Instagram 故事 360: 所有企业主都需要知道

人们要么喜欢要么讨厌 Instagram 故事, 没有中间. No matter your feelings about them, IG stories are an indispensable tool when it comes to social media branding and marketing. Just a quick look at the stats is enough to make one consider using Instagram stories for their business.

As of 2022, 58% of users say that they become more interested in a brand after seeing its IG stories. Instagram actually makes a quarter of its ad revenue worldwide through IG stories. Brands that invest in making awesome IG stories see increased traffic and customers.

毫无疑问, using insta stories to promote your brand has a lot to promise. You might as well test the waters out and give it a try!

在本指南中, we’ll be going over everything related to Instagram stories and how they can help you grow your business. Whatever your view on this form of marketing, we’ll be sharing with you how IG stories are a valuable tool for promoting your business.

What Are Instagram Stories?

In August 2016, the Instagram platform introduced a new feature for users to share snapshots of their day and any other memorable events with followers. The posts would only last for 24 小时. Similar to Snapchat, many users initially criticized Instagram for adding this feature. 到底, 尽管, IG stories are used across accounts for various purposes.

Although there was an adaptation period, once familiar with the new addition, many users jumped in and added images and videos to their stories for followers to see. This was all with the knowledge that it’ll disappear in a day. It also helped disperse users’ updates between posts and stories, providing multiple avenues to communicate with friends and followers alike.

Although Snapchat already offered users the same format and approach long before Instagram, it was not until IG stories emerged that many saw the convenience and fun side of this feature.

IG stories brought a whole new level of convenience and interaction to Instagram without overwhelming followers. It was also the perfect opportunity to share a more personal and engaging type of content, without the formality offered through feed posts.

Since IG stories were first launched and introduced, the feature has rapidly evolved into a lot more than just videos and random pictures. 如今, IG stories create the opportunity to give polls, do Q&作为, add hashtags, create photo grids, add music, save key information about their business on their profile highlights, and even sell products.

Using poll stickers encourages followers to interact with your stories and promotes your products

Why Consider Instagram Stories for Business?

毫无疑问, IG stories are an easy, 方便的, and rewarding way to connect with your audience and promote your brand.

Here are a few reasons why we love IG stories:

Instagram Stories are Free

Unlike many other advertising or marketing strategies, this is one of the most inexpensive and easy to test formats. There is no need to print out tons of copies of a flier or spend thousands of dollars on paid ads. Using IG stories is free! If you want, you can boost them with paid promotion—but that’s totally up to you.

IG stories follow a simple and inexpensive format, and if something goes wrong, the post will disappear within twenty-four hours. If you’re really impatient, you can delete it without money lost.

Sharing customer feedback to your story? Don’t forget to tag the product!

Existing and Continuously Growing Audience

When you decide to utilize IG stories as part of your social media efforts, you can attract an audience already familiar with products or brands like yours. This works best if you already have an account with a reliable fan base because then you don’t have to start from scratch. You can simply begin sharing IG stories with your existing followers, who will then share your business with their followers, 等等.

全面的, Instagram has millions of users—a number expected to keep growing—ready to find brands they love and build loyalty with. Make yours be one of them!

Great for Interaction and Building Trust

IG stories have become a great way to reach new customers and communicate with your audience through unique and creative means. Unlike feed posts, Instagram stories offer more room to be personal and ask your audience directly what their preferences are.

Through the use of polls, swipe-ups, and other tools, 品牌与他们的追随者互动,让他们感觉自己是公司的一部分.



IG 故事是为您的企业带来流量的完美媒介. 通过标签, 地理标签, 评书, 赞助职位, 还有更多, 您可以轻松地接触到更广泛的受众.

您所要做的就是让您的关注者轻松地与他们的朋友和家人分享任何公告. 通过你的故事, your followers can effortlessly ask questions or send reactions. 然后, they can share your IG stories with other users. Aka, free advertising!

加, your stories can be shared on Instagram’s Explore Page. The Explore Page features posts from accounts that users may not follow but could be interesting to them. Getting your content to the Explore page helps you reach an even broader audience without any additional costs.

Choosing the right hashtag is key to getting featured on the Explore Page. Instagram 将向使用您使用的主题标签的用户展示您的 IG 故事, 在探索页面和他们的提要上. 请务必查看类似企业使用哪些主题标签来吸引您的理想受众.

查看探索页面, 单击应用程序屏幕底部的放大镜图标

学到更多: 如何在 Instagram 上销售: 初学者完整指南

Instagram 故事如何运作?

与分享到 Instagram 新闻提要的常规帖子不同, IG故事不是永久的,分享有限. 您最多只能 100 每天的内容框架. 每个故事或幻灯片都有 15 秒的限制, 超出该限制的任何内容出现在下一帧或幻灯片上.

当用户或品牌创建 IG 故事时, it will appear at the top of their followers’ feed, 以及他们关注的其他帐户发布的故事. 用户可以通过转到他们的个人资料并点击个人资料图片来访问某人的故事.

谈到故事的可见性, 取决于用户与品牌的互动, 一个故事要么出现在第一个 5 气泡或在故事部分的后面. 这就是为什么积极发布故事如此重要,这样您才能被关注者看到.

Instagram 故事算法的工作原理

你发的越多, 与您的故事互动的用户越多, 并且您在关注者的算法提要中的排名越高. 对于每个用户, 该算法根据他们最常互动的内容和帐户生成个性化和定制的提要.

当一个有影响力的人, 商业, 或品牌未能定期发布, 该算法将它们标记为不一致,因此, 不将它们标记为与关注者相关. 然后 IG 故事最终排在关注者故事队列的后面.

使用 Instagram 算法时, 最好提前计划内容或将其分成不同的日子. 保持一致是关键! 在一天内发布一堆故事然后消失一周或一个月而不发布任何内容是行不通的.

说到 IG 故事, 每天发帖是完全可以的,通常推荐. Unlike feed posts, 越多越好. 最活跃的品牌在发布最少 17 每月故事. 在确保您不在下方时,需要考虑这一点 (或超过) 发布.

关于 Instagram 快拍,多少才算是太多?

就像欠贴一样, 过度发布可能是个问题. 你可能已经知道, 或者随着您对平台的熟悉, 用户对企业有一定的期望和指导方针, 主要是下意识地.

作为小企业主或服务提供商, 您的追随者对他们认为粗鲁或垃圾邮件的内容有个人限制. 这就是为什么在保持相关性和压倒性追随者之间找到最佳平衡点至关重要的原因.

保持内容的良好平衡将确保您获得并 (最重要的是) 保持追随者. 您想做的最后一件事就是激怒用户并失去一堆追随者. 在最坏的情况下, 您最终可能会被目标受众静音或屏蔽.

Even if IG stories offer more space and time to share your content without spamming your followers, there are still certain factors or guidelines to go by.

Avoid Spamming Your Followers

It’s always better to post something (even if it’s not that interesting) than to post nothing. 然而, when posting consistently, make sure to add value to posts and encourage viewers to check back for more.

Share useful tips in your stories to provide value to your followers

Limit Promotional Content

根据经验, you want to avoid posting too much content that feels like you’re pushing for a sale. But a promotional post now and then that feels exciting and interactive is good.

最终, it’s always best to limit this type of content and avoid spamming your audience. 相信我们, you certainly don’t want to earn yourself a record of unfollows.

You can share insights about your business instead of “Buy Now” posts

Don’t Ignore the Stats

IG 故事和拥有企业帐户的一大优势是可以轻松访问故事的绩效数据. 如果您注意到观众跳过特定类型的故事或主题, 考虑更改您的内容计划. 密切关注您的受众正在参与和反应的内容类型, 并提前计划添加更多.

尽管如此, 当谈到故事分享和跟上算法时, 每日发帖是关键. 真的, 你应该发帖 3 至 4 一天几次. Start there and slowly adapt to your audience and viewers’ demands.

How to Create Instagram Stories for Engagement

Now that you know the basics and have an idea of how IG stories work, let’s take some time to learn how to create stories that really engage your audience.

步 1. Create an account if you don’t have one already. Sign up and create your username and password.

步 2. Go to your home page and find the “Your Story” icon with your profile picture and a blue “plus” button. You can always add a new story by simply clicking the “plus” button or swiping left anywhere on your home screen to reveal your camera and story feature.

步 3. Once you have access to the Instagram camera, you can choose to create a new video or picture by tapping and holding on to the white circle at the bottom of your camera screen. You can also choose to add content on your phone by tapping on the square icon with your photos and videos at the bottom-left corner of your screen.

步 4. Now that you have created your story, 你可以选择添加音乐, 贴纸, 过滤器, 标签, 产品标签, 甚至标记朋友或追随者. 还有更多!

步 5. 一旦你认为你的故事已经准备好了, 点击下一步. 然后系统会询问您是要与特定的关注者群体还是所有关注者分享您的新故事. 对于企业, 我们建议与您的所有关注者分享.

给你! 现在您知道如何创建故事了. 但是你可以制作哪些不同类型的 IG 故事?

不同类型的 Instagram 快拍

了解IG故事功能时, 对您可以利用的不同类型的内容有某种理解是很好的. 不仅仅是你一天的快照, Instagram 故事可以用这些不同的方式格式化:

标准. 这是您的常规照片或视频故事.

类型. 此选项允许用户分享他们的想法,而无需添加视频或照片. 它由纯文本和彩色背景组成. 用户可以选择他们想要的背景和文字颜色. 发布简短公告时,这是一个不错的选择, 表达你对某个话题或事情的看法, 或者只是与您的听众分享一些有趣的事实.

音乐. 您可以添加流行的歌曲或曲调, 或者与您希望分享的图片或视频相关的图片. 您可以轻松编辑要添加到故事中的歌曲部分. 这是让您的 IG 故事更有趣的好方法, 为它们添加更多的动作或意义.

居住. 直播在影响者和推广者中广泛使用. They make it easy to answer questions and address a specific issue or topic. They’re also a fun way to share the behind scenes of your business, create one-on-one connections with your audience, 还有更多. 毫无疑问, IG live streams are a great way of interacting with your followers.

Boomerang. These are short (usually funny) shoots that play in a loop. In just a few seconds, you can record a short video and repeat it for the enjoyment of your followers. These help spice up your stories and add a fun touch.

Superzoom. 这是一种慢慢或突然放大到您选择的故事. 这些非常适合强调或只是为您的内容添加更生动的感觉.

免提. 此选项非常适合帮助您创建内容,而无需将手机放在手边. 有了这个功能, 您可以将手机放在三脚架或桌子上,边做边开始录音.

上面列出的功能是最常用的, 但让您的故事独一无二的工具实际上是无穷无尽的. 重点是这个: you can easily create a variety of different stories and add diversity to your content. Try experimenting with each one until you find the one your audience enjoys the most.

Don’t forget you have full control of the kind of content you create and post. You can even control who gets to see it. Instagram has a hide story feature, which allows you to hide your story from anyone on the app, like competitors.

How to Create Shoppable Stories

If you sell products and/or services, you should definitely use Instagram Stories. 这是一个非常有用的工具,可让您利用其可购物功能.

在线卖家可以将产品标签添加到他们的故事中,以展示他们的待售商品. 当用户点击产品标签时, 他们可以直接进入产品页面以了解更多商品并立即购买. 这边走, 您的关注者可以直接从您的故事中购物! 想象一下如果做得好,它可以为您的销售做些什么.

用户点击“查看产品”后, 他们被带到产品页面

开始发布可购买的故事, you need to connect your online store to Instagram. One of the easiest ways to do that is through an ecommerce platform, 像埃克维德.

When you sign up for Ecwid, you can create an online store to sell on your existing website (or set up a new one), 社交媒体, or marketplaces.

By connecting your Ecwid store to Instagram, you get the advantage of selling through shoppable content and a dedicated Shop section on your Instagram page. This way you can make any Instagram content shoppable. 这包括故事, 提要帖子, IGTV, or live reels.

Please note that on April 27, 2023, Meta announced changes to Facebook and Instagram Shops across different regions. See how your Shops on Facebook and Instagram experience may be affected in the 元业务帮助中心.

将您的商店连接到 Instagram, 您的观众可以直接从您的 Instagram 个人资料中购物

这是开始使用 Ecwid 在 Instagram 上销售的方法:

  1. 注册 对于 Ecwid.
  2. 按照这些将您的 Ecwid 商店连接到 Instagram 指示.
  3. 开始创建可购物的内容.


  1. 创建一个以您的产品为特色的故事,然后点击贴纸图标.
  2. 点击产品链接标签并选择您要标记的产品.
  3. 发布您的购物故事.

Shoppable stories work best for promoting a sale or inviting followers to check new products in your store. Make sure to add a short instruction for your followers like, “Tap the product tag to learn more.”

学到更多: 如何利用 Instagram 上的产品标签来增加销量

Using Instagram Stories for Business

As you’ve probably realized, insta stories are very handy for all types of businesses, both new and established. Using this tool can lead to significant growth, regardless of a brand’s market sector or focus.

毫无疑问, if you consider yourself a business owner and aren’t tapping into IG stories, you’re missing out. You should use insta stories to increase engagement through creative storytelling. They will help you gain more brand awareness, 哪一个 leads to more sales.

With Instagram stories you can:

Add Links to Your Stories

Not only can you add links in your IG stories to products, but you can also add hyperlinks to your blog, 店铺, course, and/or website. Links encourage viewers to check your content out, driving more traffic to your sites. This ultimately leads to new sales. 加, sharing content on social media connects more people to your website, which can help with SEO.

Make sure the link is visible in your story

Promote your Products

Make engaging stories and photos by adding creative and exciting content related to your products or services. You can add stickers or hashtags related to your niche to reach users outside of your follower base.

Don’t forget to link to your website when posting your products

Share Lives on IG Stories

上线有助于与观众建立联系并分享激动人心的事件或里程碑. 正如我们之前介绍的, 您可以选择直播,让观众了解有关您品牌的最新消息, 推广新产品, 或回答特定于产品的问题.

然而, 一些追随者可能会错过您分享的重要信息. 确保在您的快拍中发布直播视频的重播,以便您的粉丝可以了解他们错过的内容.


您可以将故事保存到个人资料中的亮点, 之后它们不会消失 24 小时——事实上, 在您选择删除它们之前,它们将保持与您的个人资料的链接! 通常, 企业使用亮点来教育人们了解他们的品牌或回答常见问题 (例如运输细节或退货政策).

通过在您的亮点上放置重要信息, 您的关注者始终可以访问有关您公司的答案. 这会鼓励他们购买您的产品或服务.


还: 5 组织您的 Instagram 商业资料的简单步骤

There are many benefits to merging IG stories with your brand or business. The ones we covered above barely scratch the surface. Other exciting features include countdown stickers, story ads, emoji slider stickers, 等等, that create fun and innovative ways to build trust and loyalty with your audience.

As a brand, you want to encourage as much engagement as possible. 最终, you need to find creative ways to attract new customers and keep your followers engaged. IG stories can do just that, 还有更多.

Check our Instagram Stories for a Business guide 了解更多.

Getting More Stories Views

Now you know so much more about Instagram stories, including how to create your own. But before we let you go and venture into the thrilling world of IG stories, we have a few tips and tricks to share so you can get off to a great start and match the competition.

Nothing beats practice and hands-on experience; 然而, consider the following tips to avoid rookie mistakes and unnecessary hassle.

Include Trending Stickers and Locations

Tap on a sticker icon when creating your story and scroll to see which stickers are trending. Think about what stories you can create with those stickers. Adding them to your stories can help boost your views, as your stories will be displayed at the top of the stories feed.

Don’t hesitate to use the “Support small business” sticker

Adding a location is also a good way to gain more views and promote your business among local users.

Get Creative with Your Q&作为

研究有趣的话题以询问您的听众或讨论您的利基市场的趋势. 使用问号&一个, 测验贴纸, 和表情符号栏,让客户分享他们的意见. 这边走, 您可以了解观众对您的企业或行业新闻的看法.

当粉丝定期与您的 Instagram 快拍互动时, 提高你的参与率. 那, 进而对您在 Instagram 上的影响力产生积极影响, 也就是有多少人看到你的故事.



一般来说, you want to find out the best times to post based on your audience demographics, like age, 地点, 兴趣, and any other factors that affect visibility. For many, this usually looks like lunch break hours, Saturday mornings or early evenings, after work hours, ETC.

Just like every brand varies and has something unique to offer, the same applies to their audience. Get to know yours by regularly checking your stories’ analytics and finding out what times your audience is the most active.



您可以鼓励您的追随者通过赠品或挑战在他们的故事中标记您. 然后你可以转发这些帖子并获得动力. 这些不仅可以增加您的影响力,还可以促使其他人与您的品牌互动.


Ask customers to tag your account in their stories so that you can reshare their posts to your IG stories

Create Your Own AR Filter

This feature allows anyone to create their own augmented reality filter and add it to Instagram Stories for public use. This is a great way to encourage followers to interact with the brand and boost awareness at the same time.

While creating your own filter sounds like quite an advanced undertaking, you can actually do that yourself with Spark AR Studio. 它是 Meta 的一款工具,可让您创建自己的增强现实效果 (面具或过滤器) 适用于 Instagram 和 Facebook. 看看他们的 教程 让初学者熟悉该工具.

记住, 您的过滤器不必很复杂! 反而, 确保它与您的品牌保持一致并激发 Instagram 用户尝试.

来自@michaelkors 的简单品牌过滤器

开始为您的企业创建 IG 故事

在通过 Instagram 快拍推广您的品牌时, 你想创造, 审查, 然后创造更多. 故事成功的关键无非就是让你的帖子有创意. 考虑添加您自己的风格并尝试炫酷, 使用 Instagram 提供的不同元素和工具的新想法.

充分利用您的 Instagram 快拍, 将您的在线商店连接到 Instagram 并开始创建可购物的故事. 这边走, 您一定会把 Instagram 快拍变成有利可图的销售渠道!

About The Author
Anastasia Prokofieva is a content writer at Ecwid. She writes about online marketing and promotion to make entrepreneurs’ daily routine easier and more rewarding. She also has a soft spot for cats, chocolate, and making kombucha at home.

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