Gmail: Comment rédiger et gérer des e-mails comme un pro

Do you dread having to write and send emails? Do you feel like you’re not doing it correctly or that your messages are coming across the wrong way? Si oui, don’t worry – you’re not alone! Many people find email to be a difficult task.

But with a little bit of practice, and by using some of the tips and tricks we’ll share with you in this blog post, you can become an email pro in no time!

What is Gmail?

Première, nous allons commencer avec les bases. Gmail is a free email service offered by Google. You can use it to send and receive emails from personal and business accounts.

En plus, Gmail offers several features that make managing your emails more straightforward, y compris:

How to Setup a Gmail Account

To use Gmail, you will need to create a Google account. Une fois que vous avez créé un compte, you will be able to access Gmail by visiting

Once you’ve created an account, you’ll be asked to provide some basic information, y compris:

Create a Google Account

How to Send an Email on Gmail

Maintenant que nous avons couvert les bases, let’s talk about how to send emails on Gmail. The process of sending an email is relatively simple:

  1. Première, compose your message in the “Compose” window
  2. Enter the recipient’s email address in the “To” field
  3. Enter the subject of your message in the “Subject” field
  4. Write your message in the body of the email
  5. Click on the “Send” button
  6. You can also add attachments to your emails by clicking on the “Attachments” tab and selecting the file you want to attach.

How to Filter Emails in Gmail

One of Gmail’s most valuable features is its ability to filter emails. This means that you can create rules that determine how an email should be treated.

Par exemple, you can create a filter that automatically archives all of your old emails or one that labels all of your messages with a specific label.

Cliquez sur l' Filters and Blocked Addresses tab in the Paramètres to create a filter.

How to Send an Encrypted Email in Gmail

Gmail also allows you to send encrypted emails. C'est appelé Confidential mode.

This means that the contents of your email will be hidden from anyone who might try to intercept it. The actions allowed to do with the email by the recipient will be limited too.

All you need to do is click on the Confidential mode button in the Compose fenêtre.

Set expiration date and switch on passcode for maximum protection

How to Retrieve Deleted Emails from Gmail

If you accidentally delete an email, don’t worry – you can still retrieve it! Gmail stores all of your deleted emails for 30 jours, and you can access them by clicking on the Trash folder. Si vous souhaitez supprimer définitivement un e-mail, select it and click the Delete forever.

Comment récupérer le mot de passe Gmail

Si vous oubliez votre mot de passe Gmail, don’t worry – you can recover it! Visite and click on the Mot de passe oublié? lien pour récupérer votre mot de passe. Il vous sera demandé de fournir quelques informations de base, y compris:

Une fois que vous avez fourni ces informations, Google vous enverra un lien qui vous permettra de réinitialiser votre mot de passe.

Comment faire une signature dans Gmail

A signature is a short message automatically added at the end of all of your emails. You can create a signature by going to Paramètres and scrolling down to the Signature option dans le Général.

You can then type your signature into the text field. You can also add a picture or a link to your website. Note that you can create several signatures and switch between them in the Compose mode (when writing an email).

Important! Don’t forget to save the changes after adding a signature!

How to Get to Archived Emails in Gmail

If you want to access emails that you have archived, you’ll have to search for them in the All Mail tab in your right-hand menu. Those email will have an option to send them back to Inbox. Or you can drag them back.

How to Delete Old Emails in Gmail

If you want to delete old emails from your account, you’ll have to filter them out by conducting a search with “before:YYYY/DD/MM” command (without commas). You’ll see the list of all emails received before the date in the query. Select the all then and press Delete – Trash icon. If you wish to delete them forever, go to the Trash and delete them forever.

How to Change Your Gmail Address

If you want to change your email address, Pardon, you can’t. Cependant, you can add another email address to your Gmail and send mail from another address. C'est bizarre, but someone found this useful.

To add another email go to Paramètres et Compte onglet.

Comment sélectionner tous les e-mails dans Gmail

Si vous souhaitez sélectionner tous les e-mails de votre boîte de réception, you can do so by clicking on the Tout sélectionner bouton dans la barre d'outils. This will select all of the emails on the page. But you will see a message on the top of the page telling “All 50 conversations on this page are selected” (it can be more depending on your page length settings). Near, Google will suggest you selecting other messages that are beyond that list. Do so.

Vous pouvez ensuite supprimer, bouge toi, ou répondez-leur tous en même temps.

Comment programmer un e-mail dans Gmail

Si vous souhaitez programmer un e-mail pour une date ultérieure, you can do so by choosing a Programmer l'envoi option near the Envoyer button in the Compose fenêtre. Vous pouvez ensuite entrer la date et l'heure auxquelles vous souhaitez que l'e-mail soit envoyé. Gmail enverra alors l'e-mail à ce moment-là.

Conseils pour gérer les e-mails comme un pro

Maintenant que vous savez tout sur l'utilisation de Gmail,

Voici quelques conseils pour gérer vos e-mails comme un pro:

Conseils pour rédiger des e-mails professionnels dans Gmail

Vous êtes sur une lancée; maintenant, nous partagerons quelques conseils pour vous garder dans la bonne direction.

Maintenant que vous savez rédiger des e-mails professionnels dans Gmail, vous pouvez vous sentir en confiance pour communiquer avec les clients et les collègues. Assurez-vous simplement de suivre ces conseils, et vous serez sur la bonne voie pour envoyer des e-mails réussis.

Les e-mails sont importants pour une entreprise de commerce électronique réussie

Ecommerce is a huge industry, et il existe de nombreuses façons de vendre en ligne. Mais, no matter what type of entreprise de commerce électronique tu as, un e-mail sera toujours un élément essentiel du processus.

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A propos de l'auteur
Max has been working in the ecommerce industry for the last six years helping brands to establish and level-up content marketing and SEO. Malgré que, he has experience with entrepreneurship. He is a fiction writer in his free time.

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