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Must-Have UX Principles to Follow in an Online Store

14 min read

As an ambitious business owner, you want to grow your business. One of the best ways to achieve this goal is by creating an online store with an exceptional user experience (用户体验).

网络世界竞争激烈, 潜在客户每天浏览数千个网站. 所以, 确保您的在线商店提供最佳的用户体验至关重要.

在本文中, 我们将解释电子商务中的用户体验是什么, 客户体验和用户体验之间的区别, 以及在线卖家必须遵循的必须具备的用户体验原则,以确保为客户提供最佳的在线购物体验.


在我们开始讨论电子商务中的主要用户体验原则之前, let’s talk about the user experience definition.

用户体验 (用户体验) refers to the overall interaction between the user and a product, 服务, or system. That makes UX an essential aspect of any ecommerce website design.

The user experience can be quantified by evaluating the user’s satisfaction, ease of use, and overall experience across different touchpoints.

The elements of user experience are functionality, 可用性, aesthetics, user needs and goals, accessibility, 效率, and the overall experience.

You might’ve also heard the phraseend-user experience.Let’s see how it differs from what we’ve discussed above.

The user encompasses individuals who utilize or manage a product, including system administrators, IT experts, and computer technicians. The end-user, 另一方面, is a product’s target audience. 所以, in your case, end-user experience specifically relates to a shopper’s journey within your online store.

The end-user experience is the overall interaction that customers have with your website, such as browsing and making a purchase. It also includes everything from the layout and design of your site to the checkout process and post-purchase support.

Letting customers choose product options helps improve the end-user experience in your online store

When it comes to creating an online store, it is essential to focus on the user experience while keeping in mind the end-user’s needs, 利益, 和偏好.

User Interface vs. User Experience

用户界面 (用户界面) and user experience (用户体验) are often confused with one another, but they are different. 用户界面是产品的视觉设计, 而用户体验是用户与产品之间的整体交互.

例如, 在在线商店环境中, UI 是指您的网站的视觉外观, 而用户体验则是在您的网站上导航和购买的难易程度.

可用性对比. User Experience

可用性和用户体验密切相关,但并不相同. 可用性是指用户在您的网站上实现目标或完成任务的难易程度. 用户体验, 另一方面, 包括可用性和美观等因素, 情绪, and overall satisfaction.

例如, 在在线商店环境中, usability would be how quickly and easily a customer can find and purchase an item. 同时, user experience would include factors like the website’s design and how the customer feels throughout the shopping process.

Customer Experience vs. User Experience

Many people use customer experience (客户体验) and UX interchangeably. While there is a relationship between CX and UX, they are not the same thing.

Customer experience refers to how customers feel about their interactions with a brand, including customer service. 同时, user experience primarily focuses on the usability, accessibility, and functionality of the digital experience.

What Is User Experience Testing?

User experience testing is the process of evaluating your website’s usability and functionality. This helps you identify any pain points or areas of improvement for your online store. There are various methods for conducting UX testing, such as user surveys, user interviews, and A/B testing.

还有最终用户体验监控——跟踪和分析客户行为的实践, 反馈, 对您的在线商店的总体满意度. 这可以帮助您识别任何痛点或需要改进的领域,以优化客户的用户体验.


现在我们已经清楚地了解了电子商务中的用户体验, let’s dive into the must-have UX principles that every online seller should follow to create an exceptional online shopping experience for their customers.

Following these principles in your user experience strategy will ensure that customers enjoy their shopping experience on your website, ultimately leading to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Clear and Simple Navigation

Easy navigation helps users find what they are looking for quickly. 您可以通过使导航变得简单直观来提高在线商店的可用性. 用户不必费力思考即可浏览您的网站. 投资布局,使用户能够方便地找到他们喜欢的项目.

如果您的商店中有数百种产品, 考虑实施搜索栏来帮助用户快速找到他们正在寻找的内容.

此外, 将您的产品分为类别和子类别,以便客户轻松浏览和筛选不同的选项.


能够按品牌过滤产品, 尺寸, 颜色, 材料, 等等, 对用户来说也是有利的. 它使他们能够准确找到他们正在寻找的东西,而不必滚动浏览无数的产品页面.

与 Lightspeed 的 Ecwid, 您可以轻松管理产品并将其组织到类别中并添加过滤器, 让用户更轻松地浏览您的在线商店.

Rometti 在线商店中的 Ecwid 产品过滤器


在线商店的视觉效果在吸引和保持客户参与方面发挥着重要作用. 使用准确代表您产品的高质量产品图片. 避免使用库存照片或低分辨率图像, 因为它们会让您的网站显得不值得客户信任.

在线商店视觉设计的一致性也至关重要. 在整个网站中使用有凝聚力的配色方案和字体,打造具有视觉吸引力和专业的外观. 为了保证, 您可以使用 ecommerce website templates so that all the elements are already designed to match and work together seamlessly.

与 Lightspeed 的 Ecwid, 你得到 40+ ecommerce templates and design options to choose from

Don’t forget about videos – they are a powerful tool for highlighting and showing your products in action. Consider including videos on product pages to enhance customersunderstanding of your products and boost their purchasing decisions.

Responsive Design for All Devices

响应式网站设计确保您的网站在任何设备上都能完美运行, 无论大小.

随着越来越多地使用移动设备进行网上购物, 为您的在线商店提供适合移动设备的设计至关重要. 这意味着您的网站应该针对不同的屏幕尺寸进行响应和优化. 用户应该能够在所有设备上无缝浏览和购买, 包括桌面, 移动的, 和平板设备.

幸运的是, 使用 Ecwid by Lightspeed 等电子商务平台, you don’t have to worry about creating a responsive design for user experience optimization. All Ecwid websites are automatically optimized for mobile devices, ensuring a seamless shopping experience for your customers.

Fast Loading Times

If a website takes too long to load, users will likely leave and seek alternative solutions. Slow loading times can lead to a frustrating experience for shoppers. It is, 所以, essential to optimize your website and ensure it loads quickly to enhance the user’s experience.

You can check your website speed using tools like Google PageSpeed Insights and make necessary adjustments to improve your website’s loading times.

当然, it’s easier to prevent slow loading times by choosing the right ecommerce platform for your store. 例如, Ecwid by Lightspeed is a fast and responsive ecommerce platform that can handle high traffic without compromising website speed.

Easy Checkout Process

The checkout process is one of the most crucial stages in an online shopping experience. 复杂或冗长的结账流程可能会导致客户放弃购买, 导致销售损失.


为了避免这种情况, 让您的结帐流程简单明了. 允许用户进行访客购买并提供多种付款方式以满足不同的偏好. 此外, 考虑提供一个进度条,向客户显示他们在结帐过程中进行了多远.

您还可以为回头客提供保存的账单和运输信息,以节省他们未来购买的时间. 这消除了客户重复输入信息的需要, 使结帐过程更加方便.

例如, 提供 Apple 和 Google Pay 付款选项允许客户只需点击几下即可完成购买,而无需输入任何付款或运输信息.

运输是结帐过程中要考虑的另一个重要方面. Be transparent about shipping costs and provide estimated delivery dates upfront to avoid any surprises for customers. 加, several shipping options cater to customersdifferent needs and preferences.

Customers want to check out quickly and efficiently without any unnecessary distractions. So if you can provide them with that, they’re more likely to finish their purchases and return. That’s easy if you use Ecwid by Lightspeed for your online store, 因为它为您的客户提供可定制且简化的结账流程. 加, 它与数十个安全且流行的支付系统和运输提供商集成.

在 Ecwid 商店中点击付款


个性化在电子商务行业变得越来越重要. 它涉及根据用户的兴趣定制用户体验, 行为, 和偏好. 这可以包括基于过去购买或浏览历史记录的产品推荐, 个性化电子邮件营销活动, 甚至个性化的网站内容.

个性化是电子商务的强大工具, 因为它允许您为每个客户量身定制购物体验. 这边走, 客户感觉自己被视为独立个体,而不仅仅是销售漏斗中的另一个数字.

此外, 允许客户定制他们的产品也可以增强用户体验. 这可能包括选择不同颜色的选项, 尺码, 和材料,甚至向产品添加自定义文本或图像. 让客户控制自己的购买可以让他们感觉在这个过程中投入更多, 最终提高他们对购物体验的满意度.

与 Lightspeed 的 Ecwid, 您可以轻松设置个性化产品推荐并使用客户数据来个性化您的营销工作. 加, 您可以为客户提供为其产品添加自定义选项的选项, 使他们的购物体验更加独特并根据他们的需求量身定制.


对于在线商店来说,用户体验至上. 遵循必须具备的用户体验原则, 您可以为您的客户创造卓越的在线购物体验.

您为在线商店选择的电子商务平台在提供最佳用户体验方面也发挥着重要作用. 例如, Lightspeed 的 Ecwid 遵循本文中讨论的所有原则. 它提供可定制的设计, 响应式布局, 并简化结帐流程,以增强客户的用户体验.

Remember that customers have many options in the online world. 所以, providing a great user experience is key to creating customer loyalty, driving sales, and taking your business to greater heights. Commit to providing the best possible online experience to your customers, and you’ll undoubtedly reap the benefits.


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With Ecwid Ecommerce, you can easily sell anywhere, 任何人——通过互联网和世界各地.

About the author

Anastasia Prokofieva is a content writer at Ecwid. She writes about online marketing and promotion to make entrepreneurs’ daily routine easier and more rewarding. She also has a soft spot for cats, chocolate, and making kombucha at home.

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