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How to Make Money by Becoming a Beauty Blogger

13 min gelesen


Currently some of the most powerful voices in our modern digital cultural landscape. Why? Because there is fun to be had and money to be made in this industry and people love to listen to what beauty bloggers, skinfluencers, and makeup content creators have to say—but how does one go about becoming a beauty blogger, exactly?

Today, we’re breaking down everything you need to know so you too, can make money by becoming a beauty blogger.

In diesem Artikel:

  • What is a Beauty Blogger?
  • How Do I Start a Beauty Blog?
  • Tips and Tricks for Beauty Bloggers
  • Do Bloggers Really Make Money?

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What is a Beauty Blogger?

The main job of a beauty blogger is to create beauty content. And, a lot of it.

Beauty bloggers write about makeup, skincare, hair, lifestyle hacks, outfits and pretty much anything else that falls under the “beauty” category. It doesn’t matter if it’s a drugstore brand or a hochwertig, Luxus product–if you are writing about a beauty product, you’re considered a beauty blogger.

Congratulations, knowing the definition is the first step!

But if you’re interested in diving into this niche, without being sure how to make it happen, keep reading for more information to help get you started.

Why You Should Start a Beauty Blog

Every day, thousands of people start their own blogs–even people with no technical skills. What do they have? Enthusiasm.

Currently, there are 500+ million blogs in the U.S. alone, and that number continues to grow every year! The good news is, beauty blogs are among some of the most popular types of blogs that people start.

You might think that this means the industry is too saturated, but the fact that the industry is experiencing such growth means that there are plenty of opportunities for bloggers who want to launch into their career, jetzt sofort.

You’re ready to begin your beauty blogging career, and we’re ready to show you exactly how to go about it.

How Do I Start a Beauty Blog?

Many people avoid blogging because they feel they can’t write well, or they don’t feel like they have any computer skills—but that doesn’t have to hold you back! Ultimately, blogging doesn’t have to be complicated. If you have a passion for beauty, and a computer, you are on the right track.

Here is the comprehensive, Schritt für Schritt process for starting your own beauty blog:

Step 1. Decide the focus of your beauty blog

The beauty industry is vast; you can choose to focus on natural skincare, nail art, hairstyles, eyeshadow techniques or anything else that you think you have an interesting or unique perspective on. Whatever niche you choose, be specific. That way you can choose a really solid direction for your blog that will provide you with a lot of different ideas for content.

Step 2. Choose the right blogging platform

When it comes to choosing the right platform for your blog, there are a few great options. However, Blogger und WordPress are two of the most popular platforms for starting your blog. But, which is better?

Both of these CMSs enable you to create a hochwertige blog instantly. However, for those who want a custom blogging solution that has been shown to deliver langlebige value, WordPress might prove to be the better choice. Do your own research and determine for yourself which option is best for your specific needs and budget.

Step 3. Choose a domain name and select hosting

Next, you need to select and purchase a domain. There are a lot of domain extensions to choose from, including .beauty, .blog, .fashion, etc.

We recommend that you choose a .com €XNUMX for your beauty blog because that is usually what people search for. It’s also the most familiar domain name extension and the easiest one for people to remember.

Once you’ve chosen a name for your blog, it’s time to purchase your domain name and the best website hosting for your blog. As previously explained, the domain name is what your new blog will be called. For example, if your blog name is “My Beauty Style,” you will want to select the domain name “MyBeautySyle.com.”

Depending on which hosting service you opt for, there will be Schritt für Schritt instructions on how to easily set up your domain.

Step 4. Choose & install a theme

Now comes the really fun part!

You can choose from multiple free templates, or purchase one from a designer. Either way, you’ll have the opportunity to customize your blog to make it look more-or-less the way you want it to, with your desired branding and aesthetic. Which means, of course, that this is a good time to nail down what your aesthetic is.

Step 5. Start blogging

Now you’re ready to start blogging!

Aber was should you write about? Great question.

What Should You Write About on Your Beauty Blog?

The sheer amount of information that you can potentially cover as a beauty blogger is astonishing. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed!

Many bloggers find it very helpful to plan out the content in advance. This helps ensure that you have a healthy mix of topics and writing for your audience. Here are a few ideas to help get you started:

Beauty product reviews

If you’ve ever gone to make a purchase and turned to the opinions of other customers, you already know: product reviews are so helpful!

A great place to start would be providing product reviews for beauty items that you already own. Write about what you liked, what you didn’t like, and what you’d recommend to your following.


Do you have some great beauty tips up your sleeve? Share them with your readers! Write about specific beauty tips and tricks–from face, skin, hair, nails, fashion, etc…

Monthly favorites

At the end of each month, some beauty bloggers publish a roundup of their favorite things. You can do the same with the products that you’ve used (and loved!) so far.

Latest beauty trends

Keep your readers updated by writing a blog post about all the latest beauty trends in the beauty industry. You can also use your blog to keep your readers auf dem neusten Stand with all the latest news in the beauty industry.

So, now that we covered the wie, you might be wondering: can you wirklich make money by becoming a beauty blogger?

Do Bloggers Really Make Money?

Just like there is a wide variety of foundation shades, there is also a wide range of how much a beauty blogger can make!

Es ist wahr: blogger monthly income reports sind inspirierend. But it’s important to remember, however, that most beauty bloggers make more or less, depending on the level of effort and a ton of other factors, some of which are determined more by luck than by effort.

Here’s the bottom line: the opportunity to work for yourself and provide a stable income as a beauty blogger is absolutely possible and very attractive for many entrepreneurs!

How to Monetize Your Beauty Blog

Here are some of the ways that you can Geld verdienen beim Bloggen:

  1. Affiliate-Marketing
  2. Gesponserte Beiträge
  3. Creating and selling your own beauty products/services

There are other options, too, like selling ad space on your website or earning ad revenue through youtube videos and other social platforms. But, the options listed above are typically the highest-paying, most sustainable ways for beauty bloggers to make money.

Tips and Tricks for Becoming a Beauty Blogger

Understand that it takes time + commitment

Becoming a beauty blogger with a large following takes lots of time and commitment. A devoted readership doesn’t happen overnight. Creating hochwertige content can take hours–sometimes days–to produce. Make sure to set aside some time during the evening or weekends to devote to your blog, if you are going to school or have a Vollzeit Job.

Invest in your business

The good news is, there’s not a ton of investing required to become a beauty blogger. However, it’s always a good idea to own a professional camera for your photography and videos.

Don’t worry if you can’t afford one though; you can always work on collaborations with professional photographers. Often, student photographers are happy to work together in exchange for a link or credit on your blog (for example: “Photography by X”). This is a good way to have good quality photos without you having to fork-out lots of money.

Don’t be afraid of the technical stuff

There are certainly a few technical things that you should know about if you want to really take your blogging seriously (hosting, servers, SEO, etc.) but there are reichlich of tools available to help you create your blog with little (or nicht) technical background. And, if you truly get stuck, you can always outsource your issues to a freelancer or get help from a support team.

Sell a product or service

Once beauty bloggers are established and have gained a decent following, they often try to increase their reach by launching a product or service. By creating their own line, beauty bloggers can benefit from another source of income without depending on brand deals or basierte Online-to-Offline-Werbezuordnungen von anderen gab. Plattformen.

In E-Commerce, traffic translates to conversions, and followers translate to loyal customers. Starting a blog is a sicher way of attaining a steady influx of both. Sell on your website, social media, marketplaces, or in-person–all from a single dashboard. Mehr erfahren about the online store that beauty bloggers and tech-wizards alike know and trust.

Bevor du gehst…

As you can see, making money by becoming a blogger in the beauty space can be a very lucrative endeavor! With all the free tools available, you can go from dreamer to doer with just a few steps.

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