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How to Customize Online Checkout to Improve Shopping Experience & Sales

12 min read

Halaman checkout sangat penting dalam hal penjualan online. Di sinilah pelanggan menyelesaikan pembelian mereka, enter their payment and shipping information, and hit that precious “Beli” tombol.

Namun, hampir 70% dari online shoppers abandon checkout without a purchase. One of the main reasons is an inconvenient checkout process, which can be caused by various mishaps. One of them is when your checkout is not customized to meet your customers’ kebutuhan.

Di artikel ini, we give you a few tips on how to customize your store’s checkout to improve the shopping experience in your store and increase sales.

The First Step to a Converting Checkout

The number of abandoned carts has been rising in recent years. This means that ecommerce companies are having more and more trouble converting customers.

Online shopping cart abandonment rate worldwide, 2006-2020 (Sumber: Statista)

Menurut salah satu penelitian, 17% of US online shoppers have abandoned an order solely due to an overly long or complicated checkout process.

Pertama dan terutama, you need to keep your online checkout simple. The fewer steps there are in the checkout process, lebih baik. That’s why it’s crucial to choose an ecommerce platform that provides online sellers with a customer-friendly checkout.

Ecwid by Lightspeed provides online merchants, and their customers, with a convenient and transparent one-page checkout:

A one-page checkout in an online store created with Ecwid by Lightspeed

All the steps required to place an order are clearly visible to customers on the checkout page. Your customers can finish their purchase in a matter of seconds, all without having to fill in unnecessary fields or wait for pages to load.

The Ecwid’s one-page checkout is well-adapted for most businesses. It includes entering a customer’s email address, Alamat Pengiriman, and pickup details. Customers can also choose shipping methods, pickup methods, dan pilihan pembayaran.

Mendaftar untuk Ecwid oleh Lightspeed to set up an online store that’s pleasing to both browse and buy.


How Customizing Checkout Improves Shopping Experience

Even if your checkout page is impeccable in terms of user-friendliness, it’s worth going a step further for your customers by customizing it.

Customizing your checkout page is important. You can adjust it to your business needs and show your customers that you care about their store experience. Catering to your customers increases the chances of a successful transaction.

Imagine that a customer is shopping for a gift in your online store. Di kasir, they think it would be great to order gift wrapping for the product. Namun, they don’t see that option at checkout. Tentu saja, they could reach out to you via a messenger or email to find out if you provide gift wrapping… Tapi jujur ​​saja, that’s too much fuss. So they leave your online store without a purchase and go to your competitors.

That’s just one example when predicting a customer’s needs and adjusting a checkout to meet them could have prevented a lost sale.

Sometimes even one field can change the customer checkout experience for the better

Businesses are unique, as are their target audiences. That’s why a standard checkout (asking for a name, email, nomor telepon, and shipping address) sometimes is not enough, no matter how convenient it is. You know your customers better than anyone. Why not meet their needs at one of the most important stages of their purchase?

Let’s find out what you can do to customize your checkout and improve customers’ shopping experiences.

How to Customize Checkout in an Online Store

Usually customizing an online checkout involves coding. Not all online sellers know how to do this, so they have to reach out to developers to customize their online checkout to their business needs. That means spending time and money—two things a small business can’t afford to waste.

Untungnya, some ecommerce platforms provide online sellers with flexible settings for their checkout. Jika Anda menjual secara online dengan Ecwid oleh Lightspeed, you can tweak your checkout with the help of custom fields. That can be done in a blink of an eye without any coding!

You can see a preview of your checkout field while creating it

Dengan Ecwid oleh Lightspeed, you can add custom fields to any part of your checkout page. They allow you to collect information from customers, such as gift messages, shoppers’ tax ID, packaging preferences, delivery instructions, date delivery preferences, and whatever other information you might need!

An example of a radio button custom field

Yang settings of custom fields are very flexible:

  • You can choose a field type, and add a title and placeholder for instructions.
  • Filling out fields can be required or optional for your customers.
  • It’s possible to add as many custom fields as you need to any checkout step.
  • You can sort custom fields at checkout the way you need it.

Speaking of field types, you have many options to choose from:

  • Text fields—single-line or paragraph
  • Tombol radio
  • Dropdown
  • Pemilih tanggal dan waktu
  • Tombol pilihan
  • kotak centang

Pengaturan bidang kustom yang kaya memungkinkan Anda menyesuaikan pembayaran sesuai kebutuhan sambil menjaga proses pembayaran tetap nyaman dan cepat bagi pelanggan Anda. Lagi, tidak diperlukan keterampilan pengkodean!

Informasi yang dikirimkan pelanggan Anda melalui bidang checkout khusus akan muncul di detail pesanan. Anda dapat memilih posisi data bidang di detail pesanan (misalnya, pesan komentar, detil pelanggan, atau blok pengiriman). You can also choose to show that information in invoices and/or your store’s notifications.

You can see the information submitted via a custom checkout field in order details

Want to give custom fields a try? Find out how to add and manage custom fields at checkout in the Ecwid Bantuan Pusat.

How You Can Use Custom Fields at Checkout

Now that you know why and how to add custom fields to your checkout page, let’s see how you can use them in your business.

Berikut adalah beberapa contoh:

Menawarkan Gift Wrapping

If you sell a product that can be bought as a gift (mainan, buku, watches, candles, dll.), masuk akal untuk menawarkan bungkus kado untuk itu. Itu sangat relevan selama waktu pemberian hadiah dalam setahun dan dapat mendorong pelanggan untuk membeli hadiah secara online.

Tentukan Permintaan Pengiriman

Bisnis lokal seperti toko kelontong dan restoran sering menawarkan pengiriman. Dengan Ecwid oleh Lightspeed, Anda dapat mengatur pengiriman lokal di toko Anda dan bahkan meminta pelanggan’ disukai tanggal dan waktu pengiriman di checkout.

Namun, terkadang pelanggan mungkin memiliki permintaan pengiriman khusus. Misalnya, mereka mungkin ingin Anda meninggalkan pesanan di pintu depan. Anda dapat bertanya kepada mereka tentang preferensi pengiriman mereka, menggunakan bidang checkout khusus.

Mintalah Informasi Terkait Pajak

Di beberapa negara, penjual online diwajibkan oleh hukum untuk meminta informasi terkait pajak kepada pelanggan, seperti nomor ID pajak individu atau bisnis.

Jika Anda menjual dengan Ecwid oleh Lightspeed, Anda dapat melakukannya dengan mengaktifkan "Informasi pajak" langkah checkout di toko Anda. Ini tersedia untuk penjual dari Eropa, Brazil, Afrika Selatan, Australia, Kanada, Selandia Baru, Malaysia, dan Singapura.

Jika Anda menjual di negara yang berbeda tetapi Anda juga perlu meminta pelanggan’ nomor pajak untuk mematuhi hukum setempat, Anda dapat melakukannya dengan membuat bidang checkout khusus.

Minta Alamat atau Detail Kontak

Checkout standar berisi bidang untuk memasukkan pelanggan’ informasi kontak dan pengiriman. Tetapi terkadang Anda menginginkan detail yang lebih tepat, seperti ketika Anda membutuhkan pelanggan untuk memasukkan provinsi mereka di alamat mereka.

Beberapa pelanggan mungkin lebih suka jika Anda menghubungi mereka melalui messenger daripada melalui telepon. Anda dapat meminta mereka untuk menentukan cara komunikasi yang mereka sukai dengan menggunakan bidang khusus.

Minta Teks Ukiran atau Catatan

Bisnis yang menjual produk yang dapat dipersonalisasi (seperti perhiasan, Kue, flower bouquets, poster, dll.) often offer to make a custom engraving or note. Using a text field at checkout, you can ask customers what text they want to see on the product they order.

Collect Customer Feedback

Customer feedback is invaluable for improving the shopping experience in your store. Why not use custom checkout fields to collect feedback? Misalnya, kamu bisa tanya “How did you find out about our business?” at the checkout. Alternatifnya, you can add more detailed surveys using radio button or dropdown fields.

Namun, don’t go overboard. Tujuan Anda adalah menjaga checkout sesederhana mungkin, jadi hindari menambahkan survei terperinci.

Lacak Efektivitas Kolaborasi Promosi

Jika Anda sering berkolaborasi dengan brand atau influencer lain untuk mempromosikan bisnis Anda, Anda mungkin ingin menganalisis efektivitas kampanye tersebut. Gunakan bidang khusus untuk menanyakan kepada pelanggan kolaborasi mana yang membawa mereka ke toko Anda. Itu akan membantu Anda mengidentifikasi kampanye yang paling efektif.

Lebih Banyak Cara untuk Meningkatkan Pembayaran

Menyesuaikan pembayaran Anda dapat secara drastis meningkatkan pengalaman berbelanja pelanggan di toko Anda. Bahwa, pada gilirannya, membantu mendorong pelanggan untuk menyelesaikan pembelian mereka.

Namun, checkout yang tidak nyaman bukan satu-satunya alasan pengabaian keranjang. Pelanggan meninggalkan checkout tanpa membeli karena sejumlah alasan, termasuk kurangnya opsi pengiriman dan pembayaran, atau perkiraan waktu pengiriman yang tidak terduga.

Lihatlah temuan ini studi tentang alasan pengabaian gerobak:

Untungnya alasan paling umum untuk pengabaian keranjang dapat dicegah. Inilah yang dapat Anda lakukan (selain kustomisasi) untuk meningkatkan pengalaman berbelanja di toko Anda:

Jika Anda ingin meningkatkan penjualan Anda, lihat proses checkout Anda dan lihat di mana Anda dapat membuat beberapa perubahan. Coba terapkan beberapa saran yang telah kami bagikan di artikel ini dan lihat bagaimana angka penjualan Anda berubah.

Daftar isi

menjual secara online

Dengan Ecwid E-niaga, you can easily sell anywhere, kepada siapa pun - di internet dan di seluruh dunia.

Tentang Penulis

Anastasia Prokofieva adalah seorang penulis konten di Ecwid. Dia menulis tentang pemasaran online dan promosi ke rutinitas sehari-hari make pengusaha lebih mudah dan lebih bermanfaat. Dia juga memiliki titik lemah untuk kucing, cokelat, dan membuat kombucha di rumah.

Ecommerce that has your back

So simple to use – even my most technophobic clients can manage. Easy to install, quick to set up. Light years ahead of other shop plugins.
I’m so impressed I’ve recommended it to my website clients and am now using it for my own store along with four others for which I webmaster. Beautiful coding, excellent top-notch support, great documentation, fantastic how-to videos. Thank you so much Ecwid, you rock!
I’ve used Ecwid and I love the platform itself. Everything is so simplified it’s insane. I love how you have different options to choose shipping carriers, to be able to put in so many different variants. It’s a pretty open e-commerce gateway.
Mudah digunakan, terjangkau (and a free option if starting off). Looks professional, many templates to select from. The App is my favorite feature as I can manage my store right from my phone. Highly recommended 👌👍
I like that Ecwid was easy to start and to use. Even for a person like me, without any technical background. Very well written help articles. And the support team is the best for my opinion.
For everything it has to offer, ECWID is incredibly easy to set up. Highly recommend! I did a lot of research and tried about 3 other competitors. Just try ECWID and you'll be online in no time.

Your ecommerce dreams start here

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