什么是域 & 为什么您的业务需要它

作为小企业主, 不要低估在线存在的重要性. 您的网站通常是您与潜在客户之间的第一个联系点, 所以留下好印象是必须的.

您网站的基本要素之一是您的域名. 简单的说, this is the address your customers will type into their browser to find your ecommerce website.

This article will give you a crash course in all things domain-related. You’ll learn what a domain is, why you need one, and how to choose the perfect domain name for your business website.

What Is a Domain Name?

第一的, let’s answer this important question: what does domain mean?

A domain is a unique reference that identifies a website. 简单的说, it is the location of your website, or an address people type into their browsers to find your website online.

You can think of a domain name like your website’s street address. Just as your business has a physical address that customers use to visit you, your online store has a domain that helps your customers access it.

例如, our domain name is ecwid.com. If you type it in your browser, you’ll be taken to our website.

The actual address of a website is a complex numerical IP address. 例如, the IP address of google.com is Such strings of numbers are great for computers but are not very human-friendly. That’s where domain names come in — they connect to numeric IP addresses, making it easier for us to find the website we need.

The Difference Between a Domain Name and an URL

To avoid confusion, it’s essential to understand the difference between a domain name and an URL.

A domain name is the location of your website. A URL (uniform resource locator, also known as a web address) is a specific page on your website that someone is visiting.

例如, our domain name is ecwid.com. The URL of this blog post is https://www.ecwid.com/blog/what-is-domain.html

ecwid.com is a domain name

A URL consists of the protocol, the domain name, and the path. Though you’re now familiar with the definition of a domain name, 你可能想知道: “What does a protocol and path mean?”

A protocol is a method by which data is sent from one computer to another on the internet. A path refers to the exact location of a page, 邮政, or file.

例如, in the URL https://www.ecwid.com/blog, “ecwid.com” is the domain name, “https” is the protocol, and “/blog” is the path to a blog on the website.

学到更多: Guide to URL: Design URL Structure For the Best SEO Results

Understanding Types of Domains

Now that you know the domain definition and the difference between domains and URLs, let’s dive into the different types of domains.

The basic form of a domain name consists of two elements:

A domain extension is a suffix that follows the domain name in a web address. It’s likely you’re already familiar with the most common domain extensions: .com, .网, .组织, .co.

To distinguish domains from one another, there is a hierarchy within the domain name registry. Let’s look into the most common domain levels.

Top-Level Domains

Top-level domains are the domain name extensions that represent the highest level in the Domain Name System hierarchy.

There are generic top-level domains. 例如:

.edu 域通常由大学使用

还有特定国家/地区的顶级域. 它们与某些国家或地理位置有关. 例如, .au代表澳大利亚, .ca代表加拿大, .uk 代表英国.


二级域名是顶级域名之后的域名. 例如, 在“ecwid.com”, “ecwid”是“.com”顶级域名的二级域名.

通常, second-level domains are the name of the business that registered the domain name with a registrar. It can be a brand name or a company name that potential customers use to identify it.

Third-level domains

Third-level domains follow second-level domains. 例如, “www” is the most common third-level domain.

Third-level domains are often referred to as subdomains. Large companies often use subdomains to distinguish between departments or parts of their site. 例如, a company can host its blog on a subdomain like “blog.companywebsite.com.”


现在您知道什么是域了, 你可能想知道: 我的企业网站真的需要一个吗? 答案是肯定的!

拥有域对您的小型企业至关重要的原因有多种. 举几个例子:


还: 8 选择域名的最佳实践


在你把你的知识付诸实践之前, 让我们讨论域名注册.

注册域名之前, 你应该想出一个域名. 它应该很短, unique to your business, and easy to remember. It’s a good idea to choose a .com domain, as this is the most popular and recognizable domain extension.

And never forget about SEO! It’s important for your domain authority — this describes your website’s relevance for a specific subject area or industry. The higher your domain authority scores, the higher your domain ranks in search engines. You can check your domain authority using this tool.

Once you have an idea of what you want your domain name to be, you can check if it’s available using a domain availability checker tool. 例如, 去吧爸爸 或者 姓名 both have easy tools for determining domain availability.

A domain availability checker shows that the domain is taken and offers an alternative

If the domain name you wanted for your business is taken, you can try a domain name generator tool to come up with some alternative domain name ideas. 例如, this one 或者 this one both can provide great results.

When you find an available domain, you then want to register it with a domain registrar. 这是一家销售域名并处理注册过程的企业.

一些最受欢迎的域名注册商是 去吧爸爸, 初级, 姓名, 名称便宜, 绰号, 网络解决方案.


  1. 转到您选择的域名注册商.
  2. 在搜索框中输入您的域,然后单击搜索域.
  3. 选择你需要的扩展 (例如, .com) 并将域名添加到您的购物车.
  4. 完成注册和付款流程.

恭喜, 现在您有一个适合您的企业的域名!

还: 如何为您的商店购买完美的域名

然而, there’s an even easier way to buy a domain for your online store – read on to learn more.


如果您正在考虑为您的电子商务业务购买域名, 您可能也在寻找电子商务平台. 幸运的是, 有些平台可以让你用一块石头杀死两只鸟.

以光速夺取 Ecwid, 例如. 当你 注册 Ecwid, 您将获得一个带有内置在线商店的免费电子商务网站, 也称为即时站点. 但这还不是全部! 您还可以为您的 Instant Site 获得一个免费域名. 默认域名将包含您商店的 ID 和 .company.site, 这是 Ecwid 域.

当然, 您想要更改默认域名,以便它更好地代表您的业务并让客户轻松找到您的商店. 您可以在商店设置中轻松自定义域名. 例如, 您可以选择使用您的品牌名称而不是商店 ID — coolbrand.company.site. 这是 怎么做.

Ecwid by Lightspeed 制作的电子商务网站的免费域名示例

如果您不想将 .company.site 作为您的域, 您可以轻松地为您的 Ecwid Instant Site 提供自定义域. 要做到这一点, 你可以 buy a domain name right in your Ecwid admin. It will automatically be set up for your online store, so you don’t have to do it yourself!

实际上, you can do everything domain-related right from your Ecwid admin. 搜索, buy, and set up — all in just a few clicks.

利用 本指南 to buy a domain via your Ecwid admin in no time.

Another cool perk of buying a domain via Ecwid is that you get 为您的商店提供免费的 SSL 证书. 这在网上销售时非常重要. 当客户在您的商店购买商品时分享他们的私人信息, 您的 SSL 证书将保护敏感数据免受黑客和数据窃贼的侵害.


域名对您的小型企业很重要,因为它可以帮助客户在线找到您, 定义您的品牌, 并支持您的 SEO 工作.

现在您已经很好地了解域是什么并且熟悉域结构, you can register a domain for your business website.

这样做, come up with a domain name, check if it’s available, and register it with a domain registrar of your choice. 记住, a domain name is an important part of your online presence, so choose one wisely.

About The Author
Anastasia Prokofieva is a content writer at Ecwid. She writes about online marketing and promotion to make entrepreneurs’ daily routine easier and more rewarding. She also has a soft spot for cats, chocolate, and making kombucha at home.

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