収益性の高いドロップシッピング ビジネスを始める方法


新しい起業家は、かなり早く利益を生み出すだけでなく、プロジェクトを考案しています。 (従来のビジネスと比較して) 持続可能性にも焦点を当てています.

それに加えて, 新型コロナウイルス感染症により、私たちは家に留まり、雇用による収入を代替する方法について考えざるを得なくなりました。.

「在宅勤務」文化もオンライン プラットフォームの探索を促しています. ドロップシッピング市場に次のような変化が予想されるのも不思議ではありません。 28% 年間成長率 に 2025.



基本的に, ドロップシッピングのプロセスは次のようになります:

  1. 自転車を販売する卸売業者を見つけました。 $300.
  2. あなたは自転車をリストします $400 あなたのウェブサイトで.
  3. 顧客があなたのストアから自転車を購入します.
  4. 卸売業者から自転車を購入すると、 $300 顧客の配送情報を電子メールで送信します.
  5. 卸売業者が自転車を顧客に発送します.
  6. たった今作ったばかりです $100.

ここ数年で, ドロップシッピングの人気が高まっている わずか数日で独自の電子商取引ビジネスを開始できるため.

必要なツールはすべてオンラインで入手可能, ほとんどがランチと同じレベルの価格です. つまり、新しいアイデアをすぐにテストし、うまくいくアイデアが見つかるまでテストを続けることができます。.



ドロップシッピング モデルの利点は、何かを生産したり保管したりする必要がないことです。. あなた 製品を特定する それは需要があるかもしれない, その製品を提供し、顧客に販売できる適切なサプライヤーを探す.

これにより、製造の必要性が完全に排除されます。. 製造を完全に外部に委託している場合でも、, 考慮しなければならない障害がたくさんあります. 青写真, 企画を立案し、実際に商品を生産する, 等.

独自のものを製造しようとすると、コストとそれに伴うリスクが常に高くなります。. これはドロップシッピングですべて解決します. 好きな商品を選ぶだけで販売を開始できます. 既存のツールを使用する, 数日以内に稼働できるようになります!

Alibaba などの Web サイトで製品のサプライヤーを見つけることができます。


ドロップシッピングは誰でも行うことができますが、, 参入障壁が低いため、激しい競争相手が市場に参入することが可能になる.

長期契約を結んだり、高額な資金を投資したりする必要はありません. もちろん, お金があればより早く前に進むことができる, でも時間を投資することはできます. 使用するツールの多くは無料、または試用期間が提供されています, それで ドロップシップを開始する これまでにないほど簡単になりました.

という予測があっても、それほど驚くべきことではない。 ドロップシッピングが届きます $557 億単位 2025.


ドロップシッピング ビジネスを始める方法?


It takes the meaning of outsourcing to a new level. There are several main steps to start a dropshipping business. Let’s have a look at them.

ステップ 1: Decide where you’re going to sell

Dropshippers have to decide where they want to sell their products. A number of online marketplaces like イーベイアマゾン come to mind when you are starting out as a dropshipper.

もちろん, the setup is very easy, but the store is not really yours. You are building it on somebody else’s platform. Let’s have a look at the pros and cons of these options.


Amazon は、企業がプラットフォーム上で実行できる多数のオプションを提供しています. 生産者はドロップシッピングを選択できます, 卸売, またはプライベート/ホワイトラベルを使用する.

プライベート ラベリングとは何なのか、そしてホワイト ラベリングとどのように違うのかを説明するために簡単に立ち止まってみましょう。.

プライベートラベルとは、自分のブランドで何かを販売することを意味します, でもそれは別の人が作ったものです. プライベートラベル付き, 製品の仕様/デザインとメーカーを提供します。 (第三者) それを生み出すだろう, そこにあなたのロゴを入れる.

白いラベルも似ていますが、少しひねりが加えられています. ホワイトラベルとは、メーカーがさまざまな調整を行うことができる一連の製品をすでに持っていることを意味します, でもそれは実際にはあなたのデザインではありません. さもないと, ロジックは同じままです.



Amazon の Amazon アカウントの種類


明らかな選択ではありませんが、, eBay はドロップシッピングのための非常に人気のあるプラットフォームです. eBayの用語では, それは製品調達と呼ばれます.




Your own store

Nowadays there are so many options to create your own store in a couple of clicks, that it truly seems like one of the best choices that you can make.

Advantages of dropshipping on your own store:


自分のお店を始めるのは大変なことのように思えるかもしれませんが、, それが、あなたができることとできないことを第三者から指図されないようにする唯一の方法です.

例えば, Ecwid を使用すると、 WordPressでオンラインショップを作る または他のウェブサイトでも あっという間に. または、電子商取引 Web サイトをセットアップすることもできます あなた自身 – 経験やコーディングスキルは必要ありません.

Ecwid を使用して自分で作成できる無料の電子商取引 Web サイトの例

ステップ 2: ビジネスを登録する


そう, 個人として販売するか、法人として販売するか?


ビジネスアカウント, 個人アカウントとは対照的に, より強力で正当な存在感を持ち、オンライン電子商取引 Web サイト、メーカー、そして最も重要な顧客の両方にとって信頼できるものになります。.

そうは言っても, 自分の名前でショップをブランディングし、マーケティングすることに問題はありません (またはその他の個人名). パーソナライゼーション and the feel of an individual approach always attract interest from customers.

どの国にいても, 税金はきちんと整理しておかなければならない問題になるだろう. かかった費用で収入を減らすことができるため、法人に代表されることは理にかなっています。 (しかしそれは別の話題です).

消費税はほとんどの国で標準です. 一部の州/国では, オンラインで始めるには、EIN 番号を申請する必要もあります. また, 地元の会計士に連絡して、ビジネスをサポートするためのすべての法的手続きを把握してください.

もちろん, 試してみたいだけなら、個人名で店を始めることもできます, またはそうしなければならない他の理由があります. しかし、真剣に取り組んでおり、規模を拡大する計画がある場合は、, 最初から法人を持つことが役に立つ.

ステップ 3: ドロップシッピング用の製品を探す

ドロップシッピング ビジネスを成功させるために最も重要なことは、販売したい商品です. 一部の販売者は、製品を見つけるために大規模な手作業による検索を行うことを決定します。. これには多くの時間がかかるだけでなく、, しかし、市場動向を分析し、競合他社の分析を行うのは難しい場合もあります。.

ここで製品リサーチツールの出番です. 製品調査ツールは、競合他社の調査と市場分析を行うことで、オンラインで販売する「完璧な商品」を見つけるのに役立ちます。.


There are a number of product research tools available on the market. The best research tools are the ones that can provide a complete picture of the marketplace, its participants, と製品. Here is a quick comparison of some popular research tools amongst dropshippers.

Looking for products for your dropshipping business? 使用 Syncee app for Ecwid to source products from US, カリフォルニア州, EU, オーストラリア, and globally. Syncee has everything a dropshipper is looking for: high-quality products from 387 カテゴリー, reliable suppliers, fast shipping, no upfront cost.

Popular product research tools

Jungle Scout

Jungle Scout comes with a lot of features to make the product search more viable. It can help you evaluate the demand for any product, with the use of advanced criteria. Assess the demand for your own product over time. Or help you find keywords that are being searched by potential buyers.

You can also use Jungle Scout to find qualified suppliers based on your search criteria. 画像ソース: junglescout.com

Helium 10

This tool will sort over 450+ million products available. Help you to understand the demand, トレンド, and user preferences for a specific product. Calculate potential profitability or create targeted ads for popular products.


The keyword search tool ensures that you can find keywords that have high search volume and low competition. It can help you rank higher on search pages, reverse lookup ASIN to check on the competitors, compare prices with eBay or estimate sales.

You can search Amazon’s product catalog with advanced filters to find the most successful products. 画像ソース: amzscout.net

Manual research

Though we went through the main research tools, here are a few manual ways to check to see if something sells or not.


Have no idea where to start at all? Want to try out your hand in dropshipping but never did it before? You may draw a lot of inspiration in a subreddit where people discuss what they would buy if it was for sale.

I would not base my whole business on that subreddit, but there are some interesting niches.


We are all tired from seeing ads on our favorite social media, usually, we just ignore them, but in this case, they can help you. Under every promoted post/ad you can see the number of likes, 株式, and comments. If those numbers are around 100, that is a product to consider and further research.

SmartOnlineShoppers ran a video ad for a posture corrector which has over 4k likes and 600 コメント. This is a great opportunity to further analyze the product and their dropshipping store.

If they are around 500 you may be assured that the product is a success so the dropshipper is putting more and more money into it.

ほとんどの場合, if you click the link, you will be sent to a dropshipping store. You can easily recognize that by page format as most of them use a format heavily optimized for mobile and also the platform that the page is powered with.


Another great suggestion is to research trends, to predict which products will work in the upcoming season. Check out our detailed guide on finding trending products online.

ステップ 4: Find dropshipping suppliers

At this point, you already decided if you will go with Amazon, イーベイ, or your own platform. You should have your product analysis done. You decided on the product that seems to be interesting both from the perspective of the market size and potential margin.

Now you have to find a supplier for your product.

As we discussed in the introduction, dropshipping is about taking orders from customers and shipping products to them from manufacturers.

Why manufacturers and not other online shops? To maximize your profits. You have to go directly to the production of the item you are looking for.

もっと: Where to Find a Wholesale Supplier for Your Online Store

We will cover popular options, particularly paying attention to Aliexpress, which is a platform of choice for dropshipping.

Some popular suppliers are:


Alibaba offers products in many categories and mainly deals with Chinese manufacturers and wholesalers. You can sign up for free and use their services. The choice of products is also limitless.

(Keep in mind that Alibaba is predominantly B2B, meaning bigger volumes will be expected by the sellers).


While Alibaba primarily deals with B2B customers, AliExpress deals with B2C. It is a popular choice for dropshippers because it has a huge variety of products and manufacturers it also allows to order small (or single) アイテム.

Everything you will find advertised and sold online can be found on AliExpress. The choice is staggering.


Another popular option for dropshippers. This platform is a directory of various suppliers. They have over 100 dropship companies from the USA and China with over 1 million products. Access to the directory is free. 詳しくはこちら connecting your Ecwid store to Wholesale2b.


Perfect if you want to sell merch with your design. You upload your prints/designs and Printful prints them on clothes and accessories of your choice. They will take care of packaging and shipment and are ready to work with dropshippers. A great choice if you want to be in the print-on-demand niche. 詳しくはこちら connecting your Ecwid store to Printful.


In the beginning, this will not be your main choice. But in later stages, you may decide that you want to take the manufacturing of your product under control.

You can talk directly to your local or foreign manufacturers, but these are reserved for some very special cases and niches.

述べたように, the dropshipping field is heavily dominated by Aliexpress. The process goes like this:

  1. You will choose a product on Aliexpress
  2. Create a store to sell your products.
  3. Start your marketing campaigns and fulfill the orders from Aliexpress.

もっと: チェックリスト: How to Find the Right Supplier on AliExpress

そう, you’ve found a supplier, what’s next?

Contact all the suppliers that you chose and get to know the cost of buying from them. Ask them about the minimum order quantity, delivery time, and the packaging charges.

You can learn a lot from a number of orders and ratings. That way you know that the supplier can work bigger volumes and not skimp on quality or delivery time. The last thing you want is to strike a golden niche and have problems with getting the product delivered or delivered in bad quality.

Things to pay attention to:

You will not be doing it for every testing store that you will launch. いつもの, this is done when you found a niche that works particularly well and you plan to further expand in that particular niche.

After you are done with choosing your suppliers you can proceed to:

ステップ 5: Plan your product page

A good product page is essential. The traffic that you will be getting is usually cold or semi-cold – meaning that you have to persuade visitors that your store can be trusted. The right product page will turn a visitor into a potential customer and a potential customer into a repeated customer.

We will go over some main aspects that you should research further as there is much more to each part of the topic. Find more about converting visitors into buyers in this extensive guide.

This simple design is bringing Inspireuplift several million dollars in sales each month. 画像ソース: inspireuplift.com.


When pricing the product there are a lot of things that you should take into consideration:

There are several ways to approach pricing products. Mostly it will depend on the margin that you plan to achieve.

Low margin products should be sold at big volumes. For beginners it is easier to start with a high margin because of several reasons:

I would suggest trying out your hand at products with a 25-50% マージン. Meaning that the price that you see it being sold for (アマゾンで, イーベイ, フェイスブック, 等) is for example $50, while the price on Aliexpress is under $25.

More on how to price your products can be found here.

Product description

Customers can’t touch or test a product when shopping online. That’s why you need to write a detailed product description that will answer all customers’ questions. Here’s how to do that:

読む how to write product descriptions that sell in our detailed guide.


Photos are the key. It is the only way your customer may see how the product looks to decide whether to buy it. You can go with simple photos with a plain background. ほとんどの場合, you will be able to get all the pictures that you need from a supplier. But if you decide to go with your own, avoid these mistakes:

While the first image lists products nicely, it is always a good idea to show the product in use. Image resource: aliexpress.com

Check out this post for a more detailed guide on how to take quality pictures for your product.


While you can use photos for some simple products, videos will do much better for the ones that you need to see being used in real life.

One of the most sold dropshipping products is posture correctors and teeth whitening products. Those would be very difficult to promote through photos only. What makes the marketing campaigns so successful are the simple videos which show people how to use the product and what it could do for them.

多くの場合, you will have some video samples from your supplier, but if you are going to make your own, it is as easy as making it with your smartphone.

ステップ 6: Set up payment methods

Platforms like Amazon or eBay will force you to use their payment methods (もちろん) but if you go with a more independent route of creating your own store you will need to accept payments somehow. もちろん, the easiest way to accept payments is through a service that is connected to your online store.

Ecwid makes this very easy. Connecting to your payment solution is a question of a couple of clicks.

Ecwid provides より多い 50 支払いゲートウェイ. While Ecwid will not charge you for that, you have to check if a particular provider takes any fees.

カタログ, 在庫, and customer/transaction information remain in sync with your Ecwid store. So you just have to worry about bringing more customers in.

ステップ 7: Plan your marketing efforts

Since dropshipping has a very low barrier of entry, competition is strong. Pushing on price, 配達, marketing tactics is all part of fair game.

But before your customers will impulsively purchase or start comparing the prices, you have to get them to your product page. So how do you do it?

Organic search

You may take a longer but more profitable road of making your store rank organically on Google. Take note that ranking your site organically will require a lot of work. One of the ways to rank quickly is to start building links to your site but even if executed successfully it takes up to a year before you start seeing results.

When you are just establishing your store, this is not the main method you should go for. Only when you established that your dropshipping product sells, you may think of digging deeper into SEO and keyword research.

If you really want to go deep into SEO, it is good to start thinking of it right at the beginning of your dropshipping project. Research the niche, キーワード, and see if your site is optimized well for Google.

As I said in the beginning, SEO will not be your first pick of promotion for dropshipping. When you will start out, you may want to go with paid ads or social promotions to get a quick test of your product viability.

Paid ads

Paid ads are your go-to option. They allow for the quickest test of your store and also the quickest results. You can set up your store, put some ads in motion, and the next day you already know if your product/ads/store is working.

グーグル, アマゾン, イーベイ, フェイスブック, インスタグラム, ツイッター, ピンタレスト, Youtube – all of those platforms offer paid ads.

You might want to check out these resources:

Giveaways and contests

One of the ways to quickly (and for a fairly low price) create a viral promotion of your store are various contests and giveaways.

This is something that you should do only after you have already established that your product sells, your site works, and payment systems are properly set. Contests can bring a lot of sudden traffic that you should better be prepared for.

また: 25 Social Media Contest Ideas to Promote Your Online Business

Get creative with contests, 例えば, asks followers to come up with the best caption


Get in touch with influencers in your niche and ask them to advertise your product. It can start as simple as contacting somebody on Instagram with enough followers and paying them for a shoutout, that can range from $xx to $xx, xxx depending on their reach.

もっと詳しく知る: Instagram でマイクロインフルエンサーを活用して電子商取引の売上を伸ばす方法

But it does not stop there. You can reach out to bloggers, YouTubers, or webmasters of various related sites – with a proposal of a product review, guest post, or other forms of promotion.

Get Ready to Start a Dropshipping Business

Dropshipping business is a good option for people who are passionate about starting an e-commerce business but lack the investment. It is a level playing field for people coming from various backgrounds. Everyone starts from scratch. The result will hugely depend on the time and energy that you are going to invest in it.

While the start might be slow since you will be learning a lot and making mistakes (so learning even more) you will quickly pick up the speed and your following stores will be built quicker and will perform better.

Do not get discouraged if your first, second, third store does not go through. The key to dropshipping is to constantly test. Some stores will perform okay, some will perform great and some will fail.

Keep moving forward.

Start a Profitable Dropshipping Business with Ecwid

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About The Author
Vlad Falin is the founder of CostofIncome.com, where he writes about e-commerce, email marketing services, and other digital business tools.

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