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5 有效的 “买一个, 赠一” 网上商店促销

11 min read

刚开始的在线卖家可能会发现他们的在线商店营销令人困惑且难以导航. 弄清楚哪些促销技巧可能难以捉摸.

出色地, 这是免费赠品! 营销商店最有效的方法之一是 “买一赠一” 交易. BOGO promotions are popular with both customers and sellers for a reason.

在这篇博文中, we will discuss what makes a successful “买一赠一” offer and whether it will work for your business. We will also break down five different types of BOGO promotions that you can use to increase sales in your online store.

What Does BOGO Sale Mean?

宝哥 (or BOGOF) stands for “买一赠一”. It’s a type of sales promotion where customers get a free or discounted product when they purchase another product.

BOGO 促销活动深受零售商欢迎,因为它们可以增加所促销产品的销量. 加, 它会吸引商店中其他商品的注意力, 当您需要转移滞销库存或提高销量时,这非常有用.

巴恩斯 & Noble 对练习册和抽认卡进行 BOGO 促销活动

“买一赠一” 促销活动也很受顾客欢迎,因为此类优惠被认为很有价值. 一些购物者甚至在购买大件商品之前先在网上搜索 BOGO 优惠券!

重要的提示: 您通常应该仅在特定时间段内运行 BOGOF 促销活动. 这些交易营造了一种紧迫感, 促使顾客购买. 闪购也不能让顾客习惯折扣价.

5 种类 “买一赠一” 促销活动

现在我们来讨论一下不同类型的 “买一赠一” 吸引顾客的优惠.

BOGO促销可以非常灵活. 我们将分解五种不同类型的 BOGO 促销活动,您可以使用它们来增加在线商店的销售额,并分享一些 BOGO 示例以获取灵感.


如果您的商店里有畅销书, 这个策略会很有效. 一个 “买一送一 50 离开” 交易将吸引那些一直犹豫不决的人尝试. BOGO 半价优惠, 客户会购买更多您的传奇产品, 爱它, 很快就会回来.

巴恩斯 & 诺布尔的“BOGO 50% 儿童书籍“折扣”优惠

A 类买一件,B 类免费送一件

将不同类别的产品配对对于季节性产品和目标受众来说非常重要. 例如, 学生及其家长 (回到学校BOGO).

唯一要记住的条件是第二件物品的价值必须相等或更低. 那样, 您的利润高于您的利润率.

当顾客购买特定类别的商品时,Beauty Bay 提供免费产品


通过赠送免费样品, 您允许您的客户测试真实的产品. 样品看起来像礼物, 但你也应该将它们视为投资: 他们为您的产品创造了潜在的未来需求. 包括新产品线的独家样品,以将其介绍给您的客户.

丝芙兰为满额订单提供免费样品 $35

这不仅仅适用于实物商品: 获得更多电子书阅读量的一个好方法是提供简短的样本. 样品被盗的可能性要小得多, 复制的, 或非法传播. 那么如果您的客户喜欢这些内容, 他们会回来购买整本书.

另读: 如何创建和销售电子书


这是最常见的变体之一 “买一赠一” 晋升. 它适用于多种产品类型,看起来很划算. 记住保持术语简单: 包括价格相似的商品——这将简化认知并防止犹豫.

Cult Beauty 对特定类别的产品实行“3 for 2”优惠

购买物品 X 并获得 % 项目 Y 关闭

对于具有互补产品的行业来说,这是一种易于实施的策略, 运动的, 美丽, 或电子产品.

例如, 你可以卖一双运动鞋并给予 30% 鞋子清洁剂折扣. This type of promotion helps you sell out accessories and complementary products.

Cupshe offers ​​40% discount on the cheaper item when customers buy two items

We’ve described the most popular types of BOGO promotions, but you can tweak them as you like to create the best BOGO deals for your store. Here’s an easy one: offer your customers to buy four products at the cost of three.

Is a BOGO Promotion Right for Your Store?

“买一赠一” promotions are a great way to increase sales and customer loyalty. 然而, they’re not right for every store.

Here are the products that make the best BOGO offers:

  • Items that need to be replenished. If customers like your product (like body cream), they’ll buy more at once to stock up.
  • Products that compliment each other. 例如, if you sell clothes, you could do a BOGO deal on shirts and pants.
  • Products usable in two. You don’t want to offer two similar jackets, do you? Two pairs of socks for the price of one is more likely to sell.
  • Items with at least a 50% margin. A margin is your profit after accounting for costs. If your product’s margin is 50%, then your sale is break-even. Try to include at least one product with a higher margin to come out ahead.

The total price of the deal should be the amount that customers are ready to pay. To be on the safe side, you can check out your 平均订单价值 and aim for a little bit more.

How to Run a BOGO Promotion in an Online Store

Now that you know what “买一赠一” is and how to best use it, it’s time for the practical part.

在您的在线商店中成功开展 BOGO 促销活动, 您需要确保您的电子商务平台允许您提供此类折扣.

Lightspeed 的 Ecwid, 例如, 让您可以开展最常见类型的 BOGO 促销活动. 使用灵活的设置, 您可以创建遵循相同想法的各种 BOGOF 优惠: 如果客户购买了 X 单位的某种产品, 他们可以获得一个产品单位 (同种, 不同种类, 或一个/多个类别中的任何产品) 享受 Y% 折扣.

在 Ecwid 商店结帐时应用的 BOGO 优惠

To run a BOGO promotion in your Ecwid store, you’ll need to install the 买一赠一: Sales Promotions 来自 Ecwid 应用市场的应用. The app offers a free trial, so you can give it a run and see if BOGO offers are right for your store.

Ready to set up your BOGO promotion? 跟随 这些说明 to set up the app and create your first BOGOF deal in just a few clicks.

Ecwid by Lightspeed also has many other promotional tools you can use. These include automated marketing emails, 优惠券, advertising on social media, 等等.

Sign up for Ecwid by Lightspeed 并建立一个在线商店,让运营任何类型的电子商务企业变得简单.

BOGO 促销最佳实践

请记住以下做法,以充分利用您的 “买一赠一” 交易:

  • 策略性地安排 BOGO 促销活动. 例如, 在假期期间或黑色星期五等大型活动之前运行它们.
  • 提前告知您的客户您的 BOGOF 交易条件.
  • 仔细选择产品. 确保它们相辅相成并吸引您的目标受众.
  • Don’t run too many BOGO promotions at once or your customers could get confused.
  • Monitor your sales data and adjust your deals accordingly. 例如, there is no need to constantly run BOGO offers for products that are selling well on their own.

Run Your First BOGO Promotion

“买一赠一” promotions are a great way to increase sales, get rid of excess inventory, increase the number of items per order, and attract new customers. When used correctly, BOGO deals can help you reach your business goals and boost your bottom line.

现在您已掌握有关 BOGO 促销活动所需了解的一切, 包括易于使用的工具,让您的促销活动顺利进行. 使用您新发现的知识并采取 买一赠一: Sales Promotions 旋转应用程序!


Table of contents


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About the author

Anastasia Prokofieva is a content writer at Ecwid. She writes about online marketing and promotion to make entrepreneurs’ daily routine easier and more rewarding. She also has a soft spot for cats, chocolate, and making kombucha at home.

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