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Najboljša programska oprema za umetnike, ki jo najdete na spletu

9 min read

Digital art tools have quickly become a vital part of the creative industry. From photo editing to digital illustration, artists need the best software to bring their vision to life.

So if you’re trying to pick the best software for artists, this article can help. We’ve compiled the top three digital art programs, including digital painting software, photo editing platforms, in več.

Tukaj je tisto, o čemer bomo govorili:

  • What to look for in digital art software
  • The best software for artists overall
  • The best digital painting software for artists
  • The best publication design software
  • Free alternatives to the best software for artists

How to Pick the Best Digital Art Software

Picking the best software for artists involves three main steps.

Identify what tools your software needs to be useful

This one’s kinda obvious, but it’s a good idea to make a list of the must-have tools that will make your download worth the effort. But don’t just think about the big-ticket stuff — you might mainly need software that lets you edit multiple drawing layers, but do you also need vector support? Identifying the little things will definitely help you in the long run.

Think about your budget

A lot of software for artists requires a monthly membership fee. If you’d rather make a one-time purchase and move on, look for digital art software that lets you pay for an indefinite license (meaning a one-time payment that gives you permanent access to the software).

Plan for the future

As you think about your budget and make a list of important tools, remember to plan for your future as an artist. Maybe paying for higher-end digital art software isn’t a good idea right now, but what if you start selling more art? It’s super easy to sell art online these days, so don’t ignore the possibility that paying for premium tools will be a worthy investment.

The Best Digital Art Software | Vrh 3 Picks

Now that you’ve got some insight into picking your ideal software, let’s get into our picks for the best digital art software in 2021.

Best Software for Artists Overall: Adobe Photoshop

If you’re going to buy just one piece of software as an artist, it should probably be Photoshop. The program has been a leader in image editing for years, but it also offers a range of illustration in design tools. To pomeni, da je Photoshop kot nalašč za skoraj vse vizualne umetnike ali oblikovalce – zlasti za interdisciplinarne umetnike, ki želijo delati z veliko digitalnimi mediji..

Glavne značilnosti

  • Večslojno urejanje
  • Vektorska podpora
  • Orodja za retuširanje (celjenje točk, popravek rdečih oči, itd.)
  • Odstranitev predmeta
  • Okvirna animacija (shranite kot GIF, Hitri čas, in več)
  • Orodja za urejanje, ki jih poganja AI

Prednosti in slabosti

+ Raznolik komplet orodij

+ 3D podpora oblikovanju

+ Širok izbor orodij za tipografijo

+ Enostavna integracija z drugimi orodji Adobe

– Potencialno izjemen vmesnik

– Nekoliko drago

Najboljša brezplačna alternativa Adobe Photoshopu: Gimp

Programska oprema za umetnike je lahko draga, in Photoshop ni izjema. Odvisno od načrta, s katerim se odločite, Adobe bi lahko zaračunal toliko kot $52.99 na mesec za dostop do Photoshopa.

Katera je torej najboljša brezplačna alternativa Photoshopu? Gimp.

Kar dobiš

  • Orodja za digitalno umetnost, podobna Photoshopu
  • Prilagodljiv vmesnik
  • Orodja za retuširanje

Česa ne dobiš

  • Vektorska podpora
  • Adobejeva orodja, ki jih poganja AI

Najboljša programska oprema za digitalno slikanje: Corel Painter

Kot že ime pove, Corel Painter je programska oprema za digitalno slikanje. Program ponuja nekaj pomembnih funkcij, vključno z zmožnostjo izdelave čopiči po meri, možnosti za nadzor "mokrosti" in "suhosti" digitalnega čopiča,” in združljivost z Mac in Windows. To zadnje pomeni, da je Corel Painter morda dobra nadgradnja, če trenutno uporabljate Procreate, ki je na voljo samo na iPadih. Corel Painter prav tako omogoča uporabnikom, da izkoristijo moč svoje združljive GPE povečati odzivnost med vhodom strojne opreme in zaslonom — odlična funkcija za natančno delo.

Glavne značilnosti

Prednosti in slabosti

+ Dobra izbira čopičev in medijev

+ Združljivost z Mac in Windows

+ Podpora za Wacom in pisalo

+ Podpora za več dotikov

+ Večplastna podpora

– Omejena vektorska podpora

– Ni na voljo na iPadih

Najboljša brezplačna alternativa Corel Painterju: Padel

Corel Painter je najboljša programska oprema za digitalno slikanje za umetnike, ampak to stroški nad $400. Če iščete nekaj cenejšega, Krita je odlična možnost ... ker je brezplačna.

Torej, kaj ponuja Krita? Na splošno, the software is a professional-grade digital painting tool that gives you a high-end experience for free (it even has a few features that Corel Painter doesn’t, like more support for vector files).

Kar dobiš

  • An accessible interface
  • konec 100 brushes
  • Vektorska podpora
  • Basic photo editing

Česa ne dobiš

  • Customer service (kot, none)
  • iPad and tablet support

Best Publication Design Software: Adobe InDesign

While Adobe Photoshop is the best all-around digital art software, Adobe InDesign is a fantastic specialized option that focuses on publication design. Kot tak, InDesign je popoln, če ste grafični oblikovalec, ki dela na letakih, revije, plakati, in vrsto drugih tiskanih medijev. Program ponuja sisteme za ustvarjanje in upravljanje vizualnih postavitev, vključno z vsebino, ki vključuje velike količine besedila, in več strani. Za razliko od nekaterih oblikovalskih programov, ta programska oprema je narejena za upravljanje postavitev – ne za ustvarjanje vizualnih elementov. InDesign ima dve različici: CC in CS. Ker je CC na splošno prednost med strokovnjaki, osredotočili se bomo na to različico namesto na CS.

Glavne značilnosti

  • Manage and create digital or print layouts
  • Integrates with Adobe Photoshop for more features
  • Compatible with Adobe Illustrator to import visuals

Prednosti in slabosti

+ Perfect for large amounts of text

+ Automized details like page numbers

+ Easy management of images and text

No automatic spell-check

Potentially confusing keyboard shortcuts

Best free alternative to Adobe InDesign: Crello

Like other Adobe products, InDesign charges a monthly subscription fee. If that doesn’t work for you, consider using Crello. Beyond being free, Crello could be a great option for artists who want to start selling prints online.

While Crello is very limited compared to InDesign, it might provide enough features for a casual user. The platform lets users manage the layout of text, slike, and other visuals — which could be a good starting point if you’re not quite ready to jump into publishing design on a professional level.

Kar dobiš

  • A simple and clean interface
  • Basic layout management
  • Do 5 free designs per month

Česa ne dobiš

  • Professional-grade tools
  • Professional printing options

Start Creating!

Obstaja veliko odlične programske opreme za umetnike, zato je pravi čas, da začnete ustvarjati digitalno umetnost. Plus, the trg digitalne umetnosti je v razcvetu — kar pomeni, da imate vznemirljiva priložnost zaslužiti s svojo ustvarjalnostjo.

Torej, kaj še čakate? Začnite ustvarjati digitalno umetnost še danes!



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About the author

Max has been working in the ecommerce industry for the last six years helping brands to establish and level-up content marketing and SEO. Despite that, he has experience with entrepreneurship. He is a fiction writer in his free time.

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