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How to Make a DIY Pull Up Bar and Sell It Online

10 min gelesen

If upper body strength is your thing, you’ve probably used a few pull up bars in your lifetime. If your inner entrepreneur is looking to generate some cash flow from your fitness passion, making and selling DIY pull up bars could be the perfect solution.

The best part is that the internet has made it easier than ever to create a profitable DIY business online.

Not sure where to start? We’ve got you covered.

Folgendes wirst du lernen:

  • Three easy ideas and plans for a cheap DIY pull up bar
  • Where you can find customers
  • How to sell DIY pull up bars online
  • How to promote your new business

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Doorway Pull Up Bar DIY

If you’re searching for beautiful Klimmzug bar ideas that don’t break the bank and are easy to install, look no further than this DIY doorway Klimmzug bar pack. You don’t need any tools to put this kit together, and your customers will appreciate its effortless install.

You only need three basic materials to assemble a doorway pull up bar kit for your online store:

  • A galvanized steel pipe, about ¾ Zoll wide and 40 inches long, depending on the doorway
  • Vier ¼ Zoll wood lag screws
  • Zwei Heavy-Duty- ceiling fan hangers

No DIY kit is complete without detailed instructions. Be sure to include detailed information that describes how to install a DIY doorway pullup bar.

The steps to install this DIY Klimmzug bar kit are short and sweet—first, pre-drill four holes on each side of the doorway at equal heights. Then, using these holes, screw the ceiling fan hangers on each side with the wood lag screws and slide the steel pipe into the hangers.

Testen Sie abschließend das Klimmzug bar. Make sure to start slow and gradually increase the pace. If the Klimmzug bar is not sturdy enough, this helps avoid injuries.

Pro-Tipp: offering different kit styles is a great way to attract a wider audience. Consider adding a mix of different metal finishes and hardware color options to appeal to the masses.

Wall Mounted DIY Pull Up Bar

Every workout room has walls, so why not use that to your advantage? This an der Wand montiert DIY Klimmzug bar is the perfect addition to any home gym.

First, you’ll need to gather your supplies:

  • Eins 48-Zoll steel pipe, ¾ Zoll Dicke
  • Zwei 10-Zoll Stahl Röhren, ¾ Zoll Dicke
  • Zwei 90-Grad elbow pipe fittings, ¾ inch thickness
  • Two floor flanges, ¾ inch thickness
  • Eight wood lag screws, ¼ Zoll long and at least 3.5 inches long
  • Eight washers, ¼ inch each

Here are the instructions you’ll need to include with this package:

First, thread each end of the steel pipe into one of the elbow pipe fittings. Then, connect one 10-Zoll steel pipe to each of the other ends of the elbow pipe fittings and attach the floor flanges to each of the opposite ends. Finally, pre-drill holes and use the wood lag screws and washers to attach the pull up bar to the wall.

Ideally, you’ll need to make sure the Klimmzug bar is anchored to at least 4 support beams in the wall. If this isn’t possible, additional support is needed.

Ceiling DIY Pull Up Bar

Offering a ceiling DIY Klimmzug bar on your website is a fantastic way to diversify your product mix to attract more customers. Here are the supplies you’ll need:

  • Zwei 20-Zoll hölzern two-by-fours
  • Eins 36-Zoll galvanisiertes Stahlrohr
  • Zwei 12-Zoll galvanized steel pipes, 3/4 Zoll rubens
  • Zwei 90-Grad elbow pipe fittings, ¾ Zoll rubens
  • Two floor flanges, ¾ Zoll rubens
  • Sechzehn ¼ Zoll wood screws, 3.5-Zoll Minimum
  • Acht ¼ Zoll Unterlegscheiben

Here’s a rundown of the instructions you’ll need:

Installieren Sie zuerst die two-by-fours perpendicular to each other on the ceiling; they should be fasted to at least 2 ceiling joists. Then, connect an elbow joint to each end of the 36-Zoll steel pipe and attach a 12-Zoll steel pipe to the vacant end of each joint. You’ll use the floor flanges on the opposite side of the 12-Zoll steel pipe to fasten the structure to the two-by-fours on the ceiling.

How to Find Your Audience

Creating quality products for your ecommerce style is only half the battle to success. If you want to create a profitable business, you must target the right audience. But where do you find them and how do you get them to buy from you?

The key to getting your audience’s attention is to hang out where they are. Consider joining virtual fitness forums and networking with people at your local gym. The more you can get the word out about your business, the better.

Another great way to attract a customer base is to create a social media page for your business. Make sure to cover all the major platforms: Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, if you want to maximize your results. Post frequently on each of your accounts to start conversations about your product—it’s the best free advertising out there.

Hochwertig products speak for themselves; beautiful pictures showcase your product and entice customers to buy. Couple these images with an engaging product description to increase your authenticity and help people understand what they’re buying.

Make sure to snap some hochwertige Fotos gegen einen non-cluttered background for your website. This brings an air of authenticity around your store and allows your customers to better visualize what they are buying, which leads to higher Kundenzufriedenheit, which leads to referrals, which leads to more sales!

How to Set Up Your Online Store

So, you’ve got the basics down. You know what you’re selling and how you’ll get the word out about your products. Now, it’s time to set up your online store. Ecwid makes it ridiculously easy to get you virtually open for business.

If you need support, our dedicated customer care team is here to help. Combine that with extensively detailed forums, blog posts, and other educational content, and you’ll be an ecommerce pro in no time.

Ecwid believes that everyone with an idea and a passion should have access to the best ecommerce on the market. That’s why we created our Free plan — so that no one with an idea ever has to set their dreams aside for the sake of money.

How to Promote Your Business

If you’re looking for ways to Wachsen Sie Ihr Geschäft, advertisements are a great option. You can pay to run ads on your social media platforms, but creating optisch ansprechend posts with popular hashtags is another great way to attract new customers.

If you don’t have an email list yet, you need one. Email marketing is a fantastic way to keep in touch with your customer base and ensure your product stays at the forefront of their minds. If a potential customer visits your website and decides not to purchase right away, email marketing can help bring them back to seal the deal.

Remember: email marketing is all about adding value for your customer base. Consider offering a small discount on a customer’s first purchase or creating a fitnessorientiert newsletter to entice customers to provide their email addresses.

One of the most powerful marketing tools you need in your mouth is Mundpropaganda referrals. People want to do business with companies that have treated their friends right. Focusing on producing the highest quality products possible and emphasizing customer care are some things you can do to boost Mundpropaganda Empfehlungen.

Beginnen Sie noch heute

DIY erstellen Klimmzug bars is a great way to make some money online. With the proper networking and marketing, you have the power to transform your passion into a steady stream of income. Mit Ecwid, it’s easier than ever to establish yourself as an ecommerce merchant — so get started today.

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Ich bin so beeindruckt, dass ich es meinen Website-Kunden empfohlen habe und es jetzt für meinen eigenen Shop sowie für vier weitere verwende, für die ich Webmaster bin. Wunderschöne Codierung, hervorragender erstklassiger Support, großartige Dokumentation, fantastische Anleitungsvideos. Vielen Dank, Ecwid, ihr seid der Hammer!
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