the short term, Dies führt zu einer höheren Kundenzufriedenheit und einem höheren Umsatz, während im Laufe der Zeit, it can drive improved profitability and a smoother path to scalability.

Schritte zur Verbesserung des Geschäftsbetriebs

Jetzt, Schauen wir uns einige umsetzbare Schritte an, die ein Unternehmen unternehmen kann, um seine Abläufe zu verbessern.

Setzen Sie Ziele und überwachen Sie Statistiken

Der erste Schritt zur Verbesserung der Geschäftsabläufe besteht darin, Ziele zu setzen und den Fortschritt bei der Erreichung dieser Ziele zu verfolgen. Keep in mind that improving business operations is often a long-term goal that is worked toward.

It’s important to set clear and attainable objectives rather than vague and broad ideals. Zum Beispiel, rather than aiming for increased profit next year, establish a target for a 10% revenue growth. With a specific goal in place, detailed steps can be identified to achieve that objective.

Dann, define the key performance indicators (KPIs) associated with that objective and monitor them attentively.

Wenn Sie online verkaufen mit Ecwid, you have access to its robust Berichte feature, which allows you to track your store’s KPIs in real time. These KPIs might include website traffic, sales conversion rates, Durchschnittlicher Bestellwert, and customer retention.

Improve and Build on What Is Already There

Erinnern, improving business operations doesn’t have to mean complete revamps or process replacements. Instead of discarding everything and restarting from scratch, focus on making existing processes better.

Search for inefficiencies that can be improved or redundancies that can be removed. Even making these minor improvements can often have a significant impact on the overall function of operations.

Streamline and Automate Relevant Processes

Many small inefficiencies in manual work can quickly compound into lost time, wasted resources, and overall lower production. Improving business operations also means streamlining and automating where possible.

Those overseeing business operations should consistently seek out cutting-edge tools, software, and technology that offer automation or streamlining capabilities.

Zum Beispiel, manual inventory management or stock-keeping can easily be automated with various types of software these days.

Stay Informed of Updates and Trends

Every business needs to stay on top of the changing landscape of its particular industry. This could mean new technology, shifting customer habits, changing laws, or shifts in the economy. Staying current on these changes can help a business adapt its operations around changes and stay relevant against competition.

Zum Beispiel, let’s say a new printer comes out that revolutionizes the screen printing industry by increasing production significantly. A screen printing company that hasn’t updated its printers may begin having difficulty competing with other companies that use the new technology.

Dedicate an Operations Manager or Hire a Professional

An essential part of this process may be establishing a dedicated director of business operations or business operations manager.

In anderen Worten, a dedicated individual or team can review current processes and operations to locate the issues and areas for improvement. This helps to find the right areas without pulling managers from their routine tasks and prevents executives from being tied up in too many areas.

If there are not enough internal staff members to dedicate someone to this process, it may be necessary to recruit help.

A business can contract with a business consultant or hire a dedicated operations director who can lead the process. This can be especially beneficial when hiring an industry specialist, as they may be able to provide key insights for improvements.

Zum Beispiel, a retail specialist with logistics experience could significantly cut costs by streamlining the store’s inventory shipping and receiving processes.

Create and Stick to a Plan

Trying to improve business operations without a plan can lead to floundering or wasted resources. The business should start with a general outline of its goals for improvement. This can then be expanded to include areas that need to be evaluated, KPIs to monitor, and a schedule of audits.

Remember that improving business operations is a marathon, kein Sprint. Don’t assume that making one change will suddenly create a completely efficient business, though this can happen with the correct change. In den meisten Fällen, improving business operations will consist of regular evaluations, feedback, and identifying the next target.

These steps will help to optimize the business across all departments and processes incrementally, was zu einer neuen Ebene des Betriebs führt. Wir hoffen, dass diese Tipps Geschäftsinhabern und dem Management dabei helfen, ihr Unternehmen zu neuen Höhen zu führen, und wir wünschen Ihnen alles Gute auf dieser Reise!

Den Sprung in den E-Commerce wagen

Möchten Sie Ihren ersten E-Commerce-Shop eröffnen oder einen neuen eröffnen?? Wenn dem so ist, Ecwid ist für Sie! Wir haben eine Online-Verkaufsplattform erstellt, mit der Sie Ihren E-Commerce-Shop ganz einfach zum Laufen bringen können.

Mit Ecwid, Sie erhalten einen robusten Online-Shop und Tools, die Ihnen helfen, Ihre Geschäftsabläufe zu verbessern:

These tools are crucial in keeping track of your target market and understanding their needs.

Ecwid also automates some routine tasks for online sellers, wie domain Konfiguration, sending marketing emails, and running sales or advertising campaigns. This allows you to focus on what really matters – creating a great shopping experience for your customers.

Außerdem, Ecwid integrates seamlessly with social media platforms and marketplaces. Dadurch können Sie Ihre Produkte auf verschiedenen Vertriebskanälen präsentieren und neue Kunden gewinnen, während Sie gleichzeitig alle Verkäufe und Bestellungen von einem Ort aus verwalten.

So, wenn Sie nach einer E-Commerce-Plattform suchen, die Ihnen mehr als nur einen Online-Shop bietet, Ecwid ist die perfekte Wahl. Mit seiner einfachen Einrichtung, leistungsstarke Analysen, und integrierte Marketingtools, Sie können Ihr Geschäft selbstbewusst ausbauen und mehr Kunden als je zuvor erreichen. Plus, mit seinen erschwinglichen Preisplänen und flexiblen Funktionen, Ecwid richtet sich an Unternehmen jeder Größe.

Aber vertrauen Sie uns nicht nur beim Wort – probieren Sie es selbst aus und sehen Sie, welchen Unterschied Ecwid auf Ihrer E-Commerce-Reise machen kann! Anmelden now and start selling today.



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Über den Autor

Anastasia Prokofieva ist ein Content-Schriftsteller bei Ecwid. Sie schreibt über Online-Marketing und Promotion zum Alltag make Unternehmer leichter und lohnender. Sie hat auch ein Faible für Katzen, Schokolade, und machen Kombucha zu Hause.

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