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10 Best Rating and Review Tools for Online Stores

16 min read

在购买决策很大程度上受到在线评论影响的时代, 拥有良好的在线声誉和大量积极的客户评价对于任何电子商务商店都至关重要.

研究表明 87% 的消费者在网上表示 评论影响他们的购买决定, 和 84% trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations from friends or family.

考虑到这一点, it is crucial for you, as a store owner, to be able to collect and display customer reviews effectively.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll discuss how to get customers to leave reviews and share our recommendations for the best customer review sites and tools at your disposal.

Why Use a Customer Review Tool for Your Online Store

Do you ever wonder what percentage of customers leave reviews? 52% of global internet users aged 25-34 leave reviews online. 所以, it’s only natural that customer reviews have become an essential part of the online shopping experience.

By reading reviews, customers gather valuable insights, allowing them to make informed decisions about the products they wish to purchase.

Customer reviews not only help your potential buyers in making decisions, but they’re also instrumental in building trust and confidence in your store, which ultimately results in higher sales and conversions.

全球互联网用户在线发表评论的百分比 (资源: 政治家)

加, 作为网上商店老板, 评论对你有帮助, 也. 您可以实施客户’ 反馈以优化您的产品和服务并改善整体购物体验.

而且, 您回复消费者负面反馈的能力意味着您值得信任, 最终, 为众多客户关心的问题提供解决方案将为您带来额外的正面评价.

许多店主想知道如何要求顾客进行评论. 出色地, 许多消费者在通过电子邮件被要求或在购买您的产品后愿意提供反馈. 因此, 努力增加产品的评论数量是个好主意.

然而, 手动收集客户评论可能是一项耗时且乏味的任务. 这就是客户评论工具的用武之地——让您的生活更轻松,并帮助您掌控您的在线声誉.

You’ll need ecommerce review software or tools in order to maximize the reviews for your online store. 具体来说, what these tools do is that they help you stay organized and manage your reviews effectively. 毕竟, you are very likely to find tracking and responding to reviews more challenging as your store grows.

所以, using review software or tools offers various benefits for your online store. 这些包括:

  • Efficient review collection: Automate the process of collecting reviews via email, SMS, or other channels, allowing you to gather more customer feedback effectively.
  • Streamlined review management: Easily respond to customer feedback and address any negative reviews, enhancing your store’s reputation and demonstrating excellent customer service.
  • Customizable display options: Showcase your customer reviews attractively on your website or product pages, boosting your store’s credibility and overall appeal.
  • Insightful analytics: Track the performance of your product ratings, 感言, 和整体审查趋势,以帮助优化您的营销策略和产品供应.



所以, 您应该在一个好的客户评论工具中寻找什么? 以下是需要考虑的基本功能:

这些工具最重要的部分是它们简化了评论的收集和管理. 他们提供自动评论, so you can avoid having to reach out to each customer manually.

Some tools offer rewards or incentives for customers who leave reviews, making it more likely for them to do so. If you’re not sure how to get customers to leave reviews, incentives like discounts on the next purchase might help a lot.

顺便一提, if you use Ecwid by Lightspeed for your online store, 你可以启用 automated review requests via email in a single click – and offer a discount as an incentive if you want to.

您可以在 Ecwid 商店中设置的自动审核请求示例

此外, Ecwid 用户可以通过客户评价块在其网站上精美地展示收集的评论 即时网站.

您的 Ecwid 商店有不同类型的客户评论块

由于客户可以在不同的在线平台上留下评论, 您可能想尝试与 Google 等平台集成的工具, Facebook, 和叫喊, 允许您从各种来源收集评论.

电子商务评论工具还可以提供高级功能, including Google SEO-rich snippets, multilingual support, the ability to showcase video and photo reviews, and multiple publishing options.

Best Customer Review and Rating Tools for Online Stores

To help you enhance your online store’s reputation and leverage these benefits mentioned, we’ve rounded up some of the top customer review tools available:


乐于助人的人群 is an all-in-one customer review and loyalty platform designed for online stores. With features like automated review collection, customizable display options, and insightful analytics, it’s a comprehensive solution for collecting, 管理, and leveraging customer reviews.

HelpfulCrowd offers a range of features to enhance your product reviews. With Google-friendly SEO snippets, 问&A sections, video reviews, and automatic translation in over 27 语言, they’ve got you covered. It also connects with Facebook and Google reviews.

HelpfulCrowd seamlessly integrates with your Ecwid store, so you can easily set up and manage customer reviews without any hassle.


TargetBay is a customer engagement platform that offers reviews, 收视率, and testimonial solutions for online stores. With features like automated review requests, customizable templates, 论坛, and QA sections, it’s an excellent tool to manage your reviews effectively and boost your store’s reputation.

TargetBay also offers a visual product reviews feature where customers can upload photos of their purchased products alongside their feedback. 它还可以让您审核评论以阻止垃圾邮件发送者并仅展示真实的用户生成的内容.

所有生成的内容均可被 Google 索引; 它有助于提高您的有机排名和客户参与度.

TargetBay 还与 Ecwid 商店集成, 这样您就可以轻松设置并开始收集客户评论.


自动客户评论 向每位客户发送购买后调查电子邮件, 允许自定义电子邮件模板并提供折扣优惠券. 满意的客户会被重定向到所选的评论网站, 而不满意的购物者会被引导至自定义反馈表. 这边走, 他们可以直接与您联系以快速解决问题并避免负面网站评论.

除了 Facebook 等最常见的评论网站, 谷歌评论, 或喊叫, 自动客户评论应用程序使您能够集成其他评论网站,可以引导您满意的客户.

该应用程序还与 Ecwid 商店集成并自动化评论管理流程. It’s a simple and effective way to collect customer reviews and improve your store’s reputation.


Trustami provides an innovative service that consolidates all ratings and reviews in one place, showcasing your trustworthiness and boosting sales.

Trustami collects, analyzes, and presents users’ distributed social media/web data in a standardized and user-friendly format. 这边走, shoppers can easily see all of your great ratings from various platforms in one place, making it easier to trust and make a purchase.

Trustami 还与 Ecwid 商店集成, 允许您在您的网站上展示收集的评分.


Yotpo是一款专门用于生成评论的评论工具. 与约波, 您可以在客户购买后向他们发送自动电子邮件. 这可以用于评论目的以及追加销售您的产品.

此外, Yotpo 具有可自定义的小部件,您可以将其包含在网站的任何位置. 这些小部件包含有关审阅者的可信且深刻的信息, 您可以通过它向买家询问有助于他们做出决定的重要问题.

最初设计为评论应用程序, 它现在为用户提供多种忠诚度奖励功能, 用户生成内容, 和短信营销. 有了人工智能, 该应用程序可以无缝收集评论并将其显示在您的网站和其他社交媒体网站(例如 Google 和 Facebook)上.


Trustpilot是一款流行的评论软件,可以培养客户的信任. Trustpilot 帮助用户采取某些操作, such as uploading mailing lists and sending out email invites for review, 除其他外. These reviews are sent to Bing or Google. With Trustpilot, you can check or track the progress of customers’ reviews and respond to their assessments.

Trustpilot’s free tier offers review management and reporting, while the paid plans include additional features such as customized review requests, Google seller ratings, and on-site widgets. 是一款多功能工具,用于收集和展示用户生成的内容(从照片到视频评论).

如果您寻求将您的评论与忠诚度计划结合起来, 这个软件适合你. 它提供积分和奖励系统, 推荐计划功能, 和 VIP 计划. 该工具反应灵敏, 提供小型和大型商店都可以使用的广泛功能. 具有自定义评论表单, 本地化超过 20 语言, 产品评论奖励, 谷歌搜索引擎优化丰富的片段, 创建广告或将评论推送到社交媒体, 以及Messenger的评论收集, SMS, 或电子邮件. 提供基本和商业计划,其价格根据订单数量而变化. 老牌商店可以联系他们了解定制定价.


Junip是一个电子商务评论工具, 正是一个可扩展的评论平台,允许电子商务商店收集无限的文本, 视频, 和照片要求. 该应用程序用户友好且易于设置, 它可以在网站上的审核申请表中使用,以反映您作为在线商店的品牌.

Junip 的另一个迷人之处是它与 Google 购物和营销应用程序集成, 包括 Omnisend, 后记, 滴, 和克拉维约.


这是一个多渠道评论工具. 您可以使用 eDesk Feedback 询问客户对您的 Amazon 或 eBay 商店的反馈, 在 Trustpilot 上, 谷歌, 还有很多. 它主要有助于方便地发送电子邮件和请求产品评论. 这可以由客户执行的事件触发, 从留下积极的订单评论到收到产品, 除其他外.

用户还可以完全控制原因, 什么, 以及何时给客户发送电子邮件. 它是电子商务的最佳评论工具之一,因为它可以轻松自动化您的客户评论请求.


Bazaarvoice 是一款流行的客户评论和评级软件. 它允许品牌和零售商在其电子商务网站上收集和显示多种类型的用户生成内容.

Apart from showing and displaying ratings, consumer reviews, questions, and answers, Bazaarvoice also helps manage other types of user-generated content, such as social content, sampling, creator, and influencer marketing.

Best Practices for Managing Customer Reviews

Now that we’ve discussed some of the most popular customer review tools, let’s go over some best practices for using them effectively.

If you’re not sure how to respond to customer reviews, the first step is to establish a process for responding to both positive and negative reviews. This shows that you value customer feedback and are actively engaged in improving your business.

此外, make sure to monitor and track your reviews regularly. This will help you identify any recurring issues or areas where you can improve.

It’s also important to cover a variety of review sites, as customers may have different preferences for where they leave reviews. By using a review management tool, you can make sure to cover all the major platforms and collect reviews from multiple sources.

最后, don’t be afraid to ask for reviews! 毕竟, happy customers are more likely to leave positive reviews if they are asked to. Use email marketing or social media to reach out and request feedback from your customers.

Choose Your Customer Review Tool

Ecommerce reviews and ratings have continuously helped Amazon and other ecommerce stores build a great shopping empire through factors such as social proof, brand experience, and consumer trust.

Now that you know the essential features of customer review tools and have an overview of the top options available, let’s sum it up for some easier decision-making.

A good ecommerce review software or tool should be able to do some or all of the following:

  • automatically request reviews from customers via email or other channels
  • filter reviews and messages by type
  • manage reviews across different platforms
  • support scheduling of post-purchase messages
  • integrate with your ecommerce platform.

For a review tool that integrates with Ecwid and showcases ratings from different platforms, go for 乐于助人的人群, TargetBay, Trustami, 或者 自动客户评论.

If you’ve ever wondered how to ask customers for reviews, the featured tools in this article are designed to ease that concern for good. 选择其中任何一个来提升您的业务并建立客户信任.


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About the author

Max has been working in the ecommerce industry for the last six years helping brands to establish and level-up content marketing and SEO. Despite that, he has experience with entrepreneurship. He is a fiction writer in his free time.

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