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电子商务安全: 如何保护您的在线商店免受网络威胁

15 min read

网络犯罪分子针对那些处理大量个人数据但具有基本安全实践的企业. 像这样, 他们通常会针对电子商务商店.

自从 2020, 电子商务蓬勃发展, 帮助成千上万的企业家开展他们的在线业务. 很遗憾, online stores have also become the common victim of hackers looking to steal customer data.

在 2021, 几乎 83% of ecommerce businesses experienced security attacks on Black Friday/Cyber Monday, up from about 32% 在 2019. Despite the rise in attacks, only 32% of business owners reported feeling ready to stop attacks.

在本文中, we’ll discuss ecommerce security, the most common threats, and how you can protect your online store from cybercriminals.


店主应设置保护用户数据免受黑客攻击的协议——这些协议是电子商务安全措施. 由于消费者信任是在线商店的圣杯, 电子商务安全的目标是通过提供安全的环境来支持客户与卖家的关系.

为了有效地做到这一点, 电子商务安全协议必须:

  • 保护来自第三方的私人数据
  • 保持数据不掺假
  • 仅允许授权人员访问

只有数据完整性的整体组合, 真实性, 和隐私可以保护您的电子商务业务免受黑客的窥探. 继续阅读以了解如何确保安全.


电子商务安全是一个不断发展的过程,应该关注您和您的业务. It works independently of compliance and requires proactive actions from your end to safeguard customer transactions and data.

Compliance, 另一方面, focuses on how authorities perceive your business practices based on set standards. 例如, there is the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard. You need to be PCI DSS compliant in order to safely process credit card data. If you’re using Lightspeed 的 Ecwid 为您的在线商店, you’re already PCI DSS compliant.

如果电子商务商店为来自某些地区的客户提供服务,还需要了解各种地区法律. 例如, 如果您在欧洲在线销售, 在处理客户数据时,您必须遵守 GDPR 法规. 请记住,即使它不在欧洲,它也适用于您的业务. 如果您有来自欧盟的客户, 您需要 GDPR 合规性.

Lightspeed 的 Ecwid 拥有遵守 GDPR 法规所需的一切. 查看 这些说明 确保您已启用 GDPR 合规性所需的所有设置.

GDPR 要求之一是获得客户对使用 cookie 的明确同意


在您学习如何保护您的在线商店免受网络犯罪分子侵害之前, 您必须识别各种安全威胁. 谈到电子商务, 大多数攻击者将伪装成真实网站以利用消费者信任, 或直接攻击网上商店使用的支付系统.


Phishing is one of the oldest tricks in a hacker’s book and still highly effective today. Its success hinges on exploiting people’s willingness to trust the authenticity of a business.

Hackers mimic real businesses to send malicious files and links to consumers, extracting data when a recipient responds. 在大多数情况下, hackers use fake invoices, account upgrade offers, and new orders to lure people in. Phishing scams target a business’s internal teams and customers. 经常, it’s difficult to tell a scam from the real thing without a keen eye.

Common phishing types in ecommerce include:

  • Clone phishing: a phishing attack where hackers clone a previous legitimate email and send a copy to the recipient with malicious links.
  • Spear phishing or whale phishing: a hacker may pretend to be your employee and ask you to wire them money or change payment details for the invoice, ETC.

Follow these 指示 from our Help Center to protect yourself from phishing.


Spam is a high-volume, low-effort attack that baits consumers into clicking malicious links. While attachments are typically used for phishing, spam messages will often appear in SMS, 评论, direct messages, and emails containing links.

例如, ecommerce websites will show consumer reviews for social proof. Hackers will use the comment section to share spam. Make sure to clean spam comments or reviews from your website. If you’re not on top of spam messages on your website, you might attract penalties from Google—and lose loyal customers.

Financial fraud

Financial fraud takes many shapes but it’s one of the most popular ways hackers can attack your business. Criminals skim credit card websites to scrape data, run phishing scams to obtain card details from customers, order products using stolen cards, and use fake return requests to drain customers and your business.

In case you or your customers are affected by credit card fraud, consider setting up an alert that tells them when to lock or freeze their credit.

DDoS 和暴力攻击

当黑客继续进攻时, 他们将求助于专用拒绝服务 (分布式拒绝服务) 和蛮力攻击. 分布式拒绝服务, 和类似的 DoS, 攻击通过从一台或分布式服务器发送大量流量来压倒并最终关闭电子商务网站.

黑色星期五和网络星期一的销售为黑客提供了使在线商店不可用的最佳机会. 这是直接影响您销售商品能力的电子商务安全方面.

Brute force attacks use trial and error methods to get access to login or financial details. Since this is an automated process, hackers don’t take long to find the right combinations.

Malware and ransomware

Every business should be aware of malware and ransomware, which are constant cybersecurity threats. Malware is the umbrella term for any kind of software designed to steal, 删除, and hold data hostage. This can be done with adware slowing down devices, trojan horses modifying operating systems, and SQL injections corrupting databases.

Ransomware is a type of malware that has gained prominence in recent times because of the amount of critical data people store in their devices and the extent they’re willing to go to retrieve that.

Social engineering attacks

Phishing and other scams rely heavily on social engineering tactics to deceive targets. With the proliferation of datasets, social engineering has become an effective tool for hackers. They use profile backgrounds to pretend to be reliable businesses or customers and exploit emotional vulnerabilities to steal data.

If you get scammed online by a social engineering attack, knowing how to respond quickly can help you recover what you’ve lost.

How to protect your online store from cyber threats

Now that you know the various ways cybercriminals can target your store or customers, it’s time to understand how you can defend against them.

Secure your passwords

如果您认为您的密码很强大, 再想想. 根据一个 蜂巢系统研究, 蛮力攻击可以破解 8 个字符的字母数字密码 39 分钟.

以下是最佳实践 强密码:

  • 始终使用大写和小写字母的组合, 数字, 和特殊字符使您的密码复杂.
  • 正如 Hive Systems 研究表明的那样, 密码的长度同样重要, 如果不是更多. 强制团队和新客户创建 12 个字符的密码.
  • Do not recycle old passwords because they often open doors to socially engineered attacks.
  • The same goes for generic and easy-to-guess references. Don’t use popular quotes, birthdays, or personal information. 最重要的是, don’t share passwords publicly.
  • 最终, use a good password manager to create random and complex passwords for logins.

Choose a secure hosting and ecommerce platform

A major part of your ecommerce security depends on the web hosting and ecommerce platforms you choose. You can go with Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud, or pick a category-specific hosting provider with ecommerce facilities built in.

无论哪种方式, you have to make sure your hosting and ecommerce platforms cover a few basics:

  • PCI DSS compliance
  • Automatic backups
  • HTTPS everywhere
  • Does not collect credit card information
  • Integrates with multiple payment providers

Ecwid by Lightspeed was built on security and customer privacy. It’s based on AWS and covers all the best security practices 上面列出的以使您的电子商务业务尽可能安全.

向您的客户表明在您的商店购物是安全的, Ecwid 在结帐时显示此消息

获取 SSL 证书

安全链路层 (SSL) 证书对于收到大量敏感查询的在线商店至关重要. SSL 加密所有用户对网站服务器的请求, 从账户登录到支付信息.

SSL 也是 HTTPS 协议的一部分,它使您的网站更加 抵御黑客. 没有 SSL 证书的电子商务商店会将其流量暴露给任何想要突袭并窃取信息的人.

SSL 对于 PCI DSS 合规性是强制性的,因为 Lightspeed 的 Ecwid 支持 PCI DSS, 您的在线商店会自动使用适当的 SSL 证书进行保护.

如果您将 Ecwid 商店添加到现有网站, 确保你 获取 SSL 证书 对于您网站的其余部分.

Ecwid 商店受 HTTPS 协议和 SSl 保护. Your customers can easily see that shopping in your online store is safe

Use antivirus software

While it’s true operating software has evolved in terms of security, so have hackers. While computers are particularly prone to cyberattacks, mobile devices can get hacked too. Don’t run your business using the default protections on your devices.

Antivirus software uses years of industry knowledge and expertise to proactively detect attacks and mitigate their threats to help you avoid downtime. 您无法手动搜索恶意软件, 病毒, 或间谍软件在您的管理面板或网络中每秒. 防病毒软件可自动执行任务并密切注意可能的数据盗窃.

好的防病毒软件甚至可以将恶意软件保护与身份盗窃保护结合起来, 私人VPN, 和密码管理器,确保全方位安全.


电子商务网站存储大量产品媒体 (如 产品图片) 和需要定期备份的用户数据. 当您备份网站时, 您降低了硬件故障和网络攻击的风险,减缓了您的业务. 大多数电子商务托管服务提供商, 包括 Lightspeed 的 Ecwid, 出于这些原因提供自动网站备份.

你可能想知道, 如果我的电子商务主机负责备份,我为什么要专注于备份? 自动备份到云端非常棒,如果出现问题,可以节省您的时间. 但您也应该提前一步,定期下载您的网站数据副本, 最好在单独的设备上. 这是一个故障保险,可以让您免于减速, 停工, 并损害您的声誉.

设置 VPN

大流行后世界中的大多数电子商务商店都有远程团队, 制作虚拟专用网络 (VPN) 对安全至关重要.

VPN 加密在节点之间传输的数据并在大多数情况下隐藏 IP 地址. 员工可以安全地共享大文件,客户可以共享机密数据而无需追溯到他们. VPN 还允许您超越地理限制并为更广泛市场的客户提供服务. You can also set up a virtual private network on your office router to keep all on-site devices secure.

Educate your customers

Your ecommerce store is as secure as your most casual customer. Security is never a one-way street—both the business and the customer need to protect data from their respective ends. That’s why it’s important to include customers in your ecommerce security strategy and empower them to use necessary security features. 此外, you can share this critical information about cybersecurity with the help of a dedicated knowledge base.

例如, multi-factor authentication (艺术硕士) should be standardized across the board. 即使是这样, you have to be the one to educate your customers. 例如, you can mandate 12-character alphanumeric passwords, nudge them to change passwords every few months, explain how sharing order or login data can expose their accounts, and clarify communication parameters so they don’t fall for phishing scams.

Security-aware customers can quickly identify if they’ve been hacked and the steps they need to take if their identity is stolen.

Wrap up

As an ecommerce business owner, you have to wear multiple hats every day. It may feel impossible to pay close attention to important things like security. But all it takes is one mistake to lose customer data, money, and reputation.

Ecwid by Lightspeed can help you traverse the complex world of ecommerce security and automate the bulk of actions so that you can focus on 发展您的在线商店.


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With Ecwid Ecommerce, you can easily sell anywhere, 任何人——通过互联网和世界各地.

About the author

Irina Maltseva is a Growth Lead at Aura and a Founder at ONSAAS. For the last seven years, she has helped SaaS companies grow their revenue with inbound marketing. At her previous company, Hunter, Irina helped 3M marketers build business connections that matter. Now at Aura, Irina works on her mission to create a safer internet for everyone. To get in touch, follow her on 领英.

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