How to Make a Product Prototype: a Comprehensive Guide with Tips and Examples

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To create a prototype of your product and garner investments or market attention, you will need to follow these steps:

  1. Create a detailed diagram or sketch
  2. Create a 3D model
  3. Create a “proof of concept”
  4. Create your first prototype
  5. Create a production-ready prototype

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Ośmioletnia dziewczynka z Meksyku zdobyła prestiżową nagrodę naukową za wykonanie grzejnika słonecznego ze starych węży, panele szklane z byłego placu budowy, i logi. Jej wynalazek pomoże osobom o niskich dochodach zaprzestać wycinania drzew na opał, ograniczenie zmian klimatycznych.

Prawdopodobnie masz też kilka pomysłów na produkty. Prawdopodobnie, odłożyłeś je na półkę, bo nie wiedziałeś, co dalej robić. Dobrze, okazuje się, że nie trzeba mieć dużych dolarów, dyplom z fizyki, lub laboratorium, w którym możesz rozpocząć pracę nad pomysłem na produkt.

Xóchitl Guadalupe Cruz López and her solar heater (Mexican News Daily)

What you can see in the picture above is a product prototype. That’s the very step that you need to take after you’ve got a product idea. A prototype gives a physical proof of your product’s feasibility and makes it easier to spot design flaws. You can use the prototype to secure investment, pique interest on a crowdfunding Platforma, and make the manufacturing process easier.

W tym poście, we’ll walk you through a step-by-step process for creating a product prototype. Dowiesz się, jak rozwijać swoje pomysły, znaleźć producentów, a nawet ubiegać się o patenty. I tak, Ty Móc Zrób to.

Co to jest prototyp produktu

Zdefiniowane u podstaw, a prototyp to pierwsza iteracja produktu ukazując jego praktyczność. Pełni funkcję modelu wstępnego w trzech wymiarach, ilustrujący możliwości produktu lub problemy, które może rozwiązać.

Prototyp służy jako zapowiedź lub wczesna wersja produktu lub koncepcji, którą zamierzasz wesprzeć, a później wyprodukować masowo.

W mowie świeckiej, prototyp to rzeczywistość, 3D version of your product idea.

A 3D printed copy of a toy design is a “prototype”, as is a paper-and-glue model of a new tool. If it exists to demonstrate an idea or study its feasibility, you can call it a prototype.

Product Prototype Types and Examples

You can classify prototypes into four broad categories based on their function and complexity.

Visual prototype

The visual prototype is meant to showcase the size and shape of the final product. It doesn’t have the functionality, materials, or mass of the product. Raczej, reprezentuje po prostu jego wymiary.

Blok drewna ukształtowany w formie finalnego produktu to „wizualny prototyp”, podobnie jak model cyfrowy wykonany w oprogramowaniu do renderowania 3D.

Render 3D pokazujący rozmiar i kształt produktu jest przykładem „wizualnego prototypu” (Źródło obrazu)

“Proof of concept”

Jest to podstawowy model, który ma zademonstrować funkcje i wykonalność pomysłu, to jest, aby udowodnić, że koncepcja może faktycznie zadziałać. You’ll usually use materials available at hand to create this prototype. It doesn’t have to look, feel, or even work as the final result; it simply has to show that the idea is viable.

A great example of a “proof of concept” prototype is the original design for the Super Soaker. Instead of fancy machined parts, it’s made from PVC pipes and an empty coke bottle.

A “proof of concept” prototype is made from commonly available materials (Źródło obrazu)

Presentation prototype

Jak sama nazwa wskazuje, jest to gotowa do prezentacji wersja produktu. Jest funkcjonalny i ma taki sam wygląd jak produkt. Możesz pokazać ten prototyp inwestorom, producenci, i potencjalnym klientom, aby dać im wyobrażenie o tym, jak będzie wyglądał efekt końcowy. Prototyp ten jest zwykle wykonany z niestandardowych materiałów i technik produkcyjnych.

Można zobaczyć przykłady prototypów prezentacyjnych w samochodach koncepcyjnych stworzonych przez producentów samochodów. Ponieważ są one zwykle przeznaczone do celów demonstracyjnych, a nie produkcyjnych, samochody te często wykorzystują drogie materiały i techniki produkcji butikowej.

The 2007 Chevrolet Volt Concept wykorzystał drogie materiały, aby podkreślić wizję samochodu (Źródło obrazu)

Prototyp przedprodukcyjny

Jest to zmodyfikowana wersja prototypu prezentacji. Ma tę samą funkcjonalność, ale jest zbudowany przy użyciu gotowych do produkcji materiałów i metod. Producenci często przyglądają się prototypowi przedprodukcyjnemu, aby dowiedzieć się, w jaki sposób produkt będzie produkowany masowo.

Gotowa do produkcji wersja Chevroleta Volta, w której wykorzystano standardowe materiały i techniki produkcyjne. Zwróć uwagę, jak bardzo różni się ona od wersji koncepcyjnej powyżej (Źródło obrazu)

Każdy z tych prototypów opiera się na pierwszym. Nie musisz przechodzić przez wszystkie cztery etapy, oczywiście. Możesz przejść od dowodu koncepcji zbudowanego z taśmy klejącej i papieru do prototypu gotowego do produkcji.

Po co tworzyć prototyp produktu?

Prototypowanie, chociaż może się to wydawać czasochłonnym krokiem, w rzeczywistości służy jako środek oszczędzający koszty w dłuższej perspektywie, jeśli zostanie wdrożony przed masową produkcją. Dlatego.

How to Make Your Product Prototype

If you’re reading this, you likely already have an idea for a product. This might be a simple sketch on the back of a napkin, a 3D render, or even a fully-fleshed out proof of concept.

Your next step is to turn this rough idea into a functional prototype. We’ll share a process to have your own prototype made.

1. Create a detailed diagram or sketch

The first step in creating a prototype is to create a detailed concept sketch or diagram. Your objective should be to capture as many ideas as possible in a visual manner.

Idealnie, you should have two concept sketches:

You can use software to do this, but pen and paper work better. You can even turn to these pen and paper drawings when you’re filing a patent. Feel free to experiment and be creative in this step. You’re a long way from manufacturing at this point; don’t be afraid to try new things.

2. Create a 3D model (opcjonalny)

The next (opcjonalny) step is to transfer your concept sketches to a 3D modeling software. This will help you (and any third-parties such as investors or partners) visualize the product better. You can also use this model to create a 3D printed copy of your prototype.

Another benefit of a 3D model is that you can use augmented reality apps such as to visualize it in the real world. This works particularly well to demonstrate the size, shape, and design of a product idea. It can be expensive for a small business that hasn’t launched yet, chociaż.

There are a number of tools you can use to create simple 3D models. Shapeways has a good list of both free and paid resources.

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3. Create a “proof of concept”

Now comes the fun part: actually building the product idea.

How you build your first proof of concept will depend on a number of things. If you have a simple product that you’ve already modeled in a 3D software, you can simply get it 3D printed to create your “proof of concept”.

Jednakże, if you have a complex product with a number of mechanical or electronic parts, you’ll have to improvise harder.

Remember that the proof of concept doesn’t have to look good or even resemble the final product. It simply has to work. You can even use common household products to create this early-stage model.

For more complex products, you might have to seek help from a handyman or machinist.

4. Create your first prototype

Your proof of concept shows that your product works. Your 3D model shows what it might look like.

Your next step is to combine the learnings from the proof of concept and 3D model to create your first prototype.

This should be a fairly detailed model that looks like your final product and has the same functions.

It’s not always possible to create this detailed first prototype alone. Depending on the complexity, you might want to get help from a machinist or a specialized prototype designer.

You can use directories such as ThomasNet oraz to find prototype designers.

ThomasNet has thousands of prototype designers and manufacturers to choose from

Since this is just the first prototype, you shouldn’t worry too much about the kind of materials used or even the cost. Your objective is to get a working model that resembles your final product.

5. Create a production-ready prototype

The final step before you get to manufacturing is to trim the fat off your first prototype and get it to the production-ready state.

This is essentially a process of cost and feasibility analysis. You have to go through every part of the prototype and figure out ways to cut costs without compromising functionality.

W tym samym czasie, you should look at ways to improve the product’s aesthetics or durability.

Na przykład, you might replace an oft-used plastic part with metal, and a little-used metal part with plastic. This will help you cut costs while still retaining quality.

It helps to work with a manufacturer and figure out how different components in the prototype might impact its cost and quality. You should also look at different raw materials and see which ones are more pleasing aesthetically.

Your goal should be to find a balance between cost and quality depending on your target customers. If you’re targeting luxury buyers, na przykład, quality will be more important than cost. For budget customers, it will be the opposite.

Once you have a production-ready prototype, możesz find a manufacturer and start selling your idea to the world.

Tips to Follow When Creating Your Product Prototype

Prototyping an idea from scratch can be complex, especially for a first-time maker. Following these tips will make the process much smoother:

1. Create a list of priority features

It’s inevitable that your final product won’t have all the features you envisioned in your original idea. Cost and material constraints mean that you’ll have to cut down on some expensive features.

W związku z tym, when you’re designing your first prototype, segregate all the features into three categories:

The first generation iPod didn’t have a “click wheel” since it was too expensive to implement (Źródło obrazu)

Try to have as many need to have features as possible in your final design.

2. Sign NDAs and file patents

You’ll inevitably turn to a prototype designer, machinist, 3D modeler, itp. in the course of developing your prototype.

If your idea is innovative, soon enough you can discover someone selling it on AliExpress for a much lower price. Even if they don’t copy the product idea, they might copy a new design or production technique that you developed.

To protect yourself from intellectual property theft, you can take the following steps:

  1. File a patent for the product idea and design.
  2. Ask all third-parties to sign non-disclosure agreements (NDAs).

NOLO has a beginner’s guide on filing your own patent, though ideally, you’ll want to go through a patent attorney.

To create NDAs, refer to this template.

3. Keep costs in mind when designing

One of the biggest challenges in creating a prototype is balancing utility and cost. You want the product to fulfill its promised functions, but you also want to sell it at a reasonable price. An exceptional product that your customers can’t afford is bound to fail.

At every stage in the design process, ask yourself two questions:

The cost of materials varies widely, even among materials in the same category (such as ‘plastic’ or ‘metal’). Keep this in mind when you’re designing your product.

4. Use standard manufacturing techniques

Another reason for cost overruns between prototype to final product is the use of custom manufacturing techniques.

Głównie, any factory that builds your product will use some industry standard manufacturing processes (such as “injection moulding”). If your product can’t be manufactured using them, the factory will have to create customized techniques and train its staff to use them.

This can add substantially to the production cost, especially if you’re manufacturing in small batches.

W związku z tym, when you’re designing your prototype, keep a close eye on the kind of manufacturing process each part will require. If a feature requires a heavily customized production technique, consider removing it. A prototype designer or machinist should be able to help you figure this out.

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5. Borrow ideas from competitors

Taking apart your competitors’ products can give you a detailed understanding of what works, what doesn’t when making a product. This can be a massive help in designing your own idea.

W związku z tym, before you start creating your prototype, take a close look at your competitors’ products. Analyze their materials, projekt, and manufacturing techniques. Look for flaws and opportunities.

6. Test your product prototype

Testing a prototype is an essential part of creating a product. It’ll help you identify weak spots in your prototype and avoid going over a budget: it’s cheaper to fix a prototype than a final product. Not to mention, you’ll get valuable insights from real people and improve your product to avoid negative feedback after you launch it.

You can test your prototype yourself and ask your friends to participate before you test externally.

When testing your prototype, be sure to:

Here are possible questions to ask your testers:

Co dalej?

Creating and testing a product prototype brings you one step closer to launching your product on the market. Make sure to prepare for that in advance: build an online presence for your business, starting with a website.

Z e-commerce Ecwid, you can do that yourself, without any help from designers or developers. Choose what suits your business the most:

Rozpocznij za darmo
Want to learn more about patenting a new product and manufacturing it? Learn from fellow Ecwid merchants! After knee and back surgeries, Angela Brathwaite found herself looking for a portable travel urinal but couldn’t find one. So she designed and patented one herself!

Listen to our podcast with Angela to learn how she created a problem-solving product for thousands of women and girls.

Have you ever designed your product? We’d love to hear your story in the comments below!

About The Author
Jesse is the Marketing Manager at Ecwid and has been in e-commerce and internet marketing since 2006. He has experience with PPC, SEO, conversion optimization and loves to work with entrepreneurs to make their dreams a reality.

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