如何在企业中使用 PayPal

建立可靠的支付系统是建立成功的在线业务不可或缺的一部分. 这就是 PayPal 发挥作用的地方!

PayPal 是市场上最受欢迎的付款接受解决方案之一,可以为您不断发展的业务提供巨大的优势. 是否在电子商务网站上销售产品, 收集捐款, 或自由职业服务, 将 PayPal 集成到您的业务中可以帮助消除运行付款的麻烦并确保资金快速流入.

在这篇博文中, we’ll explain everything you need to know about using PayPal for your business smoothly and securely so that you can get paid quickly for your hard work.

What Is PayPal?

PayPal is a convenient payment system that allows your online store to accept payments from credit cards, 借记卡, bank accounts, ETC. 更好, PayPal also has a business account that offers more benefits, grows your online business, and gives customers an enjoyable experience.

PayPal has been around since 1998 and is now one of the leading digital payment methods used worldwide. 今天, 贝宝支持 130+ 货币, 以及以上 429 百万帐户 积极使用此在线支付超过 200 国家.

为什么在线商店使用 PayPal 企业帐户?

使用贝宝, 您可以创建个人或企业帐户. 一些新手在线卖家从个人帐户开始, 但实际上使用商业版还有更多好处.

PayPal为企业主提供的大部分功能和工具仅适用于企业账户. 例如, 需要企业帐户才能启用借记卡付款, 替代付款方式, 并稍后付款.

Pay Later option at checkout

所以, 如果您认真经营一家企业并计划发展和扩大它, 最好从企业帐户开始.

以下是使用 PayPal 作为在线业务付款方式的好处:

如何使用 PayPal 进行商业付款?

设置您的 贝宝企业帐户 简单明了,过程快速且无痛. 然而, 将 PayPal 付款链接到银行帐户需要一些额外的文件. 关联银行账户, 您需要一个企业 PayPal 帐户和方便的银行信息.

请注意,在设置 PayPal 企业帐户时,您必须提供有关您企业的详细信息. 准备以下信息以快速填写表格: 您的企业法定名称, 地址和电话号码, 客户支持的联系信息, 预计每月销售额, 网站地址(如果有的话), 您的税号, 和企业主的个人信息.

您的帐户设置后, 您可以开始接受付款, 发送发票, 优惠 立即购买, 以后支付, 以及您的 PayPal 帐户的其他付款处理选项.

为您的企业使用 PayPal 付款方式有哪些?

当您创建 PayPal 企业帐户时, 有多种接受客户付款的方法. 所以, 仅仅知道如何使用 PayPal 开展业务还不够,还要注意不同的方法.


PayPal Checkout 是一种为小型企业接受付款的便捷方法, 通常通过信用卡和借记卡. 不要让客户填写冗长的表格,从而阻碍客户的结账流程和您的在线销售, 您可以使用 PayPal 结账方式更快地获得付款. 更何况, 它还使客户更容易付款, 这对于实际完成销售至关重要.

PayPal Checkout in an Ecwid store


In addition to the PayPal standard checkout, you have the option to offer PayPal Express checkout. With PayPal Express, shoppers can enjoy a one-click accelerated checkout experience. This means they can swiftly log in to their PayPal account and make a purchase without the hassle of entering their address on your website. It’s all about making the buying process faster and more convenient for your customers!

Country-Based Payment Options

To ensure an enhanced shopping experience for your European customers, offer familiar payment providers that they are accustomed to. By providing a range of trusted and well-known payment options, you can instill a sense of confidence and convenience, leading to customer satisfaction and increased sales.

What is best, once you link your PayPal account, you won’t have to go through the hassle of signing up for other payment methods separately. PayPal already supports the following payment options for Europe: iDEAL, 联系银行, MyBank, Giropay and SEPA, Direct Debit, EPS, BLIK, and Przelewy24.

立即购买, 以后支付

为您的客户提供免息分期付款的便利, 每两周或每月提供一次. 这种灵活的付款方式确保了可负担性,并允许客户更有效地管理其费用.

Paying for a purchase with Pay Later


Ecwid 与 PayPal 共享您的订单发货状态, 帮助保护您的企业免受欺诈性索赔和退款. 您将免受潜在欺诈者的侵害,这些欺诈者声称他们没有收到购买的商品并要求退款.


此选项适用于通过 Ecwid by Lightspeed 进行在线销售的企业主. 注册 Ecwid 如果您还没有在线商店, 或者 将您现有的在线商店迁移到 Ecwid.

您可以直接从 Ecwid 管理员轻松管理和处理 PayPal 退款,无需登录 PayPal 账户. 这个简化的流程可以节省您的时间和精力, allowing you to focus on providing exceptional 客户服务 and growing your business.

如果您已在 Ecwid 商店中接受 PayPal 付款, 确保你已经 更新了您的集成 充分利用您的 PayPal 帐户. 其中包括欺诈保护, 从 Ecwid 管理员处退款, 在您的 Ecwid 商店中提供“立即购买,稍后付款”服务, 以及特定国家/地区的付款选项和 PayPal Express Checkout.

如果您刚刚注册 Ecwid, 使用此指令 将您的 PayPal 帐户连接到您的 Ecwid 商店. 您将可以享受上述所有福利!

使用 Ecwid 这样的电子商务平台, 您可以利用 PayPal 为您的所有交易提供的所有服务,同时为您的客户提供最方便的付款选项和服务.

An example of an online store created with Ecwid

关于使用 PayPal 企业帐户接受付款您应该了解什么

对于许多寻求便捷付款方式的人来说,PayPal 仍然是首选方式. 记住, 尽管, 就像任何其他支付提供商一样, PayPal 收取的交易处理费用根据您的货币和地点而有所不同. See the full list of PayPal fees 在他们的网站上.

Start Using PayPal for Your Online Store

Your customers deserve a fast, 安全的, and convenient way to pay for their purchases. 经过 connecting your PayPal account to your Ecwid store, you’ll provide a better shopping experience, reduce abandoned carts, 并增加销售额. Apart from the straightforward platform and general convenience PayPal offers, it also has a fair pricing system and allows you to use different payment options like country-based methods and Pay Later.

Don’t wait any longer to take advantage of all the benefits of using PayPal for your business. Set up PayPal integration in your Ecwid store now and start enjoying a more streamlined payment process for both you and your customers!

About The Author
Max has been working in the ecommerce industry for the last six years helping brands to establish and level-up content marketing and SEO. Despite that, he has experience with entrepreneurship. He is a fiction writer in his free time.

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