Top Strategies for Ecommerce Order Fulfillment

There is an integral part of ecommerce that many sellers don’t consider right away: order fulfillment. While receiving and shipping orders may not seem as exciting as creating a website or marketing your products, it is crucial to the success of your business.

订单履行是完成订单并将其运送给客户的过程. 它涉及几个步骤: 库存管理, 拣选和包装物品, 并及时发货.

顺利的订单履行流程可以让客户满意, 正面评价, 并重复购买. 另一方面, 复杂或低效的流程可能会导致发货延迟, 不满意的顾客, 和负面反馈.



所以, 什么是订单履行? 在基础层面, order fulfillment, 或电子商务履行, means getting orders into customers’ hands.

实现方法有以下几种, 但我们将主要讨论自助履行和订单履行服务.


订单履行服务是处理运输的第三方公司, 储存, 和订单/退款处理.

有些企业可能会结合使用这两种方法. 例如, 公司可以由第三方处理其经常购买的产品,然后对定制产品进行内部处理.


电子商务企业的基本原则之一是掌控库存. 店主必须定期监控库存并确保库存始终可用. 只需要假日客流量的一次高峰,库存就会很快耗尽.

需要采取主动的库存管理方法,而不是等到库存用完才重新进货. 实际上, 如果客户经常在商店页面上看到“缺货”,这可能会导致客户大量流失.


例如, 如果商店通常每天销售大约 5 个单位并且有 200 剩余单位, 这意味着只有大约 40 剩余库存天数. 有危险, 因为它可能需要长达 30 制造某些产品的天数, 更不用说将它们运送到仓库了.


订单履行流程大约经历五个主要阶段, 从产品制造到到达客户手中.


企业第一步是获取库存, 这可能来自制造商, 供应商, 或仓库. 需要盘点库存, 已排序, 并进行检查以确保其质量令人满意.

就实物产品而言, a SKU or barcode will be used to track the reception and storage of the product. This step can vary depending on the type of business, as they may make their products themselves or receive them from some other means.

Storing or Sending Inventory

The inventory will be ready to be purchased but must be stored somewhere. Some smaller businesses may store the inventory themselves, or it will be stored in a warehouse or fulfillment center.

In the latter case, the inventory must be sent to a distribution center, and reception must be confirmed. After this, it will go into storage.

Order Processing

Once the inventory is logged, stored, and live online, customers can purchase it. When a purchase is made, the order process begins. It involves picking the inventory and 包装 它. A picking team or robots will do this in a distribution center. The SKU or barcode will be used to identify the correct product and then be packaged.

For a smaller business, this could be as simple as grabbing it from their garage and sending it off themselves.


然后是在线订单履行的最后一步: 将其运送给客户. 可以通过多种运营商来完成此操作, 例如联邦快递, UPS, 美国邮政总局, 和更多.

这就是履行服务非常有益的地方, 因为他们通常可以通过各种运营商服务获得更好的费率. 小型或独立企业必须承担所有运输费用, 根据流量的不同,这可能会变得昂贵.


自配送是传统的订单履行方式, where businesses handle all steps themselves. While self-fulfillment can give you more control over the process, it also requires more time and resources from your end.

然而, if you choose to fulfill orders yourself, there are some key strategies to keep in mind for efficient order fulfillment:

Using Order Fulfillment Services

Choosing order fulfillment services depends on the business size. Although self-fulfillment may appear cost-effective for small companies initially, it can become more expensive in the long term for larger enterprises.

Order fulfillment services offer several benefits that make up for their costs:

举例说明订单履行服务, 我们来看看亚马逊. 亚马逊本身就是一个市场, 但它也提供履行服务. 在亚马逊上销售时, 卖家可以自行配送订单或使用“亚马逊配送”或FBA. 这意味着卖家将把库存发送到亚马逊, 将存储在他们的仓库中.

购买商品时, 亚马逊负责将产品运送给客户以及任何退货. 这让卖家更容易, 但这也意味着他们将为每售出的产品向亚马逊支付费用.



该软件将卖家连接到他们正在使用的仓库或电子商务履行中心. 它将提供有关订单跟踪的实时信息, 库存水平, 跟踪关键绩效指标, 预测, 和更多.

此类软件还允许卖家实现自动化订单履行, 前提是一切顺利并且库存得到补充.



代发货 is kind of like ecommerce fulfillment services, 除非没有大量库存需要处理. 反而, 当客户从网站或在线商店购买产品时, 然后卖方将从供应商处购买产品.

然后该产品将直接发送给客户. 供应商可以是产品制造商,也可以是购买散装产品出售给直运商的公司. 所有订单和运输均由产品供应商处理, 这意味着电子商务卖家只需为已售出的产品付款.

包起来: 有关订单履行的常见问题

订单履行是电子商务业务运营的重要组成部分. It may not need much attention in the company’s early days, but this doesn’t mean it can be neglected.

Ecommerce sellers should establish a solid fulfillment strategy or work with a fulfillment center as their business grows to keep orders flowing.

Before we wrap up, let’s explore common questions about order fulfillment to ensure a smooth and efficient process for both customers and businesses alike:

Why Is a Standardized Order Fulfillment Process Important?

In the modern age of ample ecommerce, 客户开始期望订单能够快速发货. 标准化订单履行解决方案将帮助企业跟上订单流量并确保客户对结果感到满意.


没有最好的履行方法, 因为这取决于企业的规模和类型. 然而, 建议企业在扩大流量时开始使用履行服务. 否则, 按时履行订单可能会变得更具挑战性.


是与否. 对于规模较小、流量较低的企业, 自己运送这几种产品要便宜得多.

然而, 当订单定期进出时,自我实现可以迅速增加. 虽然听起来就像支付运费一样简单, 更多的成本投入到自我实现上, 包括:

为了几次旅行, 这些成本并没有那么糟糕. 但, 当它成为一项日常任务甚至每天多次时,它们就会增加.


使用履行服务有几个好处, 因为它可以帮助企业:

对于企业是否应该使用第三方服务来处理订单,不存在正确或错误的答案. 现实地, 这取决于他们的商业模式, 交通, 以及跟上订单的能力.

刚开始时,内部处理订单可能很容易, 而且人流不多. 然而, 随着业务的增长和更多的订单开始进来, 他们可能需要雇用第三方服务来跟上增加的流量.


如果您一直在考虑开设自己的电子商务商店, 那么 Ecwid 可以为您提供帮助. 我们的平台提供各种功能和集成,使在线销售更加简单, 包括订单履行选项.

无论您决定如何履行订单——您自己, 通过履行服务, 代发货, 或者将您的在线商店连接到您选择的履行软件 – Ecwid 可以满足您的需求.

自行履行订单时, 您会欣赏 Ecwid 的工具,它们使订单履行变得轻松 - 例如新订单通知, buying shipping labels from your Ecwid admin, 订单搜索和过滤器, 税务发票, 和更多.

Ecwid 与流行的运输提供商集成,以便您可以在结帐时为客户提供各种运输选项. 您还可以设置实时运费,以确保为客户提供准确的定价.

如果您更喜欢履行服务, Ecwid 提供的应用程序可让您将订单发送到第三方履行服务(例如 Shipwire 或 Amazon FBA). 它将使您能够外包订单的包装和运输,同时仍然从一个中心位置管理一切.

最后, 如果您已经使用特定软件来履行订单, 别担心! 和 Ecwid’s customization services, 您可以集成您的订单履行软件.

加, Ecwid connects to various 代发货服务 so that you can offer a wide range of products without the hassle of keeping inventory. 只需将您的商店连接到我们的直销合作伙伴之一, and they will take care of everything from warehousing to shipping.

But why stop at just selling on your website? With Ecwid’s multi-channel selling options, you can expand your reach by selling on social media platforms, as well as marketplaces like Amazon and eBay. 最好的, you’ll manage all products and orders from one straightforward dashboard.

So why wait? Start selling everywhere today with Ecwid!

About The Author
Anastasia Prokofieva is a content writer at Ecwid. She writes about online marketing and promotion to make entrepreneurs’ daily routine easier and more rewarding. She also has a soft spot for cats, chocolate, and making kombucha at home.

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