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Kako ustvariti spletno mesto za e-trgovino WordPress

15 min read

If your site is built on WordPress, in iščete vreden vtičnik spletnega nakupovalnega vozička za ustvarjanje trgovine za e-trgovino WordPress – vzemite si minuto in poglejte, kaj lahko Ecwid naredi za vas. Konec koncev, ime pomeni E–Commerce WIDget.

WordPress je najbolj priljubljen sistem za upravljanje vsebin (CMS) danes v uporabi na spletu; to je močno, enostaven za izvedbo, in enostaven za uporabo — tako kot Ecwid. Toda kako lahko Ecwid pomaga pri mojem WordPress ecommerce site? Read on to find out!

Ecwid zagotavlja varno in enostavno uporabo (brez kodiranja) ecommerce plugins for both versions and

WordPress Ecommerce with Ecwid

Does WordPress Have Ecommerce? And Is Woocommerce Part of WordPress?

These are two questions that are asked quite frequently. In ja, WordPress does have their own ecommerce via plugin, WooCommerce. And is one way you can create a free WordPress ecommerce site.

zdaj, while the plugin is free to use, unless you are a coding expert or developer, the software can be difficult to use. And in some cases, podjetja najemajo za pomoč pri izgradnji njihove trgovine. Če se odločite za uporabo WooCommerce, tukaj je nekaj dodatnih stroškov, ki jih lahko vidite:

  • Najem spletnega oblikovalca
  • Nakup dodatnih vtičnikov za optimizirano delovanje trgovine
  • Spletno gostovanje
  • Razširjene marketinške funkcije

WooCommerce morda ni najboljša brezplačna spletna trgovina za začetnike, because it can be costly and beginners may have a difficult time navigating through.

Is a WordPress Website Good for Ecommerce Beginners?

WooCommerce je lahko težaven za začetnike, večina trgovcev pa za nastavitev potrebuje razvijalca, vzdrževati, in posodobijo svojo trgovino, kot tudi dodatno podporo. Ecwid je zasnovan tako, da vsakemu trgovcu omogoča enostavno postavitev svoje trgovine – ni potrebno razvijalsko ali tehnično znanje. Oglejmo si nekaj razlik.

Cloud-based solution

Trgovci težko varnostno kopirajo svoje trgovine na WooCommerce, za upravljanje pogosto potrebuje zunanji prodajalec. Kot gostujoča rešitev v oblaku, Ecwid varnostno kopira vse podatke o trgovini, tako da je varno, če spletno mesto odpove – plus, trgovcem damo rezervno trgovino, da lahko nadaljujejo s prodajo.

Večkanalna prodaja

WooCommerce zahteva dodatne vtičnike tretjih oseb (običajno po ceni) za številne njihove funkcije in prodajne kanale. Ecwid ima vgrajeno zmožnost prodaje na družbenih spletnih mestih in tržnicah, kot je Facebook, Instagram, in Amazon.

Varnost podatkov

Kot rečeno, Ecwid je raven PCI DSS 1 Certificirani ponudnik storitev, zagotavljanje varnosti vseh plačilnih in transakcijskih podatkov. Trgovine WooCommerce privzeto niso varne, making merchants reliant on their host and additional security features.

Site builder compatibility

WooCommerce only works with WordPress, locking merchants into their platform. Ecwid integrates seamlessly with WordPressbut also with any other CMS or site builder. If you decide to move to a new website, or add your products to partners’ sites or blogs, your Ecwid store will travel with your business wherever you need it to.

No worries with updates

Updates serve to improve user experience, včasih pa lahko celo manjša sprememba teme povzroči, da se kaj pokvari. Posodobitve Ecwid ne zahtevajo posredovanja razvijalca, poleg tega Ecwid deli vire, ki spremljajo vsako posodobitev in pomagajo razumeti spremembe. In če je treba kaj popraviti, imate celotno ekipo, ki dela za vas. Z WooCommerce, težavo boste morali prepoznati in odpraviti sami.

Odlična podpora

Ne glede na to, kako enostavna je rešitev, majhna pomoč nikoli ne škodi. Še posebej, če nimate izkušenj s spletnimi stranmi in spletnimi trgovinami. Podporo lahko dobite neposredno od Ecwida na nadzorni plošči, vendar v primeru WooCommerce, Postavitev in vodenje spletne trgovine se morate lotiti sami.

Če WordPress že uporabljate kot graditelja spletnih mest, a great and easy solution is using the Ecwid plugin instead to build an ecommerce website. Veliko lažji za namestitev in krmarjenje, poleg tega pa ima že vgrajene funkcije, ki bi vas z WooCommerce dodatno stale.

Z WordPressom, you can use the Ecwid plugin on the Free plan

Z WordPressom, you can use the Ecwid plugin on the Free plan. It allows you to sell a limited number of products for free. Some developers will actually tell you, they like the Ecwid plugin for a number of reasons. Read why this developer actually prefers Ecwid!

A customer review of Ecwid E-commerce Shopping Cart plugin for WordPress

A customer review of Ecwid Ecommerce Shopping Cart plugin for WordPress

Don’t take our word for it, read more reviews to hear firsthand how merchants prefer Ecwid for WordPress ecommerce!

Mimogrede, če že imate trgovino na WooCommerce, you can easily migrate it to Ecwid by Lightspeed. S pomočjo našega orodja za selitev lahko hitro izvozite svoje izdelke in kategorije iz WooCommerce v Ecwid. Kako to storiti, preberite v našem Center pomoči.

Fast-loading store

There is one more reason to consider the Ecwid plugin to quickly and effortlessly add an online store to your WordPress site. Not only do you get a free online store, but your storefront will be lightning fast.

We just released a new version of the Ecwid WordPress plugin that drastically speeds up your storefront loading. Wonder why that’s such a big deal? Here’s just two reasons, of many:

  • Fast loading speed improves the shopping experience of your ecommerce WordPress site. Your customers will experience no delay when loading your Ecwid storefront. This convenient and seamless shopping experience means more finished orders.
  • Having a fast-loading storefront is important for improving your SEO. The loading speed affects how high your site is in the search engine results. The faster your store is, the better the chance of it ranking higher in search results.

The results of Ecwid sellers speak for themselves. After updating the Ecwid plugin for WordPress, Reclaim Design improved its Pagespeed Performance from 28 do 87. Sfeir Design experienced a similar improvement, going from 20 do 81!

If you’re already using the Ecwid plugin for WordPress, you can now update it to get a new, faster version of your online store. Don’t forget to check how much better your page performance becomes with Pagespeed Insights!

How Do I Create an Ecommerce Website With WordPress and Ecwid?

Če imate spletno mesto WordPress in želite začeti s spletno prodajo, smo sestavili hiter vodnik, da bo vaša trgovina delovala nemoteno in hitro. In na koncu boste vedeli, kako ustvariti spletno trgovino z WordPressom in Ecwidom.

Kako začeti uporabljati vtičnik Ecwid za WordPress

Za začetek, preprosto poiščite Ecwid v razdelku Plugins vašega zaledja WordPress.

Če vaše spletno mesto gostuje samostojno ali uporablja drug sistem za namestitev vtičnikov, ti lahko prenesite vtičnik tukaj, nato pa ga naložite na strežnik FTP vašega spletnega mesta. Ko je vtičnik naložen in nameščen, morate ga aktivirati. You can activate it either from the upload page (“Activate this plugin now”) or from the Plugins page.

Creating an Online Store and Connecting It to WordPress

Once your Ecwid plugin is installed, you’ll need to get your Ecwid account in order if you haven’t previously done so. Signing up for Ecwid is free and easy and can be done in a matter of minutes.
If you already have an Ecwid account and store, you can connect them to your WordPress site at this time in a snap. If you have any doubts, simply register through

zdaj v trenutku povežite svojo trgovino s svojim spletnim mestom WordPress

Nastavitev trgovine Ecwid na vašem spletnem mestu WordPress

Zdaj se začne zabava! Oglejmo si korak za korakom, kako zgraditi spletno mesto za e-trgovino.

Če želite začeti postavljati svojo trgovino Ecwid na svojem spletnem mestu WordPress, pojdite v svoj katalog izdelkov, kjer lahko storite naslednje:

  • Naložite slike svojih izdelkov
  • Dodajte opise izdelkov
  • Določite davčne stopnje in območja pošiljanja
  • Nastavite e-poštna obvestila o naročilu
  • Dodaj 45+ priljubljeni načini plačila
  • Poveži z 50+ uporabne aplikacije za upravljanje vaše trgovine
  • Naj bodo vaši opisi izdelkov SEO prijazni in še veliko več.

You can set up the look and feel of your store as you like. Na primer, change the entire layout of your store or pick what category displays by default.

Ecwid je 100% odziven, so your online store will look great on any screen size, ne glede na to, kateri pogled izberete.

Easily set up the look and feel of your store

Adding Ecommerce Blocks to Your Pages

If you have no coding skills, you can use WordPress’ code-free page editor and publishing tool (known as the Gutenberg editor). It allows you to add anything to any webpage just by arranging a content block.

After you install the Ecwid Ecommerce plugin for WordPress, you get ten ecommerce blocks right in the block editor. That enables you to add online store functionalities to any site page in minutes.

After you install the Ecwid E-commerce plugin for WordPress, you get ten e-commerce blocks right in the block editor.

You can add a whole store homepage, categories menu, product cards, “Buy” buttons, stran za iskanje in filtre, and other ecommerce blocks. Ecwid se integrira neposredno v urejevalnik, tako da imate lahko dosledno, izkušnja brez kode.

Preberite več o vsakem od ten Ecwid’s ecommerce blocks for the Gutenberg editor.

Upravljanje spletne trgovine

Določite lahko stvari, ki se nanašajo na izdelke, možnosti pošiljanja, možnosti plačila in več. Za dostop do teh možnosti, first open the WordPress Dashboard, then go to Ecwid → Dashboard. tudi, tukaj lahko izpolnite inventar, spremljajte statistiko vaše trgovine in dostopajte do profilov strank.

Medtem ko lahko svojo trgovino Ecwid upravljate iz zaledja WordPressa, obstajajo tudi druge možnosti. Operativne odločitve lahko sprejemate iz svojega Račun Ecwid, ali celo od Google Play in iOS aplikacije. Morda niste vedno za računalnikom, a vaš telefon verjetno ni daleč stran, kar vam omogoča spreminjanje na poti.

Napredne nastavitve Ecwid

Zdaj, ko ste seznanjeni z osnovnimi nastavitvami spletnega nakupovalnega vozička WordPress, poglobimo se v nekatere naprednejše nastavitve, do katerih imate dostop.

    • Prilagodljiv dizajn: Ecwid adapts your online store colors to any theme you use for your WordPress site. Thanks to that, your Ecwid store looks like it’s been a part of your website since day one
    • Single sign-on: Integrating single sign-on means your customers will not have to sign up/login to their account in order to make a purchase through your website. That is only available to paid users.
    • If you want even more control over the look of your store, Ecwid allows for full customization by means of CSS.


Adding extensions to your Ecwid storefront makes your life easier when it comes time to market and ship your products out the door. If you’re looking to add more functionality to your WordPress shopping cart, there are various apps in the Ecwid App Market. Na primer, Zotabox which gives you a package of 20+ promotional sales tools for your website.

Mobile web browsing is a driving force all over the world today. While responsive themes and friendly online stores are a great first step, having an app that lives on your customers’ phones is even better. App development can be expensive, but not for Ecwid merchants.

The ShopApp extension will automatically build you a personalized app that your customers can download and use to order your products from their pockets.

There are also a number of integrations with services like MailChimp (to help you promote your WordPress shopping cart).

You can check out the full list of apps in the Trg aplikacij Ecwid.

Ecwid trgovina Sharks Palermo na WordPressu

Ecwid trgovina Sharks Palermo na WordPressu


Ecwid is a powerful ecommerce solution for WordPress that fills the needs of anyone looking to sell items online, whether it’s a major ecommerce operation or small side business.

Even the most amateur entrepreneur can build a modern ecommerce site using WordPress and Ecwid to get up and running in only a few hours. Za tiste, ki bolj razumejo tehnologijo, there are many deeper options available through Ecwid to truly make your store the one and only.

Najboljši del? You can plug Ecwid into almost any existing website and try it risk-free, thanks to Ecwid’s Free plan, which lets you sell a limited number of items at no cost.

Do you want to learn more about selling online with WordPress?


Prodaja preko spleta

With Ecwid Ecommerce, you can easily sell anywhere, komurkoli — po internetu in po vsem svetu.

About the author

Max has been working in the ecommerce industry for the last six years helping brands to establish and level-up content marketing and SEO. Despite that, he has experience with entrepreneurship. He is a fiction writer in his free time.

Ecommerce that has your back

So simple to use – even my most technophobic clients can manage. Easy to install, quick to set up. Light years ahead of other shop plugins.
I’m so impressed I’ve recommended it to my website clients and am now using it for my own store along with four others for which I webmaster. Beautiful coding, excellent top-notch support, great documentation, fantastic how-to videos. Thank you so much Ecwid, you rock!
I’ve used Ecwid and I love the platform itself. Everything is so simplified it’s insane. I love how you have different options to choose shipping carriers, to be able to put in so many different variants. It’s a pretty open e-commerce gateway.
Easy to use, cenovno dostopne (and a free option if starting off). Looks professional, many templates to select from. The App is my favorite feature as I can manage my store right from my phone. Highly recommended 👌👍
I like that Ecwid was easy to start and to use. Even for a person like me, without any technical background. Very well written help articles. And the support team is the best for my opinion.
For everything it has to offer, ECWID is incredibly easy to set up. Highly recommend! I did a lot of research and tried about 3 other competitors. Just try ECWID and you'll be online in no time.

Your ecommerce dreams start here

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