Effective Advertising: How to Calculate Ad Budget

Supercharging your business’s growth through effective advertising is like igniting the afterburners on a high-performance jet. When done right, you skyrocket; Contudo, a miscalculation could result in a rapid descent.

That’s why landing on the perfect ad budget is crucial. But how do you define what’s ‘perfect’? It’s about aligning every cent spent with your business goals, and we’re here to be your mission control.

Why Your Ad Budget Matters

In a world where even the tiniest details can make or break a company’s ad game, grasping the decision-making that goes into every campaign is crucial.

Your ad budget is the financial backbone of your marketing efforts. Every dollar should be put to work effectively to give the best ROI, aka return on investment. It isn’t a number you pluck from thin air or borrow from the neighbors. It needs to be strategic, just like your advertising needs to be targeted.

No entanto, the critical question lingering in every business owner’s mind is, how do I know how much to spend for effective advertising?

Before Calculating Your Ad Budget

Figuring out how much to spend on ads is a matter of balance. You don’t want to waste money by overspending, nor do you want to be ineffective by underspending. There is a Goldilocks-like “just right” zone that will bring in results without affecting your margins.

Before we start, there are a few key terms you need to understand:

Markup is the difference between the cost of a product and its selling price (gross profit above cost). It is usually expressed as a percentage.

Por exemplo, if you sell a product for $150 when it only costs you $100, your markup is 50%. You’ll want this figure for all your products individually and in your store.

Margin is your gross profit expressed as a percentage of the selling price.

No exemplo acima, seu lucro seria $50. Desta forma, sua margem total seria 33.3% ($50/$150).

Custo de ocupação é o custo de manter sua loja de comércio eletrônico em funcionamento (como hospedagem na web, gestão de inventário, e envio e manuseio). Esses custos geralmente são estáticos e previsíveis.

Você precisa dessas métricas antes de começar a calcular seu orçamento de publicidade. Em uma planilha separada, anote essas métricas.

Você pode ter algo assim:

MarginMarkupCusto de ocupação
produtos #133.33%50%
produtos #254.54%120%
produtos #337.5%60%
Média para Loja43.39%76%$30.000

Depois de ter esses dados, você pode começar a calcular seu orçamento de publicidade.

Calculando seu orçamento publicitário para publicidade eficaz

Quanto você pode gastar em anúncios dependerá de três coisas:

A Administração de Pequenas Empresas dos EUA aconselha alocando 7-8% de sua receita bruta para marketing e publicidade se suas vendas anuais estiverem abaixo $5 milhões e sua margem de lucro líquido varia entre 10% para 12% pós-despesas.

Entenda que isso também inclui custos de desenvolvimento de marca, incluindo gastos em sites, blogs, e mídias sociais. Usualmente, você não terá mais do que 3-5% de sua receita anual para gastar em publicidade.

Com isso em mente, vejamos um processo passo a passo para calcular seu orçamento de publicidade.

Etapa 1: Calcule seu orçamento de publicidade mínimo e máximo possível

Como mencionado, a maioria das empresas aloca 5 para 10 por cento de sua receita anual para publicidade. Aqui, 5 por cento seria o piso e 10 porcentagem do limite superior.

Comece calculando esses limites inferior e superior para seus gastos com publicidade.

Para fazer isso:

Por exemplo, suponha que sua empresa esteja projetada para faturar US$ 1 milhão em vendas anuais este ano. 5% e 10% de suas vendas anuais seriam $50,000 e $100,000.

Suponha que sua margem de lucro seja 60%, ou seja, você faz $600,000 em lucros com $400,000 em custos.

Portanto, sua marcação seria 150% ($600,000/$400,000 * 100).

Você tem figuras como esta:

Vendas anuais (UMA)5% de Vendas (B)10% de Vendas (C)Markup (D)5% de marcação (B * D)10% de marcação (C * D)

Desta forma, seu orçamento de publicidade mínimo e máximo é $75,000 e $150,000.

Etapa 2: Calcule o orçamento de publicidade ajustado

O texto acima é o seu orçamento “bruto”, pois não inclui o custo de ocupação (ou seja, o custo de funcionamento da loja).

Para obter sua figura ajustada, simply deduct the cost of occupancy from the raw minimum and maximum budget.

Por exemplo, suppose these are the annual costs associated with running the store:

Desta forma, your “cost of occupancy” is $23,600.

Your adjusted ad budget is as follows:

This figure tells you how much you can expect to spend on annual ads.

Pro tip: You can reduce your occupancy cost using a budget-friendly ecommerce platform like Ecwid por Lightspeed. You’ll get a robust online store fully hosted and maintained by Ecwid, plus dozens of built-in business management and marketing tools to grow your business.

Best Practices for Effective Advertising and Budgeting

Agora, you have step-by-step instructions on how to calculate your ad budget. Para melhores resultados, here are some best practices to keep in mind:

Start Small

If you’re just starting with advertising, it’s always better to start small and gradually increase your budget as you see results. It will help you avoid overspending and allow you to make adjustments along the way.

Defina metas e objetivos claros

Antes de criar seu orçamento de publicidade, é vital identificar suas metas e objetivos de negócios. Por outro lado, será difícil avaliar a eficácia da publicidade.

Seja para aumentar as vendas, aumentar o tráfego do site, ou aumentar o conhecimento da marca, seu objetivo deve estar claro antes mesmo de você iniciar uma planilha do Excel.

As metas devem ser específicas, Mensurável, Alcançável, Relevante, e com limite de tempo. Conhecido convenientemente como S.M.A.R.T., essas metas garantem que sua intenção seja tão nítida quanto sua execução deveria ser.

Keeping your objectives and goals in mind will help you determine the types of ads you need to run and the platforms you should use. Por exemplo, if your goal is to increase brand awareness, social media ads may be better than traditional print or TV ads.

Adjust for Long Game vs. Quick Win

Advertising effectiveness ultimately boils down to how well your tactics align with your goals.

Different objectives call for other strategies. Long-term brand-building efforts require a sustained, consistent ad presence. Quick sales might push for a flashier, short-term ad campaign.

Consider Ad Platforms

Where you place your ads can have a significant impact on their effectiveness. Think about your target audience and where they spend their time online. It will help you choose the most appropriate platform for your ad campaign.

Consider using multiple platforms to reach a wider audience and increase the chances of success. Por exemplo, if your target audience is primarily young adults, social media platforms like Instagram and Snapchat may be better. Ao mesmo tempo, TV advertising effectiveness is likely to be low.

Adicionalmente, different ad platforms offer various types of targeting options. Por exemplo, Facebook and Google Ads allow you to target specific demographics, interesses, comportamentos, and locations. It can help narrow your audience and ensure your ads reach the right people.

Então, if you’re wondering, “Is social media advertising effective?” the answer is it definitely is, as long as the ads are targeted right.

Using Ecwid by Lightspeed for your online store, you can optimize your Facebook and Google ads with Clique nisso. It’ll help you set up and automate ads and optimize them for a better return on investment.

Track and Analyze Ad Data

Keep track of your ads’ performance and use this data to make informed decisions about your budget. Adjust accordingly if certain ads or platforms don’t yield the desired results.

If you use Ecwid by Lightspeed, measuring advertising effectiveness is easy with the Relatórios tool. It has a Marketing section that helps track order sources, be it Google ads, Anúncios do Facebook, or other marketing channels.


With these strategies in hand, figuring out an ad budget that meets your business goals and guarantees an excellent return on investment turns into a smart move, not a scary one.

Dealing with ad budgets isn’t just about finance but vision. It’s about translating the intangibles of advertising into actionable strategies that leave no room for interpretation — and every room for growth.

You’re not just calculating an ad budget; you’re architecting your path to market success. And with the strategies unearthed here, you’re set to craft an advertising budget that’s not just a figure on a sheet but the lifeblood of your most effective advertising.

Do you want to learn more about advertizing with Google?

About The Author
Anastasia Prokofieva is a content writer at Ecwid. She writes about online marketing and promotion to make entrepreneurs’ daily routine easier and more rewarding. She also has a soft spot for cats, chocolate, and making kombucha at home.

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