网上销售的新产品创意: 当前趋势 & 如何识别它们


不管是看什么节目, 穿什么牌子的, 或者在社交媒体上关注谁, 什么是“趋势”对我们的日常生活有帮助.


If you want to open a store but are struggling to decide what to sell, trends can be a great tool. By analyzing search volume, market sizes, and global happenings, you can understand exactly which products to purvey — in 2023 超越.

当然, all that involves a lot of effort — so we’ve done it for you! Below, we’ve rounded up our top six trending products to sell online. And to make sure you always discover innovative product ideas, we’ll explain the steps to identify in-demand products.

How to Identify Good Product Ideas

Ready-made lists featuring cool product ideas are great, but teach a person to fish, 正确的? When determining a good product, you need to develop your skills in spotting potentially viral products. This will take you further than being told what to sell. 毕竟, you can use this technique to find products to sell in 2023 and in the future.

Here are the steps you should take to find products that will sell like hotcakes:

Pinterest Predicts is a great way to explore what consumers are looking for

当然, there are more ways to spot in-demand products, from checking B2B marketplaces to exploring ecommerce trend publications.

To learn even more on how to identify viral products before your competitors, read our article on how to find trending products to sell online. By learning how to identify trend potential, you’ll be able to find products that are not only relevant but also have a solid chance of trending in the future.


让你抢先一步, 我们编制了一份当前流行的产品清单,这些产品很有可能成为未来的畅销产品.


109ºF 在坦帕. 99ºF 在伦敦. 随着危险的高温水平降临全球, 人们正在寻找应对气候变化的方法.

特别是, 人们想知道太阳能为他们做什么——提示: 很干净, 可再生能源.

虽然太阳能电池板以减少排放到大气中的二氧化碳量和加速气候变化而闻名, 还有很多其他好处. 这些包括减少对电网的依赖, 政府退税, 和更低的能源费用.


根据谷歌趋势, 人们开始意识到这一点 很多. 8月11日, 2022 - 加油, 也许, 异常高温——英国用户对太阳能电池板的搜索兴趣 飙升至分数 100. 这是有史以来第一次这样做,代表增加了超过 100% 与前两个月的平均值相比.

过去五年在英国搜索太阳能电池板 (谷歌趋势)

这对你意味着什么? 简单的说, 销售太阳能电池板是一项有利可图的业务. 他们 花费数千美元 购买, 安装, 和修理. 这是一项业务, 特别是全球绿色倡议, 将在未来许多年产生收入.

With coal and gas prices soaring and global catastrophes and military conflicts continuing to affect the economy, 能源账单不断攀升. 化石燃料现在不仅代表消费者的道德问题,而且代表金钱问题, 还有.

通过销售太阳能电池板, 您可以帮助满足当地需求,同时成为 (一次一个光伏电池) 世界向绿色能源的过渡. 提高您的底线和地球的前景,以获得更光明的未来.



黑胶唱片有一种非常老式的感觉. 留声机做到了, 毕竟, 进来 1948 ——早于 CD 34 年, 和 iPod 53 年.

老式的, 可能是. 过时了? 没有机会.

黑胶唱片占 $1.3-亿全球市场 并提供不断增长的吸引力,以新, 越来越挑剔的一代听众 (我们不只是指潮人). 去年, 三分之一的专辑售出 是物理乙烯基形式.

销售乙烯基的最佳部分? 人们购买它们不仅是为了自己收藏, 也可作为送给家人和朋友的礼物. 看看这个谷歌趋势截图, 例如. 它表现出对美国“黑胶唱片”一词的兴趣. 在过去五年:

美国“黑胶唱片”的谷歌趋势数据. 在过去五年

注意那些尖峰? 或者, 我们应该说, 针…

那是假期. 每个冬天, 对黑胶唱片的需求飙升. 这意味着通过一些有针对性的营销, 季节性方法 (和, 面对现实吧, 善于听音乐的耳朵), 你可以利用这个需求. 你可能会看到你的利润飙升, 也.



在业务, 有一些需求你会 总是 可以依靠.

房地产蓬勃发展,因为人们总是需要住的地方. 快餐创造了一个价值数十亿美元的产业,因为人们总是需要吃点东西, 尤其是当他们在旅途中.


尽管洗发水在 2020 (也许是因为人们无法到商店购买), 这 $94 亿美发市场 正在复出. 尽管它的 2020 光点 (谁没有在大流行期间?) 谷歌趋势证明洗发水在过去五年中稳步上升.


卖洗发水, 尽管, 需要预见未来. 正如太阳能电池板搜索量激增所暗示的那样, 消费者越来越注重地球. 因此,使您的洗发水业务与环保价值观保持一致将使您为, 出色地… 可持续的 成功!

所以忘记对羟基苯甲酸酯和棕榈油. 扔掉塑料容器, 并且不要靠近经过动物测试的产品. 洗发水销售提供了巨大的机会和长期前景——但前提是你做得对!

想要更多提示 如何使您的在线商店更具可持续性? 我们的详细指南包含您需要了解的一切.


学到更多: 15 网上销售的热门环保产品创意


居家令一结束,对面粉和酵母发酵剂的旺盛需求可能就会消失. 但这种由大流行引起的对烘焙的热爱似乎一直存在.

附件A? 量杯和勺子的复兴.

根据 Wordstream 关​​键字工具, “量杯”这个词借鉴了 110,000 每月搜索. 相似地, “量杯和勺子”拉入 5,400 每月搜索, 尽管 4,400 互联网用户每个月都在挖掘“干量杯”.

所有这一切都意味着量杯和勺子是最热门的在线销售产品之一. 不只是在 2023, 任何一个, 但前进: 厨具市场将增长 $2.27 十亿 之间 2020 和 2025, 所以有很多事情要做.



在选择要销售的热门产品时, 有时你必须回顾才能前进 (字面上地).

大流行期间——当我们的巢穴, 突然间, 变成了我们的办公室——随之而来的是对足够的在家工作设备的争夺.

他们之中? 背垫.

然而,尽管大流行的浪潮已基本消退, 消费者对靠垫的需求与产品一样——一如既往地坚定.

不仅办公椅需要靠垫, 但也适用于家庭办公室

谷歌趋势表明,在 2022, 靠垫的搜索量几乎是他们的两倍 2019 水平并继续保持稳定. 随着向混合工作的持续过渡——现在雇主普遍认识到灵活的工作政策很重要——靠垫只会不断下架.



在 2015, 抹茶爆红. 女演员格温妮丝·帕特洛 (Gwyneth Paltrow) 在 Instagram 上宣称她的抹茶拿铁是“梦幻般的新发现”。在那之后, 人们喝不够.

很像靠垫, 然而, 抹茶的受欢迎程度超出了最初的预期. 今天, 抹茶味饮品的增长 202% 在美国. 和 114% 在英国. 通常作为咖啡的更健康替代品销售, 抹茶可能只是咖啡的长期继任者——而你想进入底层.

需要一些关于抹茶日益流行的说服力? 看看谷歌趋势:


这一切意味着, 当然, 卖抹茶提供了很多机会. 当然, 你无法将时光倒流到格温妮丝 (Gwyneth) 第一次表示喜欢这种饮料的时候, 但套用一句古老的中国谚语:

“开始销售抹茶的最佳时间是七年前. 第二好的时间是今天。”

你也可以 卖工具 在家泡抹茶


从太阳能电池板和洗发水到量匙和黑胶唱片, 热门产品提供了巨大的机会. 你是, 毕竟, 试图找到需求已证实的产品. But you also want one that typically has good long-term prospects.

That said, don’t get too suckered in by ‘what’s hot now’. A healthy respect for the trends is best when blended with what you’re passionate about.

What do you want to sell? What product or service gets you out of bed in the morning? If you enjoy a particular line of work, it’ll keep you going — even when the going gets tough. Make sure to recognize and pursue work that you want to do.


Now that you know what products to sell and how to find products that will become popular, it’s time to start building your ecommerce business. Use the tips from this article, do your research, and create a store that sells products people want to buy.

To give you some direction, here’s what you can do after you find a new product idea to sell:

How to Patent an Idea or Product

Researching consumer trends can actually inspire you with a product idea of your own. To patent a new product, you’ll need to do a bit of research for the patent application process.

The patent application process might differ from country to country, so it’s best to consult with a lawyer specializing in intellectual property.

If you want to learn more about how to patent your product idea, listen to our podcast with an Ecwid merchant who successfully invented and patented a product herself: Inventing, Patenting, Manufacturing and Ecommerce.

How to Turn an Idea Into a Product

If you have a new product idea to sell but don’t know how to turn it into an actual physical product, there are a few ways you can do that. You can either produce the products yourself or look for manufacturers and suppliers who can help you with that.

It won’t hurt to create a product prototype since that will help you not only validate the product idea but also make sure manufacturers can actually produce your products.

If you want to learn more about how to take an idea and turn it into a product, check out our article on how to create a product prototype.

How to Get a Product Idea to Market

Whether you decide to create trending products yourself or source them from suppliers, you need to get them to market. If you’re not sure how to go about that, our articles on how to start an ecommerce business will give you all the info you need to get started.

查看 Preparing to Launch section on the blog to learn everything you need to know for a smooth launch, 从注册商店到选择品牌名称和撰写产品说明.


既然您已经决定要销售哪种产品, 你需要找个地方卖掉它. 这大概意味着 建立一个网站. 去做这个, 你需要找到一个 适当的虚拟主机, 然后设计, 市场, 和 发展您的在线商店 以一种能引起客户共鸣的方式.

离销售还有很长的路要走 您的 最喜欢的 (理想趋势) 产品.

好消息? 有时间, 努力, and hard work (and some luck), you can make your burgeoning business a brilliant success.

Continue to regularly explore current consumer trends to make sure you’re always up-to-date on what products are popular with your target audience. Pay attention to seasonal trends as well, so you can take advantage of holiday shopping periods.

By following these tips, you’ll be able to find and sell products that are in demand now and continue to be popular into the future.

About The Author
Rob Binns is a freelance copywriter and editor based in Melbourne, 澳大利亚. When not penning content about ecommerce and digital security, he’s playing (or watching!) 足球, or relaxing in the sun with a book and a cold beer.

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