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10 Ideias de negócios de assinatura lucrativas

12 min read

The opportunities are endless when it comes to subscription businesses. This market is booming, with entrepreneurs starting to notice the profitable nature of these kinds of businesses. Revenue among subscription businesses grew about five times faster than in-person sales between January 2012 through June 2019 in the U.S., making it a very eye-catching opportunity for new merchants.

Whether you are already a business owner or looking to start one, you are likely to benefit from this booming market. You can choose to create a subscription-based business out of pretty much anything. The important thing is to choose something that aligns with your interests and audience.

It is easier than ever to start your own business with the help of an ecommerce site like Ecwid. Through Ecwid, you can create a website where your consumers can learn more about your business and use secure and recurring payment methods to purchase products. Em Ecwid, we offer a free plan to all of our members and provide resources to help along the way, helping you make the best out of your new journey.

If you are ready to start today but not sure what your options are, we can help. We have created a list of some of the best subscription business ideas out there to help you decide. Keep in mind, these are just suggestions; in the end, it’s up to you what to sell.

Meal Plan Subscription Business

With profit margins much higher than those of restaurants, subscription-based meal prep delivery has gained incredible popularity over the years. Ordering from meal prep sites saves people time grocery shopping, but also saves costs accrued from eating out. Meal-kits are a convenient way for those who seek to continually have access to homemade food, so they can avoid eating out, save money, and eat healthier.

Most consumers prefer a subscription system for this kind of service. With a subscription, they don’t have to worry about ordering and paying for food constantly, or forgetting to order a meal on time.

Once you’ve chosen your niche and found a reliable way to source your ingredients, it is fairly easy to start your own meal prep business. You can check out this guide we put together to help you understand more about selling food online.

Por exemplo, Klean sells different types of meal plans for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Customers can choose different subscription periods, from weekly to monthly deliveries.


This subscription business idea is perfect for anyone with a green thumb. You can sell subscriptions for fresh-cut flowers that will be delivered to your customer’s door on a regular basis.

Por exemplo, you can offer a subscription that delivers a bouquet of flowers once a week, mês, or season directly to your customers. You can also offer different subscription levels or let customers buy a flower subscription as a gift.

Flora Flower Cart is the perfect example: they sell bouquet subscriptions to keep their customers’ houses beautiful for longer.

Organic and Healthy Food Subscription Plan

Se dada a escolha e tempo, a maioria das pessoas prefere comer orgânicos. À medida que mais consumidores fazem a transição para uma alimentação consciente e hábitos de vida mais saudáveis, comida saudável se tornará mais popular.

No entanto, a maioria das pessoas não gosta do incômodo que vem com a alimentação orgânica. Não é fácil encontrar fazendas locais ou mercados de agricultores se você mora em uma cidade grande, e muitas vezes, comida orgânica de supermercado pode ser cara.

Starting a subscription-based business that provides consumers with a monthly box of organic and healthy goods is a great solution to a common problem. This is the kind of subscription plan many are willing to support long-term.

You’ll need to build a reliable network of suppliers and think of good ways to keep the products fresh during the delivery time. Once you develop the right marketing strategy and build your customer base, the business should practically run itself.

Por exemplo, The Remedy Kitchen vende assinaturas de preparação de refeições para clientes preocupados com a saúde. Sua comida não contém glúten, laticínios, trigo, ou açúcar refinado.

Assinatura de Vitaminas

Você pode vender vitaminas durante todo o ano porque as pessoas sempre precisarão delas. As caixas de vitaminas personalizadas tornaram-se cada vez mais populares à medida que mais pessoas têm acesso a pesquisas sobre as necessidades específicas de seus corpos.

Você pode optar por criar uma caixa de assinatura de vitaminas onde os compradores recebem uma entrega mensal de todas as vitaminas de que precisam. You’ll want to create a sort of questionnaire on your website to provide shoppers with a unique experience and find out exactly what their needs are.

The sale of online supplements has doubled in the past few years. Agora, with consumers having everything delivered to their doors, this is undeniably a great subscription business idea.

Coffee Subscription Box

There is undeniable consumer demand for coffee worldwide, making it a great market for new entrepreneurs to join. Coffee is one of the most popular products to sell on a subscription basis, making it easier to sell online. It is easy to find coffee suppliers, and the product is relatively hardy during shipping.

Given the popularity of coffee, you’d probably want to stand out by providing consumers high-quality coffee at reasonable prices. You can also choose from a variety of options, including low acid coffee, dark roast, French vanilla, dark roast, etc.

You can also make a gift basket coffee subscription, which can be incredibly popular. You can create a coffee basket containing different coffee roasts and flavors that can be gifted during special occasions. This creates a great business opportunity during the holidays.

With the right dedication, you will see incredible results from this type of online business.

Por exemplo, Trade sells roasted beans as a monthly subscription service. To personalize shopper’s experience, Trade offers customers to take the quiz to find their perfect blend.

Essential Oils Subscription Business

The production or selling of essential oils can be a very lucrative business idea. This business attracts long-term customers that will support you as long as your products align with their expectations.

Most people rely on essential oils for a variety of reasons, including cleaning, wound treatment, cough suppressants, headaches, e muitas outras coisas.

Because you can use essential oils for many different tasks, consumers often go through them quickly. People are willing to get subscriptions in order to minimize costs and the trouble of constantly buying new oils.

The key is to remain in contact with your customers, whether it is through a newsletter or promotion code emails, so they know to choose you. You can take a look at our quick guide to sending ecommerce newsletters to learn more about your options.

The options are endless when it comes to the business of essential oils. Ao optar por vender óleos de alta qualidade que não são facilmente encontrados em outros lugares, você pode rapidamente ficar à frente da concorrência.

Assinatura Desodorante Natural

Com um plano de assinatura de desodorante, os clientes vão adorar receber seu desodorante natural favorito antes mesmo de precisar. Esta é uma ótima ideia de negócio que permitirá que os membros recebam constantemente uma recarga de seu desodorante, juntamente com alguns outros produtos de higiene de sua escolha entregues à sua porta.

Por exemplo, Myro’s customers can subscribe to receiving natural deodorant kits in eco-friendly packaging.

Cleaning Products Subscription Box

As more people choose to have most of their necessary household items delivered to their door, house cleaning product subscriptions continue to grow in popularity. You can choose to offer your customer a monthly or weekly box containing all of the items necessary to keep their homes clean at a price lower than if they were to buy each item individually.

Essa ideia de negócio de assinatura continua sendo valorizada por muitos clientes devido à sua conveniência e acessibilidade.

Você também pode optar por oferecer aos membros a alternativa de adicionar produtos de limpeza mais naturais e menos tóxicos às suas caixas mensais. Produtos de limpeza naturais nem sempre são fáceis de encontrar, e fornecer essa opção aos seus clientes pode ser uma ótima maneira de diferenciá-lo da concorrência.

Necessidades para animais de estimação

As pessoas adoram guloseimas exóticas e divertidas para seus animais de estimação, e constantemente quer estragá-los. With a subscription, they can receive a fun box containing pets’ essential items on a regular basis.

By selling subscription pet boxes, you can tap into the market of pet care and receive consistent payment. You can choose to offer pet owners the option to fill their monthly delivery with a selection of fun toys and treats, grooming products, etc. The potential for this business is limitless, as is people’s love for their animals.

Por exemplo, PupPlanet sells treats for dogs and offers their customers differently-themed monthly subscription boxes.

Produtos digitais

If you’re a content creator of any kind, this option might be especially beneficial for you. Subscription-based digital products can be a great way to make money. Like if you’re a photographer, you can sell your photos as phone backgrounds or illustrations for blogs.

This especially works if you have expertise in a particular subject. Using subscriptions, você pode create a digital product and sell packages to customers to enjoy different pieces over time. Por exemplo, você pode vender acesso a um boletim informativo mensal com seus artigos, pontas, avaliações, ou notícias da indústria.

Comece seu negócio de assinaturas

A linha inferior é esta: você pode optar por iniciar um negócio de assinatura de quase tudo. Este é um mercado em expansão que continua a se mostrar eficaz e conveniente. Com o uso de ferramentas de pagamento recorrente seguras e eficientes oferecidas por meio de Ecwid, você pode começar hoje sem nada a perder.

Quer saber mais sobre o lançamento de um negócio de assinatura??


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About the author

Max has been working in the ecommerce industry for the last six years helping brands to establish and level-up content marketing and SEO. Despite that, he has experience with entrepreneurship. He is a fiction writer in his free time.

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