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Ein Leitfaden für Anfänger zum Verkaufen auf dem Facebook-Marktplatz

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There are a lot of ways to Produkte online verkaufen these days. From Amazon to Etsy, or your own online store, online sellers have no shortage of opportunities. One relative newcomer to the realm of online sales is Facebook Marktplatz. Users on Facebook Marketplace can find anything from kitchen appliances to furniture to vehicles on the platform. It’s an easy platform to use, and is great for connecting with local buyers.

But many people have questions and concerns about using Facebook Marketplace. Is Facebook Marketplace safe? How much does it cost to sell on Facebook Marketplace? And how do you get started on Facebook Marketplace?

This guide will answer every question, from how to sell things on Facebook Marketplace, how to post on Facebook Marketplace, and how to stay safe on the platform.

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How Does Facebook Marketplace Work?

Facebook Marketplace is fairly intuitive and easy to use. All you need to get started is an active Facebook account. Facebook Marketplace was introduced in 2016 and quickly became a much more popular alternative to bereits vorhanden local marketplaces like Craigslist.

Navigating Facebook Marketplace is relatively straightforward as long as you are familiar with Facebook’s user interface. Users post items for sale and set a price. For shoppers, the Facebook Marketplace homepage features a generic assortment of popular and gefragt items for sale in their area. Users can use the search feature to find specific items, and can also filter results to expand or decrease the search radius.

Facebook Marketplace is great for selling an extremely wide range of items. However, there are some things which can’t be sold on Facebook Marketplace. Most notably, Facebook Marketplace does not allow for the sale of services and healthcare items.

What is SKU on Facebook Marketplace?

If you have explored Facebook Marketplace for businesses, you may have come across the acronym “SKU”. This stands for “stock-keeping unit” and it is a standard method for keeping track of retail inventory.

An SKU is typically an 8 to 12 character alphanumeric code that can be used to differentiate products by a number of characteristics. SKU codes usually factor in things like product size, shape, color, price, and style for inventory purposes. For instance, a green sweater might use the letters “GR” for “green” and “SW” for sweater as part of its SKU code.

Does Facebook Marketplace Charge Fees?

“Is Facebook Marketplace free?” is one of the most frequently asked questions about the platform. Compared to other online marketplaces, like Amazon and eBay, Facebook Marketplace charges fewer fees. For instance, there are no listing fees on Facebook Marketplace. This means that it costs nothing to post an item to Facebook Marketplace.

However, Facebook Marketplace does charge Verkauf von Gebühren after sales have been processed. These fees are typically quite low. Facebook charges either 5% per shipment, or $0.40 if the shipment is less than $8.

So, while Facebook Marketplace is not free to use, sellers are only charged fees after a sale has been made. This means there are no direct costs, as you will only be charged a commission on the money you earn. And the fees are minimal when compared to the likes of Amazon’s seller fees.

How to Sell on Facebook Marketplace for Beginners

Want to get started selling on Facebook Marketplace? Here is a Schritt für Schritt guide on how to post on Facebook Marketplace.

Login to Facebook Account

The first step is very straightforward. Simply login to your Facebook account, or create one if you don’t have one already.

Select “Marketplace”

The “Marketplace” tab should be located on the left hand side of your screen on the desktop website. On mobile displays, Facebook Marketplace can be found on the bottom toolbar.

Click “Create New Listing”, Select “New Item For Sale”

Again, you can find the “Create New Listing” button on the left hand side of your desktop screen. On mobile, you will click “Sell” at the top, and a Pop-up will appear allowing you to create a new listing.

This will bring you to a new page where you select the option “New Item for Sale.”

Enter Product Information and Choose Delivery Method

Once you have opened the “New Item” page, you will have options to provide pictures, enter product information, and choose your delivery method. Product images are very important as they prove that the item you’re selling is real and in good condition. The item description section can be used to provide more information, such as the quality and condition of your item.

Choosing a delivery method may be needed for some items. You can either deliver the item persönlich in a safe location, or have it shipped to the buyer. You may choose whatever delivery method is best and most cost effective for you.

After that, there is not much to it. Simply publish your post and wait to be contacted by an interested buyer.

How to Sell on Facebook Marketplace As a Business

Facebook Marketplace may be more bekannt as a place for individuals to buy and sell items locally. However, It is also available to businesses. The process for selling on Facebook Marketplace as a business is fairly straightforward. The main difference is that, instead of using a personal Facebook account, you will use a business Facebook account. From there, the process is not dissimilar to the ordinary process for individual sellers.

However, there are a couple of notable restrictions for businesses who sell on Facebook Marketplace. Most notably, business accounts can not sell vehicles or real estate properties on Facebook Marketplace.

How to Sell on Facebook Marketplace Locally

Selling locally is one of the things Facebook Marketplace was designed for. In order to “sell locally” all you need to do is list your location. Shoppers on the marketplace can filter by search radius, expanding up to 500 miles. This means your products are potentially searchable to anyone within that radius.

For more information, here are some general tips on the best practices and how to sell on Facebook Marketplace safely.

Research Local Pricing

In order to make money on Facebook Marketplace, you should price your items fairly and competitively. This will require some research into what other merchants are charging for similar items in your area. You should try to set price points that are profitable to you, but competitive compared to other sellers in your area.

Be Responsive and Considerate

Shoppers on Facebook Marketplace might have a number of questions about your products and their quality. This is reasonable, as some sellers on the platform have been known to sell subpar items. Buyers will appreciate your service, and be more likely to buy from you, if you are respectful and responsive to their questions.

Bieten Up-to-date, High Quality Pictures

Another way to earn customer trust is by providing good quality images that present your items honestly. Product listing images are the only means shoppers have to verify the legitimacy of a listing on Facebook Marketplace. All reputable merchants should strive to provide high quality images for every product listing.

Use Tags

Using tags can help users find your products in their searches. This makes it much easier for you to connect with interested customers, and dramatically increase your revenue when selling on Facebook Marketplace.

Meet in Crowded, Neutral Public Places When Selling in Person

Businesses who sell on Facebook Marketplace usually rely on delivery. However, if you must meet in person for sales, Facebook recommends meeting in well-lit, crowded public spaces for safety reasons. You can read Facebook’s complete guidelines to responsible selling practices hier.

Use Delivery When Available

Facebook Marketplace uses Puppe as its official delivery partner. Setting up delivery on sold items is easy and straightforward. While it does come with a small fee, the amount (5% per shipment) is often negligible, and you will still make a profit. This is both the safest and most convenient option for most vendors, especially businesses.

Make Money on Facebook Marketplace and Other Platforms

Want to learn about how to make money on Facebook Marketplace? Ecwid’s guide to selling clothes on Facebook provides insights on how to run a clothing business with Facebook Marketplace. Or read about how to sell on other platforms like eBay or Etsy to discover more ecommerce opportunities. If you’re ready to open and operate your own online store, you can get started with Ecwid’s ecommerce software mehr Informationen.



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Über den Autor

Anastasia Prokofieva ist Content Writer bei Ecwid. Sie schreibt über Online-Marketing und Werbung, um den Alltag von Unternehmern einfacher und lohnender zu gestalten. Außerdem hat sie eine Schwäche für Katzen, Schokolade und die Herstellung von Kombucha zu Hause.

E-Commerce, der Sie unterstützt

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Ich bin so beeindruckt, dass ich es meinen Website-Kunden empfohlen habe und es jetzt für meinen eigenen Shop sowie für vier weitere verwende, für die ich Webmaster bin. Wunderschöne Codierung, hervorragender erstklassiger Support, großartige Dokumentation, fantastische Anleitungsvideos. Vielen Dank, Ecwid, ihr seid der Hammer!
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Trotz allem, was es zu bieten hat, ist die Einrichtung von ECWID unglaublich einfach. Sehr zu empfehlen! Ich habe viel recherchiert und etwa 3 andere Mitbewerber ausprobiert. Probieren Sie einfach ECWID aus und Sie sind in kürzester Zeit online.

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