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Vital Product Packaging Design Basics for Online Retailers

10 min read

The online space is a treasure trove of products, offering consumers an unparalleled variety.

Avšak, this abundance can pose a challenge for ecommerce businesses. With a sea of competitors vying for consumer attention, standing out has become more critical than ever.

Takže, how can an ecommerce business rise above the competition?

There are numerous strategies, but one that holds immense potential is product packaging design. It’s not just a container for your product; it’s a strategic tool to set your brand apart.

The Value of Product Package Design

Let’s take a more in-depth look at the value of the product package and its benefits.

najprv, there is the matter of branding, which is one of the most critical parts of running a successful business of any type. Any business can create a product and put it on the market, ale branding separates it from similar products. There are numerous examples of the powers of branding, such as Apple, Nike, Coca-Cola, a viac. These brands have similar competitors, but they have used their branding to push them to the forefront.

Consider this: when a customer is browsing for products, what is more likely to catch their eye, všeobecnú kartónovú škatuľu alebo dobre navrhnutý a farebný obal? Odpoveď je jasná: ich pozornosť s väčšou pravdepodobnosťou pritiahne kvalitný a vizuálne podnetný dizajn balenia produktu.

Samozrejme, zvažuje sa aj to, že zákazníci nemusia vždy vidieť obal pri prehliadaní produktov online. V tomto prípade, môžu byť viac priťahované k obrázkom samotného produktu. Avšak, keď produkt dorazí vo vysokokvalitnom alebo pútavom obale, pomáha to budovať dôveru a lojalitu zákazníkov. It can make them more likely to return and buy from the store again.

Questions for Inspiring the Retail Product Packaging Design Process

Takže, where do we begin with retail product packaging design? The first step is to determine the answers to a few questions.

1. What is the product and its details?

The first question simply establishes the primary information about the product. The answer can include details like the size of the product, its material, whether it is delicate or fragile, a viac. Táto otázka pomáha okamžite určiť niektoré potreby balenia.

Napríklad, krehkejšie výrobky budú potrebovať obal, ktorý ich dostatočne ochráni, and products with a unique shape may require a custom-designed box.

2. Kto je publikum?

Ďalším krokom je určenie demografickej skupiny, ktorá bude produkt kupovať a používať. Je to primárne pre konkrétne pohlavie alebo vek? Je to pre tých, ktorí majú konkrétny záujem alebo skupinu?

Určenie týchto informácií poskytuje kľúčové detaily pre navrhovanie obalov, ktoré oslovia cieľovú skupinu.

Napríklad, ak ide o ženský produkt, balenie by pravdepodobne malo obsahovať ženské farby. Alebo je publikum ohľaduplné k životnému prostrediu, do tej miery, že ekologické balenie by sa malo vyžadovať?

V niektorých prípadoch, to si môže vyžadovať prieskum cieľového publika, aby sa zistilo, čo ho oslovuje a čo ho odrádza. To ponúka skôr priame informácie než predpoklady.

3. Aké sú silné a slabé stránky konkurenčných obalov?

Vynikajúce miesto na začatie hodnotenia toho, čo a čo nie, je u konkurencie. Vyhodnoťte obaly úspešných konkurentov a to, čo sa zdá byť pre zákazníkov lákavé.

Pozrite si recenzie ich produktov a zistite, čo zákazníci povedali o ich obaloch, či už dobré alebo zlé. To môže pomôcť inšpirovať potenciálne body dizajnu a identifikovať zlý dizajn balenia produktu, ktorému sa treba vyhnúť.

Návrhové body na zváženie

Teraz, pozrime sa na niektoré bezprostredne balenie produktu konštrukčné body, ktoré treba zvážiť. Tieto sú obzvlášť dôležité pre maloobchodníkov so zavedenou značkou.

Veľkosť a tvar produktu

Obal by mal byť navrhnutý tak, aby produkt primerane chránil. Nie je dobré mať luxusný obal, ak sa produkt v krabici chrastí a poškodí.


Ak má spoločnosť a aktuálne používané logo alebo navrhnuté, toto by malo byť začlenené do dizajnu balíka.


Farby môžu pri vytváraní obalov urobiť veľký rozdiel, such as in the feminine products example above. Okrem toho, if the brand has its own dedicated color scheme, this can be used.


Copy is the words written on the packaging, a detail that requires ample attention. The copy should be well-written and communicate any necessary or desired information about the product. While it can be tempting to overexplain, the copy should be concise enough to communicate the intention while capturing attention.

Remember to include industry-required information, ako napr nutrition facts or expiration dates.


Are there any photos or graphics that should be included on the packaging? This can include images of the relevant audience or user, such as dogs on a dog treat bag. Don’t go overboard on imagery, as it can clutter up the design.

Should You Use AI Product Packaging Design?

The significant prominence of AI in recent years may lead some to consider using AI product packaging design.

Avšak, there are some pros and cons to using this technology, so here is a brief rundown of factors to consider.

Pros of using AI

The largest benefit of using AI for design is that it can create designs and reiterations very quickly. It can also help to inspire the initial design and make redesign as simple as telling the AI what to change for a new version rapidly.

Cons of using AI

There are also a few downsides to AI.

Po prvé, there is the ethical debate that has been center stage for AI art creation. AI does not actually create its own designs. Skôr, it scrapes previous work done by designers, umelcov, and other creators from all over the internet. Takže, while this is currently completely legal and acceptable, it is potentially putting creatorsjobs and work at risk.

Okrem toho, AI isn’t perfect, and it can only do so much with the information it has, which can lead to silly mistakes or imperfections. A good example of this is the numerous pieces of AI art out there that show people with deformed hands or extra legs.

While these are blatant examples, they illustrate AI’s potential weaknesses. Even with the quick speed of AI iterations, na vyhodnotenie návrhov bude vždy potrebné ľudské oko.

často kladené otázky

Čo by malo obsahovať dizajn balenia produktu?

Každý dizajn balenia bude iný, a správne faktory sa môžu pre každý produkt líšiť.

Avšak, niektoré prvky, ktoré je potrebné vziať do úvahy pri navrhovaní, zahŕňajú snímky, logo, veľkosť a tvar produktu, farby, zahrnutie loga, a viac. Úplné podrobnosti o každom z nich nájdete vyššie.

Môžem použiť AI na navrhovanie obalov?

Krátka odpoveď je áno. AI can be great for creating quick designs and early iterations.

Avšak, its weaknesses shine through in potential imagery errors and needing too many redesigns.

Should I hire a professional?

If there is no one experienced in design on your team, and the budget allows for it, hiring a professional package designer is an excellent idea. Their experience and insights can help to create the ideal packaging for any product quickly.

It can be tempting to attempt designing packaging yourself, even without experience. Avšak, it may have negative results if the packaging doesn’t capture attention or properly hold the product.



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About the author

Max has been working in the ecommerce industry for the last six years helping brands to establish and level-up content marketing and SEO. Despite that, he has experience with entrepreneurship. He is a fiction writer in his free time.

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