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How to Find the Right Models for Your Brand

14 min read

In the constantly evolving fashion industry, finding suitable models is not just about their physical attributes but also their ability to embody your brand’s unique story and message.

This article will guide you in discovering the perfect models tailored to your brand’s needs and requirements. 继续阅读以深入了解做出最佳匹配的提示和技巧!


各种规模的企业都可以从使用模型来展示他们的产品中受益. 例如, 服装公司可以使用模特来展示他们的最新系列. 在为社交媒体或活动创建宣传材料时,模型也很有用, 比如产品发布会.

基本上, 如果你卖一些人们可以穿的东西, 是衣服, 配件, 鞋, 化妆品, 等等, then it won’t hurt to collaborate with models to show your potential customers how they can use your products.

In comparison to just product photos or mannequins, images that include models (that look like your target demographic) provide some important context and visual information that you simply can’t achieve any other way.

Research proves this is effective: data from eye-tracking studies show that people are drawn to faces when looking at screens–and you want your products to get as much attention as possible.


在开始搜索之前, 让我们花点时间谈谈模型. 模特只是高颧骨和完美腹肌的瘦人的日子已经一去不复返了. 品牌意识到, 多半是, 这些模型不能准确代表在他们商店购物的普通人.

消费者也希望看到不同体型的模特, 种族, 和背景,以便他们可以感受到他们正在观看的内容. 调查证明, 也. 根据谷歌进行的一项调查, 女商数, 和益普索, 人们更有可能考虑, 甚至购买, 看到他们认为多样化或包容性的广告后的产品.

邀请各种体型的人展示产品很快被证明是品牌有利可图的策略. 看看来自 热研究:

  • 广告最具代表性的品牌的平均股票收益为 44% 在七个季度内.
  • 多样性得分最高的品牌表现出 83% 更高的消费者偏好.

您的客户形形色色, 尺码, 和颜色——在寻找代表您品牌的模型时记住这一点很重要.

Savage x Fenty 聘请不同体型和种族的模特

第一的, 定义您的品牌标识

在你开始寻找模特之前, it is crucial to have a clear understanding of 您的品牌形象. 考虑目标受众等因素, 品牌价值, 以及你想要展现的整体美感. This will not only help you find suitable models who align with your brand but can also assist in making your brand more relatable to your target customers.

例如, if your brand promotes body positivity and inclusivity, you’ll want to ensure your models represent various body types, ages, and ethnicities.

Let’s take a bit of a deeper dive here to help pinpoint which models are going to be the best for your fashion store.

Demographic Specifics

Take time to identify the specifics you’re looking for in a model. 仅仅说年龄介于 16-25. 通过指示更详细地说明:

  • What body types and ethnicities you’d like to see represented
  • 高度规格 (例如: 如果您销售小号服装, 您需要 5”0-5”4 范围内的模型)
  • 特征: 模特有不同类型的外表和面孔. 描述您正在寻找的外观类型, 例如“空灵的”或“前卫的”,” 因为它与您的生活方式品牌有关.

经验法则是选择看起来像您的目标受众的模型. If you’re selling coats for middle-aged men, you won’t invite teenagers as models and vice versa.

Brand Values and Aesthetic

In addition to demographics, you need to think about the values and aesthetics of your brand. 经常, this will be communicated through the type of model you choose, as well as styling and poses.

When it comes to values, think about what your brand stands for. Are your products made with sustainable materials? Do you support ethical practices? 将这些核心价值观定制成能引起客户共鸣的叙述. 它比你想象的更重要: 根据一个 拉塔纳的报告, 74% 的普通民众表示他们的购买决定受到他们的道德信仰的影响.

以耐克为例, 例如. 这个运动品牌始终保持着力量和决心的形象, 经常聘请专业运动员来展示他们的产品. 通过这样做, 他们巩固了自己作为领先运动品牌的地位,同时迎合了目标受众.

又如发果. 该品牌表示他们的灵感来自大自然, 和他们的 使命 是“帮助我们这一代人应对气候变化”。他们的广告, 网站, 和社交媒体资料反映了. 你在户外看到他们的模型, 骑自行车或在森林里散步.

Faguo Instagram 页面上的帖子


您有几个不同的选项可以开始您的模型搜索. 根据您的需要选择一个, 预算, 和目标.


随着 Instagram 和 TikTok 等社交媒体平台的影响力越来越大, 查找模型变得更加简化和易于访问. Social media influencers and 微型影响者, 谁有忠实的追随者, 对于希望获得知名度并与更广泛的受众互动的品牌而言,已成为宝贵的资产.

根据数字营销研究所, 49% 的消费者依赖影响者的推荐. Consumers are more likely to purchase if they feel confident about an influencer’s advice.

Influencers can help build trust between brands and consumers by providing honest reviews and recommendations about products or services. This type of marketing has been proven to be very successful as it helps brands reach new audiences while building relationships with existing customers.

Target collaborates with influencers to promote their products on social media

Pro Tip: Look for influencers who have established relationships with their followers. 为了获得最佳效果, ensure an influencer’s average engagement rate is about 3-5% 或更高.

Reach Out to Modeling Agencies

Consider reaching out to local modeling agencies or hosting open casting calls. This traditional approach not only allows you to ensure you’ll have a variety of professional models to choose from but also gives opportunities to discover fresh faces and rising talents.

You can use different 机构 to start looking for professional models to hire. Collaborating with professional models not only guarantees high-quality results but also saves you precious time and resources. They are well-trained in posing and have additional skills for a fruitful shoot, ensuring your brand’s image is captured in the best light possible.

Remember that this will be the most costly route, as many of these models book this type of work regularly. Keep in mind that a model’s rate excludes any photography and/or shoot-related expenses.


利用专业网络平台, 如 模型管理, 可以帮助您与行业专业人士建立联系, 像摄影师, 造型师, 和化妆师, 谁可能在模特界拥有有价值的联系和建议.


这些平台还可以提供丰富的流行款式信息, themes, and model types that may suit your brand’s aesthetic.

Another option is to attend networking events in person. Attending events catered to the modeling industry, such as fashion shows or networking parties, can introduce potential models to your brand.

Consider Outsourcing

If you’re not comfortable finding and shooting model photos on your own, you can completely outsource them to a company like Gopackshot Studio, which specializes in on-model product photography for ecommerce brands. You send the products, and they find suitable models based on your specifications and shoot the images for you. Such services can be pretty costly, so this option might not suit beginner business owners.

Examples of photos you can get when outsourcing product photography

To save some money, you can find models such as micro-influencers with the same target audience as yours and hire a photographer for a shoot. This option is also great if you don’t want to shoot yourself, 例如, if you don’t have much experience with a camera.

您可以通过在本地搜索找到可供租用的摄影师, 使用自由平台, or by finding out who similar brands worked with.


人们希望看到反映自己经历的模型, 激情, 和兴趣. 他们想感受到与他们看到的产品的联系, 所以找到一个相关的模型只是一个开始. 那么您需要用您的产品创建生活方式图片.


Ziggy Zaza 的照片 Instagram 帐户

Now imagine you need to buy clothes for your little nephew or niece. You know they are an active kid who loves to play sports. We bet the second picture would catch your attention. That’s the power of lifestyle product photography.

Lifestyle product images differ from regular ones: instead of focusing on the product, they show how consumers interact with the item. They capture a moment that tells a story and conveys an emotion. The key is to translate the message your target audience relates or aspires to.

Both Shein and Celine make clothes for women, but their target audiences differ drastically—and that’s why their product images differ just as much. 你自己看:

Lifestyle product pictures show the product in context and give potential customers a better idea of how it would fit into their own lives. They help potential customers imagine using the product themselves, which can be very persuasive.

The key to great lifestyle pictures is showing the lifestyle your customers want. 创造目标受众真正渴望并想要购买的体验. 如果你卖配件, 不仅要给穿着你产品的模特拍照. 您必须按照目标受众梦想的着装方式为模特着装. 在对产品和目标受众有意义的环境中使用道具和拍摄.

Asphalte 的生活方式产品摄影示例


选型时, 了解他们的个性. You should look for someone who is confident and natural in front of the camera as well as comfortable being directed by you. When communicating with them, be clear about your vision and provide ample guidance so that they can deliver on-brand results.

Once you’ve found potential models for your brand, it is essential to establish a positive working relationship built on open communication, mutual respect, and understanding. 对您的期望保持透明并提供建设性的反馈,以确保双方对合作伙伴关系感到满意. 这最终将导致更富有成效的合作,并增加您的模型返回未来项目的可能性.

在签订任何合同之前, 咨询法律顾问以确保正确理解图像使用等术语, 赔偿, 和保密协议. 这可以保护您的企业免受未来潜在的法律纠纷.


Navigating the world of models can seem overwhelming, but the right talent truly sets your brand apart. Remember the factors such as brand identity, fit, and potential alternatives as you search for the perfect model to showcase your business. 并记住, it’s not just a pretty face you need—it’s a powerful story and message that the model should embody.

Now that you’ve learned the core elements of finding the perfect models for your brand, don’t hesitate any longer. Put your newfound knowledge to use, and witness your business reach new heights!


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About the author

Lina is a content creator at Ecwid. She writes to inspire and educate readers on all things commerce. She loves to travel and runs marathons.

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