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Como construir uma marca: A Playbook for Small E-commerce Businesses

14 min read

Os compradores estão gastando quantias recordes de dinheiro online, condução global vendas de e-commerce de uma estimativa $4.9 trilhão em 2021 para $6.5 trilhão em 2023. Embora esse crescimento esteja criando oportunidades para lojas online de todos os tamanhos, os mais bem preparados para o sucesso são reforçados por uma estratégia de marca ponderada.

Uma marca eficaz captura claramente a singularidade de seus produtos e ajuda a persuadir os clientes a agir, inspirando uma resposta emocional. Learn how to distinguish your small e-commerce business from the competition with this step-by-step guide to developing a compelling brand identity.

Nesta postagem:

O que é uma marca e por que seu negócio de comércio eletrônico precisa de uma?

À primeira vista, parece que uma marca é simplesmente um logotipo e um esquema de cores. Sob a superfície, Contudo, tem a poderosa capacidade de desencadear respostas emocionais nos clientes. Uma marca é definida como a forma como as pessoas percebem um negócio:

  • The emotional response they have to a company
  • The value they see in its products
  • The benefits they associate with buying from the company.

All small businesses can benefit from a branding strategy. Because once you’ve distinguished your brand and cultivated an image that resonates with your target audience, your brand will:

  • Generate awareness so customers know what your company stands for and what your brand promises to provide for them.
  • Cultivate brand loyalty. Customers who trust your business are more likely to purchase from you or try out your newest product offerings.
  • Help you stand out from your competition. Customers faced with similar products tend to pick the brand that’s familiar, or that generates some type of positive feeling or response.

Como construir uma marca

A brand build starts with your company’s mission statement and values. Once you’ve identified this essence of your business, you can pinpoint the emotions you want to inspire in customers when they search your website or buy your products.

Por exemplo, an environmentally friendly product can make customers feel they’ve made a socially conscious choice. A coveted luxury item can create a sense of elevated social status. A rugged outdoor brand can generate excitement and the expectation of adventure.

You can build your brand by focusing on four key strategies:

  1. Developing a brand personality
  2. Positioning the brand in the market
  3. Designing the brand’s visual elements
  4. Marketing the brand.

1. Develop a brand personality

Begin by considering the driving goal of your venture and why it matters. You started this company with a purpose: think about what that is and how to communicate this value to others. This step is critical because if you don’t know why your company is important, it’s impossible to communicate unique selling points to customers.

Your company’s brand should evolve naturally from the core values of your business. Take a few moments to condense the essence of your company into the following points:

  • O que você vende
  • What problems your products solve for customers
  • How you want your customers to feel.

2. Position the brand

When you’ve determined the purpose of your business, start shaping your branding strategy. In this step, you’re exploring how your small e-commerce business differs from others offering the same product.

Take a look at competing brands and the audiences they’re targeting, and then answer these questions as concisely as possible:

  • Who is your mercado alvo?
  • What’s the main benefit of your product? How does it improve your customer’s life?
  • What makes your business unique?
  • Why should customers choose your business?

How to write a brand positioning statement

Agora, rework these answers into a one- or two-sentence brand positioning statement. These are the core messages that guide your small business’s branding. Here’s a sample brand positioning template to get you started:

We provide [produtos] para [público-alvo] este [solves this problem]. We [differentiation].

Let’s try this template with a hypothetical business. ABC Baking makes gourmet brownies. They fill the gap between baking at home and shopping at the neighborhood grocery store. The brand positioning statement could read:

“ABC Baking sells premium brownies to food lovers who don’t have time to bake from scratch, but want to share the joy of quality artisanal baking with family and friends. Our brownies are created by a pastry chef with 15 years of experience and based on recipes tested to perfection.”

Once you’ve written a positioning statement, review it from the point of view of your target audience. Would it entice them to try this product? Refine your brand positioning statement until you develop it into one that fully captures your ideal customer’s desires and needs.

Determine the brand’s tone

To communicate your positioning statement to customers, you need to find your brand’s voice. Come up with words that describe your brand, tal como:

  • Sophisticated
  • Trustworthy
  • Dependable
  • Excitante
  • Whimsical
  • Friendly
  • Playful
  • Warm
  • Knowledgeable
  • Nostalgic
  • Inspiring
  • Bold.

These words will shape the tone you use to deliver your message, whether it’s on your website or social media platforms. If your brand is a little cheeky, por exemplo, aim for funny and entertaining copy. A high-end brand may use more formal, elegant language.

3. Design the brand

After you’ve worked through your brand’s identity, it’s time to translate your identity into visual elements that you can market to customers. The brand design should use consistent colors, fontes, and brand imagery to connect with the target audience.

Tips on choosing brand colors

Sua brand colors help establish your visual identity. There’s an entire body of work on color psychology — warm colors like red and orange create a sense of vibrancy and excitement. Cool colors, like blue and green, are soothing and calm.

Escolha uma ou duas cores que complementem o posicionamento da sua marca e os traços que seus clientes associarão ao seu negócio. Aqui estão alguns exemplos de características comumente associadas a determinadas cores:

Uma paleta de cores da marca geralmente consiste em uma cor dominante, uma cor de destaque, e cores neutras para o fundo. Podem ser monocromáticos ou complementares. Use este esquema de cores em todas as suas campanhas de marketing.

Selecionando fontes de marca

Da mesma forma que as cores inspiram uma reação emocional ou estética, assim como as fontes. No geral:

  • Fontes sem serifa (como Helvetica ou Arial) são limpos e modernos
  • Fontes com serifa como Times são tradicionais, delicado, e clássico
  • As fontes de script adicionam um toque de elegância, criatividade, e personalidade.

Você pode escolher um par de fontes complementares para ter uma fonte de cópia do corpo para a maior parte do seu texto, e uma fonte de cabeçalho para ênfase. Semelhante às cores da marca, as fontes da marca devem ser usadas de forma consistente em todas as peças de marketing.

Também: 15 Pares de fontes perfeitos para o seu site de comércio eletrônico

Desenvolvimento de um logotipo

A logo is the most important part of a brand build because it’s used to instantly identify your company. It brings together all the elements of your brand design, including color, Fonte, and imagery.

There are a few different types of logos:

  • Wordmark or logotype: With this type of logo, your brand name is spelled out. The text is treated stylistically in terms of shape, spacing, and color. The text works alone with no accompanying image. Google and HBO both use wordmarks.
  • Lettermark: Also known as a monogram, this type of logo uses the first letter or initials of your brand to create an eye-catching symbol. The business name is usually underneath. McDonald’s is one of the most widely recognized lettermarks.
  • Pictorial or symbol logo: These logos use a design or illustration. They can be abstract, like Nike’s swoosh, or more literal, like Twitter’s bird.
  • Emblem: An emblem logo contains the company name inside a shape to create a crest or badge. BMW is an example of a popular emblem logo.

Considere adicionar elementos de design para ajudar a vincular seu logotipo ao posicionamento da sua marca. Curvas adicionam suavidade, círculos implicam harmonia, e quadrados ou retângulos sugerem estabilidade e força. Para o máximo impacto, mantenha o logotipo organizado e use fontes fáceis de ler.

UMA criador de logotipo é uma alternativa fácil e eficiente para criar um logotipo se você tiver tempo e orçamento limitados para trabalhar.

Se você precisa de uma maneira rápida e acessível de criar um belo logotipo e outros designs de marca (como cartões de visita ou postagens sociais), você pode conectar sua loja Ecwid ao Olha aplicativo do App Market.

Escolhendo as imagens da marca

As imagens da marca consistem em fotos de banco de imagens, ilustrações, símbolos, e formas usadas para transmitir sua identidade. Esses elementos visuais devem ter um estilo consistente e trabalhar com sua paleta de cores e fontes para comunicar certas emoções.
Imagens em tons de sépia, por exemplo, pode criar uma sensação de nostalgia e pode ser um tratamento estilístico apropriado para uma loja de antiguidades. A brand that wants consumers to feel calm and soothed might use serene nature photos.

4. Market the brand

Once you’ve worked through the above steps, you should have an e-commerce branding tool kit that clearly outlines the:

  • Purpose and core values of your business
  • Tone and language to be used in your messaging
  • Fonts, cores, logotipo, and brand imagery to represent your message visually and connect to your target audience.

These branding elements can be used on all of your marketing assets, including your:

  • Local na rede Internet
  • loja de e-commerce
  • Blog posts and content marketing
  • Plataformas de mídia social
  • Digital ads
  • Marketing campaigns emails
  • Vídeos
  • Embalagem
  • Invoices
  • Cartões de negócios
  • Email signatures.

Small business branding takes time, but when the pieces come together, the cohesion helps customers connect with your brand and remember it long after they’ve left your shop or website.

Garantindo a consistência da marca

The minute you start presenting your brand through digital ads, campanhas de e-mail, and content marketing, you’re laying the foundation for brand awareness. Mas, your brand can only be successful if it’s consistent. If your packaging has a different color palette than your e-commerce store, customers can’t instantly recognize your business.

Consider creating brand guidelines to ensure a consistent look, feel, style, and voice. This keeps team members and consultants on the same page when they’re working on messaging for different channels.

Cumprindo a promessa da sua marca

You’re not simply selling products when you’re marketing, you’re promoting your brand. No entanto, as much as you try to shape public views of your business through a branding strategy, a customer’s impression ultimately depends on their experience.

Whether they’re buying from your e-commerce store or interacting with your brand on social media, their perceptions depend on whether you meet their expectations. Focusing on superior customer service and experience can help positively reinforce your brand.

Getting Inspired to Brand Your Business

Branding is an essential part of building a successful e-commerce business, but it doesn’t have to be intimidating. By reading this playbook, you’ve already taken the first step towards a brand identity.

Lembrar, your brand is connected to the purpose of your company. Start with a thoughtful analysis of your core values and brand positioning. Once it’s clear what your business represents, other elements such as color, tom, and font will naturally fall into place.

Também: branding doesn’t work in isolation. If you create an effective brand that’s truly relevant to your core business, it naturally influences product development, preços, marketing, advertising, and customer experience. It’s worth the investment of time. The more your brand resonates with customers, the stronger your brand and business grow.



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About the author

Dawson Whitfield is the founder and CEO of Looka, an AI-powered logo maker that provides business owners with a quick and affordable way to create a beautiful brand. Learn more at looka.com.

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