全渠道销售解释: 到处销售的真正含义

对于企业主, 近年来,在线销售发生了翻天覆地的变化. It’s no longer enough just to have a website because consumers shop literally everywhere—on social media, 市场, 亲自, on apps, 和更多.

To stay ahead of the curve, you must use multiple channels to sell your products and services. That’s where omnichannel selling comes in handy. Read on to learn what it is, how it benefits business owners, and what you can do to leverage selling on multiple platforms.

What Is Omnichannel Selling?

Omnichannel, or multichannel, selling is the practice of leveraging multiple sales channels simultaneously to provide customers with a seamless shopping experience across all touchpoints. These channels include online stores, physical stores, 社交媒体平台.

简单的说, 你想要 sell everywhere your customers shop, as we like to say here at Ecwid by Lightspeed. By taking advantage of the multichannel approach, businesses can increase their customer base and maximize profits.

Let’s see how it works in real life.

Think about something you’ve bought recently. 也许您是受到了 TikTok 视频的启发,或者在 Pinterest 上找到了产品并点击了该品牌网站的链接. 但是您没有时间购买或认为您可以找到更好的交易. 下班以后, 您在商店停下来或在 eBay 或亚马逊上搜索产品以比较价格并阅读客户评论. 有那么多地方可以买到同样的产品!

您的客户通过许多不同的渠道进行购买. 他们在网站上购物, 社交媒体, 在应用程序中, 实体店, 和在线市场. 作为企业主, 这意味着无论您销售什么,您的客户都应该可以在不同的地点买到,以最大限度地提高购买的可能性.


通过为客户提供多种访问您产品的渠道, 你让他们更容易购买他们需要的东西.



多渠道销售对于任何利基企业来说都是一个很好的策略. 然而, 它确实有它的挑战.

同时在多个渠道上销售意味着同时管理所有这些渠道. 那会变得势不可挡. 您需要跟踪您的库存, 命令, and customer questions in multiple places at once. You don’t want to sell your whole inventory through Instagram or a physical store only to discover that your Amazon customers are still waiting for their orders.

While large businesses have resources to manage several selling platforms effectively, small businesses often opt out of omnichannel selling because they simply don’t have enough time and manpower to handle it. 然而, without omnichannel selling, 企业更难接触到更多客户并发展业务.


俗话说, “你不能同时出现在两个地方。”在 Lightspeed 的 Ecwid, 我们拒绝这种说法. 我们希望帮助您随时随地,因为这正是我们软件的设计目的.

我们的技术优化了多种使用单一库存进行在线和面对面销售的方式. 与Ecwid, 您可以通过一个仪表板随时随地为您的客户提供服务.

与 Lightspeed 的 Ecwid, 您设置一次在线商店,然后将其添加到任意数量的平台. 无需为每个平台创建单独的商店!

例如, 您可以创建在线商店并将其添加到网站, Facebook, Instagram的, 谷歌购物, 和亚马逊同时在所有这些地方销售. 您的库存和销售在所有平台上同步. 然后,您可以从一个地方管理每个频道——您的 Ecwid 仪表板.

使用正确的工具, omnichannel selling can be profitable and effortless, no matter the size of your business. Here’s how you benefit when you sell everywhere with Ecwid by Lightspeed:


在 Lightspeed 的 Ecwid, 我们让管理多个销售渠道变得像查看电子邮件一样简单. 好奇的? 继续阅读以了解您可以使用 Ecwid 进行销售的一些不同方式, 然后自己试一试!


你的那一刻 注册 Ecwid, you’ll be given a free website to sell your products. 我们称之为“即时网站”。它旨在成为以最少的成本和精力轻松启动您的在线业务的垫脚石.

你可以 自定义您的 Instant Site 模板 用你自己的封面图片, 文本, 以及有关您的业务的信息, 喜欢你的故事, 感言, 营业时间, 地址, 联系方式, 和社交联系. 您决定内容,我们会自动对其进行格式化,使其在您客户的屏幕上看起来很棒.

使用 Ecwid Instant Site 设置的电子商务网站示例

阅读更多: 如何建立电子商务网站: 无需经验的最简单方法

开设 Facebook 商店

在网站上销售您的产品 2.9 亿月活跃用户 听起来太酷了, 不是吗? 实际上, 具有同步商店的 Ecwid 商家平均收到 15% 他们的销售额来自 Facebook. 开设 Facebook 店面,让您的 Facebook 销售更上一层楼.

由 Ecwid 提供支持的 Facebook 商店

如果您使用 Ecwid 设置您的 Facebook 商店, 您的客户可以直接从您的企业页面购物,并通过任何设备结账. 在 Facebook 上获取您的产品目录还让您有机会使用动态广告和 Facebook 像素等强大的营销工具为特定产品做广告.

只需几分钟 创建一个 Facebook 商店. 如果您还没有创建网站,它作为独立频道也是一个不错的选择.

阅读更多: Ecwid 的 Facebook 社交销售工具

在 Instagram 上销售

由于其视觉格式和活跃的受众,Instagram 是一个有利可图的企业平台. 但是,如果不使用 Shoppable Tags,就没有简单的方法可以将关注者转化为实际的付费客户. 此 Instagram 功能允许用户通过点击特殊的购物标签购买您 Instagram 内容中的特色产品,从而鼓励购买. 用户在结帐期间留在 Instagram 上, 整个购买过程只需点击几下.

Ecwid 与 Instagram 的整合 允许您将 Ecwid 产品目录与您的 Instagram 业务资料和标签产品相关联 (就像你给别人贴标签一样) 在你的帖子中, 故事, 卷轴, ETC. 用户可以使用这些标签购买产品. 让你的 Instagram 动态为你卖 - 只需几分钟即可完成设置.

可购物的 Instagram 卷轴示例

阅读更多: 如何在 Instagram 上销售: 初学者指南

在 TikTok 上销售

TikTok 非常受欢迎,可以帮助企业接触到广泛的受众. 该应用程序为用户提供创意工具,例如旨在宣传内容的视频编辑, 允许企业创建引人入胜的视频,同时增加他们的影响力.

TikTok 的另一个优点是产品可以像病毒一样传播, 就像歌曲一样, 趋势, 或过滤器. 查看#TikTokMadeMeBuyIt 标签——它在应用程序中拥有数十亿次浏览量.

TikTok 排名 广告资产全球第一. 这意味着, 用户发现应用程序上的广告很有价值,这要归功于特定于平台的广告格式,这些格式允许您以有机的方式推广您的产品和服务.

与 Lightspeed 的 Ecwid, 你可以充分利用 在 TikTok 上投放广告 通过同步您的产品目录和 TikTok for Business 帐户. 这使您能够开展更有效的广告活动. 例如, 向在您网站上查看同一商品的用户展示特定产品的广告.

以产品为特色的 TikTok 广告示例

学习如何 在 TikTok 上宣传您的 Ecwid 商店.

在亚马逊上销售, 易趣网, 或沃尔玛

巨大的在线市场为企业主提供了大量随时可以购买的受众. 虽然独立的电子商务网站非常适合建立您的品牌, 包括您在亚马逊上的产品, 易趣网, and/or Walmart is a chance to sell on an already trusted platform with a developed infrastructure.

随着 科迪斯托 应用程序, Ecwid sellers can make the most of selling on popular online marketplaces. 在 eBay 上出售, 亚马逊, or Walmart right from your Ecwid account. Keep your inventory synced with your other channels. Test selling on big marketplaces without ever leaving your Ecwid admin.


Sell on Google Shopping

Google 购物允许企业在 Google 搜索和 Google 购物结果页面上列出产品. 有了这项服务, 您可以创建在用户搜索相关关键字时与 Google 搜索引擎结果一起显示的产品列表.

Ecwid 与 Google 的整合 (由 Kliken 提供支持) 让您轻松地在 Google 上投放广告. 谷歌最近更新了他们的广告功能, 例如智能购物活动和产品列表, 使广告更加成功. 您将能够在进行产品搜索的地方(在 Google 上)吸引更多客户.

在 Google 购物标签上列出产品有助于吸引更多实体店访客

学习更多关于 在 Google 购物上列出您的 Ecwid 产品.

在 Facebook Messenger 上销售

Facebook Messenger 实时聊天可让您通过最受欢迎的聊天应用程序之一与客户联系. 实际上, 超过 900 百万人 通过 Messenger 应用程序与朋友和品牌交流 每个月.

Offering to talk through Facebook Messenger improves 客户服务 and creates a personal connection with your audience. You can answer customers’ questions, help them choose the right product, give advice on how to use your product, and/or recommend other items based on their needs.

Offering customer care through Facebook Messenger live chat improves potential customers’ experience because:

与 Lightspeed 的 Ecwid, 您可以将您的商店连接到 Facebook Messenger,只需点击几下即可将实时聊天添加到您的网站. 客户将能够直接从您网站上的产品页面开始聊天. 任何对话都将保存在他们的 Facebook Messenger 收件箱中以供日后使用.

阅读更多关于 使用 Facebook Messenger 实时聊天 在您的 Ecwid 商店.

Facebook Messenger 实时聊天可帮助您向客户提出更多建议


A “Buy Now” Button is a fast and flexible option to sell your products. It helps you get products in front of customers by easily adding a button to anywhere on a website.

You can place a “Buy Now” button on:

When customers click a “Buy Now” Button, they are instantly taken to the checkout. 那里, they can choose from various payment options and shipping methods.

The “Buy Now” button in the sidebar

You can customize the look of the “Buy Now” button by adding frames and choosing which fields are displayed, like the price, quantity, ETC. The color scheme of your smart button will automatically match your website and flow seamlessly with your company branding.

Adding a “Buy Now” Button is no harder than embedding a YouTube video. Simply copy and paste the code to any spot on your website.

阅读更多: 7 Ways to Sell With Ecwid’s “Buy Now” Button

Turn Your Online Store into a Mobile App

您品牌名称下的本地移动应用程序是 Ecwid 中可用的独特销售渠道. 它完全响应并适用于所有移动设备. 用一个应用程序, 您的客户将永远拥有您的商店, 非常适合快速增长的移动购物者市场.

使用 Ecwid 创建的购物应用示例

在 App Store 和 Google Play 上提供您的移动应用程序可以让您的企业比以往更贴近客户. The app also encourages customers to make a repeat purchase as your store is literally at their fingertips.

阅读更多: Grow Your Ecwid Shop with a Mobile App — No Coding Required

在 Pinterest 上出售

Unlike most social platforms that thrive on influencers and conversations, Pinterest exists solely to inspire. And regular Pinners use the platform to plan for some of life’s biggest moments—including the purchases they make for those moments.

If you want to get in front of shoppers at the exact moment they’re looking to be inspired by products like yours, Pinterest is a no-brainer.

更重要的是, unlike other platforms, Pinterest users don’t mind seeing branded pins while they’re exploring the platform. 实际上, most Pinners even find it helpful if the branded content is related to the inspiration they’re seeking.

与 Lightspeed 的 Ecwid, you can leverage advertising on Pinterest with the Pinterest 标签. You’ll be able to promote your products to previously engaged store visitors and adjust your ad campaigns to make the most of the platform.

“Pinterest accounts for 90 percent of my social media traffic.” — Selena Robinson, founder of “Look! We’re Learning!” educational e-goods

学到更多: 使用 Pinterest 标签为您的 Ecwid 商店投放更有效的广告

在 Snapchat 上销售

When it comes to engaging younger audiences, Snapchat knows how. 71% 的 Snapchat 用户每天多次访问该平台, with the average user opening their app 20 times for a total of 30 参与分钟数.

Snapchat ranks as the twelfth most popular social network in the world (Resource: 政治家)

If you’re looking for new advertising channels to grow your business and your target audience includes teens and young adults, Snapchat might just be your answer.

And to top it off, Snapchat is still a relatively untapped resource. Many marketers turn to Instagram Stories for similar solutions, making advertising on Snapchat fairly competition-free.

To make your ads more effective on Snapchat and enhance your ability to find the right audience, 添加 Snap Pixel 到您的在线商店. The Snap Pixel will help you run remarketing ads, optimize ad performance, and find more people like your customers to engage with through your ads.

If you’re on Ecwid, all you have to do to claim your Pixel is copy and paste the code into your Ecwid Control Panel. 最好的, the integration is available on all Ecwid plans—including our Free plan.

学到更多: 使用 Ecwid 的 Snapchat Pixel 在 Snapchat 上销售

Add a Storefront to an Existing Website

You can add an Ecwid store to any existing website, whether it’s built on WordPress, 蜡, 方形空间, Joomla, 虚弱地, 或其他完全. Even with a custom website it only takes seconds to plug in a new Ecwid store.

An example of an Ecwid store added to a WordPress website

Your Ecwid store will come ready with all the features you need to sell online:

阅读更多: 如何将在线商店添加到您现有的网站

Sell In-Person

超过 50% of your customers expect you to sell both online and offline. Maximize your revenue opportunities by creating both an online store and physical points of sale.

与Ecwid, it’s convenient to sell your products on-the-go, like at craft fairs, 市场, or even a pop-up store. Accept cash and update your sales list using Ecwid’s Sell on the Go app for iOS.

Make selling even easier when you accept credit cards at your brick-and-mortar store with one of our point of sale (收银机) integrations. Ecwid offers integrations with different POS, 包括 Lightspeed Retail (X-Series), 三叶草, Square POS. Syncing your Ecwid store with your POS systems helps you keep inventory in sync in your physical location and your online store.

Manage Your Sales from Anywhere

No matter how many sales channels you use, managing your store with Ecwid is always fast and easy. For convenient access to your Ecwid admin from anywhere, download the Ecwid mobile app for iOS and Android to manage your orders and inventory, upload product pictures from your smartphone, launch and control special offers, 以及更多.

Omnichannel shopping is more than just another trend: it’s the present and future of the retail industry. It comes down to understanding where and how your customers like to shop and providing them with a seamless shopping experience that gives them access to your products at the right time and through the right channels.

创建您的 Ecwid 帐户 并开始通过新的全渠道战略更好地为您的客户服务.

About The Author
Anastasia Prokofieva is a content writer at Ecwid. She writes about online marketing and promotion to make entrepreneurs’ daily routine easier and more rewarding. She also has a soft spot for cats, chocolate, and making kombucha at home.

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