Viskas, ko reikia parduoti internetu

Set up an online store in minutes to sell on a website, socialinė žiniasklaida, or marketplaces.

10+ „Ecwid“ atnaujinimai, kurių nenorite praleisti

19 min read

If you’ve been busy enjoying your summer and missed out on the latest updates from Ecwid, mes jus apėmėme! We’ve compiled an exciting list of the most prominent tools released in the past few months.

Get ready for a whole new level of productivity with innovative features like New-Gen Instant Site, custom staff permissions, product page videos, ir dar. It’s time to explore some game-changing tools!

Enjoy Stress-Free Staff Management

Meet the revamped staff management tool for your online store! Su Ecwid, galite lengvai suteikti darbuotojams tinkintus leidimus savo parduotuvei, atsižvelgdami į jų vaidmenį.

Paprasčiau pasakius, pridedant personalo paskyrą, galite pasirinkti, kurie „Ecwid“ administratoriaus skirtukai bus pasiekiami jūsų darbuotojui. Geriausias iš visų, tu gali combine the permissions as you like!

Pavyzdžiui, rinkodaros specialistui galite suteikti konkrečią prieigą prie Ecwid administratoriaus skirtukų Rinkodara ir Ataskaitos. Arba, leiskite savo parduotuvės vadovui tvarkyti pardavimus ir katalogą. Galėsite apriboti prieigą prie Ecwid įrankių, kurių jiems nereikia.

Pasirinkite, kuriuos leidimus norite suteikti savo komandos nariams

Tokiu būdu, jūsų darbuotojai gali efektyviau atlikti savo užduotis, o jūs būsite ramūs žinodami, kad bet kokius neskelbtinus duomenis gali gauti tik įgalioti darbuotojai.

Here are all available staff permissions you can grant in your Ecwid store:

  • Pardavimai: Leiskite savo darbuotojams valdyti užsakymus, apleistų vežimų, ir klientų sąrašus.
  • Katalogas: Leiskite savo darbuotojams valdyti produktus ir kainas, sekti inventorių, atnaujinti atsargų lygius, ir tvarkyti produktų kategorijas bei dovanų korteles.
  • Rinkodara: Leisti darbuotojams valdyti reklamos kampanijas, nuolaidos, naujienlaiškiai, ir automatizuoti el.
  • Ataskaitos ir analizė: Leiskite darbuotojams valdyti parduotuvės analizės įrankius ir peržiūrėti ataskaitas bei pardavimo statistiką.
  • Interneto svetainė: Leiskite darbuotojams tvarkyti jūsų el. prekybos svetainę (dar žinoma kaip momentinė svetainė) ir pakeisti svetainės adresą. Pliusas, pridėkite savo internetinę parduotuvę prie kitų svetainių.
  • Pardavimo kanalai: Leiskite darbuotojams valdyti pardavimą socialinėje žiniasklaidoje ir prekyvietėse.
  • Parduotuvės nustatymai, siuntimas, ir mokėjimo būdai: Leiskite darbuotojams pakeisti parduotuvės įstatymą, mokesčių, ir kitus nustatymus. Taip pat galite leisti jiems tvarkyti administratoriaus ir klientų pranešimus, mokėjimas, siuntimas, ir daugiau informacijos, susijusios su parduotuvės nustatymais.

Kaip parduotuvės savininkas, peržiūrėti galite tik jūs, papildyti, ir pašalinti personalo narius, suteikti leidimus, žr. atsiskaitymo informaciją, and change the store’s subscription.

Learn more about managing staff permissions in our blog article:

Level Up Your Ecommerce Website

If you’ve been selling with Ecwid for some time, you might already be familiar with Instant Site — a free website builder with a built-in online store that is available to all Ecwid sellers.

Dabar, the most exciting part: a brand-new version of Instant Site is live!

An example of a New-Gen Instant Site

What does that mean for you as a seller? It means you’ll have a more flexible, modern, and beautiful ecommerce website for your business, kur galite:

  • Easily create a unique website using customizable content blocks
  • Choose from beautifully pre-designed templates suitable for any business niche
  • Experiment with new layouts and sections savo svetainėje, like special offers, promo sliders, or various cover layouts
  • Pridėti menu to your site to make it easier for customers to browse your online store
  • Customize the mobile view of your Instant Site
  • Išversti all Instant Site content into multiple languages.

Per kelias minutes sukurkite visą svetainę naudodami bet kurios verslo nišos šabloną

Nežinote, kurią akimirksniu įkeliamos svetainės versiją naudojate? Here’s how you can tell one from the other. Jei naudojate seną versiją ir norite pereiti prie naujos, nedvejodami contact the Customer Care team.

Gaukite greitus ir saugius mokėjimus naudodami „Lightspeed“ mokėjimus

Puiki naujiena: Ecwid vietinis mokėjimo sprendimas, „Lightspeed“ mokėjimai, yra prieinama daugiau šalių! If you sell in Australija, Belgija, Kanada, Jungtinė Karalystė, arba JAV, it’s time to up your payment game.

„Lightspeed“ mokėjimai is a cost-effective and secure payment method. Your customers will love it just as much as you do, as it provides them with a fast and simple checkout experience, allowing payments through Google Pay, Apple Pay, and all major credit and debit cards.

Another great perk of Lightspeed Payments is that you can apply for it, manage payouts, žiūrėkite mokėjimo informaciją, and process refunds—all from your Ecwid admin. You can also manage Lightspeed Payments on the go from your Ecwid Mobile app.

Sužinokite daugiau apie Lightspeed Payments pranašumus ir kaip jį nustatyti mūsų tinklaraščio straipsnyje:

Paverskite daugiau pirkėjų klientais naudodami produktų puslapių vaizdo įrašus

Did you know that product pages with videos convert 80% better than those without? Tai nenuostabu – vaizdo įrašai gali suteikti daugiau konteksto jūsų produktams ir yra lengviau suprantami. Jie padeda potencialiems klientams nustatyti, ar produktas tikrai atitinka jų poreikius.

To make the most of product videos in your Ecwid store, tu gali add videos to the product gallery along with images!

Ecwid store Pho U uses their TikTok video in the product gallery

To display a video in the product gallery, upload it on a popular hosting platform like YouTube, Instagramas, Facebook, Tik tak, Vimeo, ir tt, then add the video link to the product page.

You can add unlimited videos for one product—there are also no restrictions on video size, length, aspect ratio, or resolution.

Check out the article below to learn how to upload a video to your product page and make the most out of this new tool.

Effortlessly Export and Import Your Whole Catalog

Meet the enhanced product catalog import and export tool! This powerful solution lets you easily update every aspect of the product catalog.

You can upload and download a CSV file with all product details. Tokiu būdu, you can easily and quickly edit several product settings simultaneously. Whether you’re fine-tuning product options, refining variations, handling files, or even more, this tool has got you covered, providing all the essential functionalities you need.

Pastaba: The new import and export tool is already available in your store if you’ve signed up for it recently. If you’ve been selling with Ecwid for a while, enable the tool on the What’s new page in your Ecwid admin.

To learn more about the updated catalog import, please visit our Pagalbos centras.

Enjoy Simplified Ecwid Store Editing in WordPress

This update will greatly simplify your routine if you use the Ecwid papildinys to sell on your WordPress website.

Likely, you are already familiar with the WordPress default code-free page editor and publishing tool called Gutenberg. That’s where you can add Ecwid’s store content blocks to your site, such as Ecwid storefront, Buy Buttons, kategorijų meniu, ir taip toliau.

The news is that you can now see the live preview of the Ecwid blocks on your website while editing it in the Gutenberg editor. All changes made in the editor, like changing the size of product images or changing the button colors, will be immediately displayed in the live preview. No need to switch between the preview page and the editor!

See a live preview of the Ecwid blocks on your website while editing it in Gutenberg

Išmokti daugiau apie adding Ecwid blocks in the Gutenberg editor in the Help Center.

Manage Pickup and Delivery Schedule with Ease

Make the pickup and delivery process in your online store a breeze with an organized and efficient schedule. Su Ecwid, galite sklandžiai add delivery and pickup orders from your Ecwid store to your calendar of choice, like Google Calendar, iCal, Outlook Calendar, ir dar.

You can share your calendar with couriers and employees, print it out, or set up reminders for pickups and deliveries. That simplifies your business operations and enables you to provide exceptional customer service.

Check out how to add pickup or delivery orders to your calendar mūsų pagalbos centre.

Sutaupykite laiko masiškai redaguodami daugiau produkto informacijos

Galbūt jau esate susipažinę su masinių produktų redagavimo priemone, į skaičiuoklę panašus įrankis, leidžiantis vienu metu atnaujinti dešimčių gaminių informaciją. Šis įrankis sutaupo jūsų laiko ir pastangų, kai vienu metu reikia redaguoti daug produktų, nes norint pakeisti prekės informaciją nereikia po vieną atidaryti produktų puslapių.

Now there’s one more neat tip for you when using Masinių produktų redaktorius: use it to save time when editing SEO jūsų Ecwid parduotuvei! Užuot atidarę kiekvieną produktą atskirai, galite tiesiog naudoti masinį produktų redaktorių, kad greitai atnaujintumėte savo produktų SEO pavadinimus, aprašymai, ir vertimai iš karto.

Kelių produktų SEO redagavimas dabar yra lengvesnis nei bet kada anksčiau

Kalbant apie gaminių informacijos keitimą dešimčiai produktų vienu metu, turime jums dar vieną puikų atnaujinimą (šioje kategorijoje). You can mass update stock levels of several products at once right on the Product page in your Ecwid admin! You can also set up the Low stock email notifications for several products there. Norint atlikti pakeitimus, nereikia atidaryti produktų po vieną!

Not sure how to use Mass Update to edit several products at once? Mūsų pagalbos centras padėjo jums!

Pirkite DHL siuntimo etiketes be vargo

Vokiečių pardavėjai, jums patiks ši žinia! You can buy and print DHL shipping labels for domestic shipments directly from your Ecwid admin.

Pirkite siuntimo etiketes ten, kur tvarkote savo užsakymus

Štai kaip tai veikia: tu purchase DHL shipping labels right in your Ecwid admin, and then you print them and put the labels on your parcels. All that’s left to do is to drop the parcels off at the nearest post office or book a pickup by DHL pick-up service. It’s that simple!

Beje, buying shipping labels right from your Ecwid admin is also available for sellers from the US, Belgija, and the Netherlands. If your store is located in another country, you can buy shipping labels using the apps from the Ecwid App Market.

Do More Business Operations on the Go

Ecwid Mobile apps for iPhone and Android allow you to manage your online store wherever you go. With our recent updates, you can do much more using your phone.

Here are the new things you can do with your Ecwid Mobile App:

  • Įgalinti išankstinius užsakymus for products and variations using the app for Android (iOS users, this tool has already been available for you for some time)
  • Quickly update order statuses using two new buttons in the iOS app—Mark as Paid” ir “Mark as Ready For Pickup” (Android naudotojai, this tool has already been available to you for some time)
  • See if a customer belongs to a specific klientų grupė on the order page in the iOS app (Android naudotojai, we’re already working on this for you.)

Manage Taxes with a Peace of Mind

Managing and reporting taxes is a vital part of any business. Tačiau, as important as it is, dealing with taxes can be a headache for a busy business owner. Laimei, you can save some time by managing taxes in your Ecwid store.

Check out the latest updates we released to help you make tax management stress-free:

Simplify Tax Reporting with US Taxes Breakdown

JAV pardavėjai, automated tax calculations are now even more convenient. Sales tax collected for each order is split into state and local tax, whether it’s county, city, or special district tax. You can see tax breakdowns on the order details page, mokesčių sąskaitas faktūras, and customer emails.

Išmokti daugiau apie US sales tax in Ecwid pagalbos centre.

Control How Shipping Costs Are Taxed

Your Ecwid store automatically calculates shipping taxes by default based on your country’s commonly used framework. But what if your tax adviser has a different idea? Nesijaudink! You have the flexibility to customize how shipping costs are taxed at checkout.

If your store is located in the EU, JK, and Switzerland and you use product-specific tax rates, you can switch between two shipping taxation options:

  • Shipping taxes depend on products in the shopping cart
  • Shipping taxes do not depend on products in the shopping cart.

Išmokti daugiau apie changing the tax on shipping schema in your Ecwid store in the Help Center.

Power Your Store with New Apps

The Ecwid App Market has dozens of apps to customize your online store to your business needs. Browse these new apps to improve the shopping experience in your store and simplify your business procedures.

Experiment with AI-generated content based on your product catalog:

Produktų aprašymų kūrimas naudojant AI Product Descriptions programėlę

Expand your business strategy with new selling channels and partnerships:

  • Collaborate with affiliate and influencer partners through Impact
  • Explore multichannel selling and various marketing options with Channable
  • Promote your products on Bing Shopping and Google Shopping with Shoparize.

Test various product display settings:

Planuojame specialų pasiūlymą produktams su PowerSale programėle

Try new promotion tools for boosting sales in your online store:

Check out new store management, buhalterinė apskaita, ir siuntimas programėlės:

  • Automate QuickBooks and Xero accounting with PayTraQer
  • Protect your store content, like images and text, from copying with Prevent Store Content
  • Let logged-in customers download a PDF version of their invoice in their account with Invoice Module
  • Naudokite Store Copy to create a copy of your store for purposes like testing new apps, naujų darbuotojų mokymas, ir dar.
  • Process and ship orders with Deftship.

Sekite naujienas

Įsitikinkite, kad nepraleiskite naujų įrankių, kurie supaprastina jūsų kasdienę veiklą. Daugiau informacijos apie įrankius ir atnaujinimus galite rasti čia:

  • Norėdami sekti produktų atnaujinimus, įvykius, ir aktualias įmonės naujienas, visit the News section of your notifications dashboard in your Ecwid admin (mėlynas varpelis apatiniame dešiniajame ekrano kampe).
  • Visą atnaujinimų laiko juostą, didelis ir mažas, visit the Pagalbos centras.
  • Peek into the Kas naujo tab in your Ecwid admin to enable tools that require manual activation.
  • Subscribe to the Ecwid Blog newsletter to be the first to know about the most exciting tools.
  • Bookmark the Ecwid atnaujinimai dienoraščio skyrių.

Do you know how to make an ecommerce store work better for you and thousands of other merchants? Need help to fine-tune your Ecwid store to your business’s needs? Don’t hesitate to contact our Customer Care team with questions—we’re happy to help!



Parduodu internetu

With Ecwid Ecommerce, you can easily sell anywhere, visiems – internete ir visame pasaulyje.

About the author

Anastasia Prokofieva is a content writer at Ecwid. She writes about online marketing and promotion to make entrepreneurs’ daily routine easier and more rewarding. She also has a soft spot for cats, chocolate, and making kombucha at home.

Ecommerce that has your back

So simple to use – even my most technophobic clients can manage. Easy to install, quick to set up. Light years ahead of other shop plugins.
I’m so impressed I’ve recommended it to my website clients and am now using it for my own store along with four others for which I webmaster. Beautiful coding, excellent top-notch support, great documentation, fantastic how-to videos. Thank you so much Ecwid, you rock!
I’ve used Ecwid and I love the platform itself. Everything is so simplified it’s insane. I love how you have different options to choose shipping carriers, to be able to put in so many different variants. It’s a pretty open e-commerce gateway.
Easy to use, prieinama kaina (and a free option if starting off). Looks professional, many templates to select from. The App is my favorite feature as I can manage my store right from my phone. Highly recommended 👌👍
I like that Ecwid was easy to start and to use. Even for a person like me, without any technical background. Very well written help articles. And the support team is the best for my opinion.
For everything it has to offer, ECWID is incredibly easy to set up. Highly recommend! I did a lot of research and tried about 3 other competitors. Just try ECWID and you'll be online in no time.

Your ecommerce dreams start here

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