
Welcome to the “Success Stories” section of the Ecwid blog, 我们自豪地展示使用 Ecwid by Lightspeed 的企业主的鼓舞人心的故事. 准备好与志同道合的企业家建立联系,并发现有关使用 Ecwid 发展业务的宝贵见解.


阿斯本同性恋滑雪周 (AGSW) is a week-long gay ski event that has been taking place in Aspen, 科罗拉多州, 为了 47 年. The event is one of Aspen’s largest LGBTQ+ non-profit fundraisers.

45th Aspen Gay Ski Week Parade

All of the funds raised help support AspenOUT’s free mental health counseling, college scholarships, and grants to nonprofit organizations in the LGBTQ+ community.

AGSW has been using our ecommerce solution for the past 4 years and has recently adopted 光速支付 as their payment provider for ticket sales.

3,750+ participants annually come to Aspen to celebrate, make connections, and ski. The organization also partners with local retailers and restaurant owners who help support the community, Lightspeed being one of them.

阿斯本同性恋滑雪周 2022 – Downhill Contest

Let’s look at how AGSW uses Ecwid’s shopping cart to sell tickets in order to maximize funds for their nonprofit and grow their fundraising efforts.

Challenge: Maximizing Funds as a Nonprofit

Lukas, the marketing and events coordinator for AGSW, emphasized the importance of optimizing revenue in the nonprofit sector. He explained, “In a nonprofit world, it’s important to maximize donations, operate on a small budget, and give the most back.”

45th Aspen Gay Ski Week Parade

解决方案: Ecwid by Lightspeed Provides AGSW With a Cost-Effective Place to Sell Tickets

With an affordable and user-friendly solution, Ecwid by Lightspeed is able to help Aspen Gay Ski Week effortlessly maximize its funds and focus on growing the fundraiser. Here are the tools they’ve leveraged to achieve this goal:

45th Aspen Gay Ski Week Parade



在其在线商店中处理付款, 非营利用途 光速支付. 具有有吸引力的百分比, Lightspeed Payments 使他们能够节省用于筹款活动的额外费用.

光速支付让我们的会计师非常高兴. 费率非常划算, 我们及时释放所有资金,没有任何保留或延误. 卢卡斯·沃尔克, Marketing and Events Coordinator, 阿斯本同性恋滑雪周

Given ASGW’s popularity and the sale of both individual and weekly passes, 当门票首次可供购买时,立即产生大量收入. 光速支付迅速释放所有这些资金, 无论金额多少, 并且没有任何问题.

无缝 WordPress 集成

阿斯本同性恋滑雪周为他们的活动建立了网站 WordPress的 并在 SEO 方面排名靠前. The team was searching to integrate a shopping cart onto their existing website — and Ecwid by Lightspeed has the capability to do so quite easily.

AGSW 的主页基于 WordPress 构建, 链接到他们的购物车来购买门票

They simply added their shopping cart to their existing site and started selling their event tickets in no time.

Ecwid 是一款优质产品,易于管理且非常容易在 WordPress 上设置. 就像广告上说的那样: 您可以在几分钟内开设一家商店. 卢卡斯·沃尔克



在 Ecwid 之前, AGSW 使用传统的第三方票务平台来销售其年度活动的门票. 但他们每次售票都要支付相当高的费用. 这并没有给他们带来太多利润来回报他们的资金.

然后,高管们决定是时候改用在线购物车了, 就在那时,他们通过 Lightspeed 的购物车转向了 Ecwid, 每次销售不收取任何额外费用.


AGSW 受益并推荐的其他有用工具

废弃购物车恢复电子邮件: 当有人将物品留在购物车时, 偏离了方向, 或落入一个单独的循环, ASGW 发送 废弃购物车恢复电子邮件. Sending potential customers email reminders helps encourage that final purchase.



自定义结账字段: 通过门票销售提供服装时, AGSW用途 自定义结账字段 询问客户的尺寸并促进流程.

捐款: 结账时, 非营利组织要求 捐款. 客户可以选择他们想要捐赠的金额. This helps collect extra money for the fundraiser.

实时库存追踪: Ecwid 跟踪库存 所有门票和赞助门票, AGSW 可以将它们标记为已售完 (他们一半的门票 2024 活动目前已售完!)


Ecwid 上不断添加的功能非常棒; 每年, 该平台一直在变得更好. 卢卡斯·沃尔克

结果: ASGW 为 LGBTQ+ 社区提供最大资金并持续发展

感谢 Lightspeed 的 Ecwid, ASGW 现在通过用户友好的在线商店出售门票, 节省额外费用, 并可以专注于筹集资金并将活动扩展到不同的领域.

支持骄傲是我们 Lightspeed 文化的一部分

怀着我们如此亲近的事业, Ecwid by Lightspeed is proud to be the ecommerce platform and one of the sponsors for this event.

Lightspeed 参与了一系列社区倡议, 包括向各种 LGBTQ+ 慈善机构的捐款, 参加骄傲活动, 支持希望搬到更安全地区的 LGBTQ+ 员工的搬迁政策, 除许多其他努力外.

蒙特利尔骄傲游行中的光速, 质量控制

Lightspeed 成立于蒙特利尔同性恋村——创始人和前四名员工都是 LBTQ+ 社区的成员. 这有助于塑造我们的公司文化, 让多样性和包容性融入我们的 DNA.


Ecwid 如何为您的在线业务增长做出贡献? 与我们分享您的故事, 您可以在我们的博客上亮相! 我们的成功故事有助于为其他 Ecwid 商家提供建议并激励他们. 联系我们:blog@ecwid.com, 我们将从那里开始!

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