企业线程解释: 通过新应用程序与您的客户联系

来自拥有 Facebook 的公司, Instagram的, 和 WhatsApp, Meta 发布了他们最新的社交媒体平台, 线程数. As business owners in an ever-evolving digital landscape, keeping up with the latest trends and platforms helps you connect with your audience.

Let’s learn more about Threads, explain its functionalities, and illustrate how you can use it to engage with your customers.

Unraveling Threads: A New Social Media Platform

Threads is a new app by Meta for sharing short text updates and participating in public conversations. It’s a separate app integrated with Instagram and is already tapping into Meta’s massive user base.

线程上的帖子最多可达 500 长字符. 它们可以包含链接, 相片, 和视频 (取决于 5 分钟). 您可以将 Threads 帖子分享到您的 Instagram 故事,或将您的帖子作为链接分享到其他社交媒体平台上.

Examples of Threads posts by Meta

由于 Threads 与您的 Instagram 帐户集成, 您使用 Instagram 凭据登录以创建 Threads 帐户. 您的用户名, 姓名, 生物, 头像照片, 并且验证标记将转入您的 Threads 帐户, 加上其他设置, 就像黑名单一样. 然而, you can still customize your profile to make it unique to Threads.

With Threads, you can connect and follow people with the same interests as you, just like on Instagram. This includes people you follow both on Instagram and outside of it.

On Threads, you can see posts from people you follow. You will also see recommended posts from people you don’t follow yet.

Is Threads the Same as Twitter?

现在, let’s answer the burning question!

There are some similarities; 毕竟, Threads is a text-focused app for sharing updates and joining conversations.

Ulta Beauty offers followers to take a trip down the memory lane

然而, there are differences, 也: unlike Twitter, Threads doesn’t have paid tiers and ads. Threads also doesn’t have long videos, private messages, or live audio rooms like Twitter.

Should You Make a Threads Account for Your Business?

No matter how excited (or not) you’re about new social media platforms, we recommend you create a Threads account and claim your business name there.

7 月推出的主题 5, 2023, 所以用户仍在弄清楚. 最有可能的, Meta 也在解决这个问题. 那么你为什么还要费心去注册一个账户呢??

由于您的帐户名是在您创建 Threads 个人资料时从 Instagram 获取的, 您想在其他人之前在 Threads 上声明您的公司名称. 作为一个企业, 您希望您的业务页面可以在任何社交媒体平台上轻松访问. 为了确保访问的便捷性, use your business name for all social media accounts so that your customers can find you no matter the app.

Users can easily find Anthropologie on social media using the same name

Even if you decide later to not use Threads, it’s better to stop using it than to try making an account later and find your business name already taken by someone else.

笔记: Keep in mind that you can’t delete your Threads account without deleting your Instagram account. It might change in the future, but for now, ensure you or your social media team do not accidentally delete your Instagram account.

What to Post on Threads: 5 Ideas for Businesses

Social media has been around for quite some time already so you’re familiar with the most common types of content posted there. 教育性, 翔实的, and entertaining posts appear on all platforms in different forms—you can make a 30-second TikTok video on the same topic as an hour-long YouTube podcast.

When it comes to posting on Threads, do whatever fits your brand and is relevant to your audience. That said, remember that Threads is a short text-based app. Some types of content would look better on Threads than anywhere else.

A simple text post by Sephora generated almost 400 replies

Another thing to keep in mind is that Threads is designed to foster positive communication and discussions, so it’s great for community building. Doubling down on posts that promote conversations is a surefire way to make the most of Threads.

Pro Tip: To jumpstart your Threads account, post your evergreen, best-performing tweets there (if your brand has a Twitter page). 这边走, you’ll start your Threads journey with content that has already proved successful.

Wendy’s is well known for its roasting tweets, so its first post on Threads follows the same narrative

How can you leverage Threads to engage with your audience? Here are a few suggestions:

Post Bite-Sized Tips

Social media users love bite-sized, easy-to-digest, useful tidbits. 为关注者提供有关您的品牌或行业的建议. 此类内容具有很强的分享性并且有可能被转发.



话题可以帮助围绕您的品牌建立一个紧密的社区. 通过发布引发反思和辩论的问题来开始讨论以促进参与. 寻求反馈并鼓励人们分享有关您品牌的内容.

Nat Geo WILD 在 Threads 上的第一篇帖子做得很好,邀请用户分享他们的内容,这对于提高帐户参与度非常有用


使用主题向最忠实的客户展示独家内容. 分享新产品抢先体验, 幕后观察您的运营情况, 尽早参与销售, 限时优惠, 闪购, 以及你能想到的其他任何东西.

ButhcerBox 在 Threads 上举办闪送活动

分享简短更新, 消息, 公告

定期分享有关您品牌的最新动态, 产品发布, 事件, or industry news to maintain your followers’ interest. 您想要创造预期以保持观众的参与度. 然而, 一致性至关重要. 如果你想使用线程, 养成保持最新状态的习惯.

Netflix 在其 Threads 帐户上分享行业新闻


这是 Threads 的第一天, 所以目前还没有指南或最佳实践. 一些品牌复制他们的 Twitter 策略,而用户则发布他们想到的任何内容. 同时, you have a unique opportunity to experiment with content you’ve been postponing.

The perk of Threads compared to any other new app is that it already has a huge audience, so you’ll see which experiments pay off faster.

Olipop makes their Threads account very informal and “unfiltered,” which differs a lot from their polished Instagram page

Take the Plunge into Threads

In an age where 个性化 and close connections are becoming increasingly important in marketing, Threads offers an exciting way for businesses to connect with their audience.

Whether you decide to use Threads to share exclusive content, behind-the-scenes peeks, 消息, or limited-time offers, remember that the app is especially great for community building. You can’t go wrong with focusing your Threads strategy on fostering discussions among your audience.

与观众建立更深层次联系的潜力等待着您. 立即深入 Threads 世界,观察您的企业在社交媒体领域蓬勃发展.

About The Author
Anastasia Prokofieva is a content writer at Ecwid. She writes about online marketing and promotion to make entrepreneurs’ daily routine easier and more rewarding. She also has a soft spot for cats, chocolate, and making kombucha at home.

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