An Entrepreneur’s Guide to Shipping Labels for Ecommerce Stores

Como empresário, you know how important it is to provide great customer service. That includes ensuring your customers get their orders on time and in great condition. The key to this is having the right shipping labels for ecommerce stores.

Neste artigo, we’ll explain the need for shipping labels and how to create, Comprar, and print them. We’ll also share best practices for creating shipping labels and share how to get them at a discount.

What Are Shipping Labels?

Shipping labels contain information about the shipment, such as the sender’s address, the recipient’s address, and other details related to the package.

Shipping labels are often printed onto sticker paper or thermal paper, making them easy to affix onto packages and waterproof so they won’t be damaged in transit.

A shipping label usually includes the following information:

A shipping label can also show billing status (por exemplo, pré-pago), Nível de serviço, e mais.

Let’s look into a real-life example of a shipping label to understand its contents better. Here is a USPS shipping label:

Let’s break down the contents of the shipping label in our example.

o service icon block indicates different USPS services:

In our example, P stands for Priority Mail. Tenha em mente que isso se aplica apenas ao USPS. Other providers might have different service types.

o service type banner states the type of delivery as denoted by the block above. Nesse caso, it’s Priority Mail.

o postage payment area is for showing postage payment information. This section should include the class of mail (como "Peça única" ou "Presorted"), a cidade e o estado da licença, e o número da licença.

Com USPS, retailers can apply for a Permit Imprint which allows them to pay for and print shipping information in bulk.

o return address is the address where the package should return in case of non-delivery. Na maioria dos casos, este seria seu endereço comercial. If you outsource shipping to a third party, you will use their address here.

o delivery address is the address you’re shipping the package to. Além do endereço, você também deve incluir informações de código de rota de entrega e códigos de distribuição de varejo (RDC). This is a four-digit number placed next to the zip code. Ajuda os manipuladores de correio a descobrir o caminho a seguir para entregar o produto. USPS automatically generates this code for you when you use their site to print your labels.

o tracking code section includes the code you and your customers can use to track the orders. Usually this code is generated automatically.

o additional information section contains any additional details about the package, como a data de envio ou peso.

A maioria das etiquetas de envio seguem o mesmo padrão. Usualmente, you just have to fill out the customer’s address, the return address, and the dimensions of your parcel. The rest is generated automatically by your shipping provider or your shipping software.

Why Are Shipping Labels Important?

Shipping labels help machines and humans in your supply chain—storage warehouse, alfândega, correio, etc.—understand your package origins and its shipping destination.

Como você pode imaginar, a falha em criar etiquetas de envio claras pode resultar em um desastre logístico. You can lose packages en route, entregar o pacote errado e causar danos a longo prazo à experiência do cliente.

Correct shipping labels provide accurate information about the shipment, which helps ensure that it reaches its destination quickly and safely. They also help speed up delivery times by providing clear instructions for couriers and carriers on where to deliver the package. Deste jeito, they can help reduce the loss of packages because they contain valuable information that can be used to trace a package if it gets lost.

How To Create, Comprar, and Print Shipping Labels

Creating shipping labels is relatively simple if you have the right tools and resources available to you.

There are two options to create shipping labels—manually through your shipping provider’s website or automatically through shipping software.

Creating Shipping Labels Manually

This is a slow method to create shipping labels, but it works if you’re dealing with low volume or are using an ecommerce platform without built-in shipping label integration.

Every major shipping service provider allows you to create and buy shipping labels on their website, including USPS, UPS, FedEx, DHL, etc.

The information you provide for creating and buying a label is almost always the same:

After you fill in all the required information, you’ll be asked to add a payment option. After paying for it, you’ll be able to print your label.

Filling in shipment details for buying a shipping label on the UPS website

After you print a shipping label, you put it on your parcel and drop it off at the nearest post office. Some postal services also allow requesting a package pickup from your house.

Creating Shipping Labels Automatically

Felizmente, if your ecommerce platform integrates with the most popular shipping providers, you can spend way less time (and often money) creating and buying shipping labels.

If you sell online with Ecwid por Lightspeed, you can buy and imprimir etiquetas de envio right from your Ecwid admin. All you have to do is click a couple of vital buttons. The shipping labels are automatically prefilled with customers’ information to save you time and avoid typos.

Not only does that save you time, but it’s also more convenient. You don’t need to have a 3rd-party account to order the shipping labels. No need to remember access credentials or share credit card information.

You can buy a shipping label from the order details page in your Ecwid admin

The best part about buying labels in your Ecwid admin is that it saves you shipping costs. Labels bought through your Ecwid admin are discounted, significantly saving you money, especially when you ship many orders or enviar internacionalmente.

You can also choose to automatically assign a tracking number to the order and email shipment details to the customer. Novamente, less time is spent managing shipping labels and tracking numbers!

You can choose from different shipping services when buying a label in your Ecwid admin

The built-in shipping label tool is available for sellers from the US, Alemanha, Bélgica, and the Netherlands. Follow these instructions to buy and print discounted shipping labels from your Ecwid admin.

If you are from another country, you can buy shipping labels using apps from our mercado de aplicativos.

After you automatically generate a label and print it from your Ecwid admin, you put it on your parcel and either drop it off at the nearest post office or request a pickup by a postal worker.

Best Practices For Creating Shipping Labels

When creating shipping labels, there are a few best practices that should be followed to ensure accuracy and efficiency:

What Is a Packing Slip?

Além das etiquetas de envio, você também precisa incluir uma guia de remessa (also called a “waybill”) com seu pacote.

A packing slip is a document that accompanies the package and contains information about the contents of the shipment. It usually looks something like this:

A packing slip is usually included inside a package and contains the following:

A guia de remessa é essencialmente um recibo do cliente. Além de servir como comprovante de recebimento, it also tells customers what’s included in their package—particularly helpful when you’re shipping multiple items spread across multiple packages.

No entanto, a guia de remessa não é necessária para o envio. Seu serviço de envio não se importará se você não o incluir no pacote.

Usualmente, seu software de remessa ou faturamento também pode criar guias de remessa. You can also create a packing slip yourself in Google Sheets or Excel using templates like isto.

If you sell online with Ecwid by Lightspeed, it saves you time with packing slips too. Você pode usar printable invoices as your packing slips. They contain your company name and address, the buyer’s name and ship-to address, the payment method and shipping method they’ve chosen for their order, information about the ordered products, and an itemized order total.

Invoices are generated automatically for your orders and you can print them with just a click. You can also customize your invoice template if needed.

An example of a printable invoice in an Ecwid store that can be used as a packing slip

alternativamente, você pode usar o Designer de impressão app from the Ecwid App Market to create and print packing slips.


Shipping labels are an essential part of running an ecommerce business as they ensure accurate delivery times and protect against loss of packages during transit. It’s important to understand how shipping labels work to create accurate ones for your customers quickly and efficiently without spending too much time and money in the process.

By following these tips, you will save money and gain peace of mind knowing your customers will receive their orders safely every time.

About The Author
Jesse is the Marketing Manager at Ecwid and has been in e-commerce and internet marketing since 2006. He has experience with PPC, SEO, conversion optimization and loves to work with entrepreneurs to make their dreams a reality.

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