Start accepting payments using PayUbiz
Easily integrate PayUbiz with your online store and start accepting payments today. PayUbiz will make it easier to accept payments online, on social networks, and on mobile.
No credit card required

Set up online payments without any technical skills
Set up a store with one or more payment gateways to accept online payments quickly and easily. Anyone can set up a payment gateway in a few minutes, without any technical knowledge.

Choose from a variety of payment options suited for any customer
Give your customers the opportunity to select their preferred payment method. This could be a credit or debit card, Apple Pay or Google Pay, cryptocurrency, or other options.
You understand your customers best, so ensure the process is comfortable and safe for them.
Simply select PayUbiz or choose from over 100 Ecwid integrated payment gateways worldwide and start selling today.

Ready to start selling with Ecwid?
Choose the best payment solution for your store, and start using it on Ecwid. Feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions, and our team will be happy to help.
Other payment gateways you can use to accept payments from your customers today
- 2Checkout
- Afterpay
- Alipay Wallet Payments
- Alma
- Amazon Pay
- American Express Payment Gateway
- Authorize.Net Accept Hosted
- Bambora North America Hosted Payment Form
- Bambora Online Checkout
- BitPay (to accept BitCoins and other crypto)
- Cashfree
- CC Avenue: India's largest Payment Gateway
- Chase Integrated Payments Powered by WePay
- Clover
- CoinPayments: Accept Payments with Cryptocurrencies
- Datatrans Payments
- Dojo
e-Path - eWAY Rapid
- First Data Global Gateway e4
- First Data Payment Gateway
- Hesabe Payments
- iDEAL (via Stripe)
- Instamojo: India's easiest payment gateway
- iPay88
- iPay88: Payment Gateway for Philippines
- iPayment
- Klarna (via Stripe)
- Laybuy
- Lemon Way Payment
- Lightspeed Payments
- Mercado Pago Payments
- Mollie Payments
- Moneris Checkout
- Moneris/eSELECTPlus Hosted Paypage
- MultiSafepay
- Netcash Pay Now Gateway
- Network Merchants
- Nexi
- Opayo
- Partially Payment Plans
- PayAnyWay
- PayFast
- PayJunction Hosted Checkout (QuickShop)
- PayLeap
- Paymentsense
- PayOnline
- PayPal Checkout
- PayPal Payflow Link
- PayPal Payments Advanced
- PayPal Payments Pro Hosted
- PayPal PLUS
- PayPlug
- Payroc Payment
- Paysera payment
- Paystack Payment Gateway
- PayTM: India's Most Trusted Payment Wallet
- PayU
- PayUbiz
- PayU Latam Gateway
- PayU Money
- Pin Payments: Accept major international credit or debit cards
- PostFinance Payment
- QuickPay Payments
- Razorpay: the Future of Payments
- Realex Payments/Global Iris
- Redsys Payments
- Revolut
- Safexpay: Free UPI and RuPay Payments
- Satispay Payment
- SEPA Direct Debit (via Stripe)
- Square
- Stripe
- Payment Gateway
- Virtual Card Services
- Viva Wallet
- Wallet One
- Worldpay Business Gateway
- Zapper: Mobile Payments
- Zip