Is Email Dead? Debunking Email Marketing Myths

Join us in our latest podcast episode with email marketing guru Amandine Liepmann to discover the secrets of successful email marketing. From crafting a perfect welcome sequence to segmenting subscribers and testing content, we’ll reflect on the power of personalisasi and effective communication using email.

Find out how to build strong digital relationships with your customers, drive long-term sales, and achieve success through email marketing.

Meet Amandine

Amandine Liepmann runs an email marketing agency ListBurst and sells pre-made Mailchimp templates for businesses. As a top 1% email marketer on Upwork, Amandine’s insights and strategies are invaluable resources for entrepreneurs and business owners looking to improve their email marketing campaigns.

Is Email Marketing Dead?

During the podcast, Amandine Liepmann talks about the misconception that email marketing is no longer effective. Bahkan, it is still the most successful marketing channel, with an average ROI of $42 for every dollar invested. This is in contrast to social media marketing, yang menghasilkan keuntungan saja $5 for every dollar invested. Banyak pengusaha mengabaikan kekuatan pemasaran email, gagal memperoleh manfaat yang signifikan.

Praktik Terbaik untuk Menumbuhkan Daftar Email

Amandine Liepmann menyarankan wirausahawan yang ingin mengembangkan daftar email mereka secara organik untuk menempatkan tautan pendaftaran di mana pun mereka bisa, dari postingan blog, profil media sosial, hingga formulir situs web.

Amandine also discusses the success of interactive popups on websites that offer discounts to visitors. Popup interaktif memiliki a 9% tingkat keikutsertaan, which is significant when compared to the standard popup’s 3-4%. Amandine suggests testing different types of incentives to encourage signups, seperti diskon, dollar amounts off, atau pengiriman gratis. You can see which deals resonate best with your audience.

Namun, it’s not just about having people sign up but also about nurturing those leads with relevant information and creating a memorable experience for them. Avoid spamming your subscribers. Ensure they only receive content they are interested in.

Tools for Writing Email Copy

Entrepreneurs often experience writer’s block when creating their first email campaign. Amandine Liepmann advises writing without fear of judgment. She recommends using AI writing assistants like Jasper and ChatGPT, as well as using Grammarly, to help with grammar and context. These tools help business owners create high-quality content without worrying about making mistakes.

Must-Have Email Campaigns

A welcome sequence of 2-5 email dapat menjadi solusi yang sangat baik bagi wirausahawan yang ingin memberikan kesan pertama yang baik dan mendorong penjualan jangka panjang yang konsisten. Ini adalah cara yang efektif untuk memperkenalkan diri Anda dan bisnis Anda, serta memberikan nilai kepada pelanggan Anda. Amandine menyarankan untuk fokus pada bagaimana produk atau layanan Anda bersifat transformatif daripada sekadar memperkenalkan diri.

Serial sambutan menghadirkan peluang untuk membangun kepercayaan dan kredibilitas dengan pelanggan baru. Email selamat datang memiliki tarif terbuka antara 50-80%, yang sangat bagus, terutama jika dibandingkan dengan tingkat buka email standar sebesar 20-30%.

Amandine juga menyarankan untuk memiliki template dan membuat segmen khusus. Misalnya, menciptakan segmen untuk pelanggan yang telah melakukan pembelian dalam enam bulan terakhir tetapi tidak baru-baru ini. Untuk pelanggan setia, menerima diskon besar atau peluang eksklusif seperti webinar dapat membantu memperkuat hubungan mereka dengan merek atau perusahaan.

Keranjang yang ditinggalkan dan email tindak lanjut pasca pembelian juga bisa bermanfaat. Strategi yang lebih maju, like product recommendation emails, can be implemented using customer data to suggest related products.

Less Is More

Studies have shown that entrepreneurs have around 7 seconds to grab their audience’s attention in an email, which may further decrease with the rise of video content. Amandine advises focusing on one call to action and one piece of information to keep email content concise. Menariknya, text-based emails with a succinct format tend to have the highest deliverability rates and may be perceived as more personal by recipients.

Test the Waters with AB Testing

Amandine recommends using MailChimp’s AB testing feature to test different email ideas against each other. AB testing can help entrepreneurs understand what resonates with their audience and improve their email performance. It’s important to isolate one variable at a time when testing content, and A/B testing subject lines is an easy way to start.

Make sure to listen to the podcast to get more insider tips on email marketing and get detailed examples you can implement for your strategy. Whether you’re just starting or are looking to improve your existing email marketing strategy, these insights can help take your campaigns to the next level.

Tentang Penulis
Jesse adalah Marketing Manager di Ecwid dan telah di e-commerce dan internet marketing sejak 2006. Dia memiliki pengalaman dengan PPC, SEO, optimasi konversi dan cinta untuk bekerja dengan pengusaha untuk membuat impian mereka menjadi kenyataan.

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