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初心者のための e コマース マーケティングのヒント

16 min read

やったね! あなたは正式にオンライン ビジネスのオーナーです. こちらがエアファイブです! それで?

使い捨て可能な量のマーケティング ツールが手の届くところにある, distinguishing between the various types of e-commerce marketing ideas can be overwhelming. This article will give you a sense of what exactly e-commerce marketing is and how to use today’s most valuable marketing channels to win customers.

What Is E-Commerce Marketing?

E-commerce marketing is using various practices to drive customers to your online store and increase awareness about your products and brand.

You can attract customers with social media, email campaigns, digital content, もっと. We’ll describe each e-commerce marketing strategy in detail, but first, let’s dive into building that strategy.

What Is an E-Commerce Marketing Strategy?

E-commerce marketing strategy is an online businessplan for reaching consumers and turning them into customers. It’s a long-term approach that is based on an online store’s marketing goals and objectives.

To develop your e-commerce marketing strategy, 必要がある:

  • Set goals, or define what you want to achieve. 例えば, increase the number of website visitors or the amount of online sales. Your goal should be achievable and measurable.
  • Break down your strategy into actionable steps. What are you going to do to achieve your goal? 例えば, if you want to increase the number of website visitors, you might want to work on your SEO, promote your store on social media, or email campaigns.

e-commerce marketing

An example of product promotion post from Ecwid sellers Fig & ハニー

How Can I Learn E-Commerce Marketing?

When you’re just starting, everything e-commerce marketing related seems to be over your head. 幸いなことに, anyone can learn the marketing basics. We’ve got a couple of resources to make it easier for you:

How Can I Promote My E-Commerce Business?

Marketing for e-commerce can take many forms. We’ll explain some easy methods that anyone can use to drive traffic to their business and products.

Content marketing tips for beginners

Content marketing is creating and sharing valuable content for free to get customersattention to a product or service.

The most popular formats of such content are blog posts and videos. 例えば, a watch store can share a blog post on choosing waterproof watches. A yoga teacher can upload a YouTube video that explains the morning yoga routine.

e-commerce marketing

Ecwid merchants Reclaim Design share product-related how-to blog posts

You can create other types of content, それも, like printables, e-books, even webinars, and podcasts.

No matter what format you choose, your content should be helpful to your target audience. If your video helps, educates, or entertains potential customers, they’ll see you as an expert in your niche. That, 順番に, increases the chance they’ll buy from you.

When creating content to promote your store, make sure:

  • it answers customersquestions about your product or industry
  • it improves your site’s ranking in search engines.


Google and other search engines do not automatically find your content once you hit publish. Here’s what you can do to ensure your content improves your site’s ranking in search engines:

  • Identify the primary keywords people would use to find your product or to research your industry. You can use various keywords research tools like Google Keyword Planner.
  • Share your content with links to your site on forums, ウェブサイト, および製品に関連するソーシャル メディア ページ. リンクは検索エンジンとの接続を作成します, これらにより、あなたのストアを含む検索が結果でより上位にランクされるようになります。.
  • 少なくとも持っている 600 各ページの内容の言葉 サイトの情報を入力して、検索エンジンによってインデックスされる詳細を提供します. でも, ただ目的のためにコンテンツを追加しないでください. 常にお客様のことを考える. 彼らがあなたの製品について何に興味を持っているか、何を知りたいかについて書きます.
  • 大量の回答を含む FAQ ページを Web サイト上に作成します, ユーザーをサイトに誘導するためのロングテールキーワード検索.
  • ストア内で Twitter や Facebook などのサービスのソーシャル共有ボタンを有効にして、認知度を高めます. ソーシャルメディア上でストアの認知度が高まるほど, より多くのオーガニックトラフィックを推進できる.

コンテンツを通じて顧客を獲得するためのその他の e コマース マーケティングのアイデア:


電子メール マーケティングは、顧客に連絡する最もコスト効率の高い方法です. プラス, 顧客はメールの受信を歓迎します. 統計局によると, 49% 回答者の割合は、お気に入りのブランドからのプロモーションメールを毎週受け取りたいと考えています.


メールはリピート顧客を獲得するのに最適です: 買い物客は新製品の情報を受け取るとまた来たくなる, プロモーション, または販売.

この e コマース マーケティング手法の使用を開始するには, まずメールリストを作成する必要があります. Here’s how you can do that:

  • Use pop-up email capture forms. State why subscribe to your mailing list. If you have seasonal inventory changes, have the pop-up say something like: “Don’t miss out when our hottest seasonal items become available!” Test different forms out regularly to make a significant impact.
  • Offer discounts to reward current customers and keep them coming back. You can even 割引を提供する for customer referrals. Sellers that use Ecwid’s Venture plan (or higher plans) can quickly generate discount coupons through their Control Panel.
  • Use a contest to incentivize email signups. When people share their email address with you, make that an entry into a contest or giveaway. Not only will you build excitement around your contest as people enter, but you can also get them to share a word about the contest.

If you use Ecwid, customer emails are collected right at checkout when customers place an order. If a customer doesn’t finish placing their order, their email is still saved to send them an abandoned cart recovery email.

After you collect your customer emails, it’s time to send out your newsletter. You can manually send to smaller lists, but once the list grows beyond 50 email addresses, you should look into using an email service provider like Mailchimp.

Ecwid is already integrated with Mailchimp. You can use it to collect customer emails via pop-ups, send out branded newsletters, or add your products and discount coupons to an email in a single click. 詳しくはこちら using Mailchimp for your Ecwid store.

e-commerce marketing

With Mailchimp, you can create a popup like this for your Ecwid store

Anotherset it and forget itemail marketing solution is automated emails. You can automatically send emails to your customers when they complete specific actions in your store. 例えば, when they add a product to their favorites or complete a purchase.

Automated emails help retain customers and activate shoppers who haven’t purchased anything from you in a while.

エクウィッドと, you can send seven different types of automated emails. You don’t need to write an email copy or send out campaigns manually. You just click “有効” toggle コントロールパネルで, and customers will receive emails that will reach the right person at the right time.

e-commerce marketing

An example of an automated email that brings back inactive customers

More e-commerce marketing ideas for using email:

Pay-per-click advertising for beginners

When an online seller uses pay-per-click (クリック課金制) advertising, they place an ad on the internet and pay a flat rate every time it is clicked. Online advertising is a promising opportunity to generate traffic. まだ, to make sure it’s cost-effective, you need to know a couple of things.

Paid search ads and ads through Google are currently the premiere PPC ad system. You’ll want to get started with Google 広告, and the tools are easy to use.

If you sell a more general product, but to a particular demographic or interest group, you may want to begin with Facebook広告. Facebook Ads will allow you to fine-tune who sees your ads, but it can cost a bit more for this specificity.

e-commerce marketing

You can create different types of Facebook Ads, 例えば, a collection ad

Here’s a couple of tips to get you started:

  • Start with a low daily budget, then experiment and tweak your approach based on results. Not every ad will be a home run. Experimenting with ad types will help you find what works best to ensure you get the most value out of any money you put in.
  • Don’t forget that every social media outlet now has their PPC advertising system. フェイスブック, インスタグラム, ピンタレスト, スナップチャット, ユーチューブ, あなたはそれに名前を付けます. Take a look at which social media platforms benefit you the most and put some money into PPC campaigns there to grow your footprint and create a business.
  • Use conversion tracking codes like Google 広告タグ, Facebook ピクセル, Snap Pixel, と Pinterest タグ to know where the completed sales came from and repeat the most successful campaigns’ プラクティス.

More tips on pay-per-click advertising for beginners:

Social media marketing tips for beginners

There are many reasons why social media is an effective tool for e-commerce marketing. It’s cost-effective; there are billions of users on social media, which helps build a community around a store. But with new social media platforms popping up every day, your options may seem overwhelming.

覚えて: you don’t have to be everywhere at once. Explore social media sites wisely and use platforms that best showcase your products and reach the audience you’re targeting.

Facebook is usually an excellent fit for almost any business. It has customizable marketing and tracking tools with a massive reach. プラス, あなたはできる add your Ecwid store to your Facebook page.

e-commerce marketing

The Mocktail Club sells on Facebook with Ecwid

Twitter is a useful outlet if you have the time and resources to send consistently shareable tweets to develop a following. Twitter は、顧客にストアの商品の共有を促す簡単な場所でもあります.

インスタグラムピンタレスト 製品に強力な視覚的要素があれば、ビジネスにとって素晴らしい拠点となるでしょう. 例えば, あなたの店が、購入するために実物を見なければならない衣類やその他のユニークなアイテムを販売している場合, これらはあなたが投資する必要があるサイトです. プラス, エクウィッドと, あなたはできる Instagramで商品を販売する ショッピング可能なタグ付き.

Ecwid ストア ANNA Cake Couture を Instagram に掲載

LinkedIn は、企業や専門家向けの製品やサービスを販売するための自然なプラットフォームを作成します.

スナップチャットチクタク are great if you sell to a younger audience (although if you don’t, you can still use it to your advantage). Those platforms work best if you promote your business with fun, entertaining content, so be ready to get creative. 例えば, here’s how San Diego Zoo entertains their followers:

Another method of e-commerce marketing is tapping into social news aggregation and discussion websites like Reddit. As it is a hub for content-specific groups, you can find a whole new customer base here. Read the fine print carefully, as there may be rules against sharing your own products depending on where you are posting.

Encourage customers to share their experiences or pictures of their products on Reddit so you can reap the rewards of having e-commerce street cred.

After you choose your social media platforms, follow these steps to set up your profile:

  1. Get yourself a business page – it’ll provide you with helpful tools and analytics of your profile and followers activity
  2. Write a clear and concise bio for your profile
  3. Think through your imagery and profile navigation if needed
  4. Learn how to use hashtags
  5. Decide what you’re going to 役職.

Remember that being active on social media doesn’t mean spamming your followers with salesy posts. Stick to educational and entertaining content, engage followers into meaningful discussions, run giveaways, share customer’s pictures with your product.

Ecwid store MYSKINBUDDY saves helpful Pins for their followers

Using social media to build a community around your brand helps you build relationships with customers and eventually drive them to your store.

More e-commerce marketing tips for using social media:

More E-Commerce Marketing Tips

We’ve shared some digital marketing tips for beginners that will help you start promoting your store online. Sending out newsletters, creating social media presence, sharing valuable content, and a bit of PPC advertising makes a solid base for marketing your new store.

If you want to learn more about e-commerce marketing, check out our blog post on promoting your brand. Uncover more ways to get a word about your business, including partnerships, referral programs, participating in events, もっと.

Just launched your store and are trying to stay on a budget? Say no more, we’ve got a list of low-cost ways to market your business.

今, it’s your turn. Which e-commerce marketing practice worked best for you when you were just starting?




With Ecwid Ecommerce, you can easily sell anywhere, インターネットや世界中の誰にでも.

About the author

Jesse is the Marketing Manager at Ecwid and has been in e-commerce and internet marketing since 2006. He has experience with PPC, SEO, conversion optimization and loves to work with entrepreneurs to make their dreams a reality.

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