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12 min read

作为企业家, you know how important it is to provide great customer service. That includes ensuring your customers get their orders on time and in great condition. The key to this is having the right shipping labels for ecommerce stores.

在本文中, we’ll explain the need for shipping labels and how to create, buy, and print them. We’ll also share best practices for creating shipping labels and share how to get them at a discount.

What Are Shipping Labels?

Shipping labels contain information about the shipment, such as the sender’s address, the recipient’s address, and other details related to the package.

Shipping labels are often printed onto sticker paper or thermal paper, making them easy to affix onto packages and waterproof so they won’t be damaged in transit.

A shipping label usually includes the following information:

  • Who shipped the package, IE. its place of origin
  • Where the package is being shipped to (IE. its destination)
  • The weight of the package
  • Shipping class (express, 过夜, 等等)
  • Tracking number
  • Routing code for postal tracking.

A shipping label can also show billing status (例如, pre-paid), service level, 和更多.

Let’s look into a real-life example of a shipping label to understand its contents better. Here is a USPS shipping label:

Let’s break down the contents of the shipping label in our example.

service icon block indicates different USPS services:

  • 优先邮件
  • 一等邮件
  • 一流的包裹服务
  • 优先邮件快递
  • USPS 零售场
  • 媒体邮件

在我们的例子中, P代表优先邮件. 请记住,这仅适用于 USPS. 其他提供商可能有不同的服务类型.

服务类型 横幅说明交付类型,如上图所示. 在这种情况下, 这是优先邮件.

邮费支付 区域显示邮资支付信息. 本节应包括邮件类别 (例如“单件”或“预分类”), 许可证的城市和州, 和许可证号.

与美国邮政, 零售商可以申请 许可证印记 这允许他们批量支付和打印运输信息.

退货地址 是在未送达的情况下包裹应退回的地址. 在大多数情况下, 这将是您的公司地址. 如果您将运输外包给第三方, 您将在这里使用他们的地址.

邮寄地址 是您要将包裹运送到的地址. 除了地址, 您还必须包括送货路线代码信息和零售分销代码 (区域数据中心). 这是邮政编码旁边的四位数字. 它可以帮助邮件处理人员找出交付产品的路线. 当您使用他们的网站打印标签时,USPS 会自动为您生成此代码.

跟踪代码 部分包括您和您的客户可以用来跟踪订单的代码. 通常此代码是自动生成的.

附加信息 部分包含有关包的任何其他详细信息, 例如发货日期或重量.

大多数运输标签遵循相同的模式. 通常, 你只需要填写客户的地址, 返回地址, 以及包裹的尺寸. 其余部分由您的运输提供商或您的运输软件自动生成.


运输标签有助于供应链中的机器和人员——存储仓库, 海关, 信使, 等等——了解您的包裹来源和运输目的地.

如你所想, 未能创建清晰的运输标签可能会导致物流灾难. 您可能会在途中丢失包裹, 交付错误的包裹并对您的客户体验造成长期损害.

正确的运输标签提供有关货物的准确信息, 这有助于确保它快速安全地到达目的地. 它们还通过为快递员和承运人提供关于将包裹投递到哪里的明确说明来帮助加快投递时间. 这边走, 它们可以帮助减少包裹丢失,因为它们包含有价值的信息,可以在包裹丢失时用于追踪包裹.

如何创建, 买, 和打印运输标签




这是创建运输标签的缓慢方法, 但如果您处理的是小批量或使用没有内置运输标签集成的电子商务平台,它会起作用.

每个主要的运输服务提供商都允许您在他们的网站上创建和购买运输标签, 包括美国邮政, UPS, 联邦快递, 敦豪快递, ETC.

The information you provide for creating and buying a label is almost always the same:

  • 你的 (公司) name and the name of the recipient
  • Shipping weight and dimensions
  • Shipping origin
  • Shipping destination
  • Type of shipping service
  • Any additional service options (例如, insurance if you’re shipping a valuable order)

After you fill in all the required information, you’ll be asked to add a payment option. After paying for it, you’ll be able to print your label.

在 UPS 网站上填写货件详细信息以购买运输标签

打印发货标签后, 你把它放在你的包裹上,然后把它放在最近的邮局. 一些邮政服务还允许请求上门取件.


幸运的是, 如果您的电子商务平台与最受欢迎的运输提供商集成, 你可以花更少的时间 (经常还有钱) 创建和购买运输标签.

如果您在线销售 Lightspeed 的 Ecwid, you can buy and 打印运输标签 right from your Ecwid admin. All you have to do is click a couple of vital buttons. The shipping labels are automatically prefilled with customersinformation to save you time and avoid typos.

Not only does that save you time, but it’s also more convenient. You don’t need to have a 3rd-party account to order the shipping labels. No need to remember access credentials or share credit card information.

You can buy a shipping label from the order details page in your Ecwid admin

在您的 Ecwid 管理员中购买标签的最好的部分是它可以节省您的运费. 通过您的 Ecwid 管理员购买的标签有折扣, 显着节省你的钱, especially when you ship many orders or ship internationally.

您还可以选择自动为订单分配跟踪号,并将发货详细信息通过电子邮件发送给客户. 再次, 管理运输标签和跟踪号所花费的时间更少!

在 Ecwid 后台购买标签时,您可以选择不同的运输服务

内置运输标签工具可供美国卖家使用, 德国, 比利时, 和荷兰. 跟随 这些说明 从您的 Ecwid 管理员处购买和打印打折的运输标签.

如果你来自另一个国家, 您可以使用我们的应用程序购买运输标签 应用市场.

在您自动生成标签并从 Ecwid 管理员打印后, 你把它放在你的包裹上,然后把它放在最近的邮局或要求邮政工作人员取件.

Best Practices For Creating Shipping Labels

When creating shipping labels, there are a few best practices that should be followed to ensure accuracy and efficiency:

  • Make sure all of the information included on your label is correct before printing and double-check all addresses.
  • Use high-quality materials for printing so that your label won’t fade.
  • Consider investing in a professional label printer if you ship a lot of orders.
  • Take advantage of bulk discounts when buying multiple labels. 或者, 切换到提供折扣运输标签的电子商务平台, 像 Lightspeed 的 Ecwid.


除了运输标签, 您还需要附上装箱单 (也称为“运单”) 与您的包裹.

装箱单是包裹随附的文件,其中包含有关货件内容的信息. 它通常看起来像这样:


  • 您公司的名称, 商标, 和地址
  • 客户地址
  • The order date and order number
  • The customer’s contact information
  • The names, 数量, and prices of each item included in the package
  • Customer service contact in case of any problems with the product
  • Optional comments.

The packing slip is essentially a customer receipt. Besides acting as a proof of receipt, it also tells customers what’s included in their package—particularly helpful when you’re shipping multiple items spread across multiple packages.

然而, the packing slip is not necessary for shipping. Your shipping service won’t mind if you don’t include it with the package.

通常, your shipping or invoicing software can also create packing slips. You can also create a packing slip yourself in Google Sheets or Excel using templates like this.

如果您使用 Ecwid by Lightspeed 在线销售, it saves you time with packing slips too. 您可以使用 printable invoices as your packing slips. They contain your company name and address, the buyer’s name and ship-to address, the payment method and shipping method they’ve chosen for their order, information about the ordered products, 和分项订单总额.

为您的订单自动生成发票,您只需点击一下即可打印. 如果需要,您还可以自定义发票模板.

Ecwid 商店中可用作装箱单的可打印发票示例

或者, 你可以使用 打印设计器 来自 Ecwid App Market 的应用程序,用于创建和打印装箱单.


Shipping labels are an essential part of running an ecommerce business as they ensure accurate delivery times and protect against loss of packages during transit. It’s important to understand how shipping labels work to create accurate ones for your customers quickly and efficiently without spending too much time and money in the process.

By following these tips, 知道您的客户每次都会安全地收到他们的订单,您将省钱并安心.


Table of contents


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About the author

Jesse is the Marketing Manager at Ecwid and has been in e-commerce and internet marketing since 2006. He has experience with PPC, 搜索引擎优化, conversion optimization and loves to work with entrepreneurs to make their dreams a reality.

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