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电子商务中的 UI 和 UX 有什么区别?

14 min read

电子商务在过去几年中大幅扩张. 实际上, the global ecommerce retail sales are expected to hit approximately 8.1 万亿美元 2028. 这个不断增长的市场为目前从事电子商务业务和希望进入电子商务行业的人提供了巨大的机会.

然而, 现在越来越多的企业涉足电子商务, 每个企业都需要建立竞争优势才能脱颖而出. 利用不断增长的市场的一种方法是关注用户体验 (用户体验) 和用户界面 (用户界面) 设计.

继续阅读下文,了解有关电子商务 UX 和 UI 以及如何在市场上有效使用它们的更多信息.

什么是 UI 和 UX?

第一的, it’s important to understand what UI and UX mean in the context of ecommerce.

UX is an acronym for User Experience. It refers to a customer’s interaction with a website or product, focusing on optimizing this interaction to provide a pleasant and efficient experience for the user.

在电子商务领域, UX could include aspects like navigability, accessibility, 轻松结帐, and intuitive product information presentation.

另一方面, 用户界面, short for User Interface, relates to the visual aspects of a website or product. It involves designing the product’s look and feel, including the color scheme, button placement, 版式, and overall layout. When done right, UI design makes the site visually appealing and easy to interact with.

What Is UI and UX Design?

UI and UX design revolves around crafting visually captivating and user-friendly interfaces that elevate the overall browsing experience for online store visitors.

This includes elements such as website layout, 配色方案, 版式, 以及其他设计元素,使用户可以轻松浏览网站并与之交互.

UI 和 UX 设计对于给潜在客户留下积极的印象至关重要.

UI 和 UX 有什么区别?

这两个术语和主题经常相互混淆,有时甚至可以互换使用. 虽然它们听起来很相似, there are some key differences between UI and UX design – they are two different subjects with unique factors and considerations.

UI 更注重网站或应用程序的视觉方面, 而用户体验则侧重于整体体验和功能. 换句话说, UI 是关于事物的外观, 而用户体验是关于事物如何运作的.

例如, 一个具有视觉吸引力但导航困难的网站将具有良好的用户界面但较差的用户体验. 另一方面, 一个设计简单但易于导航且加载速度快的网站将具有良好的 UI 和 UX.

简而言之, user experience focuses on how customers interact with a website or product. 另一方面, ecommerce UI refers to a product or site’s visual elements and design. 所以, while the two may address the same product or service, there will be different focuses to improve each.

Creative UX and UI Examples in Ecommerce

Now that we have a basic understanding of UX and UI, let’s look at some examples in the ecommerce world.

Slim Your WalletSlider on the Belroy Website

The Australian wallet brand, Bellroy, has a cool feature called “Slim Your Wallet” on their site. By adjusting the slider, you can select how many cards you want to carry and see how the wallet sizes up against the competition. Remarkably, the Bellroy wallet maintains its slim profile as you add more cards.

Once you check it out, it’s hard not to be wowed by what Bellroy offers. This is a great example of how a UI element (in this case, a slider) can help businesses showcase their product or service in a unique and interactive way, 最终改善用户体验.

3Ecwid 商店中的 D 产品型号

通过 Lightspeed 的 Ecwid 进行在线销售的企业主拥有一项独特的功能,可让他们通过适用于 iOS 的 Ecwid 移动应用程序将产品展示提升到新的水平.

Owners of Apple Pro devices equipped with a LiDAR scanner can leverage the Ecwid Mobile App to craft and display captivating 3D models. 购物者几乎可以 “试一下” 这些模型采用先进的 AR 技术.

客户可以在产品详细信息页面上查看 3D 模型


使用 Ecwid 移动应用程序制作的产品的 3D 模型

这是改善服装品牌用户体验的好方法, 家居装饰, 或客户在点击购买按钮之前希望以更逼真的方式看到的任何其他产品.

Learn more about easily creating 3D models of products for your ecommerce store:

Moreporks 主页上的视频

该网站通过从船甲板上拍摄的引人入胜的高分辨率视频来欢迎访问者, flawlessly aligning with the brand’s adventurous outdoor essence.

Video is an excellent method to captivate shoppers, making it a smart strategy to draw attention to your products.

顺便一提, if you create an ecommerce website with Ecwid by Lightspeed, you can enhance any page with video sections. This can be a powerful tool for showcasing your products and creating an immersive shopping experience for your customers.

But it’s not just about showcasing your products. 视频还有助于与您的品牌建立情感联系. 通过讲故事和创造性的视觉效果, 您可以以引人注目的方式传达您的品牌信息, 让观众更难忘.


电子商务网站的主要用户体验原则之一是让客户轻松找到和选择他们需要的产品. 通常, 这是在过滤器的帮助下完成的, 搜索, 和产品类别.

Ordinary 网站通过其 Regimen Builder 工具将其提升到了一个新的水平. This interactive feature allows customers to select their skin type and concerns and then suggests a personalized skincare routine using The Ordinary’s products.

This not only makes it easier for customers to find the right products for their specific needs but also adds a personal touch to the shopping experience. Customers feel cared for and their individual needs are being addressed, which can increase trust and loyalty towards your brand.

Blending Ecommerce UI and UX

There is a balance between UI and UX.

当客户浏览电子商务商店时, 店面和产品应该具有视觉吸引力, 但它们也应该易于使用.

创建店面时, 设计师应该记住,视觉吸引力并不意味着它必须是华丽和压倒性的. 任何东西太多都会让顾客望而却步.

换句话说, 应该做出妥协以达到平衡, 用户将高度确定这一点. 内部团队可能花了很多功夫来设计一个漂亮的网站, but if data determines that it is causing customers to click away, it needs adjusting.

This doesn’t mean that the design team didn’t do a great job in creating the site; it’s just not aligned with users’ 需要. 理想情况下, they should complement each other.

Any UI changes should ideally be made to support the UX. Remember the old adage, “The customer is always right.” Follow the data-driven facts about what is working and what isn’t based on users, not general design principles.

Balancing UI and UX is imperative for success. It’s not about picking one over the other — it’s about finding a synergy between both. This is addressed by understanding your customers, their needs, and their behavior on your site and making data-informed decisions on UI and UX adjustments.

Ecommerce UX and Ecommerce UI Design are an Ongoing Process

It is important for businesses to evaluate their UX/UI effectiveness regularly.

They should be an ongoing process rather than an update every couple of years. 继续监控这些因素将使商店能够继续保持成功.

有时, 更改可能会产生不利影响,必须回滚. 其他时间, 一个简单的改变就可以带来大量的销量. 两者皆有可能.

然而, 随着过程的继续, 电子商务企业将更多地了解他们的客户并能够做出更好的改变.


现在我们知道电子商务用户体验设计的重要因素, 企业应该如何改进或实施这些?

首先也是最重要的, 应该进行彻底的电子商务用户体验审核. 这本质上意味着要仔细检查网站当前的设计,以发现效率低下的地方, 不一致之处, 以及其他一般性问题.

您应该找到网站中流动性不佳的部分, 很难使用, 和更多. 通过提出以下问题来找到这些问题::

  • 搜索产品方便吗?
  • 产品详细信息页面是否包含做出明智决定的一切信息?
  • 客户能否轻松查看产品可用性?
  • 该网站从到达到购买的导航是否容易?
  • Is typography consistent across the store?
  • Can the store be easily loaded on mobile devices?
  • The trick is to think like a customer. Consider who your customer persona is and follow the paths they would when arriving at the page. This can help to discover obstacles and difficulties throughout the store.

The Perfect Blend of UX and UI for Your Online Store

Whether you are new to the ecommerce industry or looking to enhance your existing ecommerce business, 专注于 UX 和 UI 设计可以成为建立竞争优势的强大工具. 它可以让您的品牌在饱和的市场中脱颖而出, 促进客户满意度, 并最终推动您的电子商务成功.

如果您想开办电子商务商店或已经在网上销售, Lightspeed 的 Ecwid 可以帮助简化流程,同时确保在线商店的 UX 和 UI 是一流的.

Here are some examples of how you can enhance your shoppers’ experience using Ecwid by Lightspeed as your online store:

  • Use customizable website templates and user-friendly design tools to craft an online store effortlessly, even without coding expertise.
  • Allow customers to explore your store’s mobile version or 应用程序 for a smooth shopping experience on mobile devices.
  • Enhance your store’s shopping experience with advanced tools like 3D product models where customers can view products from all angles for better purchase decisions.
  • Utilize categories, 过滤器, and search functionalities to enhance customersproduct discovery experience.
  • Provide a streamlined one-page checkout to enhance the purchasing process for customers. For added convenience, users can complete their purchase in just a few clicks using Apple or Google Pay.
  • Include videos on product pages to demonstrate product usage or offer tutorials.
  • 提供产品推荐, 根据客户行为定制个性化优惠, 和更多.

这些只是使用 Lightspeed 的 Ecwid 为客户优化电子商务体验的一些示例. 通过实现这些功能, 您可以通过提供简单的方式来吸引新客户并留住现有客户, 方便的, and interactive shopping experience on any device.

Create your free Ecwid account 开设新店或 将您现有的在线商店迁移到 Ecwid. Explore the wide range of features and integrations to enhance your online business.

Need help getting started? Our team of experts will assist you with any questions or concerns. 与Ecwid, you can focus on running your business while we handle the technical aspects of your online store.

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to increase sales and improve customer satisfaction with Ecwid by Lightspeed. 立即注册,将您的电子商务游戏提升到新的水平!


Table of contents


With Ecwid Ecommerce, you can easily sell anywhere, 任何人——通过互联网和世界各地.

About the author

Anastasia Prokofieva is a content writer at Ecwid. She writes about online marketing and promotion to make entrepreneurs’ daily routine easier and more rewarding. She also has a soft spot for cats, chocolate, and making kombucha at home.

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