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How Many Users Are on Instagram in 2020

Quantos usuários estão no Instagram?

7 min read

Para pequenas empresas, social media platforms are free marketing tools that you can start using to sell online immediately! And with a global reach of over 2 billion users on Instagram, it’s essential to market your online business to this vast group. But also gain a better understanding of who exactly the user is.

We’ll breakdown Instagram users by country, era, and gender. And as you discover more about the demographics of these Instagram users – think of ways to get your product in front of the over 1 billion users on Instagram.

How Many Active Users Are on Instagram?

When you take a look at the number of active Instagram users, sources claim there are approximately 2 bilhões de usuários – over 1/10th of the world’s population! With strong indicators that users are heavily active on Instagram, you’ll want to know what posts and content they interact with most. Take a look at these quick Instagram user statistics:

  • 6 fora de 10 users login to Instagram daily, meaning you’ll want to make sure to post daily content.
  • And users will spend an average of 28 minutos on the platform in 2020.

If your curious, Instagram is ranked number six in the popular social networks. With Facebook and Youtube, placing in the top two spots. As you build your marketing strategy consider showcasing your business on one of these platforms.

Aprender mais sobre selling on Instagram

How Many Users Did Instagram Have in 2019?

Primeiro, we’ll look at a few key takeaways related to how many users Instagram had in 2019. With around 400 million daily active users in 2019, this compared to the year before saw an increase a partir de 35% para 37%.

With the launch of IGTV in June of 2018, Instagram crossed over the 1 bilhão user mark, continuando a estabelecer sua presença como principal plataforma de mídia social. A evidência de que o crescimento do Instagram não está desacelerando, deve ser um sinal de que vale a pena investir seu tempo e recursos para o seu negócio.

No entanto, isso foi o passado, e agora analisamos o crescimento e as tendências que estamos vendo em 2021!

How Many Users Did Instagram Have in 2021?

Um notável 500 milhão de usuários são ativos diariamente no Instagram com 90% dessas contas seguindo pelo menos um negócio! 140 milhões de usuários do Instagram vem dos Estados Unidos. If you’re curious as to which countries have the highest number of users, make sure you read to the end.

Due to lockdown, we also thought it would be helpful to look at few key Instagram statistics for 2020. And so far, statistics have shown that users are slightly more engaged. With entire countries forced to lockdown, social media saw a 7.3 engagement increase per post per day. There could be strong evidence to support that users are engaging more in content due to lockdown.

Who Uses Instagram the Most?

When marketing your online business, it’s helpful to know who your target audience is. Did you know over half of the users on Instagram are under the age of 34! And among the seven demographics, a 18-24 age group is the largest.

With these statistics, it’s safe to say Instagram users are a relatively younger crowd. Instagram is also the second most preferred app after Snapchat among teenagers in the US. If these groups are in your target market, and you are not active on Instagram. You could be missing an opportunity to build brand awareness. Keep in mind these two key Instagram user statistics when building your marketing strategy

What Gender Uses Instagram the Most?

When you look at the gender of Instagram users, the split is almost even with 51% female and 49% macho. Another key stat to consider is that women influence 95% of purchases and are the primary decision-makers when it comes to online shopping. Há fortes evidências que sugerem que as mulheres são um público-chave que deve ser considerado ao comercializar seu negócio.

Qual porcentagem do mundo usa o Instagram?

Com um bilhão de usuários no Instagram, isso representa quase 1/10 da população mundial! Por aí (inserir porcentagem) ter uma conta no Instagram. Achamos que seria útil fornecer um detalhamento dos usuários do Instagram por país, onde os EUA. atualmente está no topo com 120 milhão de usuários. No entanto, usuários em todo o mundo estão se voltando para o Instagram! Dê uma olhada no gráfico abaixo:

O alcance global que o Instagram oferece combinado com o uso gratuito da plataforma prova que você vai querer ter certeza de não perder esta oportunidade.

Qual é o próximo?

Agora que exploramos uma variedade de estatísticas de usuários do Instagram – é hora de começar a vender! E com o Ecwid E-commerce damos acesso ao Instagram Shopping para promover o seu negócio. Descubra como é fácil vender no Instagram com o e-commerce do Instagram!



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About the author

Lina is a content creator at Ecwid. She writes to inspire and educate readers on all things commerce. She loves to travel and runs marathons.

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