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Building Strong Customer Relationships Is Paramount for SalesHere's How to Start Doing That

15 min read

Your customers are the heartbeat of your business. They represent your sales growth, brand reputation, and the core of your entrepreneurial dreams. But how well do you really know them?

In a world where relationships go beyond transactions, fostering strong customer relationships should be at the top of any business owner’s to-do list. This is not just about personalisasi to boost your marketing strategies; it’s about creating a community around your business, generating loyalty, dan, akhirnya, driving sales.

Di artikel ini, we will discuss why managing customer relationships is paramount for sales and how you can start doing that today with an easy-to-use and robust tool.

Why Customer Relationships Are Vital for Sales

We’ve all heard the saying, “A happy customer is a loyal customer.But the truth behind this statement goes much deeper than just satisfying your clients. Here are some key reasons why building strong customer relationships is crucial for driving sales:

  • Retensi pelanggan: Repeat customers are more likely to purchase new ones, and it costs less to retain customers than to acquire new ones.
  • Word-of-mouth marketing: Satisfied customers are the best brand ambassadors. When they have a positive experience with your business, they are more likely to share it with their network, bringing in new potential customers.
  • Brand reputation: Customers who feel valued by a company are more likely to speak positively about it, contributing to building and maintaining a strong brand reputation.
  • Cross-selling opportunities: Dengan memahami pelanggan Anda’ needs and preferences, you can identify cross-selling opportunities that will not only increase your sales but also enhance their overall experience with your brand.

Brand’s efforts to build relationships with customers are one of the leading brand loyalty drivers worldwide (Sumber: Statista)

How to Manage Customer Relationships Effectively

Now that we understand the importance of customer relationships, let’s discuss how to manage them effectively.

Pertama, get to know your customers. Gather data and insights about your customers’ demographics, purchasing behavior, dan preferensi. Informasi ini akan membantu Anda memahami kebutuhan mereka dan mempersonalisasi upaya pemasaran Anda.

Kedua, mengupayakan komunikasi yang tepat waktu dan konsisten dengan pelanggan Anda. Ini bisa melalui email atau bahkan panggilan telepon biasa. Menjaga jalur komunikasi tetap terbuka menunjukkan kepada pelanggan bahwa Anda menghargai pendapat dan masukan mereka.

Ketiga, bekerja ekstra untuk menyenangkan pelanggan Anda. Tunjukkan kepada mereka bahwa Anda menghargai bisnis mereka dengan menawarkan diskon atau hadiah yang dipersonalisasi atas kesetiaan mereka. Surprise and delight initiatives can create memorable customer experiences and foster stronger relationships.

62% of customers stated that a brand would lose their loyalty if it failed to deliver a personalized experience (Sumber: Statista)

Akhirnya, use a customer relationship management (CRM) alat to streamline all the steps above. It will help you centralize all your customersinformation and interactions in one place, making it easier to manage and track your relationships with them. It can also provide valuable insights into customer behavior and buying patterns, allowing you to tailor your sales strategies accordingly.

Ini adalah di mana Ecwid oleh Lightspeed datang ke dalam bermain. As a robust ecommerce platform, it allows you to create an online store, but it also offers extensive features to grow your sales (seperti domain, laporan penjualan, and advertising tools). One of them is the Customers page that acts as your CRM tool – read on to learn more about it.

If you still haven’t signed up for Ecwid, sekarang adalah waktu! Buat toko baru atau migrate your existing online store untuk Ecwid.

Simplify Customer Information Management with Ecwid

Di sini, di Ecwid, we understand that turning a one-time buyer into a loyal customer demands exceptional service, prompt communication, and a personalized approach. Menjaga ini dalam pikiran, we’ve crafted a feature to help you effortlessly manage your customer relationships.

Meet the Pelanggan page in the Ecwid admin — a centralized hub designed to help businesses nurture their most valuable asset more effectively: their customers. This tool is more than just a page; it’s a launchpad for powerful customer relationship management. Berikut ini mengapa:

Easily Access and Manage All Customer Information

The Customers page helps you see and manage all your customers — you can pandangan, cari, and edit all the information yang anda butuhkan, seperti:

  • rincian kontak: several emails, nomor telepon, messengers, sosial media halaman, and addresses per customer.
  • Statistik: number of orders and sales value.
  • Rincian lebih lanjut: urutan sejarah, consent for mailing, status pajak, and customer group.

The Customers page offers a comprehensive overview of essential data

Need to add a new customer? Tidak ada masalah. You can quickly create a new customer profile from the Customers page and specify their contact details, be it phone, email, atau utusan.

For every customer, there’s a customer details page where you can handle all the info about them and see helpful stats like the order count, nilai pesanan rata-rata, and total revenue per customer.

An example of a customer detail page where you can see all information about them

Untuk hasil terbaik, use internal notes to save important information on a customer’s page.

Misalnya, you might add a contact note indicating that a specific phone number is only available on working days. Atau, specify which customer’s phone number is for work and which is personal using the contact notes.

Using a contact note for saving important information

Alternatifnya, you could use staff notes. Misalnya, to specify the customer’s time zone for other team members.

Notes for staff are not visible to customers

Both contact and staff notes are especially helpful when you have a team of sales reps and want everyone to be on the same page.

Segment Your Customers for Personalized Marketing

Tapi itu tidak semua; the Customers page also offers advanced search filters, memudahkan untuk menemukan kelompok pelanggan tertentu.

Katakan, Anda ingin menetapkan grup pelanggan, memberikan diskon, atau kirim email yang ditargetkan ke pelanggan tetap Anda dari negara tertentu yang membeli produk tertentu. Atau, ingin melihat pelanggan tetap mana yang telah membeli produk tertentu. Opsi filter memberdayakan Anda untuk mendapatkan wawasan tersebut dengan mudah dan efektif, membantu Anda menyesuaikan strategi penjualan dan memberikan penawaran yang dipersonalisasi.

Memfilter pelanggan yang membeli produk tertentu dan berlangganan email pemasaran

Pro orang: Save these filters for your convenience. Picture bookmarking your local VIP customers to access their phone numbers and emails quickly! How awesome is that?

Export Customer Information for Better Management and Analysis

Plus, you can export the entire client list or specific segments to a CSV file. Misalnya, you can extract a list of customers who subscribed to promotional emails. This feature proves useful when distributing promotional emails through your email platform.

Atau, export your customer information for further analysis, memberikan wawasan berharga tentang perilaku pelanggan. Anda dapat menggunakan data ini untuk mengidentifikasi tren, membuat kampanye pemasaran yang ditargetkan, dan menyesuaikan strategi penjualan Anda. Misalnya, Anda mungkin ingin mensurvei pelanggan yang membeli produk Anda yang baru diluncurkan untuk mendapatkan masukan dan memperbaikinya.

Mengekspor pelanggan terpilih

Kelola Semua Tugas Terkait Bisnis dari Satu Tempat

Mengapa harus menggunakan banyak alat jika Anda dapat memiliki semuanya di satu tempat? Dengan Ecwid, Anda dapat mengelola pelanggan Anda tepat di tempat Anda mengelola toko online – di admin Ecwid Anda.

Dengan cara ini, you significantly optimize your workflow, particularly when your team members already have access to your Ecwid admin. Misalnya, Anda cukup grant staff access to the Customers page to your marketing team, allowing them to execute promotional campaigns for frequent buyers.

For detailed instructions on how to use the Customers page, berkunjung ke Ecwid Bantuan Pusat.

Best Practices for Managing Customer Relationships

Managing customer relationships is not just about collecting customer data; ini tentang using that data to build meaningful interactions. Here are some tips on how to do that.

Keep Your CustomersInformation Up-to-Date

Customers change their contact details, pengaturan, and even purchasing behavior over time. Keep track of these changes to ensure your communication and marketing efforts remain relevant.

We’ve made it easier for you to keep your customer data up-to-date. You can swiftly modify basic customer information such as contact details, marketing email subscription status, tax-exempt status, and customer group.

Adding contact information to a customer details page

By the way, Anda dapat memperbarui informasi secara massal untuk beberapa pelanggan sekaligus. Misalnya, Anda dapat dengan cepat memfilter pelanggan yang membeli dari Anda lebih dari lima kali dan menetapkan mereka ke grup “Pelanggan Setia”..

Menambahkan beberapa pelanggan ke grup sekaligus

Selain mempertahankan halaman detail pelanggan yang diperbarui, pastikan untuk menyertakan informasi tambahan di toko Anda. Misalnya, jika Anda ingin menambahkan alamat pengiriman tambahan untuk mengirim barang gratis – Anda dapat melakukannya menggunakan catatan.

Plus, menyimpan kontak pelanggan yang berbeda (seperti kantor, telepon pribadi/kantor, atau email) prevents you from miscommunication or losing a potential order because your sales rep didn’t see the relevant phone number on the customer details page.

Train Your Support and Sales Teams to Use Customer Information Effectively

Your customer information is only as useful as those who know how to use it. Ensure your support and sales teams are trained to use customer data in their interactions with customers effectively.

Support teams can quickly resolve issues by having access to up-to-date customer information. Sales teams can also use this information to tailor their pitches and offers based on a customer’s past purchases.

Ecwid’s Customers page helps streamline team communication by adding internal notes to each customer profile, as well as notes to each contact. Misalnya, your support agent can save important information for their colleagues, like “This customer wants their orders shipped to their warehouse, not their office.” This allows for a more efficient customer experience.

The sales team can also benefit greatly from the Customers page, which contains order history. This can help your sales team identify high-value customers and tailor their marketing strategies accordingly.

Viewing a customer’s past orders can help sales reps make more personalized pitches

Engage in Personalized Communication for Upselling and Cross-Selling

Your customers are more than just numbers on a spreadsheet. They are real people with unique preferences and needs. Use the information on their customer details page to send targeted offers based on their past purchases. This not only shows your customers that you value their business but also increases the chances of repeat sales.

Misalnya, if some customers purchased a specific product from you, consider sending them an exclusive offer for the upgraded product. Atau, send them an overview of complementary products currently on sale. Hal ini tidak hanya menunjukkan penghargaan Anda atas kesetiaan mereka tetapi juga meningkatkan peluang mereka melakukan pembelian lagi.

Dengan Ecwid, Anda dapat dengan mudah mencapai hal ini dengan menerapkan filter pada halaman Pelanggan dan mengekspor daftar pelanggan untuk mengirimi mereka penawaran menggunakan layanan email pilihan Anda.

Manfaatkan Wawasan Pelanggan Berdasarkan Data

Setiap klik dan setiap pembelian adalah bagian dari teka-teki besar perilaku pelanggan Anda. Dengan analisis mendalam dan wawasan tentang perilaku pelanggan, pengaturan, dan pola penjualan, you gain a heightened strategic awareness.

Keep track of your buyershabits by filtering customer data by date range and segmenting customers based on purchase frequency, lokasi, or order value. You can use this information to understand your customersneeds and tailor your marketing strategies accordingly.

Misalnya, if you notice that many customers are purchasing from a specific location, consider expanding your targeted promotions in that area. Atau, if you see high demand for a specific product, consider increasing your inventory or creating bundle deals to increase the average order value.


It’s impossible to drive business growth without building stronger relationships with your customers. And Ecwid’s Customers tool is all about helping your business grow. It’s about delivering a more personalized, engaging experience to your customers and building long-lasting relationships. Karena di Ecwid, your business’s success is our top priority.

So why wait? Take advantage of the Pelanggan page and start building strong relationships with your customers today! With easy access and management of customer information, advanced search filters, and the ability to export data, you have all the tools you need to personalize your marketing efforts and improve customer satisfaction.


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menjual secara online

Dengan Ecwid E-niaga, you can easily sell anywhere, kepada siapa pun - di internet dan di seluruh dunia.

Tentang Penulis

Anastasia Prokofieva adalah seorang penulis konten di Ecwid. Dia menulis tentang pemasaran online dan promosi ke rutinitas sehari-hari make pengusaha lebih mudah dan lebih bermanfaat. Dia juga memiliki titik lemah untuk kucing, cokelat, dan membuat kombucha di rumah.

Ecommerce that has your back

So simple to use – even my most technophobic clients can manage. Easy to install, quick to set up. Light years ahead of other shop plugins.
I’m so impressed I’ve recommended it to my website clients and am now using it for my own store along with four others for which I webmaster. Beautiful coding, excellent top-notch support, great documentation, fantastic how-to videos. Thank you so much Ecwid, you rock!
I’ve used Ecwid and I love the platform itself. Everything is so simplified it’s insane. I love how you have different options to choose shipping carriers, to be able to put in so many different variants. It’s a pretty open e-commerce gateway.
Mudah digunakan, terjangkau (and a free option if starting off). Looks professional, many templates to select from. The App is my favorite feature as I can manage my store right from my phone. Highly recommended 👌👍
I like that Ecwid was easy to start and to use. Even for a person like me, without any technical background. Very well written help articles. And the support team is the best for my opinion.
For everything it has to offer, ECWID is incredibly easy to set up. Highly recommend! I did a lot of research and tried about 3 other competitors. Just try ECWID and you'll be online in no time.

Your ecommerce dreams start here

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