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10 可以让你在网上赚钱的简单爱好

11 min read

任何 成功的企业家 can tell you that passion is the backbone of a good business. And what activities are you more passionate about than your hobbies? Follow that line of thinking a step further, and you might just realize those “hobbies” could also be a pretty sweet source of income.

Whether it’s illustrating children’s books or training cats, there’s probably someone out who finds your hobby valuable enough to pay for it. And because anyone can set up an online store with platforms like Ecwid E-commerce, 尝试您的激情项目从未如此简单.

那么开始赚取副业收入的最佳爱好是什么?? 这里有十个赚钱的爱好——你可能已经在做——它们可能会成为你的下一个副业.


许多有抱负的企业家都想知道: “你能从业余爱好中赚钱吗? 如果是这样, 什么是赚钱的好爱好?” 这里有一些技巧可以帮助您找到有利可图的爱好.

第一的, 列出你喜欢的爱好和你已经拥有的技能. 例如, you’re good with your hands, and you love making DIY crafts for your home. You can write down knitting, sewing, or even home carpentry work and refurbishing furniture.

第二, consider costs. Supplies and equipment aren’t free, so you need to determine how much it costs to create a product. Don’t forget the value of the time you’re putting in!

After you create a list of hobbies that can make you money, it’ll be easier to see which one of your pursuits has the potential of bringing not only joy but income too.

What Are the Best Hobbies to Make Money?

You probably already know a thing or two about hobbies that make money from home. You might’ve even tried to turn some of your interests into an additional income. 仍然, it won’t hurt to learn more about some of the best hobbies to make money.

1. Handmade сards

There’s always a good reason to buy a greeting card. A birthday… a wedding… an anniversary… or even just to remind an old friend they’re still cool. Handing out personalized notes on fancy cardstock will never go out of style.

如果你喜欢画画和写双关语并且对设计有相当不错的眼光, 制作手工卡片可能只适合你. 加, 这是赚钱最便宜的爱好之一. 去当地的工艺品商店应该是您开始所需要的一切.

作为视觉媒体, 卡是一个很好的候选人 在 Instagram 上销售. 使用 Shoppable Instagram 帖子, 关注者可以通过点击购物标签直接从您的帖子中轻松购买您的产品. You don’t even need a website to get started.

2. 饼干

What’s better than a dozen homemade cookies? If you have a knack for baked goods, try selling a few batches online.

If you do decide to sell your famous double-chocolate chip cookies, some permits and special preparations may be required. And when your operation gets big enough, you might want to consider an industrial kitchen for your income hobby. But hey, that’s for later.

Hunger-Bomb Cookies

With a free e-commerce website optimized for small businesses, you can start accepting your first orders immediately. If you bake at home in your free time, 使用 Ecwid 的 In-store Pickup option to let customers pick up their orders right from your front door.

3. 印刷

If you dream about making money with hobbies, got an eye for aesthetics, and know your way around a graphic design program, printmaking could be for you. Create prints of your favorite quotes, artsy maps of your city, a doodle of a kangaroo — the skies the limit. Literally. You could make a print of the sky. And you know what? Someone would probably buy it!

And getting your prints on t-shirts, 杯子, and posters has never been simpler with Ecwid and Printful. With Ecwid’s integrated print-on-demand model, you can create your design, upload it to Printful, give it a shout out, and let Printful take care of the rest.

When a customer places an order, their request is automatically sent to Printful, where your product is then printed and shipped to the customer. No inventory. No packaging boxes. And little-to-no investment. 惊人的.

FatMarker Clothing

4. 针织和刺绣

针织和刺绣是最受欢迎的赚钱工艺爱好之一,这已不是什么秘密. 它们的影响很小, 简单易学, 最后, 你得到漂亮的衣服. 毛衣等定制针织品, 围巾, 帽子很棒, 实用礼品.

刺绣可能比编织更复杂一些,因为它需要更多的精确度和练习, 但如果你足够好, 你会得到丰厚的回报. These clever DIY embroidered patches have been popular among the younger crowd for a few years and could make for an easy sale if you know what you’re doing.

The Patch Shop

Jake’s Patches

5. 珠宝

It might take a few years to create a jewelry masterpiece, but that doesn’t mean you’ll need to wait years to make your first sale. Start by watching tutorial videos, buying the supplies, and collecting some good inspo on your Pinterest board. Practice, practice, practice. And when you’ve got something you like, give it a go!

实际上, several of Ecwid’s finest turned jewelry making into a hobby that pays.Learn how they got started and what they do to keep the sales going.

6. Candles

Some shoppers look at candles as a way to relax. Others just want an easy way to make their homes smell nicer. But you might be surprised to learn that making scented candles is actually a fairly simple process and one of the lucrative hobbies.

更重要的是, 蜡烛制作用品相当便宜,而且很容易在网上或在当地的工艺品商店买到.

7. 肥皂和沐浴露

就像蜡烛一样, 肥皂和沐浴露很容易, 便宜的爱好. 以及无穷无尽的形状, 香味, 和要试验的成分, 你真的可以让你的创意源源不断.

提示: 查看我们的帖子 包装理念 提供独特的, 为您的产品打造品牌体验.

8. 烹饪

Imagine selling your grandma’s famous sauce or creating your own raw vegan energy bars. Put ’em in some pretty packaging, set up an online store, and before you know it, you’re in business.

Even pets need some cooking done for them. That’s why more and more people have started selling fancy home-cooked treats.

另读: Rules and Regulations for Selling Food Online

9. Vegetable gardening

If you happen to live on a farm or just have a large backyard, try growing and selling vegetables and herbs or fruits and berries. 有什么比您所在街道的当地小农场种植的蔬菜更有机? 如果你想尝试一些非常现代的东西, 你也可以建立一个当地的有机蔬菜订阅服务, 让客户的邮箱经常装满新鲜水果和蔬菜.

网上卖菜, 亲临集市和街头市场, 或两者! 与Ecwid电子商务, 管理您的库存很简单,因为它会在所有可用的销售渠道中自动保持同步.

10. 花艺设计

只有一两个花艺设计课程, 用美丽的鲜花装饰婚礼和迎婴派对可以赚外快. 你甚至可以开始送花服务. 你不需要对事物势利——在开始时不要回避使用人造花. 随着您的业务增长, 您可以将您的布置作为家居装饰品出售.


希望, 现在你知道“我可以从什么爱好中赚钱”的答案了?“ 问题.

If any of these hobbies seem appealing to you, don’t hesitate to look some tutorials up on YouTube, buy supplies, and start creating. When you’re ready, check out our article on how to make your first sale online.

And check out this story of one Ecwid solopreneur who sells handmade cosmetics both online and in-person for a little extra inspiration.

Good luck exploring your interests and seeing which of them can turn into a business!

Table of contents


With Ecwid Ecommerce, you can easily sell anywhere, 任何人——通过互联网和世界各地.

About the author

Daria is a writer and editor. She's keen on writing articles helping people make their lives safer and more fulfilling. In her free time, she records song covers and cooks vegan stuff.

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