Menggunakan Psikologi Pengambilan Keputusan dalam Pengoptimalan Konten Penjualan

Pertama, the question:

Living in the age of unlimited options, why do you choose a particular product? What makes you sacrifice all the alternatives you might need tomorrow and prioritize one thing over another?

Here’s the hint:

It’s not because you need it. With the internet being the #1 source of information today, it’s the isi used by online marketers to influence your decision and convince you to purchase a product. They understand the psychology of decision-making and optimize sales content accordingly.

Di artikel ini, you’ll reveal the psychological concepts behind choices and decisions and learn how to use them in marketing content to get more customers untuk bisnis anda.

The Psychology of Decision-Making

Imagine the situation:

One day you wake up and understand you need a new laptop. You go online, see dozens of offers there, compare features and prices, and… buy the one you didn’t consider best while searching.

Beberapa minggu kemudian, you sit at that new laptop and think something like, "Baik, it’s nice, but I should have taken that one from XXX.”

It’s the work of one of the five psychological concepts influencing our decisions:

Emotional Outburst when Comparing Multiple Offers

The more options we have, the more difficult it is for our brain to decide which one to choose. Yang studi membuktikan hal itu:

Overthinking a product leads to an emotional outburst that signals our brain to choose faster. Sebagai hasilnya, we often follow emotional rather than rational factors when comparing multiple products on different websites. It takes milliseconds:

“So, anyway, this one seems nice — I take it!"

Untuk mendapatkan hasil maksimal dari trik psikologis ini, pemasar membuat konten yang menarik bagi perasaan dan emosi positif. Menurut Universitas Wharton Pennsylvania studi, instrumen terbaik di sini adalah kelucuan, personalisasi, dan melayani pengejaran kebahagiaan.

Tunjukkan pada konsumen bagaimana produk atau layanan Anda akan membuat mereka merasa, dan itu akan mengubah jauh lebih baik daripada penjelasan rasional Anda tentang fitur-fiturnya. Video produk emosional, iklan, — ingat orang-orang dari Dollar Shave Club yang meledakkan internet pada waktunya? — and catchy custom visuals at landing pages can do wonders here.

Epicurrence created a landing page with signature visuals

The Psychology of Usefulness

Digital consultant Gord Hotchkiss defines the cognitive process determining people to stay loyal to a product as the need to find usefulness before trying it.

And here’s the kicker:

Our brain is lazy, and that’s why it determines usefulness as something that is most effective if allowing to spend less time and risk judging it.

When judging usefulness, the brain goes through a few steps to determine whether a product/service is worth loyalty to. Lagi, it’s more about emotions than rationality:

How people determine whether a product is worth loyalty

As Gord says,

“Our brains use a quicker and more heuristic method to mediate our output of effort – emotions. Frustration and anxiety tell us it’s time to move on to the next site or application. Feelings of reward and satisfaction indicate we should stay right where we are.”

Jadi, the task of marketing content is to menimbulkan emosi positif dari pembaca. Mereka mengomunikasikan bahwa kegunaan suatu produk lebih tinggi daripada risiko yang dirasakan, sedangkan emosi negatif menunjukkan sebaliknya.

Bias Pembingkaian

Sedangkan model standar pilihan rasional dalam pengambilan keputusan serikat bahwa orang berusaha untuk membuat pilihan yang paling rasional, bias pembingkaian mengalahkan semuanya:

Ini menyarankan bahwa kita membangun keputusan berdasarkan sikap kita daripada fakta tentang sesuatu. The “frame” presenting the information influences our reaction and choice.

Misalnya, a “97% effective” product will be more convertible than one with “just a 3% failure rate.”

Satu fakta tentang suatu produk dapat mempengaruhi keputusan pembelian, tergantung pada konteks yang digunakan pemasar untuk merepresentasikannya. Melalui pembingkaian, pembuat konten dapat memperoleh emosi positif daripada emosi negatif dari pembaca, thus determining his attitude toward a marketing message they are trying to communicate.

How do marketers “frame” the information?

Mereka menggunakan kata-kata kuat yang memicu emosi, memastikan konten mereka memiliki nilai lebih dan aroma informasi yang kuat, dan pertimbangkan color psychology and principles of consistency when designing their marketing assets.

More on that is below.


Only the lazy didn’t hear the frenzy about the power of storytelling in marketing. Dan masuk akal:

People retain 70% of information through stories, tapi hanya 10% — through data and statistics. Jadi, if you want to build emotional connections with the audience and make them remember your brand, storytelling is the best instrument for that.

How storytelling affects the brain (Sumber)

Stories influence the human brain, activating the areas responsible for experiences. When reading a brand story, people feel as if it really happens, get engaged through empathy, and feel connected.

Such an emotional response influences our intent to buy more than bare facts about a product’s features and price. People use personal feelings to evaluate a brand, and that is why emotions rather than other judgments determine customer loyalty.

The Anchoring and Processing Fluency Biases

The anchoring bias is our tendency to rely on the first piece of information we get. Selain itu, that first information will influence how we further evaluate similar things.

Isn’t that why salespeople often start product presentations with a high price and lower it? “Anchoring” with the first info they got, people start considering a discount the profitable offer to accept.

Anchoring effect illustrated (Sumber)

Yah, it seems the first impression truly matters!

Bias kelancaran pemrosesan mengacu pada gagasan bahwa kita cenderung percaya bahwa hal-hal yang lebih sederhana untuk dipahami lebih kredibel. Otak mengasosiasikan kefasihan dengan pengalaman positif, menciptakan rasa keakraban palsu dan dengan demikian meningkatkan kepercayaan.

Dengan kata lain, pendapat kita tentang sesuatu tergantung pada seberapa mudah kita memahaminya. Kami lebih suka informasi yang lebih mudah didapat, dan kita temukan info seperti itu lebih dapat dipercaya.

Untuk mendapatkan cara kerjanya, coba jawab pertanyaannya:

“How many animals of each kind did Moses take on the Ark?"


Another example of the processing fluency bias is how we interpret texts based on the font style they’re written in: Common and easy-to-read fonts make us more confident in our ability to digest the information.

Causes and judgmental consequences of processing fluency (Sumber)

That is why processing fluency is critical in user experience design: a website’s usability improvement can influence conversion rates by far.

Terkait: 15 Pasangan Font Sempurna untuk Situs Web E-niaga Anda

How to Use These Psychological Concepts in Content

People are more likely to choose what they know and suppose to like. It explains why we buy iPhones and drink at Starbucks even if we don’t consider these brands the best ones in their niche:

With all the above psychological concepts influencing our decisions, it’s clear that we choose products that look familiar, evoke positive associations, and are easy to understand.

Jadi, organize and optimize your marketing content accordingly — and your target audience will find you.

Berikut adalah cara untuk melakukan itu:

Design It to Look Familiar

For people, your brand is a sign. As Harvard Business School professor Susan Fournier noted, ini “has no objective existence at all: it is simply a collection of perceptions held in the consumer’s mind.”

People use a so-called semiotic branding triangle to define your brand and its message:

A semiotic branding triangle provides a process to define a brand and its interpretations (Sumber)

For the audience to define your product and choose it among others, you need to attend to all three elements. It’s a time- and energy-consuming process, and the minimum you can do is to pay attention to your brand communication:

Design everything so that people recognize your content once they see it. When looking familiar to the brain, it’s easier to decide in favor of this particular item.

How to make the content look familiar?

Juga: Bagaimana Untuk Membuat Sebuah Awesome Logo Untuk Merek Anda

Juga, pertimbangkan prinsip konsistensi saat mendesain konten pemasaran Anda:

Use the same fonts for headlines and the same content formats, dan ingat untuk develop your brand’s tone of voice.

The tone of voice is how your brand sounds and speaks to the audience. It needs to be consistent throughout all your messages for consumers to get used to it:

Create a brand book, aka guidelines for your content writers and designers, to follow the principles of coherency in brand communication. Seperti Mailchimp, Coca-Cola, dan banyak merek lain melakukannya.

Ekstrak dari buku merek Skype (Sumber)

Pastikan Konten Anda Memiliki Aroma Informasi yang Kuat

Seperti yang dinyatakan oleh Optimizely, aroma informasi adalah tentang “the strength of relevant messaging throughout the customer journey as well as visual and textual cues that provide website visitors with hints on what information a site contains.”

A robust information scent of your content ensures processing fluency and serves the psychology of usefulness.

In today’s world of content shock and short attention span, when people scan, not read, your content online, they need some visual clues that help them understand they’re at the right place to solve their problems.

What you can do with content for that:

Format for Scanning and Better Readability

Our attention span is shrinking, so marketers have around 8 seconds to connect with a potential customer. Some even insist on the five-second rule di sini:

Orang-orang memindai konten untuk tajuk utama dan petunjuk visual yang bermakna yang akan membantu mereka memahami jika mereka berada di tempat yang tepat dan ingin mempelajari lebih lanjut. Dengan itu dalam pikiran, Anda perlu memformat konten yang sesuai dan mengoreksi tulisan Anda sebelum diterbitkan.

Cara memformat konten untuk pemindaian:

When your content is ready, check its readability scores via tools like Grammarly or Readable. Menurut Cameron Craig, who had been doing PR for Apple for ten years, a text should be simple enough to be “easily understood by an average 4th-grade student or lower.”

Gunakan Power Words dan Bahasa Manusia

Kata-kata yang Anda gunakan dalam konten dapat membuat orang lain merasakannya. Tergantung pada emosi yang ingin Anda bangkitkan dari konsumen, pertimbangkan kata-kata yang kuat dan hindari kata-kata wabah.

Kata-kata yang kuat adalah item leksikal yang menarik ketakutan dan keinginan kita, dan itulah mengapa mereka begitu menarik dan persuasif ketika bertemu dalam teks. Copywriter berpengalaman Jon Morrow dan Henneke Duistermaat menggambarkan kata-kata seperti itu dengan sangat baik.

Menurut Besok, kata-kata kekuatan adalah kata-kata deskriptif dan persuasif yang menciptakan respons emosional yang kuat pada orang-orang. Mereka bisa membuat orang merasa takut, bersemangat, marah, atau penasaran. Menggunakan kata-kata ini membantu membuat konten lebih menarik dan persuasif.

Duistermaat memberikan banyak contoh kata-kata kekuatan emosional:

Contoh kata-kata kekuatan emosional menurut Henneke Duistermaat (Sumber)

Pada waktu yang sama, do your best to speak the same language as your target audience. Gunakan bahasa manusia, lebih spesifik, pertimbangkan kata-kata yang diucapkan audiens Anda setiap hari, dan hindari tagline pemasaran klise.

Add a Surplus Value

The psychology of decision-making doesn’t let people trust only one source, so make yours stand out from others. Untuk itu, add some surplus value to your marketing content.

People visit a minimum of three websites before they find what they want. Lebih dari itu, 70% read up to six customer reviews before they decide to buy! Trustworthy testimonials, true-life comments from other customers, recommendations from influencers — all can become a surplus value to add to your content.

A few advanced tips:

Besides customer reviews and other types of social proof, consider surplus values like referencing authoritative resources and crafting comprehensive content that leaves no questions.


Do you know that it takes 82,944 processors to simulate one second of human brain activity?

Ya, choices are difficult, and decisions are even more challenging to make. Mempertimbangkan faktor psikologis di belakang mereka, Anda dapat mengoptimalkan konten web untuk memengaruhi keputusan pelanggan dan memotivasi mereka untuk memilih produk atau layanan Anda.

Tentang Penulis
Lesley Vos adalah seorang profesional copywriter dan tamu kontributor, currently blogging at Mengkhususkan diri dalam penelitian Data, menulis teks web, dan promosi konten, ia jatuh cinta dengan kata-kata, literatur non-fiksi, dan jazz. Kunjungi nya Twitter @LesleyVos untuk menyapa dan melihat lebih banyak karya.

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