5 可以提高销售额的 Pinterest 策略

You’ve no doubt seen a cool product on Pinterest and checked it out later for yourself. Pinterest is not just any social network. It’s where people go to find—and buy—cool products.

根据 研究, 64% of Pinterest users said that they discovered a product on Pinterest, only to buy it later. This social network is clearly adept at driving traffic and sales to online shops, and you should be using it for your own online storefront. 这就是为什么.

Pinterest users are inherently open to buying things they find on the site.

Most people save or pin things on Pinterest in order to get ideas for future purchases, so if you are selling something online, you should have a well-established Pinterest store presence. This is especially true if you sell physical items like apparel, 配件, gadgets, and the like.

But pinning alone will not get the results you want. Pinterest has 433 百万用户 and billions of pins, so getting people engaged enough to click through your shop and pin things from it is no easy feat.

Never fear! How to sell on Pinterest? We’ve assembled five actionable things that you can do to help increase your shop’s traffic and sales by way of Pinterest. Here they are:

1. More pins + consistency = more followers

Your Pinterest followers are your first-level evangelists. Be sure to have more than a mere handful of pins on your boards. Demonstrate that you’re invested in the platform, and active Pinterest users will respond in kind. The more you pin, the more your pins show up in search (due to your prominent and current activity). More people find your pins, which generates more traffic for your shop.

The takeaway here: have a consistent pinning schedule.

There is no concrete number to aim for here, but experts recommend that you pin 从 15 至 30 pins every day before you start expecting more followers. But be sure to do more than simply pin all your products—doing so looks careless and spammy.

So how do you pin 20 or more items every day without looking spammy? 这很简单!

Pin not just your products, but also interesting products and images you elsewhere. If you think you’ve found something your customers will like, that’s all it needs to merit a pin. Actively doing this will increase your brand’s value as that of curator and tastemaker.

Everingham & Watson Pinterest page

定期活跃在 Pinterest 上可以让您的商店董事会更加令人满意.

在任何人关注您的董事会之前, 他们会调查您的 pin-发现很少的内容或垃圾促销会立即将其关闭, 让他们认为董事会不是很活跃 (或者只是促销). 你的潜在追随者噗地一声消失了.

对于 Ecwid 店主来说,有一个非常有价值的工具,称为 周围.io 帮助您安排您的 Pinterest 图钉. 您可以在很大程度上自动化您的 Pinterest 活动, saving you valuable time and helping maintain an active, worthwhile board.

2. Connect with pinners who have lots of boards and followers

Like every other social networking website, you get maximum reach and clickthroughs on Pinterest by when other people repin your content. The standard way to make this happen is to contact and connect with other influential pinners.

If you take a look at popular Pinterest boards in your market, you will notice that these boards pin content from a variety of sources.

If you can find high-engagement boards with a lot of curated pins showing lots of repins, 评论, and followers in the thousands, you should connect with these pinners and discuss getting items from your own shop pinned there.

There is no set guideline here. Just be yourself and contact these pinners directly through the comments section or find other channels for reaching the same person, whether it’s an email address, Twitter account, or some other method.

You ought to aim for harnessing the viral power of having influencers promote your pins and your shop.

3. Group boards are great—contribute to them

Some might suggest that using group boards as a marketing tactic is played out and useless. But group boards continue to drive a ton of traffic to the websites they feature. In very active niches and markets, group boards are an instant way to reach thousands of buyers interested in what you sell.

You can’t just get onto any group board without first having an active and interesting profile yourself.

这就是为什么前面的步骤至关重要, 但是你您不应该等到拥有数千名关注者或图钉才开始使用群组图板. 查找崭露头角的小组委员会,您可以使用以下工具为之做出贡献 板甲板. 一旦您获得了一些相关板的列表, 联系董事会的策展人,要求添加为贡献者.

但您不一定需要某人的许可才能开始加入群组董事会. Just create a group board yourself and recruit active pinners to contribute to it.

With an active batch of contributors, you can effectively automate content for your Pinterest board. This paves way to reaching out to more contributors, who run their own Group Boards, which in turn opens up the possibility of them asking you to contribute to their boards. Once you do the groundwork, it’s easy!

Smooth Sailing Clothing Co Pinterest page

4. 使用标签和号召性用语为 Pinterest 创建精美图像

迷人的图像就是一切! 如果您要固定产品照片, 它 必须是美丽的 看看.

如果产品图片不好看, 没有人会看他们, 更少点击在您的网站上查看产品.

不要仅仅停留在精美的产品摄影上. 当谈到 Pinterest 时, 您必须编辑它们才能获得更多信息. 300 个字符的描述是获得最多回复和分享的最佳选择.

图像的尺寸也非常重要. 引脚的高度需要大于宽度,以便更好地适应布局. 800 像素高是最佳的. (这是一个 Pinterest 版块 例如,它有很多图像尺寸可供您使用。)

许多 汉普顿风格 引脚不是方形的——它们的高度大于宽度, 它们与 Pinterest 的布局很好地结合在一起.

Smooth Sailing Clothing Co Pinterest page

但我们并不止于此. 你应该通过让你的图片适当饱和来让它们在 Pinterest 上流行, 以免显得迟钝. 作为另一个指针, 没有人脸的图像似乎得到 23% 更多评论 比那些包括他们在内的人.

此外, 带有文本标签的 Pinterest 图片获得更多点击! 查看 Kokosina 的标签板, 其中展示了专为 Pinterest 制作的精美产品摄影!


5. 优化关键词


太多 Pinterest 图板和描述未优化. 这些图板的创建者错过了通过搜索来增加流量的巨大机会. 不要让它发生在你身上.

Pinterest 搜索 是权威的 Pinterest 发现工具. 如果您使用关键字来优化您的 pin, 董事会名称, 和描述, 您有更高的机会出现在搜索结果中.

这同样适用于标签和描述 (请记住为您的 pin 提供 300 个字符长的描述). 有针对性的关键词, 你会出去做很多竞争性的钉钉者,并且会更频繁、更显着地出现在搜索中.

例如, 这是 Interliving 的 PIN 码 为他们的室内装饰做广告. 它包含强大的关键字组合 (原文为荷兰语) 比如“吊灯”,” “玻璃马赛克,”和“东方蓝”.

互动生活 Pinterest page

Pinterest 与其他社交媒体渠道完全不同.

重要的是要了解 Facebook 和 Instagram 策略不适用于 Pinterest. 如果您从未有过 Pinterest 商店的经验,您将需要学习如何在 Pinterest 上推广产品. 这些其他网络上的用户通常会浏览新的有趣的内容. 在 Pinterest 上, 用户的意图通常更倾向于购买或行动.

Pinterest 搜索日益重要, 开辟获得点击的新机会. 如果您可以每天花几分钟专注于上述一些可行的步骤, 您会看到流量显着增加, 点击率, 和销售.

About The Author
Chandru is a researcher & writer at 周围.io (social media automation for online sellers). He curates minimalist products on Etsy and writes on social media marketing.

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