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7 在您的在线商店中通过社交证明推动销售的行之有效的方法

13 min read

When it’s time to shop for new hiking boots or treat yourself to a fancy spa package, where do you turn? 最有可能的, you’ll check out reviews, ask for recommendations through Instagram stories, or watch unboxing videos on YouTube. These are all examples of social proof, which is what your customers look for when checking out your products.

社会证明有助于客户了解其他人如何体验产品——这会增强对品牌的信任. 确保您提供真实的反馈和建议,以便潜在客户对他们选择您的产品或服务的决定充满信心.



社会认同是一种心理现象,人们依靠他人来指导他们的决定和行动. 个人认为大多数人或权威做出的选择是正确的.

在线商店中的社会证明由多种因素组成, 包括收视率, 评论, 喜欢, 以及其他客户的认可, 名人, 和专家. 它还包括客户交互统计数据,例如视图显示计数器, 采购, 剩余库存, 折扣通知, 和最近购买的物品.

简单的说, if you want to create trust with your customers and encourage them to buy your products or services, there’s no better way than by backing it up with social proof. Let’s go through some ways to do just that.

Collect and Publish Your CustomersReviews

Customer reviews are an effective way to build trust and attract new customers to your store. They offer an authentic look at the experiences of others with your products or services, showcasing your brand’s reliability and quality.

Publishing reviews isn’t just about sharing feedback. It’s an opportunity to engage with customers by responding to their comments and questions. This helps foster stronger relationships with your customers.

Kissed By A Bee replies to customer feedback in the online store

与 Lightspeed 的 Ecwid, you can collect customer feedback automatically through marketing emails. Just enable an automated feedback request email, and your customers will receive an email asking them to leave their feedback after they receive their order. 学习更多关于 自动化营销电子邮件.

还, 看看你能用的所有方法 在您的 Ecwid 商店中收集和显示评论.


购物者经常使用 TikTok 和 Instagram 等社交媒体平台来搜索产品或礼品. 你需要把你的产品拿出来. 您在社交媒体上获得的客户评论越多, 您拥有的产品越值得购买的证据越多.


  • 鼓励客户 将他们的照片或视频与您的产品一起发布 on social media using a brand hashtag. 例如, a camera store, Paper Shoot, asks their customers to use #takenbypapershoot when sharing pictures taken by their camera on Instagram.
  • Run a social media contest or giveaway with a brand hashtag. The participation of many people in your contest not only creates hype but is also social proof, strengthening your brand’s credibility.
  • Offer customers an incentive like a discount or a free product sample for sharing a detailed review on social media.

拥有活跃的社交媒体资料和参与的观众也可以作为社会证明. 定期发布与目标受众相关的内容, 回答有关您的产品的问题, 并发布客户图片和评论.

在您的产品页面上添加社交媒体共享按钮不会有什么坏处. 他们允许客户在社交媒体上分享您的产品. 在Ecwid, 这些按钮默认添加到产品页面.



If you’re not collaborating with micro-influencers for product reviews, you’re missing out on a whole lot of potential. 当然, partnering with famous celebrities may seem like the way to go. But let’s be real here: they can be expensive to work with and may not even have an audience that resonates with your product.

As for micro-influencers, they have a loyal following that trusts their recommendations, likely relate better to specific target audiences, and won’t break the bank—what a great deal!

经过 teaming with micro-influencers, you’ll be tapping into a niche audience with greater impact and engagement potential. Look for content creators on TikTok, Instagram的, or YouTube with a decent following, between one and fifty thousand followers. Consumers often use these kinds of social media for product research.

You can also collaborate with review platforms like Influenster that connect brands and influencers. Using Influenster, 您可以为您的品牌生成更多有影响力的评论,以换取向他们发送免费产品样品.

e.l.f的产品评论. 通过 Influenster 购买化妆品

有关如何与有影响力的人合作以提高品牌忠诚度的分步说明, 听听我们的 播客 与泰勒·拉格斯, Kynship联席CEO, 一个 网红营销 机构. 您将了解为什么影响者合作伙伴关系的“按职位付费”方法不起作用. 加, 您将获得更好方法的操作方法.


Display How Many Shoppers are Viewing Your Product to Show its Popularity

A product view counter is a handy social proof tool that keeps track of how many people are checking out your products in real-time. 不仅, but it shows how many views a particular product has got over a specific period—whether it’s a day, a week, 一个月, or even all-time.

这 “Product Viewcounter helps bring attention to products. 它鼓励客户潜入并探索您的在线商店必须提供的所有优质产品,同时感到紧迫感.

Rooster Crow Marketplace 显示目前有多少商店访客正在查看该商品


寻找一种方法来推动潜在买家进行购买? 尝试购买柜台. 该工具展示了特定产品的实时销售计数. 它利用了社会认同的强大心理效应: the more a product has been purchased, the more attractive it becomes to others.

If you run a sale, this tool is just what you need. Don’t underestimate the impact of this seemingly simple number—it might be the thing that seals the deal for your next order.

Keep in mind these best practices when using the purchase counter:

  • Consider displaying customer reviews or product ratings alongside the purchase counter. This can further encourage potential buyers.
  • Set up pre-orders for items that sell out. Not only this shows that your product is in demand, but it will also provide a pathway for people to buy more of it.

This store shows how many people bought this product in the last 24 小时

Create a Sense of Scarcity by Showing How Many Items are Left in Stock

A stock counter will capture a customer’s interest and drive them towards making a purchase, which is the whole point! This tool serves as a form of social proof that motivates browsers to become buyers. By displaying the number of items left in stock (例如, “仅有的 5 left in stock”), 它创造了一种紧迫感,促使游客购买.

存货柜台是促销的必备品——尤其是当您进行闪购时 (一两天). 当您看到产品几乎售罄时,很难抗拒购买它.

为了获得最佳效果, 尝试以下提示:

  • 显示股票柜台 当产品数量少时, 通常小于 10-20 单位.
  • 进行销售时, 将股票柜台与折扣相结合 最大限度地提高客户的购买动机.


Show Which Products are Purchased in Real Time

You can harness social proof by showing the products shoppers are buying right now. This method involves displaying messages about the latest purchases made by other customers. It provides a subtle but powerful message that your online store is trustworthy, high-quality, and popular.

Tap into the psychology of social proof and build your brand’s reputation, inspiring purchase after purchase. 当您希望新产品获得更多关注时,最近购买的产品消息非常有效.

为了获得最佳效果, 在您的商店中显示此类消息时遵循此建议:

  • 测试消息 不同的页面 您的在线商店: 店面, 类别页面, 产品页面, 搜索页面, 结帐.
  • 确保您的产品具有 有吸引力的产品图片和清晰的产品名称.



如果您经营一家 Ecwid 商店, 你可以测试各种社交证明通知 社会证明 应用程序. 它允许您设置购买, 产品视图, 股票柜台, 产品折扣信息, 和“最近购买”弹出窗口. 一旦你设置它们, 您可以通过应用程序中的分析部分查看哪些社交证明通知效果最好.

当以各种弹出窗口的形式在您的商店中显示社交证明时 (像股票, 产品视图, 或购买柜台), 记住这些建议:

  • 虽然弹出窗口应该在产品页面上脱颖而出, 不要让他们突兀. They should be consistent with your store design, noticeable but not in-your-face.
  • Avoid overwhelming users with too frequent pop-ups and social proof messages. Stick to the “one page, one popup” rule to avoid spamming your shoppers.
  • Keep notifications updated to provide customers with relevant information. You don’t want to show the “Only 2 products left in stock” message for months.

And don’t forget—social proof isn’t just about showcasing positive feedback. Negative reviews or feedback can also offer valuable insights. They provide an opportunity to demonstrate your commitment to customer satisfaction. By addressing any concerns or issues head-on, you can show potential customers that you care about customers’ experiences. Show that you are willing to go above and beyond to make things right.


Social proof is a powerful way to build trust and credibility with your customers. 然而, it’s not a one-and-done trick. To truly harness its full potential, 您需要将社会证明整合到您的整体营销策略中. 这意味着将定期收集客户反馈和用户生成的内容作为优先事项.

通过做这个, 您不仅有机会以最佳方式展示您的产品, 但您也让您的现有客户有机会与他人分享他们的经验. 这样可以在吸引新客户的同时留住那些有价值的客户. 每个人都在寻找可靠的, 值得信赖的品牌——让您显而易见.


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With Ecwid Ecommerce, you can easily sell anywhere, 任何人——通过互联网和世界各地.

About the author

Vasilii Klimov, CEO of Codpeller, will tell you how to increase sales in your shop by properly configuring marketing apps. He is always open to cooperation and partnership.

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