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Peata pood: Mis see on, Ja miks peaksite pardale astuma

16 min read

The rise of ecommerce has shifted the ways many companies conduct business, koos sellega, kuidas me ärist räägime. Isegi viimase kümnendi jooksul, äritegevuse digitaalsete platvormide kättesaadavus on hüppeliselt kasvanud. While ecommerce itself is not brand new, paljud selle suundumused ja tavad on, tänu sellele kiirele arengule.

E-kaubandusega tegelevatele ettevõtetele, viimaste trendide ja muutustega kursis püsimine on ainulaadne väljakutse. Põnevad võimalused võivad regulaarselt avaneda neile, kes suudavad muutuva maastikuga sammu pidada. Aga arengutempoga, seda on sageli lihtsam öelda kui teha. Tegelike tavade leidmine, mis optimeerivad teie ettevõtte jaoks uusimaid tehnoloogiaid ja rakendusi, ei ole alati lihtne.

Selle silmapaistev näide oleks peata kaubanduse idee, or headless ecommerce. Major brands like Nike have adopted a headless approach to great success. Loomulikult, teised soovivad seda edu kopeerida, kasutades sarnaseid lähenemisviise. "Peatu kaubandus" on fraas, mida tänapäeval palju levitatakse, kuid selle tähendus võib kergesti segadust tekitada. Is headless ecommerce a good thing, või halb asi? Mis on peata pood, täpselt? Kui küsite endalt neid küsimusi, saame neile teie eest vastata.

Mis on peata pood?

Peatu kaubandus refers to a strategy for structuring an ecommerce platform so that the frontend and backend can function separately. Teisisõnu, veebisaidi kliendile suunatud esiosa (graafika, tekst, lingid, kujundused, jne.) saab häirimatult toimida. Vahepeal, Uue taustakoodi saab integreerida kulisside taha, et optimeerida kasutuskogemust kõigi jaoks.

See süsteem võimaldab teie platvormil kiiremat käitlemist ja uute muudatuste rakendamist. Vanemad mudelid, kus esi- ja tagaosa on omavahel ühendatud, on uute laienduste lisamisel vähem tõhusad.

Peatu kaubandusele mõeldes võib olla kasulik kasutada analoogiat restoranis einestamiseks. The frontend of the ecommerce platform is represented by the menu and your waiter or waitress. Pärast menüü sirvimist, teete oma valiku, ja teie server edastab teabe taustaprogrammi. Tagaprogrammis, teie toit valmistab köök, ja tuuakse teile valmistootena tagasi.

Kujutage nüüd vaid ette, kui vähem tõhus see protsess oleks, kui teenindaja peaks minema tagasi kööki, et ise teie toitu valmistada. See võib võimaldada väiksemate mahtudega ettevõtete jaoks kohandatavamat kasutuskogemust. Kuid ettevõtte jaoks, mis püüab optimeerida ja teenindada võimalikult palju kliente, kahe otsa eraldamine on tohutult parem.

Nii et nüüd saate paremini aru peata kaubanduse üldisest ideest, võite küsida, kuidas see täpselt välja näeb. Here’s a quick breakdown of how headless ecommerce platforms work.

Peata e-kaubanduse platvormid 101

Nagu eelnevalt mainitud, headless ecommerce is intended to help companies adapt and evolve seamlessly by decoupling frontend and backend programs. Aga mis need programmid täpsemalt on, ja kuidas see eraldamine käib?

Esi- ja taustaprogrammi lahtisidumise protsess sõltub suuresti API-dest (Rakenduse programmeerimisliides). API on väljamõeldud termin süsteemi kohta, mis võimaldab kahel või enamal programmil omavahel suhelda. With a headless ecommerce platform, üksikud programmid suudavad suhelda jagatud API kaudu, hoolimata erinevate ülesannete täitmisest. This is the key to headless ecommerce architecture. API peab võimaldama sujuvat teabevahetust tausta- ja esiprogrammi tarkvara vahel.

Kui arvate, et see kõlab teie ettevõtte jaoks liiga keeruliselt, ära muretse. While headless ecommerce itself involves a bit of complex programming, selle rakendamine a sisuhaldussüsteem (CMS) lihtsustab protsessi. A headless CMS for ecommerce allows businesses to create, muuda, and modify their ecommerce website without requiring much expertise.

Ecwidi kasutajad, näiteks, can easily implement our ecommerce software with any CMS they are already using. Our software is engineered to offer a headless commerce experience, nii et töö, mida peate tegema, on üsna piiratud.

Best Headless Ecommerce Platforms

Want to set up your own business website for headless ecommerce? The good news is you don’t need to build your own website from scratch to do so. The simplest way to get set up is to use an ecommerce platform that makes headless ecommerce easy.

A headless ecommerce platform allows business owners to customize their online store without needing to be web design or coding experts.

If you don’t know where to get started, we’ve compiled a list of some of the best headless ecommerce platforms. Here are a few of the best platforms that offer headless functionality.


Commercetools is a headless ecommerce platform with omnichannel functionality. This means it can easily be integrated across multiple platforms for a seamless user and brand experience. Commercetools is an effective platform for both B2B and B2C companies, as it offers a range of useful features for both. It’s also relatively easy to use with very adaptive APIs (Rakenduse programmeerimisliides).

There are several highlights to using CommerceTools as your headless ecommerce platform. One of the platform’s most notable features is its point of sales functionality. The platform has a robust offering of POS features that make the customer experience simpler and streamlined on any platform. Commercetools also has everything an ecommerce business needs for inventory management and data flow management. As far as headless ecommerce platforms go, Commercetools is one of the more user-friendly options.

Kuid, there are a couple of potential issues that users should be aware of. The first is that Commercetools is lacking in dedicated customer support. Users have no access to phone support or live chat support, so any help requests must be handled via email. Second is that Commercetools’ pricing plans are quote-based, meaning it can be hard to predict costs. Clients will need to contact Commercetools directly (by email) to receive a quote for their business.

Adobe Commerce (Magento)

Adobe Commerce, formerly known as Magento, is a headless ecommerce platform from one of the most trusted names in business software. As one might expect from a brand like Adobe, Adobe Commerce has a lot to offer. Adobe Commerce is extremely customizable, making it one of the more flexible ecommerce options available. Kuid, taking advantage of this customizability requires a bit of knowledge and expertise. But for those who can manage it, the options available to Adobe users are virtually endless. Adobe Commerce offers excellent data and inventory management, seamless cross-platform integration, and robust inventory management.

Adobe Commerce also offers reliable customer support, including advanced guidelines for how to use all the available features. For specific inquiries, users can also schedule an appointment for live support.

Adobe Commerce’s interface can be fairly overwhelming at first due to the high volume of available tools. Kuid, it is a fairly user-friendly interface. While it may require a bit of searching and navigation, most users can find everything they need with relative ease.

Adobe Commerce is good for B2B and B2C companies alike. And while it offers a lot, that extensive offering also comes with a steep price tag. Like Commercetools, Adobe’s pricing plans are only available upon request. This can make it difficult to predict exact costs, but it does mean your payment plan can be highly customized. Kuid, the more features you need, the more expensive the service gets.


Nacelle is a headless ecommerce platform that offers seamless migration for existing businesses. This makes it a very good option for companies who are looking to upgrade over their existing ecommerce infrastructure. Nacelle is excellent at gathering data across other platforms your business might use, like Shopify or Salesforce. Nacelle can then easily integrate that data across all channels to help you grow your business.

Aside from adaptability, Nacelle has all of the essential tools that businesses require from an ecommerce platform. POS and payment processing functionality, varude juhtimine, and content management are all strengths of the platform.

Nacelle uses easily workable design templates with moderate customizability features. While it is not quite as customizable as other headless ecommerce platforms, it is still fairly flexible.

Nacelle is lacking in live customer support. Kuid, the platform does offer plenty of support features in the form of blog posts, user guides, and FAQ pages. Users can contact Nacelle via email for specific inquiries if needed.

Nacelle offers a free demo to get started, which is a nice offering for new users. Kuid, once the demo expires, pricing is based on the amount of items your company sells per month. Whether or not this pricing system is better or worse for you depends on the volume of your sales. The higher your sales, the more expensive the platform becomes. Kuid, this is not a bad problem to have if it means your business is successful.


What makes Ecwid unique among other ecommerce platforms is the availability of totally free features. For new businesses just starting out, Ecwid represents the best free headless ecommerce platform. Unlike most platforms, which only offer limited-time free trials, Ecwid’s start plan is totally free for stores listing up to five products.

Ecwid’s free plan allows users to create product listings for five products plus set up shipping and payment processes. Users can also access Ecwid’s easy-to-use website design software with the free plan.

Muidugi, for users who want access to more advanced settings, Ecwid also offers higher-level paid plans. But even those cost less than many of the other headless ecommerce platforms on this list.

Ecwid’s Venture plan lets users list up to 100 items and sell across multiple platforms. They also receive access to features like mobile support and more extensive store management apps.

Ecwid’s Unlimited plan allows users to access everything Ecwid offers, including their own branded app for selling.

Vaata plaanide täielikku ülevaadet ja hindu aadressil Ecwidi hinnakujundus lehel.

Regardless of which payment plan you choose, Ecwid is designed to be a flexible, user-friendly headless ecommerce platform. Ecwid users can add ecommerce features of their choice to an existing website or build their online store from scratch.

Headless Ecommerce Benefits

Better flexibility

The alternative to headless ecommerce architecture is often called “monolithic” ecommerce. Selles süsteemis, nii esi- kui ka tagaprogramm sõltuvad üksteisest. See muudab ettevõtete jaoks oma veebisaidil muudatuste tegemise keerulisemaks. Kui soovite juurutada taustaprogrammis uut koodi, see võib esiosa visuaalset kuva häirida. Samamoodi, kui soovite oma lehe välimust värskendada, peate taustakoodi ümber töötama.

But headless ecommerce solutions eliminate this delicate balancing act. Tulemusena, saate rakendada nii palju muudatusi, kui soovite, ilma konflikti pärast peaaegu nii palju muretsemata. See tähendab suuremat vabadust muudatuste elluviimiseks või uuemate kaasamiseks kohanemiseks, täiustatud tehnoloogiad teie veebisaidil.

More sophistication

Viimasest punktist jätkates, headless ecommerce architecture also allows businesses to build more sophisticated websites than ever before. This allows you to accomplish much more in your ecommerce space. Dünaamiline hinnakujundus teie poe lehel, täiustatud graafika, interaktiivsed demod, and more are all made easier with headless ecommerce solutions.

Faster turnaround times

Perhaps the most notable benefit of headless ecommerce is how quickly companies can make changes to their website. With the right headless CMS for ecommerce, See on sama lihtne kui ühendada uus tarkvara ja lasta sellel tööle minna. Eelmises eas, suured muudatused oleksid nõudnud nädalaid või kuid kestnud taustaprogrammeerimist. Aga nüüd, kohanemine muutustega lennult on võimalik. See võimaldab ettevõtete omanikel suundumustest kasu saada ja keskenduda oma äri teistele valdkondadele.

Cost savings

An extension of the faster turnaround times afforded by headless ecommerce solutions is added cost savings. Taustaprogrammi arendamine võib olla vaevarikas, kulukas, ja aeganõudev protsess. Aga kui see kõrvaldatakse, ettevõtted ei pea oma veebisaidi programmeerimisele peaaegu sama palju kulutama. Neid sääste saab veelgi suuremaks kasvuks suunata ettevõtte muudesse valdkondadesse.

Improved website performance

We have mentioned better technology being available through headless ecommerce solutions a few times now. Noh, et arenenud tehnoloogia võib parandada ka teie veebisaidi toimivust. Kuna peata programmid on tsentraalselt salvestatud, kasutades ühenduses püsimiseks API-d, need võimaldavad veebisaitidel edastada teavet suure kiirusega. SEO ja kasutajakogemuse osas, see on suur kasu. Aeglased laadimisajad on ühed suuremad, ja kõige välditavam, veebisaitide kõrge põrkemäära põhjused. Lihtsamalt öeldes, seda kiiremini teie lehed laaditakse, ja seda lihtsam on nendega suhelda, seda parem.

Marketing opportunities

See on õige, headless ecommerce can even help with your marketing, nii otseselt kui kaudselt. See on rohkem seotud sellega, et annate oma turundusmeeskonnale rohkem töövahendeid kui midagi muud. Näiteks, social media sharing is an option that is made much easier by headless ecommerce solutions. Headless ecommerce architecture also makes it easier to save and store customer shopping carts, mis pakub võimalusi klientide teavitamine. Samamoodi, seda teeb lihtsamaks peata lahendused. These are just a few common examples of what headless ecommerce solutions can do to grow your company’s online presence.

Kui rakendate oma veebisaidile uusimaid lahendusi, võimalused on piiramatud. Järgmise aasta jooksul, võivad ilmneda uued suundumused ja tehnoloogiad, mis loovad täiesti uusi turundusvõimalusi. And the easiest way to stay on top of those trends is by adopting a headless ecommerce structure.


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Internetis müüa

With Ecwid Ecommerce, you can easily sell anywhere, kõigile – Internetis ja kogu maailmas.

About the author

Max has been working in the ecommerce industry for the last six years helping brands to establish and level-up content marketing and SEO. Despite that, he has experience with entrepreneurship. He is a fiction writer in his free time.

Ecommerce that has your back

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I’ve used Ecwid and I love the platform itself. Everything is so simplified it’s insane. I love how you have different options to choose shipping carriers, to be able to put in so many different variants. It’s a pretty open e-commerce gateway.
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