在线销售人偶: 初学者指南

No longer is collecting action figures only for kids; many adults have become passionate about these small, posable plastic characters that are often genderless.

Action figures vary from comic books, TV shows and films to bands—and the rarest of them all can be worth thousands per piece even without their original packaging! This has fostered a worldwide collector’s market that continues to flourish today.

Want to be a part of this movement and start selling action figures online?

Keep on reading.

Is It Worth It? 可动人偶市场一览.

可动人偶玩具业有 经历了令人印象深刻的成长 涌入 2021 并预计将达到的价值 $15.2 十亿 2031, 登记的复合年增长率 5.3%. 亚太地区很可能在未来十年内成为这一扩张的主要驱动力.

market for action figure toys is immensely successful, 部分归功于他们惊人的盈利能力. 这些玩具的加价通常是批发价的两倍——这一显着优势只会加强其在全球购物者中的成功.

随着可支配收入的增加和世界各地城市人口的迅速扩张, 在此期间,对可动人偶的需求预计会激增.

此外, 主要制造商和零售商的存在也显着增加了销量,从而为主要参与者带来可观的收入; thus propelling overall growth during the next few years.

The expanding number of web-based stores has rendered goods more inexpensive, as well as easily accessible. 最后, it’s predicted that these factors will motivate potential customers to make purchasing decisions.

4 Quick Steps to Start Selling Action Figures Online


  1. Doing a market research
  2. Gathering your stock
  3. Creating a listing
  4. Launching ads

Now one by one.

Market research

Determine which action figures have the most potential to be lucrative investments.

根据不同的消息来源, 一些最适合转售的品牌是 G.I. 乔; 宇宙大师; 微型航海者; 机器人; 空间 1999; 星球大战 (1990年前) 和变形金刚 (一代 1). 你可以参考像这样的网站 可动人偶清单 或者 尾部 为了了解有关定价的所有信息 & 新旧可动人偶的详细信息!


买一些数字, 记住使它们有价值的三个方面:

寻找您想要的商品, 确保浏览 eBay 的在线市场. 或者, you can search offline and attend garage sales, flea markets or swap meets near you. Don’t forget to post a “wanted” ad in local stores or media as well!

Before making any purchases, carefully examine the figure and its packaging for potential damage. If buying online, always ask for pictures from multiple angles to ensure the condition of the product. Common issues that can decrease a figure’s value include torn or creased cardboard backing; staples, glue or other indicators of repackaging; cracked plastic with discoloration; as well as scratches and general wear on the actual figure itself.


When creating a listing for any action figure, make sure to include the character’s name and where he appeared, what series/generation they are from, their age (if available or can be estimated), grade of condition it is in, plus if there is a certificate of authenticity included.

After doing your research on the toy, determine what price you’d like to list them at—with this knowledge you’ll have all the details necessary for potential buyers!

Optional: Create your action figure online store

Do you sell action figures online? 创建一个 free Ecwid store and boost your revenue by expanding your reach: 在社交媒体上销售, 谷歌, 你的网页, 或亲自. We don’t take transaction fees, so your profits stay where they belong—in your pocket. Try making money by selling action figures online with Ecwid.


Promote your collectible figures across a wide variety of online platforms, from eBay and DealBid to more specialized sites you find on the web. To cast an even wider net, take advantage of Google Shopping, Facebook Ads and Pinterest. And the best part is that all this can be done right from within Ecwid’s control panel!

As you wait for those sales to come in, make sure you store your action figures safely – keep them out of direct sunlight in a well-ventilated room away from pets and children..

The Best Places to Sell Your Action Figure Collection

If you’re ready to get rid of your Marvel Legends, DC Universe Classics, 星球大战, McFarlane and/or NECA action figure collection, then look no further! This guide is here to provide you with the best places for selling off your action figures so that you can reap all the rewards.

Selling your action figures can be a tricky process, since what works best for one individual may not do the same for another. 例如, 有人可能会发现亚马逊是他们出售收藏品的首选,而另一个人可能会通过 WhatNot 获得成功. 归根结底,这一切都归结为个人喜好以及您需要多快处理掉您拥有的所有物品.


亚马逊商城为那些拥有合适商品的人提供了绝佳的机会. 人偶可以以比其他商店高得多的价格出售, 和 列出它们非常容易— 只需点击几个按钮,即可在亚马逊上列出您的人偶!


在 eBay 上销售人偶

易趣是一个 出售您的收藏品的理想平台, 尤其是人偶! 无论您拥有几件 NECA 作品还是大量 DC 宇宙经典作品, eBay 提供完美空间. 出售单个项目或多个集合; 将它们密封在包装中或让它们散落到野外——任何对您最有效的方法!

eBay 提供拍卖和立即购买两种风格的列表, 所以你可以选择最适合你的喜好. If you’re willing to wait a bit longer in order to earn higher profits, then we highly recommend using the buy-it-now option. You’ll be able to set prices for your action figures that are fair and realistic while still accepting offers from potential buyers – it’s win/win!

Keep in mind that auction prices are often lower than those available through buy-it-now listings, so be ready for potential discounts (and sometimes very steep ones). Those auctions ending on Sunday at 9 PM EST tend to garner the best deals.

To ensure success, 重要的是要 learn how to photograph the items for your listings. Since collectors tend to be meticulous about the condition of boxes and figures, you should make sure that you are thorough in documenting any issues with each item. 例如, if there is a crease on a card or joint problems with a figure, take detailed pictures and include these details in descriptions so buyers know what they are purchasing before hitting ‘buy now’.

With eBay’s strict policies, 必须记住,平台上只能出售真正的可动人偶. Failure to comply may lead to your account being terminated – so stick to selling authentic figures!


参与在线论坛可能是一种有效的方式来卸载你额外的动作人物, 比如 DC 宇宙经典. 例如, 这 嗖嗖 论坛有一个专门用于销售物品的部分; 然而, 您可能不得不接受较低的价格,因为经常光顾这些商店的会员并不总是愿意支付全价.


尝试出售一系列可动人偶时, Facebook 和 Instagram 等社交媒体渠道可能不可靠. 虽然有些产品可能在这些网站上表现出色, 其他人可能做得不好. 更受欢迎的商品在通过社交媒体销售时将被证明是最成功的.


随着各种应用程序的不断普及, 在他们身上销售可动人偶已成为一种普遍趋势. 我们推荐两个特别优秀的平台来尝试: 待购买什么不是. 两者都有非常简单的上市程序, 所以如果你巧妙地为你的收藏品定价那么成功应该是不可避免的!

与 WhatNot, 您可以访问顶级玩具市场之一. 然而, becoming a seller on this platform can be tricky as meeting all their requirements is not an assured thing. To gain approval from WhatNot, potential sellers must offer verifiable social media handles and references like Amazon or eBay feedback. It’s completely up to their discretion whether they approve your application but with enough diligence it is possible!

How to Price Your Action Figures or How Much is Your Action Figure Worth?

Action figure collecting is a smart investment once you understand what both your collection holds and the market value of each item. If you’re looking to resell several figures in the future, it’s vital that you recognize their worth based on its state as well as how strong of demand there may be for them. As serious collectors know, knowledge is everything when it comes to profiting from this hobby!

Evaluate сondition

收藏品的价值在很大程度上取决于它的状况——定义它保存完好的程度有六个具体标准. 它们的范围从原始到严重损坏, 如下:

薄荷状态 (辅酶Q10): 完好无损的可动人偶, 原状. It should look as if it were just taken out of the box and assembled – no scuffs, 其油漆或零件上的划痕或缺口, 以及所有存在并说明的附件. 完好无损的可动人偶因其质朴的品质和收藏家的青睐而比大多数其他人偶要价更高.

接近全新状态 (C8-9): 近乎完好无损的可动人偶几乎是完美的, 但有一些小缺陷. 这些可能包括油漆上的小磨损或划痕, 缺少配件和/或轻微弯曲的零件. 接近全新状态的可动人偶往往比完好无损的人偶更容易获得, 通常价格略低于薄荷物品.

状况良好 (C6-7): 状况良好的可动人偶会因操作和玩耍而出现磨损迹象. 它可能有磨损, 其油漆或零件上的划痕或缺口, 关节松动, 小配件丢失, 和/或因老化或暴露在阳光下或潮湿环境中而变色. 一般来说, 状况良好的可动人偶仍然被收藏家认为是可取的,并且可能会根据状况更好的物品的可用性获得高价.

良好的条件 (C4-5): 状况良好的可动人偶通常会比状况良好的人偶显示出更多磨损迹象. It may have scratches and scuffs on the paintwork, discoloration and/or joint looseness due to extended play or age. Some pieces and accessories may be missing or slightly bent, but it should still be attractive enough to make a nice addition to any collection. Good condition action figures are usually priced lower than ones in better conditions and can be great finds for collectors.

Poor condition (C2-3): A poor condition action figure will show extensive signs of wear due to handling and play. The paint may be heavily scratched, discolored, and/or faded, and some parts may be loose or missing. Joint looseness and missing pieces can affect the figure’s stability and playability. Poor condition action figures often come at a lower price than those in better condition, but they are not advised for use or collection.

Very poor condition (C1): A very poor condition action figure will typically be in bad shape, with paint heavily scratched and heavily discolored. Joints may be extremely loose or even missing, 零件或配件可能会弯曲或折断. 这些人偶经常被发现接近全新或接近全新状态. 他们仍然可以为收藏家找到很好的发现,但不应该用于玩耍并且通常会相应定价.


评估身材状况后, 是时候开始调查它的价值了.

在其他任何事情之前, 永远记住,收藏品的价格在不断变化,并因地点而异. 例如, a figure’s price in an isolated hobby shop may be far lower than its cost at a large toy convention in a massive city. 所以, bear in mind that any value you calculate is just an estimate of today’s current rate.

Go online

Want to know the exact market value of a figure? An online search on well-known auction sites like eBay is your best bet. To get precise results, be precise with your queries. 例如: hunting for “Batman Figure” won’t give you reliable pricing compared to searching for “Batman Timeless Bushido“. After finding several figures, find an average of what they are going for and use that as a template when looking at other figures.

Open the books

If you’re looking for an accurate and up-to-date price guide, look no further than your nearest bookstore or Amazon. With dozens of action figure guides to choose from, it’s easy to find the most recent edition which is sure to be reliable and trusted by collectors across the nation.

Scan th magazines

For the action figure enthusiast, action figure price review magazine is a fantastic resource for staying up to date on the most recent figures in circulation and an extensive price guide. With subscriptions available, you can rest assured that each month brings fresh updates of current market values straight to your doorstep!

Pricing mistakes

When investing in collectibles, be sure to keep an eye out for any changes in the market value of your pieces. Prices can fluctuate quickly and drastically from year to year, 因此,您必须经常回来查看以确保您获得最新的定价信息. 现在明智的投资将在以后转售时得到回报!

此外, 时刻关注最新趋势,注意不要陷入转瞬即逝的时尚潮流. 有些人物可能会短暂地流行起来,然后迅速淡出人们的视线,而另一些人则一飞冲天,但很快就会一落千丈.

然而, 无论其在当前市场上的货币价值如何, 永远不要忘记您的可动人偶对您的意义.


可动人偶市场正在增长. 由于投资门槛低,销售人偶的业务可以非常有利可图. 特别是如果您在线销售它们. 想开始副业或严肃的生意, Ecwid 可以帮助您在几分钟内启动您的人偶在线商店.

About The Author
Max has been working in the ecommerce industry for the last six years helping brands to establish and level-up content marketing and SEO. Despite that, he has experience with entrepreneurship. He is a fiction writer in his free time.

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