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10 有效的忠诚度计划可推动重复购买

15 min read

您是否厌倦了顾客四处逛逛新商店, 即使他们喜欢你的产品? 出色地, it’s time to turn the tables and keep them hooked on what your business has to offer!

Loyalty programs are the secret sauce for any business, as they have the power to transform one-time shoppers into lifelong fans. Whether you’re in the business of coffee, 衣服, or accessories, you can persuade your customers that the grass is always greener on your side of the fence.

Buckle up as we dive into the world of loyalty programs that will make your brand shine bright and keep customers coming back for more.


忠诚度计划是通过提供折扣来奖励客户对您的品牌保持忠诚度的一种方式, 免费物品, 优惠券, 或特别优惠. 客户在您的商店多次购买后即可兑换这些奖励. 这是一个伟大的策略 提高客户保留率.

有多种类型的忠诚度计划可供您选择并尽快实施. 继续阅读以找出最适合您商店的产品.


Loyalty program members generate 12-18% more revenue growth each year than non-members if properly executed! It’s worth trying it out and seeing if it works for your brand.

How to Create a Loyalty Program

The key to creating a successful program is to make it personal and valuable for your customers. There are a few elements to consider when creating a loyalty program, such as what type of rewards and perks you’ll offer and how customers can earn them.

But don’t worry, there’s no need to reinvent the wheel—there are plenty of successful loyalty programs out there that you can draw inspiration from and start generating more sales.


The Points Program

The points program is one of the simplest loyalty programs out there. Buyers earn points for every purchase they make, and then they can use those points to get a free item or discount.

For it to be successful, the program must be easy to calculate and understand. 例如, a customer earns 1 point for every 1$ 或者 2$ spent at your store. 购买和参与均可获得积分, such as a like on Facebook or a subscription to a newsletter.

让您的积分计划易于使用也很重要. 为客户提供一张有形的卡供其随身携带,并允许他们通过手机上的帐户或移动应用程序访问该卡. 那样, 如果他们忘记或丢失卡 (正如我们时不时所做的那样), 他们的积分仍然存储在手机中并且可以检索.


Let’s take Starbucks Loyalty Program as an example:

Starbucks is well-known for its rewards system. Customers receive one star for every dollar spent using a credit or debit card and two stars when using preloaded money from the app. With the stars, members can get free drinks or food.

Coffee is an integral part of many people’s morning routines. Some people drink coffee every morning, so they might as well get rewarded for it!

Fun fact: Starbucks is one of the most popular rewards programs, averaging nearly 29 万会员在 2022.

笔记:满足感 Ecwid 应用程序市场中的应用程序可以帮助您像星巴克一样轻松地运行积分忠诚度计划!

听听Gratisfaction应用程序创始人分享他的 制定忠诚度计划的见解和策略.


通过分级计划, 奖励的大小随着时间的推移而增加. 顾客购买的越多, 奖品越大. 顾客会回来期待赢得奖品.

让您的品牌成为人们关注的焦点, 您必须不断提醒您的客户好处, 他们的地位, 以及他们距离新水平有多近 (= 额外奖励). 该计划给顾客一种独特和高地位的感觉,并激发他们在您的商店购物的兴趣.


例如, 丝芙兰美容业内人士计划根据您过去一年在其产品上花费的金额提供各种奖励. 其中包括独家活动邀请, 各种折扣, 和免费标准运输 (他们真的让你感觉自己像个 VIP!)

专家提示: 通过电子邮件发送个性化优惠,对在您商店中消费超过一定金额的客户进行细分. 在Ecwid, 你可以这样做 将您的 Ecwid 商店与 Mailchimp 同步. 例如, 您可以为消费超过的客户设置自动电子邮件 $2,000 在你的店里. 该电子邮件可以祝贺他们加入新的等级,并列出他们现在积累的所有好处.

或者, 使用 订单导出 在 Ecwid 上了解您的客户去年花了多少钱. 在您的销售清单上, 点击“导出订单”并下载 CSV 文件. You’ll be able to work with it in Google Sheets to filter customers that ordered over a certain sum from you—then you can offer rewards based on the amount!

The Fee-Based Program

Customers who join this loyalty program pay a fee to get a VIP membership. It offers perks that regular customers can’t access, such as free shipping, more significant discounts, or exclusive products.

Remember that this is most effective for repeat purchases and may not be as interesting for new customers.

例如, 亚马逊 Prime 会员资格可访问视频流, 主要奖励, 或抢先体验精选优惠. 他们免费达成协议, 一日运送. 购物者渴望收到订单并且不喜欢等待. 他们愿意为速度付出代价!

Fun fact: 亚马逊Prime会员消费 是非 Prime 会员的两倍多.

笔记: 您可以直接在 Ecwid 商店中出售会员计划的访问权限! 您需要做的就是创建一个不需要运输的产品,并将其命名为“访问会员计划”。如果您想收到会员资格的定期付款 (说, $2 每月), 你会发现Ecwid’s 订阅工具 特别有帮助.


通过这个忠诚度计划, 您与一家或多家公司合作并提供可在参与商店兑换的奖励. 为了这, 与您的客户感兴趣的与您的品牌相关的公司合作非常重要. 例如, 如果您的商店销售健身服装, 您可以与健身房或健身中心合作. 您可以在合作伙伴的商店中提供特别的联名优惠或折扣.

例如, 加拿大航空 Aeroplan 会员可以在各个零售商处赚取积分并在航班上使用积分, 酒店, 和商店 – 客户旅行中可能需要的任何物品.

专家提示: 在合作伙伴商店提供折扣的最简单方法是通过 优惠券.


该计划不提供金钱激励,而是基于价值的激励. 购买者不会直接获得任何奖励, but their purchase will help support a specific organization of your choice. 在这种情况下, it is crucial to choose a fund that represents your values and your audience’s.

You can donate some of your sales to animal rights organizations, art efforts, educational programs, ETC. This choice is determined by your brand’s unique characteristics and your customers’ 价值观.

Don’t forget to keep your buyers informed on how their purchases have helped those funds, and show proof of donation after the fact.

例如, 巴塔哥尼亚, 受欢迎的户外服装零售商, 捐赠 1% 保护和恢复自然环境的销售. 他们已授予超过 $140 向国内外环保组织捐赠 100 万元.

笔记: 有几种方法可以 在您的 Ecwid 商店中收集捐款, 重复性和一次性. 顾客将能够在店面和/或结账时看到捐赠选项.



创建基于游戏的忠诚度计划并向买家提供礼物, 折扣, 或获胜时的独家优惠. 游戏必须简单易用,并且应该提供满足客户兴趣的内容. 坚持公平竞争: 几率必须至少为 25%.

我们再以星巴克为例 (对不起, 他们只是在扼杀他们的忠诚游戏). 每年, 他们推出了夏季运动会, 允许会员玩益智游戏, 收集积分, 并赢得奖励. 奖品包括免费饮料, 食物, 配件, 礼品卡, 甚至旅行. 令人上瘾!

专家提示: 您可以使用以下方法在 Ecwid 商店中设置游戏化忠诚度计划 满足感 应用程序. 或者, 添加一个旋转轮到您的店面 折扣旋转轮.


这种类型的忠诚度计划非常简单: 顾客消费一定金额并获得一部分返还. 它有助于增加交易并且易于客户理解.

由于此忠诚度计划不提供立即奖励, 让客户与您的品牌保持互动至关重要. 仅在特定时间和重新购买后才能看到结果.

例如, CVS Extra Care 计划可让您获得 2% 所有购买的背面.

阅读更多: 您可以在在线商店中实施的三种定价模型



但不要在这里太努力: 如果你组合了太多类型, 这可能会让你的客户感到困惑. 积分和等级系统可以很好地协同工作, 与现金返还的组合不同, 游戏, 和收费项目.

例如: 当您注册 Kiehl's Rewards 时, 保证获得免费生日礼物, 以及ASA $10 奖励每一个 $100 花费.


将粉丝列入大使名单来奖励他们怎么样?? 为他们提供免费赠品或 VIP 访问权限,以换取在社交媒体上传播有关您商店的信息, 审查网站和现场活动.

该忠诚度计划非常适合提高社会认同和品牌知名度. 潜在客户在看到大使使用该产品并给予积极评价后将被鼓励尝试该产品. They trust their choices, and reviews in the form of videos or pictures are always more honest.

例如, Lululemon’s ambassador program enables individuals who engage in a variety of activities, such as running, yoga, studio owners, 艺术家, and chefs, to become a part of the Lululemon community. They get to test out their products, connect with other ambassadors, and host company events such as yoga classes (while wearing their clothes).

这边走, Lululemon’s ambassador program promotes the brand, demonstrates its products in action, and creates a community around them.


这个很简单: 您在买家生日时向他们赠送礼物. 它适用于任何拥有客户数据库的企业, 如果您为注册订阅时事通讯提供生日礼物, 它有助于建立电子邮件营销列表. 礼物可以是独家产品, 折扣, 或样品. 谁不喜欢生日礼物?

例如: World Market 在您生日那天提供免费奖励 - 这是一个惊喜!

专家提示: 添加一个 结帐时的自定义字段 询问顾客的生日. 不要忘记解释你为什么要求它.

或者, 通过向客户发送一封电子邮件来庆祝其购买周年纪念日 带有折扣优惠券的自动电子邮件. 此选项更加简单,因为您无需跟踪所有客户的生日. 只需启用“购买后一年” 电子邮件, 指定折扣金额, 并且电子邮件将自动发送给所有符合条件的客户. (让您的客户了解这项福利以建立忠诚度是个好主意。)

学到更多: 电子商务电子邮件营销最佳实践可将销售额提高 3 倍


最大限度地提高忠诚度计划的有效性, 记住这些关键准则:

  • 保持条款简单明了, 确保为您的客户提供清晰的信息.
  • 简化注册流程, 让他们快速、轻松地加入.
  • 提供有价值的奖励,让他们的忠诚变得有价值和令人兴奋.
  • 鼓励持续参与以促进长期参与.
  • 为所采取的每项行动提供附加价值, 激励客户保持活跃.
  • Don’t forget to express gratitude and appreciation for their participation throughout the program.

通过遵循这些原则, 您可以创建一个真正吸引客户并让他们再次光顾的忠诚度计划.


Table of contents


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About the author

Max has been working in the ecommerce industry for the last six years helping brands to establish and level-up content marketing and SEO. Despite that, he has experience with entrepreneurship. He is a fiction writer in his free time.

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