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How to Advertise a Business on Facebook for Beginners

22 min read

Facebook is the world’s largest social networking site, with almost 2.9 十亿 monthly active users. It’s only natural that entrepreneurs worldwide are wondering how to advertise a business on Facebook.

然而, beginner sellers often get overwhelmed when figuring out a new advertising platform. 我们懂了: social media ads can be complicated. That’s why there are almost infinite tips on social media marketing, Facebook 帮助中心有数千个页面供人们浏览. 可以理解, 这可能令人生畏.

别担心, 我们将帮助您完成在社交媒体上投放广告的过程. 在这篇文章中, 我们将解释如何在 Facebook 上宣传产品并设置您的第一个广告活动.

为什么在 Facebook 上投放广告?

Facebook 广告的妙处在于,当您投放广告时, 它不仅可以出现在 Facebook 上, 也在 Instagram 上, 观众网络, 和 Facebook 信使. 通过单个广告系列, you can reach people on all their favorite platforms.

Facebook is an effective method to promote a small business for many reasons:

  • It’s budget-friendly. Facebook prioritizes ads that perform well and shows them more frequently for cheaper.
  • It’s beginner-friendly. Even if you’ve never set up an ad campaign before, you can launch yours in a couple of steps.
  • It’s effective. Flexible targeting settings allow you to reach potential customers easily.
  • It doesn’t take much time. 在 Facebook 上制作广告活动通常需要不到 15 分钟.
  • 适合不同的营销目标. 无论您是想吸引新客户还是为忠诚客户提供特别优惠, Facebook 助您一臂之力.
  • 它可以自动化. 您不必密切监控您的活动,因为大部分工作都是自动完成的.

好的, 现在让我们看看所有这些东西是如何工作的.

在 Facebook 上投放广告的方式

您可以通过两种主要方式在 Facebook 上推广您的业务:

提升您在 Facebook 上的帖子

当你发布有机 (又名未付) 在您的 Facebook 业务页面上发布, 你可以在你的一些帖子的底部看到一个蓝色的 Boost Post 按钮:

Boost Post 按钮可让您从现有帖子之一快速创建 Facebook 广告. 此广告可以出现在 Facebook 的不同位置, 你可以把它展示给你选择的人.

速推帖子是与可能感兴趣的人分享您的业务的快捷方式. 通过提升帖子来推广您的页面有助于增加您的关注者并增加参与度, 例如获得更多点赞或评论.

运行 Facebook 广告

虽然提升帖子可以提高参与度并扩大您的页面, 在 Facebook 上投放广告可帮助您吸引潜在客户并鼓励人们在您的在线商店购物.

您可以使用不同的 Facebook 广告格式:

  • 照片广告. 这是一种简单的格式,可以更好地处理引人入胜的照片和副本.
  • 视频广告. 它允许您使用视频展示您的产品或品牌. 该格式有多种长度和样式.
  • 故事中的广告. 正如你可能猜到的, 这种格式用于在 Facebook 和 Instagram 故事中投放广告.
  • 信使广告. 使用它在 Facebook Messenger 上推广您的业务. 您可以向其中添加交互元素.
  • 轮播广告. 这种格式允许您在单个广告中显示最多十张图片或视频, 每个都有自己的链接. 非常适合突出不同的产品.
  • 幻灯片广告. 这些是由动作制成的类似视频的广告, 声音, 和文字. 它们允许您跨各种设备和连接速度做广告.
  • 收藏广告. 它们以网格状布局显示主要视频或图像,下方有三张较小的图像. 一个很好的选择,允许客户浏览您提供的产品.

合集广告开 Facebook


不确定应该如何在 Facebook 上推广您的业务? 您应该使用提升的帖子还是广告? 第一的, 你需要弄清楚你想要达到的目标.

如果您想提高 Facebook 业务页面上的受众参与度或提高品牌知名度, 考虑增加你的帖子. It is a great way to gain visibility and grow your audience.

If you have specific business goals in mind, such as getting more website visitors and purchases in your store, it’s better to go with ads.

Ads are also the best choice if you want to create more advanced ad types and campaigns. 例如, there are various creative and formatting options available in Ads Manager that aren’t available when boosting a post from your page.

Facebook ads can also provide you with more advanced tools for audience targeting.

当您速推帖子时, 除了 Facebook 新闻提要之外,您还可以选择将它放在 Instagram 上. 但是有了 Facebook 广告, 您可以选择 Facebook 新闻源中的展示位置, 信使广告, Instagram 故事, 即时文章, 和观众网络.

决定是推广帖子还是投放广告实际上取决于您的目标, 但这仍然是一个重要的决定.

在 Facebook 上做广告要花多少钱?

很难报告在 Facebook 上投放广告的平均成本,因为您必须决定要在广告上花费多少. 实际上, you can set a limit for each campaign.

Facebook uses an ads auction system. It means that you inform the platform how much you’re willing to pay to have your ad shown to your target audience. Then the platform gets you as many results as possible for that amount.

To make sure you don’t spend more on ads than you planned, you can set up a campaign spending limit and an account spending limit.

A campaign spending limit is a limit on the overall amount your ad campaign can spend. An account spending limit is a lifetime limit on the amount your Facebook ad account can spend across all the ad campaigns you’re running from the time the limit is set.

Prepare for Advertising on Facebook

There are a few things you should consider before putting up your first advertising campaign.

Study Advertising Policies

Did you know that you are not allowed to entice likes in your ads? Or that you can’t use images with weapons pointed at the person who sees the ad? 或者广告订阅服务有限制?

在开始制作广告系列之前, 确保您的企业有资格在 Facebook 投放广告. 阅读他们的 广告政策 密切联系以确保您可以为您的产品或服务做广告. 注意可能的限制.

设置 Facebook 像素

Facebook Pixel 是一种分析工具,可帮助您了解客户在您的网站上采取的操作. 例如, 有多少网站访问者看到了某个产品页面, 或将该产品添加到购物车.

Facebook Pixel provides you with data about your customer’s behavior. This is invaluable for creating effective ad campaigns. 例如, some people visited a certain product page in your store but left without a purchase. Using Facebook Pixel data, you can create an ad offering a discount on that product and show that ad to those customers only.


There are many ways to use data collected by Facebook Pixel when creating your ads. 例如, you can find new audiences to attract. 或者, you can measure conversions (points at which your site visitor completes the desired goal) and sales so that you know exactly how your ads are performing.

If you want to run more effective ad campaigns and track their results, it makes sense to set up Facebook Pixel as soon as possible.

与Ecwid, installing Facebook Pixel to your store is as simple as copying and pasting. No tech knowledge required! 这是 怎么做.

If you don’t have an Ecwid store, you can manually set up a Facebook Pixel. You need to be more tech-savvy for that, but you can use this 操作说明.

学到更多: Facebook 像素策略可帮助您投放更有针对性的广告

如何设置您的第一个 Facebook 广告

Facebook 广告在广告管理器中创建. 这是一个 Facebook 工具,可让您创建和管理您的 Facebook 广告. 它还会告诉您广告的效果,以便您可以根据需要调整广告系列.

如果您以前从未在 Facebook 上投放过广告, 你应该开始熟悉 Facebook 广告的结构.

您的 Facebook 广告由三部分组成: 一场运动, 一个广告集, 和一则广告. 活动由广告集组成. 广告集是一组广告,它们在以下情况下使用相同的设置, 在哪里, 以及它们将如何运行. 您的广告是由引人入胜的图片组成的创意视觉效果, 影片, 和文字.

在广告系列一级, 您设定广告目标 (例如, 吸引更多人访问您的网站。) 在广告组层面, 您通过设置定位来选择您的策略, 预算和时间表. 在广告层面, 您选择有创意的视觉效果来吸引观众关注您要宣传的内容.

现在, 让我们学习如何开展 Facebook 广告活动:

步 1: 创建一个活动

To launch your first ad campaign, 去 Ads Manager, find the Ads tab and click 创建. You’ll be asked to choose your advertising objective.

To choose the right ad objective, ask yourself: “What’s the most important outcome I want from this ad?” That could be attracting visitors to your website, increasing visits to your physical store, or growing orders in your online store.

In this example, we’ve chosen 抵达 as an objective. It will maximize the number of people who see our ad—handy for building brand awareness.

选择目标后, 您会看到一个页面,您可以在其中编辑广告系列名称并声明您的广告是否与特殊广告类别相关 (信用, 就业, 住房, 社会问题, 选举, 或政治。) 只要您为在线商店制作广告, 您不需要声明这些类别.

您还可以在该页面上查看活动详细信息并设置活动支出限额 (这是可选的):

还有一个选项可以为您的广告创建 A/B 测试. 此测试允许您尝试不同的图像, 文本, 和观众,看看哪些组合表现最好. 这是一个有用的工具,但不是必需的, 特别是如果这是您的第一个广告.

打开 活动预算优化 如果您想为广告设置每日预算:

点击 下一个 继续创建您的广告集.

步 2: 创建您的广告集

现在是时候创建您的广告集了. 在下一页, 输入广告组的名称,然后从下拉菜单中选择要推广的 Facebook 页面:

您可以打开 动态创意 环境 (这是可选的). 系统会要求您提供创意元素, such as images and headlines, and Facebook will automatically mix and match them to generate combinations optimized for your audience.

步 3: Set Your Budget and Schedule

Find the 预算 & schedule section on the page to define your daily or lifetime budget. The daily budget is the average amount you are willing to spend on a specific ad set per day. The lifetime budget is how much you’re willing to spend over the entire run-time of your campaign or ad set.

In this section, you can also set up the time period during which you want your ads to run. 这边走, you don’t keep ads going for longer than they are relevant.

步 4: Choose Your Audience

Find the Audience section to define who you want to see your ads.

Choose the demographics, 利益, and behaviors that best represent your target audience by combining what you know about them. This can include age, 地点, 语言, 利益.

In this example, we created an audience of English-speaking young people living in the US who are interested in fashion:

点击 Save the audience to use it in your future campaigns.

步 5: Choose Ad Placements

简单的说, decide where to run your ad. This includes Facebook, Instagram的, 信使, 观众网络, or all of them.

Find the Placements section and choose Automatic or Manual placements. Automatic is recommended as Facebook will allocate your ad set’s budget across multiple placements based on where they’re most likely to perform well.

You can also choose where to show your ad manually. Here you can add or exclude some placements via a simple checkbox:

After you finish choosing ad placements, scroll down to the Optimization & 送货 section. You can set a cost control if you have a specific spending goal. If you don’t set one, Facebook will spend your entire budget to get the most results.

When you’re done, 点击 下一个.

步 6: Choose Your Ad Format and Ad Creative

We discussed Facebook ad formats a bit earlier, and now it’s time to choose which one you want to use. 例如, carousel and collection ads work best if you want to showcase your online store’s product range.

Select images or videos for your ad in the Ad creative section. Enter your ad headline and call to action. 不要忘记指向您的在线商店的链接!

您可以在 预习 右边的部分:

步 7: 设置跟踪

记得我们之前谈过 Facebook Pixel? 现在是时候使用它了!

对于这一步, Facebook Pixel 必须安装在您的在线商店中 (再次, 这是简化的 Ecwid商店的流程, 这是如何做到的 手动.)

Find the 追踪 部分并检查 网站活动 盒子 (网站事件是人们在您的网站上采取的行动):

步 8: 发布您的广告

When you’re satisfied with your settings and ad format, 点击 Publish. After you submit your ad, it goes to Facebook’s ad auction to get it to the right audience.

恭喜, you’ve just launched your first ad campaign on Facebook!

步 9: Measure Your Campaign Performance

Your advertising adventures are not yet done! 现在, you need to track your ad performance in Ads Manager. Check if your ad is being delivered efficiently, and edit your campaign if needed.

We can’t stress enough the importance of measuring your ad performance. 这不仅可以帮助您了解哪种广告格式最适合您的业务, 但它也可以帮助您更多地了解您的目标受众并随着时间的推移改进您的广告.

例如, 初学者通常想知道在 Facebook 上投放广告的最佳日期, 或在 Facebook 上投放广告的最佳时机. 很遗憾, 回答这些问题的文章往往过于简单化并且可能具有误导性. 仅仅因为一个特定的时间段适用于一家企业并不意味着它也适用于您的企业.

But you have ways to collect data to get a better understanding of your target audience. You can track sales with Facebook Pixel, set up other analytics tools on your website (喜欢 谷歌分析), and look into Audience Insights 在脸书上. Better data will allow you to create more effective and budget-friendly ads.

Make the Most of Facebook Ads for Online Stores

We’ve explained above how to create Facebook ads from scratch yourself. Even if you are a business owner who doesn’t have any experience with advertising, you can create a Facebook ad if you put enough time and effort into it.

If you don’t have the time to do everything from scratch yourself, or if anything ad-related overwhelms you, there are some alternative ways to advertise your online store on Facebook—especially if you use Ecwid by Lightspeed! If you sell on Ecwid, you can set up Facebook ads without much work at all.

Ecwid sellers can create Facebook ads through 点击它, a marketing tool that simplifies the process of purchasing, creating, and targeting your advertising campaigns.

Kliken drastically simplifies ad creation and setup compared to direct setup on Facebook. Your ad campaigns will be automatically optimized. Kliken will also provide you with campaign statistics.

最好的, you don’t have to create ads featuring your products from scratch. Kliken will use your product catalog information (product titles, 说明, 价格) to make ads that spotlight your products:

Here are some other benefits of running Facebook ads with Kliken:

  • Easier than manual ad setup and management. If you don’t have much experience with ads or don’t feel comfortable running ads without any help, Kliken is the tool for you.
  • Brings back customers who showed interest in your products. When implementing a Facebook ad campaign, Kliken uses information about previous customer activity, like what products shoppers viewed in your store or added to their cart. They will then show those products to past visitors to bring them back to your store.
  • Cheaper than outsourcing. 与大多数营销工具一样, 点击收费. 然而, 这比聘请广告专家要低得多.

Kliken 将在 Facebook 和 Facebook Audience Network 上投放您的广告活动, 不包括 Instagram 和 Facebook Messenger.

按照说明从 帮助中心 轻松发布您的第一个 Facebook 广告. 或者, 观看下面的视频,逐步解释该过程. 它还分享了与 Kliken 一起开展更有效的广告活动的技巧.


如你看到的, 当您是 Ecwid 卖家时,在 Facebook 上做广告要容易得多.

If you don’t have an Ecwid store, 考虑 creating one. Apart from simplified Facebook ads setup and management, Ecwid allows you to set up a shop on Facebook and Instagram so that customers can buy your products without leaving their favorite apps.

Many Ecwid sellers benefit from advertising their products via Facebook, so don’t hesitate to test out this ad platform. Here’s what Laraine Craig, an Ecwid seller and the owner of the clothing brand A Little Lacey, says about using Facebook ads:

“过去,Facebook 广告一直是我们业务增长的主要驱动力之一 12 通过广告活动增加流量和销售额的月份。”拉瑞恩·克雷格, A Little Lacey 的所有者

还: 7 小企业主经过验证的 Instagram 和 Facebook 技巧

开始在 Facebook 投放广告

现在您对 Facebook 广告的运作方式有了更多的了解, 是时候将所学付诸实践了.

开始, 我们建议创建一些测试活动并查看它们的效果. Be sure to track your results so you can learn what works for your business. Once you have a good idea of what is successful, and what isn’t, you can start scaling up your advertising efforts.


Table of contents


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About the author

Anastasia Prokofieva is a content writer at Ecwid. She writes about online marketing and promotion to make entrepreneurs’ daily routine easier and more rewarding. She also has a soft spot for cats, chocolate, and making kombucha at home.

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