Semua yang anda butuhkan untuk berjualan secara online

Set up an online store in minutes to sell on a website, sosial media, atau pasar.

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Menjual Tiket Acara dan Memaksimalkan Dampak sebagai Organisasi Nirlaba

8 min read

Selamat datang ke “Cerita-cerita sukses” bagian dari blog Ecwid, dimana kami dengan bangga menyajikan kisah inspiratif dari pemilik bisnis yang menggunakan Ecwid oleh Lightspeed. Bersiaplah untuk terhubung dengan pengusaha yang berpikiran sama dan temukan wawasan berharga tentang penggunaan Ecwid untuk mengembangkan bisnis Anda.

What is Aspen Gay Ski Week?

Aspen Gay Ski Week (AGSW) is a week-long gay ski event that has been taking place in Aspen, Colorado, untuk 47 tahun. The event is one of Aspen’s largest LGBTQ+ non-profit fundraisers.

45th Aspen Gay Ski Week Parade

All of the funds raised help support AspenOUT’s free mental health counseling, college scholarships, and grants to nonprofit organizations in the LGBTQ+ community.

AGSW has been using our ecommerce solution for the past 4 years and has recently adopted Pembayaran Lightspeed as their payment provider for ticket sales.

3,750+ participants annually come to Aspen to celebrate, make connections, and ski. The organization also partners with local retailers and restaurant owners who help support the community, Lightspeed being one of them.

Aspen Gay Ski Week 2022 – Downhill Contest

Let’s look at how AGSW uses Ecwid’s shopping cart to sell tickets in order to maximize funds for their nonprofit and grow their fundraising efforts.

Challenge: Maximizing Funds as a Nonprofit

Lukas, the marketing and events coordinator for AGSW, emphasized the importance of optimizing revenue in the nonprofit sector. He explained, “In a nonprofit world, it’s important to maximize donations, operate on a small budget, and give the most back.

45th Aspen Gay Ski Week Parade

Solusi: Ecwid by Lightspeed Provides AGSW With a Cost-Effective Place to Sell Tickets

With an affordable and user-friendly solution, Ecwid by Lightspeed is able to help Aspen Gay Ski Week effortlessly maximize its funds and focus on growing the fundraiser. Here are the tools they’ve leveraged to achieve this goal:

45th Aspen Gay Ski Week Parade

Penyedia Pembayaran Efisien Dengan Pembayaran Lightspeed

pendapatan dalam satu hari diproses tanpa hambatan

Untuk memproses pembayaran di toko online-nya, organisasi nirlaba yang menggunakannya Pembayaran Lightspeed. Dengan tingkat persentase yang menarik, Lightspeed Payments memungkinkan mereka menghemat biaya tambahan yang dapat mereka keluarkan untuk upaya penggalangan dana.

Pembayaran Lightspeed membuat akuntan kami sangat senang. Tarifnya sangat hemat biaya, dan kami mendapatkan semua dana kami dicairkan tepat waktu tanpa penundaan atau penundaan apa pun. Lukas Volk, Marketing and Events Coordinator, Aspen Gay Ski Week

Given ASGW’s popularity and the sale of both individual and weekly passes, significant revenue is generated all at once when tickets first become available for purchase. Lightspeed Payments releases all of these funds quickly, regardless of the amount, and without any issues.

A Seamless WordPress Integration

Aspen Gay Ski Week had built the website for their event on WordPress and ranked highly in terms of SEO. The team was searching to integrate a shopping cart onto their existing website — and Ecwid by Lightspeed has the capability to do so quite easily.

Beranda AGSW dibangun di WordPress, menautkan ke keranjang belanja mereka untuk membeli tiket

They simply added their shopping cart to their existing site and started selling their event tickets in no time.

Ecwid adalah produk berkualitas yang mudah dikelola dan sangat mudah diatur di WordPress. Ini seperti yang diiklankan: Anda dapat menjalankan toko dalam hitungan menit. Lukas Volk

Keranjang Belanja Tanpa Biaya yang Tidak Perlu

dihemat per tiket untuk biaya layanan

Sebelum Ecwid, AGSW menggunakan platform tiket pihak ketiga tradisional untuk menjual tiket acara tahunan mereka. Namun mereka dikenakan biaya yang cukup besar per penjualan tiket. Hal ini tidak memberi mereka banyak keuntungan sebagai imbalan atas dana mereka.

Para eksekutif kemudian memutuskan sudah waktunya untuk beralih ke keranjang belanja online, dan saat itulah mereka beralih ke Ecwid dengan keranjang belanja Lightspeed, yang tidak membebankan biaya tambahan apa pun per penjualan.

Tiket Aspen Gay Ski Week dijual di etalase mereka

Alat Bermanfaat Lainnya yang Diuntungkan dan Direkomendasikan oleh AGSW

Email pemulihan keranjang yang ditinggalkan: Ketika seseorang meninggalkan barang di trolinya, menjadi teralihkan, atau jatuh ke dalam lingkaran terpisah, ASGW mengirimkan ditinggalkan email pemulihan keranjang. Sending potential customers email reminders helps encourage that final purchase.

pendapatan diperoleh kembali dari gerobak yang ditinggalkan

Email otomatis dikirim ke pengabai keranjang

Bidang checkout khusus: Saat menawarkan pakaian dengan penjualan tiket, penggunaan AGSW bidang checkout khusus untuk menanyakan ukuran pelanggan dan memfasilitasi prosesnya.

Sumbangan: pada checkout, yang diminta organisasi nirlaba sumbangan. Pelanggan dapat memilih jumlah yang ingin mereka sumbangkan. This helps collect extra money for the fundraiser.

Pelacakan inventaris waktu nyata: Ecwid melacak inventaris dari semua tiket dan tiket bersponsor, dan AGSW dapat menandainya sebagai terjual habis (setengah tiket mereka untuk 2024 acara saat ini terjual habis!)

Tiket dan tiket terjual habis di etalase mereka

Fitur-fitur yang terus ditambahkan pada Ecwid sangat bagus; setiap tahun, platformnya terus menjadi lebih baik. Lukas Volk

Hasil: ASGW Memaksimalkan Dana untuk Komunitas LGBTQ+ dan Terus Berkembang

Terima kasih kepada Ecwid oleh Lightspeed, ASGW kini menjual tiketnya melalui toko online yang mudah digunakan, menghemat biaya tambahan, dan dapat fokus pada penggalangan dana dan memperluas acara mereka ke berbagai wilayah.

Mendukung Kebanggaan Adalah Bagian dari Budaya Kami di Lightspeed

Dengan tujuan yang begitu dekat di hati kita, Ecwid by Lightspeed is proud to be the ecommerce platform and one of the sponsors for this event.

Lightspeed participates in a range of initiatives for the community, including donations to various LGBTQ+ charities, participation in pride events, a relocation policy that supports LGBTQ+ employees who wish to move to safer regions, among many other efforts.

Lightspeed at the Pride Parade in Montréal, QC

Lightspeed was founded in Montreal’s gay village — the founder and the first four employees were part of the LBTQ+ community. This helped shape our company culture, making diversity and inclusivity integral to our DNA.

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menjual secara online

Dengan Ecwid E-niaga, you can easily sell anywhere, kepada siapa pun - di internet dan di seluruh dunia.

Tentang Penulis

Victoria is a content specialist at Ecwid. Fueled by matcha, she dives into the ecommerce world and provides insights to help entrepreneurs succeed online.

Ecommerce that has your back

So simple to use – even my most technophobic clients can manage. Easy to install, quick to set up. Light years ahead of other shop plugins.
I’m so impressed I’ve recommended it to my website clients and am now using it for my own store along with four others for which I webmaster. Beautiful coding, excellent top-notch support, great documentation, fantastic how-to videos. Thank you so much Ecwid, you rock!
I’ve used Ecwid and I love the platform itself. Everything is so simplified it’s insane. I love how you have different options to choose shipping carriers, to be able to put in so many different variants. It’s a pretty open e-commerce gateway.
Mudah digunakan, terjangkau (and a free option if starting off). Looks professional, many templates to select from. The App is my favorite feature as I can manage my store right from my phone. Highly recommended 👌👍
I like that Ecwid was easy to start and to use. Even for a person like me, without any technical background. Very well written help articles. And the support team is the best for my opinion.
For everything it has to offer, ECWID is incredibly easy to set up. Highly recommend! I did a lot of research and tried about 3 other competitors. Just try ECWID and you'll be online in no time.

Your ecommerce dreams start here

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