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Prodajte na Facebooku: Povećajte svoju prodaju s Ecwidovim alatima za prodaju na društvenim mrežama

24 min read

Facebook je završio 2.91 milijardi aktivnih mjesečnih korisnika različite dobi i s različitim hobijima i interesima. Uz Ecwid e-trgovinu, možete pristupiti ovoj mreži i povećati svoj doseg na kanalu na kojem vaši klijenti već provode dosta vremena.

Blisko smo surađivali s Facebookom na stvaranju Sell on Facebook, rješenje za društvenu trgovinu koje se sastoji od četiri glavna Facebook proizvoda: Facebook trgovina, Facebook katalog proizvoda, Facebook Pixel, i Facebook Messenger.

S Ecwidovim rješenjem Sell on Facebook, prodaja i oglašavanje je gotovo bez napora. Možete automatski učitati (i sinkronizirati) vaš Ecwid katalog proizvoda u odjeljak "Trgovina" prilagođen mobilnim uređajima na vašoj Facebook poslovnoj stranici, potaknite prodaju dinamičnim oglašavanjem i podržite svoje kupce u Facebook Messengeru na izlogu.

U ovom članku, objasnit ćemo svaku značajku usluge Sell on Facebook i kako to može koristiti vašem poslovanju.

Please note that on April 27, 2023, Meta announced changes to Facebook and Instagram Shops across different regions. See how your Shops on Facebook and Instagram experience may be affected in the Meta Business centar za pomoć.

Prodajte na Facebooku s odjeljkom "Kupujte" na svojoj stranici

Naravno, dobivanje lajkova i dijeljenja na Facebooku je dobar osjećaj... Što je sa zaradom novca?

Ako ste pokušavali shvatiti kako dodati košaricu za kupnju na Facebooku, ovdje imate sreće. Uz Ecwidov Facebook Shop, možete dodati odjeljak Shop na svoju Facebook poslovnu stranicu dok prodajete svoje proizvode na više platformi odjednom – na svojoj web stranici, tržnice, pa čak i drugi društveni mediji.

Odjeljak Shop olakšava korisnicima stolnih i mobilnih uređaja da otkriju i kupe vaše proizvode u poznatom Facebook sučelju.

Radna površina Odjeljak trgovine na lijevoj strani vaše vremenske trake

Facebook trgovina na mobitelu

Mobilni prikaz odjeljka Trgovina

65.7% vlasnika malih i srednjih poduzeća promovira svoje proizvode na društvenim mrežama, što ga čini najpopularnijim marketinškim kanalom među malim poduzećima (prema našoj anketi o čitanosti bloga). Uz Facebook Shop, ne samo da vaša poslovna stranica širi glas o vašoj trgovini - ona zapravo stvara prodaju.

Kako postaviti Facebook trgovinu na svoju stranicu

Za korištenje alata Prodaja na Facebooku, morat ćete biti na Ecwidovom pothvatu, Poslovanje, ili Neograničeni plan. Note that Facebook Shop is not available in all countries, iako.

Follow these simple steps to connect your Ecwid store to Facebook.

Your products will be available for purchase on your Facebook page within a few minutes, depending on the size of your product catalog.

Odatle, your product catalog will sync with Facebook automatically twice a day to ensure your Facebook Shop is always up to date.

Set up Facebook Shop
After you connect your online store to Facebook, not only you’ll have a Shop section on your business page, but you’ll also be able to create shoppable posts.

Create Shoppable Posts on Facebook

Apart from adding a Shop section to your business page on Facebook, you can also create shoppable posts. With these, you can tag products inside of a post. When a customer clicks on the tag, they can see the product name and price. They can also go to the product page on Facebook to learn more about the item, and even buy it! Ovuda, kupci mogu kupiti vaše proizvode dok pregledavaju njihov feed vijesti ili prolaze kroz stranicu vaše tvrtke.

shoppable post facebook

Primjer objave na Facebooku koja se može kupovati

Kupovni postovi najbolje funkcioniraju za prikazivanje novih proizvoda, promovirati prodaju, i potaknuti kupce na kupnju proizvoda bez napuštanja svoje omiljene platforme društvenih medija.

Za izradu objave za kupnju, započnite objavljivanjem redovite objave na svojoj poslovnoj stranici. Zatim, kliknite gumb "označi proizvode" i odaberite proizvode koje želite označiti iz kataloga svoje trgovine.

Stavite svoje oglase na autopilot s katalogom proizvoda

Facebook katalog proizvoda sadrži informacije za sve proizvode koje želite oglašavati na Facebooku, uključujući dostupnost, opis, slike, titula, cijena, marka, i više.

Katalog proizvoda radi s više vrsta i formata Facebook oglasa, uključujući dinamičke oglase i format zbirnih oglasa koji se također koristi na Instagramu i Audience Networku.

Što su dinamički oglasi?

Dynamic ads allow you to use your product catalog to create engaging ads and automatically advertise multiple products or your entire product catalog on Facebook, across all devices. They can be used for retargeting (following store visitors who viewed your products), or to get your products in front of new people.

Dynamic ads are:

  • Effortless: they can be used to promote all of your products without you having to create individual ads for each item.
  • On target: reklamirajte ljudima koji su već zainteresirani za vaše proizvode i povećajte vjerojatnost kupnje.
  • Automatski: nakon što su vaše kampanje postavljene, rade besprijekorno sami i dopiru do vaših potencijalnih kupaca u pravo vrijeme.
  • Dostupno na bilo kojem uređaju: vaši će oglasi doći do ljudi na bilo kojem uređaju koji koriste.

Naučite kako započeti oglašavanje na Facebooku s Katalogom proizvoda.

Dinamični oglasi mogu se pojaviti na sljedećim položajima:

  • Na Facebook-u: hrani, desni stupac, tržnica
  • Na Instagramu: feed i priče
  • Na mreži publike: vrste plasmana – zavičajni, banner i interstitial
  • Na Messengeru

Primjer dinamičkog oglasa koji prikazuje nekoliko proizvoda

Koristite Facebook Pixel za pretvorbu i optimizaciju

Facebook piksel je dio koda koji prati posjetitelje vaše trgovine i njihovo ponašanje - pružajući vam mnogo korisnih podataka:

  • Mjeri konverzije kako biste točno znali kakva je izvedba vaših oglasa.
  • Bilježi posjetitelje koji su napustili vašu trgovinu bez kupnje kako biste kasnije mogli pratiti oglase (sjetite se ponovnog ciljanja!).
  • Pomaže vam u oglašavanju ljudima sličnim vašim postojećim klijentima.

Piksel čini oglašavanje na Facebooku učinkovitijim. Ne samo da točno znate kome se oglašavate, ali također bolje razumijete izvedbu svojih oglasa. Sve u svemu, Vaši su oglasi pogodili cilj, što dovodi do boljeg povrata vaših dolara za oglašavanje.

Kako dodati Facebook piksel u svoju Ecwid trgovinu

Instalacija je lagana za svakog vlasnika Ecwid trgovine, bez obzira na tehničke sposobnosti. Samo trebate generirati svoj Pixel ID i dodati ga na svoju upravljačku ploču.

Pogledajte cijeli vodič: Predstavljamo Facebook Pixel za Ecwid Stores: Kako jednostavno pokrenuti učinkovitije Facebook oglase

Kako koristiti piksel za prodaju na Facebooku

Ovdje su neke od strategija za korištenje Facebook piksela u vašoj trgovini:

  • Povratite napuštena kolica s kampanjom ponovnog ciljanja. Možete ciljati kupce koji su posjetili vašu trgovinu i dodali proizvode u svoje košarice, ali nisu dovršili postupak naplate. Piksel bilježi točne proizvode koje je kupac ostavio u svojoj košarici i podsjeća ih na te proizvode koristeći Facebook oglase specifične za kupce.
  • Dobijte stalne klijente s prilagođenom publikom. Možete stvoriti prilagođenu publiku na temelju ljudi koji su već kupovali od vas i dosegnuti ih svojim oglasima. Na primjer, možete ih ciljati novom kolekcijom sličnom proizvodima koje su već kupili.
  • Koristite Lookalike Audiences za oglašavanje ljudima koji su slični kupcima koji su pokazali interes ili kupili vaše proizvode. Ako želite pridobiti nove klijente, ali ne želite propustiti svoju ciljanu publiku, "lookalikes" će vam pomoći da suzite svoje tržište i još učinkovitije iskoristite novac od oglasa.
  • Dobijte više Facebook sljedbenika s video oglasom. Korištenje prilagođene publike, možete ciljati ljude koji su posjetili vašu trgovinu videooglasom koji prikazuje vaš proizvod na djelu. Zašto koristiti video? Ljudi gledaju videe pet puta duže nego statični Facebook sadržaj.

Želite li isprobati neku od ovih strategija Facebook piksela? Provjerite naše detaljne upute za njihovu provedbu u vašoj trgovini.

Koristite Facebook Messenger Live Chat kao kanal za korisničku podršku

Većina ljudi radije šalje poruku nego zove službu za korisnike. Imajući ovo na umu, više se ne možete osloniti samo na telefon ili e-poštu kao jedini način pružanja korisničke usluge. Što lakše olakšavate klijentima da dopru do vas, veća je vjerojatnost da ćete pridobiti nove klijente i zadržati postojeće. Zbog toga su razgovori uživo postali novi omiljeni kanal za brigu o korisnicima za mnoge tvrtke: they are convenient both for sellers and their audience.

The fastest and most effortless way to add a live chat to your store is to connect your store to Facebook Messenger. It’s one of the most popular messaging apps that people already use to communicate with friends and brands. Ecwid integration with Facebook Messenger allows you to add a real-time chat to your store so that customers can reach out to you from any page of your website.

How to connect your store to Facebook Messenger

Uz Ecwid e-trgovinu, adding a live chat via Facebook Messenger just takes a handful of clicks:

  1. Go to your Control Panel and open All Sales Channels → Sell with Facebook Messenger.
  2. Click the “Connect Facebook page” button.
  3. Choose a page that you use to communicate with customers and click “Save.”
  4. Specify your store’s domain and click “Save”. This step ensures your store’s domain is whitelisted on your Facebook page. For security reasons, the Messenger plugin only works with domains that you’ve whitelisted. To change the store’s domain or add other domains go to your Facebook page → Settings → Messenger Platform → Whitelisted Domains.

How to sell on Facebook with Messenger live chat

Facebook Messenger live chat helps to really connect with your customers and build relationships with them. Personalized and efficient customer care is essential when competing with huge marketplaces that attract people with services not available for small business owners (like next-day or free shipping).

Here’s how you can use Facebook Messenger in your store for the best results:

  • Answer customers’ questions as soon as possible. Your Facebook Business Page shows how fast you respond to messages. When people see that you reply very fast, they feel more confident about your brand.
  • Remind customers about current deals while you exchange messages. Na primjer, if a customer asks if you deliver to Europe, your reply might be something like, “Yes, we also offer free shipping on global orders till the end of the week.”
  • Set up auto-response for situations when you’re away and can’t answer immediately. Don’t forget to specify when you’ll be in touch again. You can also set up automatic greetings and auto-responses to the first message someone sends to you.
  • Install the Facebook Pages Manager app to manage Facebook messages, comments on your posts, and Instagram comments in one inbox. You’ll stay in touch with your customers no matter where they leave their questions: in Messenger, on Instagram DMs, or in comments on your pages.

You can add a Facebook Messenger live chat to your website to provide real-time customer care

For more detailed instructions on implementing the strategies above, check out our blog post on using FB live chat for your business. There are even more ways to perfect your customer service with Facebook Messenger, and the best thing about them is that they don’t require much time or effort.

Set up FB Messenger live chat

What You Need to Know to Sell on Facebook

Besides powerful tools for selling on Facebook, you need to understand the platform’s nature and how you can use it to promote your business. Read on to get a better understanding of Facebook selling and advertising.

Frequently asked questions about selling on Facebook

If you’re just starting out with selling products on Facebook, you might be looking for the answers to these questions:

How do you sell on Facebook? Can you sell directly on Facebook?
You can sell directly on Facebook by uploading your product catalog to the Shop section on your Facebook business page. The steps for setting up a Facebook store on your page are described at the beginning of this blog post.

Do I need a business license to sell on Facebook?
It depends on whether your country’s or state’s laws require you to have a license for online selling. Facebook Commerce Policies state that “buyers and sellers are responsible for complying with all applicable laws and regulations.”

How much does it cost to sell on Facebook? Are Facebook Shops free?
When you sell on Facebook with Ecwid, you pay for the pricing plan you’re on. Također, da Meta charges payment fees for sales on Facebook and Instagram Shops Checkout.

Can I sell on Facebook without a website?
If you don’t have a website and don’t use an e-commerce platform, you can upload products to Facebook yourself manually. Međutim, manually managing orders might be time-consuming. Također, using an e-commerce platform such as Ecwid allows you to extend your reach beyond Facebook and sell on other social media platforms, tržnice, ili web stranice.

What is Facebook Marketplace? How does Facebook Marketplace work?
Facebook Marketplace is not the same thing as Facebook Shop. It is a place where people can arrange to buy, sell and trade items with other people in their area. Jednostavno rečeno, on Facebook Marketplace, you’ll find items that people near you have listed for sale.

How much does it cost to sell on Facebook Marketplace?
There’s no fee to join Facebook Marketplace, and it costs nothing to sell there for individuals.

Is Facebook Marketplace a good place to sell?
Facebook Marketplace serves as listings of local personal ads, and it is aimed at users, rather than businesses. You can think of it as Craiglist for Facebook users. Tako, if you run an online store, it’s better to set up a Shop section on your Facebook Business page and use Marketplace as an additional sales channel.

What you can’t sell on Facebook pages

Before you start selling on Facebook (and Instagram), you need to make sure that your products comply with the platform’s Community Standards i Commerce Policies. It’s clear that stolen goods and weapons won’t be allowed on Facebook pages, but some of the prohibited products are less obvious.

Here are some of the products that are prohibited from selling on Facebook:

  • events or admission tickets
  • darovne kartice
  • droge, drug paraphernalia, or prescription products
  • alcohol and tobacco products or tobacco paraphernalia (yet you can sell apparel featuring a tobacco brand logo)
  • ingestible supplements (including vitamins, protein bars, and protein powder)
  • healthcare products (but lifestyle and fitness accessories like watches are allowed)
  • downloadable digital content, digital subscriptions, and digital accounts
  • services and job opportunities (jobs may only be promoted on Jobs on Facebook, Pages, and Groups as allowed by the Community Standards and the Jobs Policies)

Check out the Commerce Policies page for the full and more detailed list of the content prohibited for selling on Facebook pages.

Tips for Selling on Facebook

The competition on the platform is just as big as its audience. To stand out and promote your store among numerous businesses, follow these practices when selling products on Facebook pages.

Add a CTA to Your Page

A CTA or “call-to-action” button is displayed under a cover picture. It can direct people to shop, book a reservation, learn more about your business, i tako dalje.

Here’s a list of Facebook CTA buttons you can choose from:

  • Book Now
  • Contact Us
  • Send Message
  • Call Now
  • Prijavite se
  • Send Email
  • Watch Video
  • Saznajte više
  • Shop Now
  • See Offers
  • Use App
  • Play Game

Think about which CTA button best reflects your business and goals. Na primjer, if you’re building an email list, use “Sign Up”. If you want potential customers to contact you try “Call Now” or “Send Message”.

The “Shop Now” button will take you to the store

Educate, Entertain, and Help

One of the best advice on how to sell things on FB may sound contradictory: don’t try too hard. The truth is, being salesy in every post you share will get you only so far. People quickly get tired and unsubscribe when there’s an abundance of promotional content without any value.

Stick to the “80/20” rule: share 80% of educational and 20% of promotional content. Ovuda, people will engage with your posts rather than scroll them without a thought.

Entertaining and educational posts will be more beneficial in the long run. They not only positively build your relationships with your audience but also help to build a community. Na primjer, if you sell paints, you can share tips on using enamels or DIY-videos, start a discussion on the choice of indoor paints, and remind people about safety precautions.

A fun and relatable post can generate hundreds of comments from your audience

Use Your Facebook Cover to Promote Deals

A cover image is usually the first thing that catches people’s attention when they visit your page. Don’t waste a chance to use a Facebook cover for driving sales. Na primjer, when running a holiday sale, highlight your bestsellers on the cover. Ili, if you run a contest, you can use a picture of the prize as a cover to get more contestants.

You can also use your Facebook cover to promote new products

Make the Most of Dynamic Ads Formats

Different dynamic ad formats help to achieve the goal you’ve set for your advertising campaign. The format you choose depends on whether you’d like to feature one product or multiple products at once. Na primjer, if you target people who have already viewed several items in your store, you may want to show them ads with multiple products.

When creating a Dynamic Ad, you can choose its format: single image or carousel. The latter allows you to make an ad with two or more scrollable images (see the example from LaModa above).

You can also create a collection ad using dynamic ad targeting. A collection includes a Canvas that opens instantly when someone interacts with your ad on a mobile device. It may feature images, videa, proizvoda, and call-to-action buttons.

What a collection ad created with dynamic ads targeting looks like (Slika: Facebook)

You can create a collection using one of the templates:

  • Izgled mreže: lets you show up to 50 products from your catalog.
  • Lifestyle Layout: lets you can tag products in the lifestyle images from your catalog.

Best Practices for Dynamic Ads

Dynamic ads show relevant product recommendations to people so that they take action from your ad. Based on the goal you optimized your ad for, Facebook will choose products from your catalog that will generate the best outcome for you. Na primjer, if you decide to optimize for purchase, Facebook will show products expected to drive purchases like bestsellers or popular items.

That makes dynamic ads a powerful tool for promoting your store, but you can make your ads stand out even more.

To make the most of dynamic ads, you can apply different practices while creating your ad:

    • Add a slideshow to your ad. When using a carousel format, choose this option to add multiple pictures or videos of the product. The ad will be “animated” – it’ll display the item from different angles, without users having to click on the ad.
    • Add a fixed card to be displayed at the beginning and/or ending of your dynamic carousel ad. Ovuda, you can introduce a message, concept, or theme about your store.

This fixed card at the end of a carousel ad leads to the website

    • Add an offer to your ad when using the carousel format. When you add it, an offer appears as a card with a discount in your carousel ad.
    • Use Creative tools to show frames and pricing and shipping details over products that appear in a dynamic ad.

Slika: Facebook

  • Make your dynamic ads multilingual. “Create in Different Languages” option allows you to adjust your ad copy for audiences in different countries.

How to Sell Things on Facebook: More Resources

Don’t miss the opportunity to reach billions of consumers and sell more with the great, new Ecwid-Facebook integrations. Add a shopping cart to your Facebook page, run high-performance ads, i build lasting customer relationships.

Check out the following collection to find more blog articles that will help you to make the most of the Ecwid tools and explain how to sell products on Facebook: Prodajte na Facebooku.

Sretna prodaja!


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With Ecwid Ecommerce, you can easily sell anywhere, svima - na internetu i diljem svijeta.

About the author

Erik is Head of Program Management at Ecwid. He has spent over 20 years in e-commerce, SaaS, mobilni, slanje poruka, analytics and media. His experience ranges from startup founder to public Fortune 500 executive, uključujući 9 years at Yahoo.

Ecommerce that has your back

So simple to use – even my most technophobic clients can manage. Easy to install, quick to set up. Light years ahead of other shop plugins.
I’m so impressed I’ve recommended it to my website clients and am now using it for my own store along with four others for which I webmaster. Beautiful coding, excellent top-notch support, great documentation, fantastic how-to videos. Thank you so much Ecwid, you rock!
I’ve used Ecwid and I love the platform itself. Everything is so simplified it’s insane. I love how you have different options to choose shipping carriers, to be able to put in so many different variants. It’s a pretty open e-commerce gateway.
Easy to use, pristupačne (and a free option if starting off). Looks professional, many templates to select from. The App is my favorite feature as I can manage my store right from my phone. Highly recommended 👌👍
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